Insect behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bemisia tabaci New World (NW) (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), a whitefly in the B. tabaci species complex, is polyphagous on many plant species. Yet, it has been displaced, albeit not entirely, by other whitefly species. Potential causes could include issues with adaptation, feeding, and the colonization of new-hosts; however, insights that would help clarify these possibilities are lacking. Here, we sought to address these gaps by performing electropenetrography (EPG) recordings of NW whiteflies, designated \"Napus\" and \"Rapa,\" reared on 2 colony hosts, Brassica napus and B. rapa, respectively. Analysis of 17 probing and pathway (pw) phase-related EPG variables revealed that the whiteflies exhibited unique probing behaviors on their respective colony hosts, with some deterrence being encountered on B. rapa. Upon switching to B. rapa and B. napus, the probing patterns of Napus and Rapa whiteflies, respectively, adapted quickly to these new-hosts to resemble that of whiteflies feeding on their colony hosts. Results for 3 of the EPG variables suggested that B. rapa\'s deterrence against Napus whitefly was significant prior to the phloem phase. This also suggested that adaptation by Rapa whitefly improved its pw probing on B. rapa. Based on analysis of 24 phloem phase-related EPG variables, Napus and Rapa whiteflies performed equally well once they entered phloem phase and exhibited comparable phloem acceptability on both the colony- and new-hosts. These findings demonstrate that NW whiteflies reared on a colony host are highly adaptable to feeding on a new host despite encountering some deterrence during the nonphloem phases in B. rapa plant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beauveria bassiana is an entomopathogenic fungus that parasitizes and kills insects. The role of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by B. bassiana acting as semiochemicals during its interaction with lepidopterans is poorly explored. Here, we studied the effect of VOCs from B. bassiana and 3-methylbutanol (as a single compound) on the feeding behavior of L2 larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda in sorghum plants. Additionally, we assessed whether fungal VOCs induce chemical modifications in the plants that affect larval food preferences. Metabolomic profiling of plant tissues was performed by mass spectrometry and bioassays in a dual-choice olfactometer. The results showed that the larval feeding behavior was affected by the B. bassiana strain AI2, showing that the insect response is strain-specific. Furthermore, 80 µg of 3-methylbutanol affected the number of bites. The larval feeding choice was dependent on the background context. Fragment spectra and a matching precursor ion mass of 165.882 m/z enabled the putative identification of 4-coumaric acid in sorghum leaves exposed to fungal VOCs, which may be associated with larval deterrent responses. These results provide valuable insights into the bipartite interaction of B. bassiana with lepidopterans through VOC emission, with the plant as a mediator of the interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms within insects play a vital role in maintaining the basal physiological functions of the insects, with olfactory signals as critical components of insect survival strategies. Leptocybe invasa (L. invasa), an invasive alien pest inflicting significant damage to eucalyptus trees, harbors a rich and varied bacterial community within its body. However, the impact of its endogenous bacteria and their microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (mVOCs) on the behavioral preferences of L. invasa remains unexplored to date. This study focused on nine cultivable and dominant endogenous bacterial strains within L. invasa. Using a Y-tube olfactometer, we investigated the behavioral responses of female L. invasa to the mVOCs emitted by these bacteria. Concurrently, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was employed to quantify the mVOCs produced by these endogenous bacteria. Our findings revealed that Staphylococcus sp. exhibited the highest attractiveness of L. invasa, whereas Microbacterium sp. and E. cloacae exerted the most significant avoidance effects. The analysis of the mVOCs further highlighted the significance of aldehyde compounds, notably 2,3,6-trichlorobenzaldehyde, and alkane compounds, such as eicosane, in mediating the repellency and attraction effects. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the invasion mechanism of L. invasa and provide a scientific basis for developing novel biopesticides or elicitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is generally believed that termites can\'t learn and are not \"intelligent\". This study aimed to test whether termites could have any form of memory. A Y-shaped test device with one release chamber and two identical test chambers was designed and constructed by 3D printing. A colony of damp wood termites was harvested from the wild. Worker termites were randomly selected for experiment. Repellent odors that could mimic the alarm pheromone for termites were first identified. Among all substances tested, a tea tree oil and lemon juice were found to contain repellent odors for the tested termites, as they significantly reduced the time that termites spent in the chamber treated with these substances. As control, a trail pheromone was found to be attractive. Subsequently, a second cohort of termites were operant conditioned by punishment using both tea tree oil and lemon juice, and then tested for their ability to remember the path that could lead to the repellant odors. The test device was thoroughly cleaned between trials. It was found that conditioned termites displayed a reduced tendency to choose the path that led to expectant punishment as compared with naïve termites. Thus, it is concluded that damp wood termites are capable of learning and forming \"fear memory\", indicative of \"intelligence\" in termites. This result challenges established presumption about termites\' intelligence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adaptation of insects to environments relies on a sophisticated set of behaviors controlled by molecular and physiological processes. Over the past several decades, accumulating studies have unveiled the roles of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) in regulating insect behaviors. ncRNAs assume particularly pivotal roles in the behavioral plasticity of insects by rapidly responding to environmental stimuli. ncRNAs also contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis of insects by fine-tuning the expression of target genes. However, a comprehensive review of ncRNAs\' roles in regulating insect behaviors has yet to be conducted. Here, we present the recent progress in our understanding of how ncRNAs regulate various insect behaviors, including flight and movement, social behavior, reproduction, learning and memory, and feeding. We refine the intricate mechanisms by which ncRNAs modulate the function of neural, motor, reproductive, and other physiological systems, as well as gene expression in insects like fruit flies, social insects, locusts, and mosquitos. Furthermore, we discuss potential avenues for future studies in ncRNA-mediated insect behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odorant molecules interact with odorant receptors (ORs) lining the pores on the surface of the sensilla on an insect\'s antennae and maxillary palps. This interaction triggers an electrical signal that is transmitted to the insect\'s nervous system, thereby influencing its behavior. Orco, an OR coreceptor, is crucial for olfactory transduction, as it possesses a conserved sequence across the insect lineage. In this study, we focused on 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (DTBP), a single substance present in acetic acid bacteria culture media. We applied DTBP to oocytes expressing various Drosophila melanogaster odor receptors and performed electrophysiology experiments. After confirming the activation of DTBP on the receptor, the binding site was confirmed through point mutations. Our findings confirmed that DTBP interacts with the insect Orco subunit. The 2-heptanone, octanol, and 2-hexanol were not activated for the Orco homomeric channel, but DTBP was activated, and the EC50 value was 13.4 ± 3.0 μM. Point mutations were performed and among them, when the W146 residue changed to alanine, the Emax value was changed from 1.0 ± 0 in the wild type to 0.0 ± 0 in the mutant type, and all activity was decreased. Specifically, DTBP interacted with the W146 residue of the Orco subunit, and the activation manner was concentration-dependent and voltage-independent. This molecular-level analysis provides the basis for novel strategies to minimize pest damage. DTBP, with its specific binding to the Orco subunit, shows promise as a potential pest controller that can exclusively target insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insects are a diverse group of organisms that provide important ecosystem services like pollination, pest control, and decomposition and rely on olfaction to perform these services. In the Anthropocene, increasing concentrations of oxidant pollutants such as ozone have been shown to corrupt odor-driven behavior in insects by chemically degrading e.g. flower signals or insect pheromones. The degradation, however, does not only result in a loss of signals, but also in a potential enrichment of oxidation products, predominantly small carbonyls. Whether and how these oxidation products affect insect olfactory perception remains unclear. We examined the effects of ozone-generated small carbonyls on the olfactory behavior of the vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster. We compiled a broad collection of neurophysiologically relevant odorants for the fly from databases and literature and predicted the formation of the types of stable small carbonyl products resulting from the odorant\'s oxidation by ozone. Based on these predictions, we evaluated the olfactory detection and behavioral impact of the ten most frequently predicted carbonyl products in the fly using single sensillum recordings (SSRs) and behavioral tests. Our results demonstrate that the fly\'s olfactory system can detect the oxidation products, which then elicit either attractive or neutral behavioral responses, rather than repulsion. However, certain products alter behavioral choices to an attractive odor source of balsamic vinegar. Our findings suggest that the enrichment of small carbonyl oxidation products due to increased ozone levels can affect olfactory guided insect behavior. Our study underscores the implications for odor-guided foraging in insects and the essential ecosystem services they offer under carbonyl enriched environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exposure of lepidopteran pests to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins has been shown to affect the behavior of larvae, including increased movement and avoidance of Bt-expressing plants or diet. Therefore, we hypothesized that the behavior of western bean cutworm, Striacosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), an important pest of maize, could be affected when exposed to Bt plants. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a series of artificial arena and on-plant experiments to determine S. albicosta neonate behavior when exposed to Bt and non-Bt plant tissue. Video tracking experiments presented neonate larvae with the choice of Bt or non-Bt pollen in a Petri dish for 15 min while being video recorded for analysis with EthoVision software. This study showed an increase in mean velocity and total time spent moving for larvae in the presence of Cry1F vs. non-Bt when compared with Vip3A vs. non-Bt or Cry1F vs. Vip3A. However, there was no difference in total distance moved or time spent in the food zone for all scenarios. Maize tissue choice experiments allowed neonatal larvae the choice of feeding on Bt or non-Bt tassel or leaves for 9 h in Petri dish arenas. This experiment showed that larvae preferred tassel tissue over leaves but did not indicate that larvae could distinguish between Bt and non-Bt tissue. In contrast, on-plant experiments (including a whole plant neonate dispersal study under controlled conditions and an in-field silking behavior experiment) indicated that the presence of Cry1F and Vip3A Bt toxins increased plant abandonment, suggesting that larvae are able to detect and avoid Bt toxins. The discrepancy of these results is likely due to the on-plant studies providing more field-realistic environmental conditions and a longer duration of exposure to Bt toxins for the behavioral experiments. Our results represent the first steps in understanding the complex behavior of S. albicosta when exposed to Bt plants. A better understanding of the response of larvae when exposed to Bt traits can aid in the management of this pest, particularly for the design of resistance management strategies and refuge design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spined shoulder bug, Podisus maculiventris, is a generalist predator studied for its biocontrol potential. Despite our growing understanding of gland development, the conditions that elicit releases are largely unknown. To determine if male age or gland development affects the chemical composition and release behavior, we dissected adult male bugs and profiled the chemical composition of the male DAG 1, 7, and 14 d post-eclosion. To determine if gland development is related to sexual maturity, we counted the number of sperm present in the seminal vesicles at the same time points. Finally, we measured the diurnal release patterns of different aged males and in various male-female combinations. We observed that newly eclosed adults have under-developed glands and male seminal vesicles contained few sperm. One week post-eclosion the DAG contained previously reported semiochemical compounds and males contained many sperm. Mirroring the trend in reproductive maturation and gland development, the number of semiochemical releases increased with age and the majority of releases followed a scotophase pattern unaffected by sexual composition. These findings link male age to 1) dorsal abdominal gland development 2) release behavior and 3) sexual maturity, which will help our understanding of when these olfactory cues are present for other organisms, like prey, to perceive. Given the results, releasing adults that are at least 1 week post eclosion will maximize the non-consumptive effects of this biocontrol agent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Widespread vector control has been essential in reducing the global incidence and prevalence of malaria, despite now stalled progress. Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) have historically been, and remain, one of the most commonly used vector control tools in the campaign against malaria. LLINs are effective only with proper use, adherence, retention and community adoption, which historically have relied on the successful control of secondary pests, including bed bugs. The emergence of pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs in malaria-endemic communities and failure to control infestations have been suggested to interfere with the effective use of LLINs. Therefore, the behavioral interactions of bed bugs with commonly used bed nets should be better understood.
    METHODS: To investigate the interactions between bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) and LLINs, insecticide-susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs were challenged to pass through two commonly used LLINs in two behavioral assays, namely host (blood meal)-seeking and aggregation-seeking assays. The proportions blood-fed and aggregated bed bugs, aggregation time and mortality were quantified and analyzed in different bed bug life stages.
    RESULTS: Overall, both the insecticide-susceptible bed bugs and highly resistant bed bugs showed a varying ability to pass through LLINs based on treatment status and net design. Deltamethrin-treated nets significantly impeded both feeding and aggregation by the susceptible bed bugs. While none of the tested LLINs significantly impeded feeding (passage of unfed bed bugs through the nets) of the pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs, the untreated bed net, which has small mesh holes, impeded passage of fed bed bugs. Mortality was only seen in the susceptible bed bugs, with significantly higher mortality on deltamethrin-treated nets (63.5 ± 10.7%) than on permethrin-treated nets (2.0 ± 0.9%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Commonly used new LLINs failed to prevent the passage of susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs in host- and aggregation-seeking bioassays. The overall low and variable mortality observed in susceptible bed bugs during both assays highlighted the potential of LLINs to impose strong selection pressure for the evolution of pyrethroid resistance. Already, the failure to control bed bug infestations has been implicated as a contributing factor to the abandonment or misuse of LLINs. For the first time to our knowledge, we have shown the potential of LLINs in selecting for resistant secondary pest populations and so their potential role in stalling malaria control programs should be further investigated. The emergence of pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs in malaria-endemic communities may interfere with the effective use of pyrethroid-impregnated bed nets. We assessed the interactions of two bed bug strains with commonly used bed nets using two behavioral assays, namely host (blood meal)-seeking by unfed bed bugs and aggregation-seeking by freshly fed bed bugs. These assays assessed the passage of bed bugs through various bed nets in response to host cues and aggregation stimuli, respectively. Conditioned paper is a section of file folder paper that has been exposed to bed bugs and has been impregnated with feces and aggregation pheromone; it is attractive to aggregation-seeking fed bed bugs. An unconditioned ramp is a similar section of file folder paper that allows bed bugs to traverse the bed net and gain access to a blood-meal source.





