Integrated Care Systems

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Until recently the healthcare system in England was based on a commissioning/provider model. However, this has been replaced with an Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) approach, aimed at improving health and wellbeing and reducing inequalities through local collaborative partnerships with public sector organizations, community groups, social enterprise organizations and other local agencies. Part of this new approach is an emphasis on the role of community assets (i.e., local resources), that are considered integral to promoting positive health and wellbeing outcomes. This paper presents research from a series of three research studies on \"community assets\" conducted in the East of England within a newly established ICS. Based on analysis of qualitative data highlighting the lived experience of community asset members, this paper shows the positive wellbeing impact on vulnerable community members that assets provide. Further insight on the local impact and the collaborative nature of the research is provided suggesting that new asset-based approaches recognize the social determinants of health. This presents a shift away from positivistic linear approaches to population health and wellbeing to a new non-linear collaborative approach to addressing health inequalities and promoting wellbeing. The authors suggest that exploring this through a complexity theory lens could illuminate this further. Finally, the authors warn that while community assets have an important role to play in empowering citizens and providing much needed support to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, they are not a substitute for functioning funded public sector services that are currently being undermined by ongoing local governments funding cuts. As such, while community assets can help ameliorate some of the negative effects people experience due to economic, structural and health disadvantages, only a more fair and more equal distribution of resources can address growing health inequalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global public health problem with major human and economic consequences. Despite advances in clinical guidelines, classification systems and evidence-based treatments, CKD remains underdiagnosed and undertreated and is predicted to be the fifth leading cause of death globally by 2040. This review aims to identify barriers and enablers to the effective detection, diagnosis, disclosure and management of CKD since the introduction of the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) classification in 2002, advocating for a renewed approach in response to updated Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) 2024 clinical guidelines. The last two decades of improvements in CKD care in the UK are underpinned by international adoption of the KDIGO classification system, mixed adoption of evidence-based treatments and research informed clinical guidelines and policy. Interpretation of evidence within clinical and academic communities has stimulated significant debate of how best to implement such evidence which has frequently fuelled and frustratingly forestalled progress in CKD care. Key enablers of effective CKD care include clinical classification systems (KDIGO), evidence-based treatments, electronic health record tools, financially incentivised care, medical education and policy changes. Barriers to effective CKD care are extensive; key barriers include clinician concerns regarding overdiagnosis, a lack of financially incentivised care in primary care, complex clinical guidelines, managing CKD in the context of multimorbidity, bureaucratic burden in primary care, underutilisation of sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor (SGLT2i) medications, insufficient medical education in CKD, and most recently - a sustained disruption to routine CKD care during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Future CKD care in UK primary care must be informed by lessons of the last two decades. Making step change, over incremental improvements in CKD care at scale requires a renewed approach that addresses key barriers to detection, diagnosis, disclosure and management across traditional boundaries of healthcare, social care, and public health. Improved coding accuracy in primary care, increased use of SGLT2i medications, and risk-based care offer promising, cost-effective avenues to improve patient and population-level kidney health. Financial incentives generally improve achievement of care quality indicators - a review of financial and non-financial incentives in CKD care is urgently needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Little is known regarding the extent to which substance use disorder (SUD) treatment facilities adopt comprehensive services to meet patients\' medical and social needs.Objective: To examine trends in the availability of comprehensive services within outpatient SUD treatment facilities from 2018 to 2022.Methods: We used data from the Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Tracking Repository, a national database of SUD treatment facilities (n = 13,793). We examined the availability of four domains of comprehensive services and four types of SUD treatment services from 2018 to 2022. We conducted bivariate and multivariate logistic regression predicting the availability of a comprehensive service model (defined as having at least one service from each service domain), controlling for organizational and community characteristics.Results: Comprehensive services were increasingly offered from 2018 to 2022. In unadjusted and adjusted models, facilities which were externally accredited (OR: 1.50; 95%CI: 1.30-1.74), accepted Medicaid (OR: 1.51; 95%CI: 1.30-1.74), performed community outreach (OR: 2.05; 95%CI: 1.80-2.33), provided naloxone and overdose education (OR: 3.50; 95%CI: 3.06-3.99), had a robust SUD treatment infrastructure (OR: 2.33; 95%CI; 2.08-2.62), and were located in a county with a lower percentage of White residents (OR: 0.99; 95%CI: 0.99-0.99), a higher percentage of residents in poverty (OR: 1.02; 95%CI: 1.00-1.03), and the Northeast compared with the South (OR: 1.21; 95%CI: 1.01-1.45), had significantly higher odds of adopting a comprehensive service model.Conclusion: Findings highlight the importance of factors reflecting experience with organizational change efforts and enhanced external support. Policymakers working to enhance the uptake of comprehensive services should focus on obtaining the financial and technical support necessary to develop these models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The global increase in the older population, which is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2050, poses significant challenges for publicly funded health care systems. Life expectancy, although positive, is leading to an increase in chronic diseases requiring complex and costly health and social solutions. This study explores key strategies to address these challenges.
    METHODS: Qualitative interviews followed by a survey.
    METHODS: The study involved experts, students, artificial intelligence, and participants at a congress.
    METHODS: We first interviewed 5 experts from different countries representing health care management and psychology from Belgium, health economics from Canada, sociology from France, and geriatrics from Switzerland. In addition, a focus group session with medical students in physical therapy and queries to ChatGPT increased the range of perspectives. A synthesis of all opinions or insights was used to formulate concrete strategies. These strategies were incorporated into an online survey that was distributed to 215 participants of the Geriatric and Gerontologic Congress in Montreal, Canada, in September 2023.
    RESULTS: All 20 potential solutions were duly acknowledged, with particular attention paid to the following 5 priorities: the urgent need to integrate geriatric training into the education of future health professionals, the promotion of home-based care models, the establishment of comprehensive and integrated care systems, the strengthening of primary care services, and the emphasis on primary prevention strategies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights key priorities for addressing the health needs of the older population. By emphasizing education, home-based care, and integrated services and strengthening primary care and prevention, health systems can respond effectively to the challenges of an ageing population. Although these needs may not be entirely unmet, they indicate areas where existing services are insufficient in providing adequate coverage and support to ensure tailored and sustainable health care solutions for older people.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: In 2022, England embarked on an ambitious and innovative re-organisation to produce an integrated health and care system with a greater focus on improving population health. This study aimed to understand how nascent ICSs are developing and to identify the key challenges and enablers to integration.
    UNASSIGNED: Four ICSs participated in the study between November 2021 and May 2022. Semi-structured interviews with system leaders (n = 67) from health, social and voluntary care as well as representatives of local communities were held. A thematic framework approach supported by Leutz\'s five laws of integration framework was used to analyse the data.
    UNASSIGNED: The benefits of ICSs include enhancing the delivery of good quality care, improving population health and providing more person-centred care in the community. However, differences between health and social care such as accountability, organisational/professional cultures, risks of duplicating efforts, tensions over funding allocation, issues of data integration and struggles in engaging local communities threaten to hamper integration.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite ICS\'s investing in the structural and relational components of integrated care, the unprecedented pressures on systems to reduce demand on primary and emergency care tackling elective backlogs may detract from a key goal of ICSs, improving population health and prevention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The cost-of-living crisis is a public health threat; however, the effects of the rising cost of living were not a policy priority for integrated care systems (ICSs) in early 2022. At the request of ICS leaders, the National Health Service (NHS) Confederation created an online cost-of-living hub in October 2022 to raise awareness of the consequences of the rising cost of living among ICS policymakers and support systems in mitigating these effects. This study aims to investigate the impact of this hub.
    METHODS: Mixed methods.
    METHODS: To quantify hub utilisation, the hub viewing figures collected by the NHS Confederation website were analysed. A thematic analysis was performed to characterise how cost-of-living features in integrated care strategies, and the results compared to information published on the hub.
    RESULTS: The pages that comprise the hub were well engaged with, having between 2736 and 6161 views. Alongside this, the impacts of the rising cost of living feature extensively in integrated care strategies, being discussed in 32 out of 37 strategies across four contexts: health, communities, economic, and environmental. The significant majority of subthemes reflect points made by the hub.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest the hub may have raised awareness about the impacts of-and possible responses to-the cost-of-living crisis among ICS policymakers. This may act as an impetus and guide for future public health interventions using policy and practice hubs. Furthermore, the discussion of cost-of-living across a range of contexts implies ICSs are engendering a collaborative, system-wide approach to tackling complex local issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed a move from face-to-face to digital delivery of services by hospitals and primary care. However, little is known about the impact of digital transformation on organizations supporting unpaid caregivers. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the value of care provided by such informal caregivers is estimated to be £111 billion (US$ 152.7 billion) in England.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze service uptake patterns (including digital service options) over the pandemic period in an English caregivers\' support organization covering a population of 0.98 million; measure changes in organizational performance, service efficiency, and quality; and identify the views of caregivers on service provision and future digital delivery.
    METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of the use of digital versus nondigital support services (January 2019 to June 2021) by caregivers in city and rural geographic areas. We compared organizational performance and service quality indicators for 2 financial years (2019-2020 and 2020-2021). A survey was conducted to identify barriers and facilitators to digital service uptake, the computer proficiency of caregivers (the Computer Proficiency Questionnaire, 12-item version), and preferences for future digital service provision. Quantitative data were analyzed using Stata 13 (StataCorp LLC). Thematic analysis was used for open-text survey responses.
    RESULTS: The number of caregivers registered with the organization rose from 14,817 in 2019 to 20,237 in 2021. Monthly contacts rose from 1929 to 6741, with remote contacts increasing from 48.89% (943/1929) to 86.68% (5843/6741); distinctive patterns were observed for city versus rural caregivers. There was an increase in one-to-one contacts (88.8%) and caregiver assessments (20.9%), with no expansion in staffing. Service quality indicators showed an improvement in 5 of 8 variables (all P<.05). The 152 carers completing the survey had similar demographics to all registered caregivers. The Computer Proficiency Questionnaire, 12-item version, mean score of 25.61 (SD 4.40) indicated relatively high computer proficiency. The analysis of open-text responses identified a preference for the organization to continue to offer face-to-face services as well as web-based options. The digital services that were the most highly rated were carers\' well-being assessments, support needs checks, and peer support groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that staff in the caregiver support organization were agile in adapting their services to digital delivery while dealing with increased numbers of registered clients and higher monthly contacts, all without obvious detriment to service quality. Caregivers indicated a preference for blended services, even while recording high computer proficiency. Considering the economic importance of unpaid caregivers, more attention should be given to organizations funded to provide support for them and to the potential for technology to enhance caregivers\' access to, and engagement with, such services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Across the UK, people\'s lives are being cut short because of obesity, and the lives of the most deprived members of our communities are being cut the most. The role of the medical professional in managing overweight and obesity is extensive, but, for many patients, maintaining a healthy weight needs to be supported by creating environments that help people to stay healthy in the first place. The building blocks of health are the environmental, commercial, economic and social factors that largely determine our health and wellbeing and impact our capability, opportunity and motivation to maintain healthy-weight behaviours. Although the role of the healthcare professional generally is to focus on the individual patient, clinicians can still influence these building blocks. Clinicians have the skills to create change, they often hold power in organisations with local to international impact and there are actions, big or small, that every clinician can take to improve obesity prevention. Here, we outline an environmental-behavioural framework for the primary prevention of obesity and consider the role of clinicians in catalysing change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In November 2021 Claire Fuller led a national piece of work looking at primary care within integrated care systems (ICSs) to identify what was working well and why. The published report from this piece of work became known as the Fuller Stocktake.1 In this interview, Professor Fuller sets out the process and principles behind the Stocktake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Moving from leadership of general practice to leadership involving all medical disciplines throughout the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic provided a fascinating overview of the health and care landscape. There are many erroneous assumptions in secondary care about general practice, and vice versa, with professional tribalism a cause for concern. However, there are many examples of effective and straightforward integration, and the establishment of integrated care systems in England has provided a unique opportunity to address the commissioning challenges that had previously been barriers.





