Inhibited ejaculation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Difficulty reaching orgasm/ejaculation during partnered sex, a primary characteristic of delayed or absent ejaculation, affects about 5% to 10% of men, but the reasons underlying this problem are poorly understood.
    UNASSIGNED: The study sought to gain insight into possible etiologies of delayed ejaculation by assessing men\'s self-perceptions as to why they experience difficulty reaching orgasm.
    UNASSIGNED: We drew 351 men reporting moderately severe to severe difficulty reaching orgasm during partnered sex from a sample of over 3000 respondents obtained through an online survey. As part of the 55-item survey, participants responded to 2 questions asking about their self-perceived reasons for having difficulty reaching orgasm and selected from a list of 14 options derived from the research literature, a series of men\'s focus groups, and expert opinion. The first question allowed respondents to select all the reasons that they felt contributed to the problem, the second to select only the most important reason. In addition, both men with and without comorbid erectile dysfunction were investigated and compared.
    UNASSIGNED: Hierarchical ordering of men\'s self-pereceived reasons for having difficulty reaching orgasm, including typal reasons established through principal component analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: The major reasons for difficulty were related to anxiety/distress and lack of adequate stimulation, with relationship and other factors endorsed with lower frequency. Further exploration using principal components analysis identified 5 typal reasons, in descending order of frequency: anxiety/distress (41%), inadequate stimulation (23%), low arousal (18%), medical issues (9%), and partner issues (8%). Few differences emerged between men with and without comorbid ED other than ones related to erectile problems, such as higher level of endorsement of medical issues. Typal reasons showed correlations, albeit mostly weak, with a number of covariates, including sexual relationship satisfaction, frequency of partnered sex, and frequency of masturbation.
    UNASSIGNED: Until supplemental medical treatments for delayed ejaculation are developed and approved, a number of men\'s purported reasons for difficult or absent ejaculation/orgasm-anxiety/distress, inadequate stimulation, low arousal, relationship issues-fall into areas that can be addressed in couples counseling by a trained sex therapist.
    UNASSIGNED: This study is unique in scope and robust in sample size. Drawbacks include those associated with online surveys, including possible bias in sample selection, limitation to Western-based samples, and the lack of differentiation between men with lifelong and acquired difficulty.
    UNASSIGNED: Men who have difficulty reaching ejaculation/orgasm identify putative reasons for their problem, ranging from anxiety/stress, inadequate stimulation, and low arousal to partner issues and medical reasons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Criteria for the definition and diagnosis of delayed ejaculation (DE) are yet under consideration.
    This study sought to determine an optimal ejaculation latency (EL) threshold for the diagnosis of men with DE by exploring the relationship between various ELs and independent characterizations of delayed ejaculation.
    In a multinational survey, 1660 men, with and without concomitant erectile dysfunction (ED) and meeting inclusion criteria, provided information on their estimated EL, measures of DE symptomology, and other covariates known to be associated with DE.
    We determined an optimal diagnostic EL threshold for men with DE.
    The strongest relationship between EL and orgasmic difficulty occurred when the latter was defined by a combination of items related to difficulty reaching orgasm and percent of successful episodes in reaching orgasm during partnered sex. An EL of ≥16 minutes provided the greatest balance between measures of sensitivity and specificity; a latency ≥11 minutes was the best threshold for tagging the highest number/percentage of men with the severest level of orgasmic difficulty, but this threshold also demonstrated lower specificity. These patterns persisted even when explanatory covariates known to affect orgasmic function/dysfunction were included in a multivariate model. Differences between samples of men with and without concomitant ED were negligible.
    In addition to assessing a man\'s difficulty reaching orgasm/ejaculation during partnered sex and the percent of episodes reaching orgasm, an algorithm for the diagnosis of DE should consider an EL threshold in order to control diagnostic errors.
    This study is the first to specify an empirically supported procedure for diagnosing DE. Cautions include the use of social media for participant recruitment, relying on estimated rather than clocked EL, not testing for differences between DE men with lifelong vs acquired etiologies, and the lower specificity associated with using the 11-minute criterion that could increase the probability of including false positives.
    In diagnosing men with DE, after establishing a man\'s difficulty reaching orgasm/ejaculation during partnered sex, using an EL of 10 to 11 minutes will help control type 2 (false negative) diagnostic errors when used in conjunction with other diagnostic criteria. Whether or not the man has concomitant ED does not appear to affect the utility of this procedure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known regarding the demographic, sexual, and relationship characteristics of men with symptoms of delayed ejaculation (DE).
    To identify differences between men with and without DE symptomology to validate face-valid diagnostic criteria and to identify various functional correlates of DE.
    A total of 2679 men meeting inclusion criteria were partitioned into groups with and without DE symptomology on the basis of their self-reported \"difficulty reaching ejaculation/orgasm during partnered sex.\" Men were then compared on a broad array of demographic and relationship variables, as well as sexual response variables assessed during partnered sex and masturbation.
    Outcomes included the identified differences between men with and without DE symptomology.
    Men with DE-whether having comorbid erectile dysfunction or not-differed from men without DE on 5 face-valid variables related to previously proposed diagnostic criteria for DE, including ones related to ejaculation latency (P < .001); self-efficacy related to reaching ejaculation, as assessed by the percentage of episodes reaching ejaculation during partnered sex (P < .001); and negative consequences of the impairment, including \"bother/distress\" and (lack of) \"orgasmic pleasure/sexual satisfaction\" (P < .001). All such differences were associated with medium to large effect sizes. In addition, men showed differences on a number of functional correlates of DE, including anxiety, relationship satisfaction, frequency of partnered sex and masturbation, and level of symptomology during partnered sex vs masturbation (P < .001).
    Face-valid criteria for the diagnosis of DE were statistically verified, and functional correlates of DE relevant to guiding and focusing treatment were identified.
    In this first comprehensive analysis of its kind, we have demonstrated widespread differences on sexual and relationship variables relevant to the diagnosis of DE and to its functional correlates between men with and without DE symptomology during partnered sex. Limitations include participant recruitment through social media, which likely biased the sample; the use of estimated rather than clocked ejaculation latencies; and the fact that differences between men with acquired and lifelong DE were not investigated.
    This well-powered multinational study provides strong empirical support for several face-valid measures for the diagnosis of DE, with a number of explanatory and control covariates that may help shed light on the lived experiences of men with DE and suggest focus areas for treatment. Whether or not the DE men had comorbid erectile dysfunction had little impact on the differences with men having normal ejaculatory functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Premature ejaculation (PE) and delayed/inhibited ejaculation (DE) are 2 ejaculatory problems that may negatively affect the sexual relationship and cause distress. Although no specific cause explains these problems when they have been lifelong conditions, understanding both biological and psychological factors may be relevant to treatment choices, with options ranging from pharmacologic to psychobehavioral. Integrating treatment modalities may lead to better outcomes but may also require greater psychological and resource investment from the patient or couple.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Criteria for delayed ejaculation (DE) rely on a long ejaculation latency (EL) time, lack of control/advancement regarding ejaculation, and associated bother/distress; yet, few studies have investigated these criteria in men who indicate the desire to ejaculate sooner during partnered sex.
    To help standardize criteria for DE by better understanding characteristics of men who desire to ejaculate sooner during partnered sex in terms of their EL, reported ejaculatory control, and level of bother/distress, as well as their perceptions of typical and ideal ELs for men in general and of ELs for men with premature ejaculation (PE).
    A total of 572 men recruited through social media responded to an online survey regarding their EL, as well as typical, ideal, and PE ELs of men in general. They also rated (i) their ability to control and/or advance ejaculation and (ii) their level of associated bother/distress. 4 comparison groups were then established: men with probable DE (with [DE1] and without [DE2] ejaculatory control issues), a reference group with no ejaculatory disorders, and men who identified as having PE.
    To demonstrate differences in EL, ejaculatory control, and bother/distress between men with delayed ejaculation and the control and PE reference groups.
    ELs for men with probable DE were twice as long as those with no ejaculatory disorders. When probable DE men were further subdivided into DE2 and DE1, differences were greater for the DE2 group. DE2 men also differed significantly from the reference group on ejaculatory control/advancement but not on bother/distress. Both DE and reference groups differed from the PE group.
    Using both EL and ejaculatory control are useful in distinguishing men with delayed ejaculation from men without delayed ejaculation.
    A sizable sample drawn from a multinational population powered the study, whereas the use of social media for recruitment limited the generalizability of findings.
    Both EL and ejaculatory control differentiate men with probable DE from a control reference group having no ejaculatory disorders. Differences in bother/distress did not emerge as significant. Implications for diagnosing men with DE are presented. Rowland DL, Cote-Leger P. Moving Toward Empirically Based Standardization in the Diagnosis of Delayed Ejaculation. J Sex Med 2020;17:1896-1902.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Delayed ejaculation is a small but important subsection of ejaculatory dysfunction, with prevalence estimated at 1-4%. It is most commonly defined by DSM-IV-TR criteria, as \"a persistent delay in, or absence of, orgasm in a male following a normal sexual excitement phase during sexual activity that the clinician, taking into account the person\'s age, judges to be adequate in focus, intensity, and duration.\" The pathophysiology of delayed ejaculation is related to disruptions in ejaculatory apparatus, nervous transmission, hormonal or neurochemical ejaculatory control, or psychosocial factors.
    OBJECTIVE: To update the clinician on the evaluation and treatment of delayed ejaculation.
    METHODS: The keywords \"delayed ejaculation\" and \"retarded ejaculation\" were utilized to search Pubmed for relevant publications.
    METHODS: 319 results were generated from the search, and those publications judged relevant to the pathophysiology, epidemiology, evaluation, and treatment of delayed ejaculation were included in the review.
    RESULTS: 110 articles were ultimately selected for inclusion in this review.
    CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation of this condition requires a focused history and physical, which includes a detailed sexual history, examination of the genitalia, and inquiry into the status of the partner. Laboratory tests are aimed at the detection of abnormalities in the blood count, glucose level, hormone levels, or kidney function. If a correctable etiology is discovered, treatment is directed towards the reversal of this condition. In some cases, the delayed ejaculation may be a lifelong problem. Also, in some cases the etiology of the delayed ejaculation may be irreversible, such as in the case of age-related sensation loss or diabetes-related neuropathy. In these instances treatment may require a combination of behavioral modification, sexual therapy, or perhaps pharmaceutical drugs. Participation of the partner in therapy may sometimes be necessary. Future investigations will continue to elucidate the complex biological and psychosocial factors which contribute to delayed ejaculation, leading to more effective treatments. Shin DH and Spitz A. The evaluation and treatment of delayed ejaculation. Sex Med Rev 2014;2:121-133.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delayed ejaculation (DE) is an uncommon and a challenging disorder to treat. It is often quite concerning to patients and it can affect psychosocial well-being. Here we reviewed how DE is treated pharmacologically .We also highlighted specific settings where drugs could be introduced to medical practice. Electronic databases were searched from 1966 to February 2016, including PubMed MEDLINE, EMBASE, EBCSO Academic Search Complete, Cochrane Systematic Reviews Database, and Google Scholar using key words; delayed ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, inhibited ejaculation, drugs, treatment, or pharmacology. To achieve the maximum sensitivity of the search strategy and to identify all studies, we combined \"delayed ejaculation\" as Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms or keywords with each of \"testosterone\" or \"cabergoline\" or \"bupropion\" or \"amantadine\" or \"cyproheptadine\" or \"midodrine\" or \"imipramine\" or \"ephedrine\" or \"pseudoephedrine\" or \"yohimbine\" or \"buspirone\" or \"oxytocin\" or \"bethanechol\" as MeSH terms or keywords. There are a number of drugs to treat patients with DE including: testosterone, cabergoline, bupropion, amantadine, cyproheptadine, midodrine, imipramine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, yohimbine, buspirone, oxytocin, and bethanechol. Although there are many pharmacological treatment options, the evidence is still limited to small trials, case series or case reports. Review of literature showed that evidence level 1 (Double blind randomized clinical trial) studies were performed with testosterone, oxytocin, buspirone or bethanechol treatment. It is concluded that successful drug treatment of DE is still in its infancy. The clinicians need to be aware of the pathogenesis of DE and the pharmacological basis underlying the use of different drugs to extend better care for these patients. Various drugs are available to address such problem, however their evidence of efficacy is still limited and their choice needs to be individualized to each specific case.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delayed ejaculation (DE) is probably least studied, and least understood of male sexual dysfunctions, with an estimated prevalence of 1-4% of the male population. Pathophysiology of DE is multifactorial and including psychosexual-behavioral and cultural factors, disruption of ejaculatory apparatus, central and peripheral neurotransmitters, hormonal or neurochemical ejaculatory control and psychosocial factors. Although knowledge of the physiology of the DE has increased in the last two decade, our understanding of the different pathophysiological process of the causes of DE remains limited. To provide a systematic update on the pathophysiology of DE. A systematic review of Medline and PubMed for relevant publications on ejaculatory dysfunction (EjD), DE, retarded ejaculation, inhibited ejaculation, and climax was performed. The search was limited to the articles published between the January 1960 and December 2015 in English. Of 178 articles, 105 were selected for this review. Only those publications relevant to the pathophysiology, epidemiology and prevalence of DE were included. The pathophysiology of DE involves cerebral sensory areas, motor centers, and several spinal nuclei that are tightly interconnected. The biogenic, psychogenic and other factors strongly affect the pathophysiology of DE. Despite the many publications on this disorder, there still is a paucity of publications dedicated to the subject.





