Inguinal ligament

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine the flexion point\'s location of the ilio-femoral arterial axis and its angulation.
    METHODS: Thirty-seven dynamic digital subtraction angiographies were analyzed and were included in the current study. Different lengths were measured, based on specific anatomical landmarks: the origin of the external iliac artery, the inguinal ligament and the bifurcation of the femoral artery. These lengths were measured in extension and during flexion of the hip in order to determine the flexion point of the artery.
    RESULTS: In extension, some physiological angulations of the external iliac artery were measured. During flexion of the hip joint, the distance from the kink point to the bifurcation of the common iliac artery was respectively 82 ± 21 mm (range 48-116) on the right side and 95 ± 20 mm (range 59-132) on the left side. The distance from the kink point to the inguinal ligament was respectively 38 ± 40 mm (range 12-138) on the right side and 26 ± 23 mm (range 8-136) on the left side. The distance from the kink point to the bifurcation of the femoral artery was respectively 45 ± 29 mm (range 15-107) on the right side and 27 ± 12 mm (range 10-66) on the left side. During flexion, the angulation of the flexion point of the ilio-femoral axis was 114 ± 18° (range 81-136°).
    CONCLUSIONS: The flexion point was located cranially to the inguinal ligament and below the departure of the external iliac artery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of patient-controlled intravenous analgesia(PCIA) and superior inguinal ligament iliac fascia block combined with PCIA after hip replacement in the elderly.
    METHODS: Total of 82 elderly patients were treated with hip arthroplasty from June 2019 to June 2021 and randomly divided into observation group and control group. There were 42 patients in control group, including 18 males and 24 females, aged from 60 to 78 years old with an average of (70.43±3.67) years old, 28 femoral neck fractures and 14 femoral head necrosis, who received PCIA. The study group consisted of 42 cases, including 20 males and 22 females, aged from 61 to 76 years old with an average of (69.68±3.74) years old, 25 femoral neck fractures and 17 femoral head necrosis, who received superior inguinal ligament iliac fascia block combined with PCIA. Pain visual analogue scale (VAS) and Ramesay sedation scores at 2 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h after operation were evaluated. In addition, the follow-up results of the total consumption of sufentanil and the total number of PCIA compressions at 48 hours after operation, the first time of landing after surgery, the time of hospital stay, the incidence of adverse reactions, the satisfaction with analgesia of two groups were observed.
    RESULTS: All patients were followed up for 9 to 24 months with an average of(13.85±2.67) months. There was no significant difference in operation time and intraoperative bleeding between two groups (P>0.05). There was no difference in VAS between two groups at 2 hours after operation (P>0.05), and the VAS of the study group at 6 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h after operation were lower than those of the control group(P<0.05). The Ramesay sedation scores of the study group at 2 h, 6 h and 12 h after operation were higher than those of the control group(P<0.05), and there were no differences in Ramesay score between two groups at 24 h and 48 h after operation (P>0.05). The consumption of sufentanil in the study group within 48 hours after operation was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05), and PCIA compression times were lower than those in the control group(P<0.05), and the time of first landing was earlier than that in the control group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in hospital stay, adverse reaction rate, complications between two groups (P>0.05). The satisfaction of analgesia in the study group was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Superior iliac fascia block of inguinal ligament combined with PCIA has significant analgesic and sedative effects after hip arthroplasty in the elderly. It can reduce the amount of sufentanil used and the total number of PCIA compressions, which is conducive to the early activity of patients out of bed, improve the satisfaction of analgesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is derived from the dorsal branches of the L2 and L3 spinal nerves. It travels across the pelvis and heads towards the anterior superior iliac spine. It passes under the lateral part of the inguinal ligament and then divides into two branches, which are responsible for sensory innervation of the anterolateral and lateral skin of the thigh. However, the course of this nerve can vary morphologically. Numerous differences have been observed in its exit from the pelvis and in the number of its main trunks and branches. Additionally, its angle with the inguinal ligament and its placement in relation to other structures (such as the femoral artery, femoral nerve, and the sartorius and iliacus muscles) also vary. All of these variants have potential clinical implications. Therefore, the aim of this review is to present the morphological variability of the lateral cutaneous nerve and to explore how these anatomical differences can introduce clinical concerns.
    METHODS: Presented review of the literature was written based on over 30 studies. Comprehensive literature search was done using PubMed in order to study the morphological variability of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN). To be included in this review studies needed to be meet certain criteria: been published before December 2023, present information valuable to this paper (variability of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve/clinical significance). The search included how LFCN vary either among fetuses and adults in the aim of providing more complex information about the variability of this nerve. During the search key words as following were used. No particular references were excluded from the analysis. All relevant studies were included, and citation tracking was used to identify publications.
    RESULTS: This review presents the description of variability of LFCN and its potential clinical impact. In the review differences in adult and fetuses were considered, morphological variability were divided into 4 groups: the origin of the nerve, the way it leaves the pelvis, the branching pattern, the angle between LFCN and surrounding structures and then, clinical significance were considered basing on available literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meralgia paresthetica is a common but probably underrecognized syndrome caused by dysfunction of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. The diagnosis is based on the patient\'s description of sensory disturbance, often painful, on the anterolateral aspect of the thigh, with normal strength and reflexes. Sensory nerve conduction studies and somatosensory evoked potentials may be used to support the diagnosis, but both have technical limitations, with low specificity and sensitivity. Risk factors for meralgia paresthetica include obesity, tight clothing, and diabetes mellitus. Some cases are complications of hip or lumbar spine surgery. Most cases are self-limited, but a small proportion of patients remain with refractory and disabling symptoms. Treatment options include medications for neuropathic pain, neurolysis, neurectomy, and radioablation, but controlled trials to compare efficacy are lacking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Common femoral artery (CFA) access is commonly used for endovascular interventions. Access site complications contribute to significant morbidity and mortality. This study characterizes the radiographic variability in the relationship of the femoral head, the inguinal ligament, and the CFA bifurcation, to identify the zone of optimal CFA access.
    UNASSIGNED: Human cadaver dissection of the inguinal ligament and CFA bifurcation was performed. The inguinal ligament and CFA bifurcation were marked with radiopaque pins and plain anteroposterior radiographs were obtained. Radiographic measurements of the femoral head length, the distance of the top of the femoral head to the inguinal ligament, and to the CFA bifurcation were obtained. Results were reported as percentage of femoral head covered by the inguinal ligament or the CFA bifurcation relative to the top of the femoral head. A heatmap was derived to determine a safe access zone between the inguinal ligament and CFA bifurcation.
    UNASSIGNED: Forty-five groin dissections (male, n = 20; female, n = 25) were performed in 26 cadavers. The mean overlap of the inguinal ligament with the femoral head was 11.2 mm (range, -19.4 to 27.4 mm). There were no age (<85 vs ≥85 years) or sex-related differences. In 82.6% of cadaveric CFA exposures, there was overlap between the inguinal ligament and femoral head (mean, 27.7%; range, -85.7% to 70.1%), with 55.6% having a >25% overlap. In 11.1%, there was an overlap between the lower one-third of the femoral head and the CFA bifurcation. Cumulatively, heatmap analysis depicted a >80% likelihood of avoiding the inguinal ligament and CFA bifurcation below the midpoint of the femoral head.
    UNASSIGNED: Significant variability exists in the relationship between the inguinal ligament, CFA bifurcation, and the femoral head, suggesting the lack of a consistently safe access zone. The safest access zone in >80% of patients lies below the radiographic midpoint of the femoral head and the inferior aspect of the femoral head.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A recent spurt in incidence of meralgia paresthetica to 0.1-81% due to minimally invasive anterior approach to hip joint has resulted in reinterest in anatomy of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN). Familiarity with variations in the course of LFCN will reduce the morbidity associated with orthopedic procedures around the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and inguinal ligament (IL).
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty five adult human formalin embalmed cadavers were dissected. Course and relations of nerve to ASIS, IL and sartorius muscle was noted, distance of nerve from ASIS at IL was measured and statistically analyzed.
    UNASSIGNED: Mean distance of LFCN from ASIS at IL was 1.73±1.15 cm. Differences between two sides and sexes was statistically not significant (p=0.51 and p=0.96 respectively). Inferomedial to ASIS, 94% of LFCNs crossed IL with 92% of them present within 4 cm medial to ASIS. Majority of LFCNs (90%) exited pelvis and entered thigh posterior to IL. Out of these nerves 48% were single trunks on entry into thigh, then bifurcated into anterior and posterior branches. Remaining LFCNs bifurcated proximal to IL or at level of IL. Trifurcations were seen in 6% while a rare case of pentafication was observed. In 66% main trunk/branches were present in intermuscular cleft between sartorius muscle and tensor fascia lata.
    UNASSIGNED: Care should be exercised by surgeons while dissecting around IL as more than half of nerves are liable to be injured during operative procedures. This would help in better anticipation of problem, acceptance and reducing litigation.
    UNASSIGNED: Kalça eklemine minimal invaziv anterior yaklaşıma bağlı olarak meraljia parestetika insidansının %0,1-81’e yükselmesi, lateral femoral kutanöz sinir (LFCN) anatomisine yeniden ilgi duyulmasına neden olmuştur. LFCN seyrindeki varyasyonların daha iyi anlaşılmasıyla, anterior superior iliak spine (ASIS) ve inguinal ligaman (IL) çevresinde uygulanan ortopedik prosedürlerle ilişkili morbidite azalacaktır.
    UNASSIGNED: Formalinle mumyalanmış yirmi beş yetişkin insan kadavrası parçalara ayrıldı. Sinirin ASIS, IL ve sartorius kası ile seyri ve ilişkileri not edildi, IL’de sinirin ASIS’e olan mesafesi ölçüldü ve istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi.
    UNASSIGNED: IL’de LFCN’nin ASIS’e ortalama mesafesi 1,73±1,15 cm idi. İki taraf ve cinsiyetler arasındaki farklar istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (sırasıyla p değeri =0,51 ve p değeri =0,96) ASIS’nin inferomedialinde, LFCN’lerin %94’ü IL’yi geçiyordu ve bunların %92’si ASIS’in 4 cm medialinde idi. LFCN’lerin çoğunluğu (%90) pelvisten çıkıyordu ve IL’nin arkasından uyluğa giriyordu. Bu sinirlerin %48’i uyluğa girişte tek gövde halindeydi ve daha sonra ön ve arka dallara ayrılıyordu. Geriye kalan LFCN’ler IL’ye yakın veya IL düzeyinde çatallanmıştı. %6 oranında trifürkasyon görülürken nadir görülen bir pentafikasyon olgusu da gözlendi. Sartorius kası ile tensör fasya lata arasındaki intermusküler yarıkta %66 ana gövde/dallar mevcuttu.
    UNASSIGNED: Ameliyat prosedürleri sırasında sinirlerin yarısından fazlasının yaralanması muhtemel olduğundan, IL çevresinde diseksiyon yaparken cerrahlar tarafından dikkatli olunmalıdır. Bu şekilde, sorunun daha iyi öngörülmesi, kabul edilmesi ve hukuksal davaların azaltılması sağlanabilir.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In case of soft tissue sarcomas (STS), an en-bloc resection with safe margins is recommended. To ensure safe removal without tumor rupture, STS of the groin area, retroperitoneal or pelvic mesenchymal tumors may require incision or resection of the inguinal ligament. Solid reconstruction is mandatory to prevent early and late postoperative femoral hernias. We present here a new technique of inguinal ligament reconstruction.
    METHODS: Between September 2020 and September 2022, patients undergoing incision and/or resection of inguinal ligaments during a wide en-bloc resection of STS of the groin area in the Department of General Surgery in Strasbourg were included. All patients had an inguinal ligament reconstruction with biosynthetic slowly resorbable mesh shaped as a hammock, pre- or intraperitoneally, associated or not with loco-regional pedicled muscular flaps.
    RESULTS: A total of 7 hammock mesh reconstructions were performed. One or several flaps were necessary in 57% of cases (4 patients): either for inguinal ligament reconstruction only (n = 1), for recovering of femoral vessels (n = 1), and for both ligament reconstruction and defect covering (n = 2). The major morbidity rate was 14.3% (n = 1), related to a thigh surgical site infection due to sartorius flap infarction. After a median follow-up of 17.8 months (range 7-31), there was neither early nor late occurrence of post-operative femoral hernia.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is a new surgical tool for inguinal ligament reconstruction with the implementation of a biosynthetic slowly resorbable mesh shaped as a hammock, which should be compared to other techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We developed a code and data-driven system (learning healthcare system) for gleaning actionable clinical insight from interventional radiology (IR) data. To this end, we constructed a workflow for the collection, processing and analysis of electronic health record (EHR), imaging, and cancer registry data for a cohort of interventional radiology patients seen in the IR Clinic at our institution over a more than 20-year period. As part of this pipeline, we created a database in REDCap (VITAL) to store raw data, as collected by a team of clinical investigators and the Data Coordinating Center at our university. We developed a single, universal pre-processing codebank for our VITAL data in R; in addition, we also wrote widely extendable and easily modifiable analysis code in R that presents results from summary statistics, statistical tests, visualizations, Kaplan-Meier analyses, and Cox proportional hazard modeling, among other analysis techniques. We present our findings for a test case of supra versus infra-inguinal ligament stenting. The developed pre-processing and analysis pipelines were memory and speed-efficient, with both pipelines running in less than 2 min. Three different supra-inguinal ligament veins had a statistically significant improvement in vein diameters post-stenting versus pre-stenting, while no infra-inguinal ligament veins had a statistically significant improvement (due either to an insufficient sample size or a non-significant p value). However, infra-inguinal ligament stenting was not associated with worse restenosis or patency outcomes in either a univariate (summary-statistics and Kaplan-Meier based) or multivariate (Cox proportional hazard model based) analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge of the age-related changes in inguinal region anatomy is essential in pediatric urological and abdominal surgery, yet little is published. This study aimed to determine the position of inguinal region structures and growth of the surrounding pelvis and inguinal ligament in subjects from 0 to 19 years of age. Anonymized contrast-enhanced CT DICOM datasets of 103 patients (63 male: 40 female) aged from 0 to 19 years had left and right sides analyzed by three independent observers. Exclusion criteria were applied. Growth of the pelvis and inguinal ligament were determined using fixed bony reference points. The position of the deep inguinal ring and femoral vasculature were determined as ratio of inguinal ligament length, measured from the anterior superior iliac spine. Growth of the pelvis in vertical and horizontal dimensions and of the inguinal ligament followed a positive polynomial relationship with increasing age, with no observed increase in growth rate during puberty. From 0 to 19 years, the deep inguinal ring moved superolaterally with respect to the inguinal ligament (from 0.74 to 0.60 of the distance along the inguinal ligament) and the femoral artery and vein moved medially (from 0.50 to 0.58, and 0.61 to 0.65 of the distance along the inguinal ligament, respectively). The position of the femoral artery, vein, and deep inguinal ring followed a logarithmic relationship with age. No significant left:right side or male:female differences were observed. From 0 to 19 years of age the femoral vasculature and deep inguinal ring change position as the pelvis grows around them. Clin. Anat. 32:794-802, 2019. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genitofemoral nerve is a branch of the lumbar plexus originating from the ventral rami of the first and second lumbar spinal nerves. During routine dissections of this nerve, we have occasionally observed that the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve gave rise to the femoral branch, and the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve gave rise to the genital branch. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the aforementioned distributions of the genitofemoral nerve in a large number of cadaveric specimens. Twenty-four sides from fourteen fresh-frozen cadavers derived from nine males and five females were used in this study. For proximal branches of the genitofemoral nerve, that is, as they first arise from the genitofemoral nerve, the terms \"medial branch\" and \"lateral branch\" were used. For the final distribution, the terms \"genital branch\" and \"femoral branch\" were used. On eight sides (33.3%) with nine branches, one or two branch(s) from either the medial or lateral branch became coursed as the femoral or genital branches (five became femoral and four became genital branches). Our study revealed that the distribution of the genitofemoral nerve is more complicated than previously described. The \"medial branch\" and \"lateral branch\" that we have used in the present study for describing the proximal branches of the genitofemoral nerve are more practical terms to describe the genitofemoral nerve. Clin. Anat. 32:458-463, 2019. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.





