
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clinical interview of immigrant patients requires cultural competence to ensure good understanding and correct communication, in addition to collecting specific information that differs from that of native patients, such as origin and migratory route or cultural identity. Screening for latent tuberculosis infection is recommended in certain cases and screening for other infections, both cosmopolitan with a higher prevalence in migrants (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C) and imported (Chagas, intestinal parasites, strongyloidiasis, schistosomiasis), depending on origin. It is essential to check the vaccination status and complete the vaccination schedule, adapting it to the current calendar, prioritizing vaccines such as measles, rubella and poliomyelitis. We propose preventive activities to be carried out when traveling to countries of origin, due to their special characteristics and risks: general advice, exploring the risk of malaria, assessing specific vaccinations, advice regarding sexually transmitted infections and special considerations if they have chronic diseases; and addressing, if appropriate, the risks of female genital mutilation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the past few years, the Canary Islands received immigrants from sub-Saharan countries that arrive to the coast after long boat trips in extreme adverse conditions. The named «trench foot» is a previously described infectious entity developed after feet wounds that get infected by being in contact with water, urine and excrements in these small and crowded boats. We describe a new clinical entity, not published yet, that consists in massive edema in the extremities associating necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that characteristically respects the muscle and with a non-infectious etiology.
    A database including 86 patients arrived by boat («patera») from sub-Saharan countries from September 2020 to January 2022 was made and 39 qualitative and quantitative items were analyzed. The Research Unit performed an observational prospective statistical analysis.
    A total of 16 patients developed the entity described as necrotizing cellulitis. Its physiopathology completely differs from the one described in the trench foot, since all the cultures resulted sterile.
    We postulate an inflammatory theory due to the osmotic effect from ingesting sea water and/or the aggressive fluid reposition when they arrive to the emergency room with severe dehydration and hypernatremia. Early surgical evacuation of the edema with escharotomies incisions alleviate the symptoms and prevents progression of the disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although new HIV infections have remained stable or decreased for most U.S. groups at risk for HIV, incidence among Latinx increased by 6% and among Latinx individuals, immigrants are disproportionately infected. One driver of these infections is low rates of HIV testing. While research shows the chilling effect that restrictive immigration laws can have on immigrants\' health care utilization, few studies have examined the influence of perceived immigration context and healthcare utilization immigration law concerns on following a public health recommendation such as HIV testing. The purpose of the study is to test an exploratory model of immigration-related variables and their impact on U.S. Latinx immigrants\' yearly HIV testing. U.S.-Latinx immigrants (N=169) completed a cross-sectional survey assessing perceived enforcement of immigration laws, perceptions of law enforcement attitudes towards Latinx and immigrants, fear of deportation, concerns with the consequences of immigration laws for health care utilization, and yearly HIV testing. Path analysis findings indicated that perceived enforcement of immigration laws was related to perceived negative attitudes from law enforcement towards Latinx and immigrants which was associated with fear of deportation. Fear of deportation was associated with concerns with the implications of immigration laws for accessing publicly funded healthcare services and these concerns were negatively related to yearly HIV testing and mediated the association between fear of deportation and yearly HIV testing. Findings point to the need of developing and implementing individual- and policy-level interventions to increase HIV testing among Latinx immigrants in a restrictive immigration law environment.
    UNASSIGNED: Aunque nuevas infecciones de VIH se han mantenido estable o han disminuido para la mayoría de los grupos en los Estados Unidos (E.U.) en alto riesgo de contraer VIH, la incidencia de VIH entre Latinx ha aumentado 6% y entre individuos Latinx, los inmigrantes están desproporcionalmente afectados por la epidemia. Uno de los factores que contribuye a la alta tasa de VIH es la baja tasa de pruebas de VIH entre inmigrantes. Aunque la investigación confirma los efectos escalofriantes que las leyes restrictivas de inmigración pueden tener en la utilización de servicios de salud entre los inmigrantes, pocos estudios han examinado la influencia de la percepción del contexto de inmigración y las preocupaciones sobre las implicaciones de las leyes de inmigración si se utilizan servicios de salud públicos en seguir la recomendación de salud pública de hacerse la prueba de VIH regularmente. El propósito del estudio es someter a la prueba un modelo exploratorio de la influencia de variables relacionadas a la inmigración y su impacto en las pruebas anuales de HIV en los inmigrantes Latinx que viven en los E.U. (N=169). Los participantes contestaron un cuestionario transversal que midió la percepción del enforzamiento de las leyes de inmigración, la percepción de las actitudes de los agentes que enforzan las leyes de inmigración hacia Latinx y inmigrantes, el miedo a la deportación, las preocupaciones especificas sobre las consecuencias de las leyes de inmigración para la utilización de servicios de salud, la percepción de la sociedad sobre el estigma de VIH, y si los inmigrantes se hacen la prueba de VIH anualmente. Los resultados de los análisis de trayectoria indicaron que el enforzamiento de las leyes de inmigración esta relacionada con la percepción de que los agentes policiacos que enforzan las leyes tienen actitudes negativas hacia Latinx y inmigrantes lo cual esta asociado con el miedo a la deportación. El miedo a la deportación esta asociado a las preocupaciones sobre las implicaciones de las leyes de inmigración para la utilización de los servicios de salud patrocinados por el gobierno federal y estas preocupaciones fueron negativamente relacionadas con las pruebas anuales de VIH y mediaron la asociación entre el miedo a la deportación y las pruebas anuales de VIH. Los resultados señalan la importancia de desarrollar e implementar intervenciones al nivel individual y al nivel de política para aumentar las pruebas de VIH entre los inmigrantes Latinx en un ambiente de leyes restrictivas de inmigración.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Young gay, bisexual, and other MSM (men who have sex with men) and transgender women in the United States (US) who are living with HIV, and particularly those who are Latino, have low rates of viral suppression. The weCare intervention uses social media to increase HIV care engagement.
    UNASSIGNED: We used community-based participatory research to develop the intervention as well as theory-based social media messages tailored to each participant\'s unique context. We analyzed elements and characteristics of weCare, messages sent by the Cyber Health Educator (CHE), and lessons learned to meet the needs of Latino participants living with HIV.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified 6 core elements, 5 key characteristics, effective social media messages used in implementation, and 8 important lessons regarding relationships between the CHE and HIV clinics, the CHE and participants, and participants and the health system.
    UNASSIGNED: Social media offers a promising platform to retain young Latino gay bisexual and other MSM and transgender women living with HIV in care and achieve viral suppression.
    UNASSIGNED: Los hombres gay, bisexuales y otros HSH (hombres que tienen sexo con hombres) y mujeres transgénero jóvenes en los EEUU que viven con VIH, particularmente aquellos que son latinos, tienen bajos índices de supresión viral. La intervención weCare utiliza las redes sociales para incrementar el compromiso de estos grupos poblacionales hacia su atención médica.
    UNASSIGNED: Utilizamos el enfoque de investigación participativa basada en la comunidad para el desarrollo de la intervención y de mensajes teóricos, usando las redes sociales, considerando el contexto de cada participante. Analizamos los elementos y características de weCare, los mensajes enviados por el Educador de Salud Cibernético (ESC) y lecciones aprendidas para atender las necesidades de participantes latinos que viven con VIH.
    UNASSIGNED: Identificamos 6 elementos esenciales, 5 características clave, mensajes efectivos usados y 8 lecciones importantes sobre las relaciones entre el ESC y las clínicas de VIH, el ESC y los participantes y los participantes y el sistema de salud.
    UNASSIGNED: El uso de las redes sociales ofrece una plataforma prometedora para mantener la adherencia a los tratamientos médicos y lograr la supresión viral entre los jóvenes latinos gay, bisexuales y otros HSH y mujeres transgénero que viven con VIH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The novel coronavirus has added new anxieties and forms of grieving to the myriad practical and emotional burdens already present in the lives of underserved and uninsured immigrant families and communities. In this article, we relate our experiences since the COVID-19 crisis to the lessons we have learned over time as mental health professionals working with families in no-cost, student-managed community comprehensive health clinics in academic-community partnerships. We compare and contrast the learnings of flexibility of time, space, procedures, or attendance we acquired in this clinical community setting during regular times, with the new challenges families and therapists face, and the adaptations needed to continue to work with our clients in culturally responsive and empowering ways during the COVID-19 pandemic. We describe families, students, professionals, promotoras (community links), and IT support staff joining together in solidarity as the creative problem solvers of new possibilities when families do not have access to Wi-Fi, smartphones, or computers, or suffer overcrowding and lack of privacy. We describe many anxieties related to economic insecurity or fear of facing death alone, but also how to visualize expanding possibilities in styles of parenting or types of emotional support among family members as elements of hope that may endure beyond these unprecedented tragic times of loss and uncertainty.
    El novedoso coronavirus ha agregado nuevas ansiedades y formas de duelo a la infinidad de cargas emocionales y prácticas ya presentes en las vidas de las familias y las comunidades de inmigrantes marginados que no tienen seguro. En este artículo, relacionamos nuestras experiencias desde la crisis de la COVID-19 con las lecciones que hemos aprendido en el transcurso del tiempo como profesionales de salud mental que trabajamos con familias en clínicas comunitarias de atención integral de la salud gratuitas y administradas por estudiantes en asociaciones académico-comunitarias. Comparamos y contrastamos los conocimientos de flexibilidad del tiempo, del espacio, de los procedimientos o de la asistencia que adquirimos en este entorno clínico comunitario durante momentos habituales con los nuevos desafíos que enfrentan las familias y los terapeutas, y las adaptaciones necesarias para continuar trabajando con nuestros pacientes de maneras que respondan a sus necesidades culturales y los empoderen durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Describimos a las familias, a los alumnos, a los profesionales, a las promotoras (vínculos comunitarios) y al personal de asistencia en tecnologías informáticas que se han unido en solidaridad como solucionadores creativos de problemas ofreciendo nuevas posibilidades cuando las familias no tienen acceso a wifi, a teléfonos inteligentes o a computadoras, o sufren el hacinamiento y la falta de privacidad. Describimos muchas ansiedades relacionadas con la inseguridad económica o con el miedo de enfrentar la muerte solos, y también cómo visualizar la ampliación de posibilidades en los estilos de crianza o los tipos de apoyo emocional entre familiares como elementos de esperanza que pueden perdurar luego de estos tiempos trágicos de pérdida e incertidumbre sin precedentes.
    对于部分移民家庭和其所在社区而言,服务匮乏,且没有保险,这样的生活本就有无数实际的和情感方面的负担,新冠疫情使得这种负担又增加了新的焦虑和新的形式的悲伤。在本文中,我们把从Covid-19危机以来的经验和家庭在免费、由学生管理的社区综合健康诊所中所得到的经验教训联系起来,这些经验是在我们作为心理健康专业人员在学术-社区合作伙伴关系下共同获得的。我们比较和对比灵活性的学习时间,空间, 程序或出勤,我们获得临床社区设置在固定的时间,家庭和治疗师面临新的挑战, 适应需要继续与我们和来访者一起在Covid-19大流行期间,不断采用根据文化特点响应和赋能。我们描述家庭、学生、专业人员、推广人员(社区链接)和IT支持人员团结在一起,作为创造性地解决问题的高手去开拓新可能性,特别当以下困难情况出现时:如家庭没有Wifi、智能手机或电脑,或遭受空间狭小和缺乏隐私。我们描述了许多与经济上的不安全感或独自面对死亡的恐惧相关的焦虑,但也描述了如何将育儿方式或家庭成员之间情感支持的类型进一步扩展,这些可能性被视为希望的元素,这些希望可能会在这些前所未有的损失和不确定的悲惨时刻之后继续支撑着人们。.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite similar disease severity scores; we found a higher crude death rate in the group of immigrant children compared to the group of native children in a paediatric intensive care unit. Our study aimed to compare descriptive data and standardised mortality ratios (SMR) in order to analyse differences in mortality.
    METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study comparing demographic characteristics, diagnostic data, disease severity scores and mortality in immigrant children of Syrian descent and children of Turkish descent. We included data for the medical and surgical patients admitted in 1 year. The sample included 1283 patients.
    RESULTS: We compared the age and sex distribution, presence of underlying disease, frequency of community-acquired infectious diseases, length of say, PRISM scores, SMR and crude death rates in the 2 groups. There were 1077 patients in the Turkish group and 206 patients in the immigrant group. The proportion of patients with underlying disease was greater in the Turkish group (42% vs. 37.4%). The proportion of patients with a community-acquired infectious disease as the presenting complaint was similar in both groups (52.9% vs. 47.4%). The mortality in patients with infectious disease was higher in the immigrant group (19.3% vs. 9.8%). There was not significant difference in the mean PRISM score between the 2 groups. We found a higher mortality in the immigrant group (16% vs. 11%). The standardised mortality ratio was 0.32 in the total sample group; 0.4 in the immigrant group and 0.24 in the Turkish group.
    CONCLUSIONS: In our study, we found an association between community-acquired infectious disease and increased mortality in the immigrant group. The underlying mechanism for this increase remains to be explained and further research is required to determine whether parameters related to infection should be added to this severity score for its use in this specific population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the diet and eating habits of adult immigrants of Chinese origin residing in Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona, Spain), and to identify the factors that influence the changes in diet and eating habits.
    METHODS: Qualitative study conducted in 2017 through a discussion group with eight adults of Chinese origin (one man and seven women). The information was complemented by five interviews with key informants (three men and two women) and non-participant observation in health promotion workshops aimed at Chinese patients of a health center in Santa Coloma de Gramenet.
    RESULTS: Chinese adults made three meals a day and tended to snack between meals. Their diet was based on rice, soy and proteins of vegetable origin. Participants rarely consumed milk and milk derivatives but highlighted their consumption of snacks, sugary drinks and pastries, as well as the incorporation of foods, new dishes and cooking techniques from the host country. The Chinese immigrants tried to maintain their diet of origin, however there were various barriers to this, such as the preference of the local diet by the children, work schedules and lack of time.
    CONCLUSIONS: A tendency towards dietary acculturation is observed among the participants. Health promotion activities aimed at Chinese families are needed to improve aspects of their diet and eating habits, aiming to reduce the consumption of snacks and sugary products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gender-based violence against women migrant domestic workers (WMDW) is a serious public health concern in the Middle East region. The current study is the first to explore abuse of WMDW as perceived by recruitment agency managers.
    A qualitative study was conducted using 42 personal semi-structural interviews with agency managers in Lebanon. The interview guidelines were designed based on the standards set by the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention No. 189. The information was transcribed in Arabic, and data was analyzed using thematic analysis.
    The interviewees believe that WMDW are subject to abusive practices that represent various violations of the ILO Convention No. 189, including harassment and violence, compulsory labour, misinformation about conditions of employment, denial of periods of rest and restriction of movement and travel documents. In many situations, the interviewees justified some of these practices as being necessary to protect their business and to protect the workers.
    The results of this study have several policy implications for the protection of WMDW against abuse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resumen Con el propósito de prevenir lesiones y enfermedades ocupacionales, diseñamos un currículo de seguridad y salud para trabajadores inmigrantes en la industria lechera para aumentar el conocimiento, fomentar prácticas de seguridad, y reducir inequidades en la comunicación. El currículo se basa principalmente en la Taxonomía para el Aprendizaje Significativo-TAS ( Taxonomy of Significant Learning) e incorpora teorías de la conducta y de aprendizaje para adultos, así como también los principios de control de riesgos ocupacionales. Los entrenamientos se implementaron con 836 trabajadores de habla hispana de 67 lecherías en el estado de Wisconsin, en los Estados Unidos. El 67% de los trabajadores reportaron nunca haber recibido entrenamiento acerca de la seguridad en las lecherías, el 65% reportó haber trabajado en lecherías durante 5 años o menos, y el 26% de los trabajadores reportaron haber sufrido alguna lesión mientras trabajaban en la lechería. La evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de los entrenamientos sugiere que nuestro currículo efectivamente aumentó el conocimiento y fomentó la contemplación de prácticas de seguridad de los trabajadores. El aumento del conocimiento en general del 25% es estadísticamente significativo (p < .01). Los trabajadores recordaron al menos un concepto clave del contenido, expresaron sentirse confiados en adoptar al menos una conducta de seguridad, y mencionaron su intención de comunicar sus preocupaciones de seguridad a sus jefes en la lechería. De acuerdo a nuestro conocimiento, esta es la primera vez que se aplica la TAS en la educación acerca de seguridad y salud ocupacional. Este currículo puede ayudar a los productores en la industria lechera a cumplir con el entrenamiento anual de los trabajadores requerido por la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de los E. U. ( Occupational Safety and Health Administration-OSHA), ofreciendo este entrenamiento básico en seguridad y salud a sus trabajadores durante su etapa inicial de empleo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the differences between autochthonous and allochthonous women\'s participation in a breast cancer screening programme.
    Retrospective study based on data from the Breast Cancer Screening Programme of the province of Tarragona (2008-2015). The sample is the target population of the programme with known country of origin.
    Cohort of 40,824 women. Allochthonous women participate less than autochthonous women (41.8% vs. 72.3%) although they have a similar global detection rate to the latter but with differences according to the human development index of their country of origin. Both groups present similar tumour stages on detection (p=.59).
    Strategies specifically aimed at the immigrant population are required to improve their participation in breast cancer screening.





