
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The concept of fetal pain results from procedures conducted without anesthesia in preterm newborns and fetuses, which indicate that it is possible to examine fetal pain based on stress hormone, metabolic, and behavioral changes. Anatomical and physiological data suggest that fetuses become capable of processing nociceptive stimuli around midgestation, although the associated changes in fetal brain development remain unclear. What constitutes fetal pain remains controversial in the light of the definition of pain adopted by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), which posits pain as an \"unpleasant sensory and emotional experience.\"
    CONCLUSIONS: Here, we examine the notion that human fetuses cannot \"experience\" pain and potential implications of this claim. We highlight the key scientific evidence related to fetal pain, including clinical studies on pain in fetuses and preterm newborns. We argue that consistent patterns of stress hormones, metabolic changes, body movements, hemodynamic changes, and pain-related facial expressions in fetuses exposed to invasive procedures overcome the need for subjective proof of pain as articulated in the IASP definition. No study to date has conclusively proven the absence of fetal pain beyond the age of viability.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the current evidence, we propose that all fetuses receive anesthesia regardless of the invasive procedures being performed to guarantee the least possible pain and physiological, behavioral, or hormonal responses without exposing the mother or her baby to unnecessary complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An increasing amount of information is currently available in neonatal respiratory care. Systematic reviews are an important tool for clinical decision-making. The challenge is to combine studies that address a specific clinical question and have similar characteristics in terms of populations, interventions, comparators, and outcomes, so that their combined results provide a more precise estimate of the effect that can be validly extrapolated into clinical practice. The concept of heterogeneity is reviewed, emphasizing that it should be considered in a wider perspective and not just as a mere statistical test. A case is made of how well-designed studies of the neonatal respiratory literature, when equivocally combined, can provide very precise but potentially biased results. Systematic reviews in this field and others should be rigorously peer-reviewed before publication to avoid misleading readers to potentially biased conclusions.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report a case of a preterm infant with congenital syphilis who presented with non-immune hydrops fetalis. Hepatic dysfunction was present at birth and acutely worsened following antibiotic administration. Placental pathology demonstrated infiltration with numerous spirochetes. Although critically ill, the infant recovered with intravenous penicillin G and supportive care. This case demonstrates that congenital syphilis remains a contemporary disease demanding enhanced awareness from clinicians. Manifestations evident in utero or in the newborn can be severe and may result in fetal demise or neonatal death. Moreover, we hypothesize that the treatment resulted in a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction as manifested by the hepatic deterioration. The incidence of congenital syphilis and its associated complications can be greatly reduced with strict adherence to universal prenatal testing and comprehensive follow-up.







  • 文章类型: Review
    Pleural effusions in children (PE) due to ventricle-peritoneal shunt (VPS) is very rare, with few cases reported. We present a new case of an infant with VPS who had a massive hydrothorax not associated with misplacement or migration of the distal catheter or with ascites. After the evacuation of the PE we managed the patient by adjusting the pressure of the adjustable valve (AV). Sequential thoracic ultrasounds showed a satisfactory outcome. We review the literature thoroughly and describe the possible pathophysiological mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine \'Golden Hour\' resuscitation and stabilization practices for infants <32 weeks gestational age in Canadian neonatal intensive care units (NICUs).
    METHODS: A survey was distributed to investigators of the Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality study within the Canadian Neonatal Network in June 2014. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on antenatal counselling, resuscitation environment, resuscitation and management practices, including respiratory and nutritional practices in the first hour of life. Responses to these categories were stratified into gestational age groupings: 230/7-236/7, 240/7-256/7, 260/7-276/7 and 280/7-316/7 weeks. Findings were summarized using descriptive statistics.
    RESULTS: Investigators from 14 of the 23 (61%) NICUs responded. Antenatal counselling was provided to >75% of expectant parents by Staff Neonatologists and Neonatal Fellows. Most NICUs (78%) provided resuscitation in a room adjacent to the high-risk delivery room or the NICU, while few (36%) resuscitated in the delivery room only. Twelve (86%) NICUs practiced delayed cord clamping while two practiced milking of the cord (14%) and 100% used thermal wrap for infants <28 weeks\' gestation. All, with the exception of three NICUs used fraction of inspired oxygen ≤0.3 for initial resuscitation and 12/14 (86%) centres applied continuous positive airway pressure for spontaneously breathing infants <256/7 weeks\' gestation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Participating Canadian NICUs reported that they generally follow Neonatal Resuscitation Program recommendations for stabilization of preterm infants; however, considerable variation exists in the application of evidence-based interventions. Our findings can be used to inform quality improvement initiatives to improve clinical outcomes for this vulnerable population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) offer targeted treatment for bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) with minimal systemic effects compared to systemic steroids. However, dosing of ICS in the management of infants at high-risk of developing BPD is not well established. The objective of this study was to determine an effective dose of ICS for the treatment of ventilator-dependent infants to facilitate extubation or reduce fractional inspired oxygen concentration.
    Forty-one infants born at < 32 weeks gestational age (GA) or < 1250 g who were ventilator-dependent at 10-28 days postnatal age were included. A non-randomized dose-ranging trial was performed using aerosolized inhaled beclomethasone with hydrofluoralkane propellant (HFA-BDP). Four dosing groups (200, 400, 600 and 800 μg twice daily for 1 week) with 11, 11, 10 and 9 infants in each group, respectively, were studied. The primary outcome was therapeutic efficacy (successful extubation or reduction in FiO2 of > 75% from baseline) in ≥60% of infants in the group. Oxygen requirements, complications and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes were also assessed.
    The median age at enrollment was 22 (10-28) postnatal days. The primary outcome, therapeutic efficacy as defined above, was not achieved in any group. However, there was a significant reduction in post-treatment FiO2 at a dose of 800 μg bid. No obvious trends were seen in long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes.
    Therapeutic efficacy was not achieved with all studied doses of ICS. A significant reduction in oxygen requirements was noted in ventilator-dependent preterm infants at 10-28 days of age when given 800 μg of HFA-BDP bid. Larger randomized trials of ICS are required to determine efficacy for the management of infants at high-risk for development of BPD.
    This clinical trial was registered retrospectively on The registration number is NCT03503994 .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Continuous pain occurs routinely, even after invasive procedures, or inflammation and surgery, but clinical practices associated with assessments of continuous pain remain unknown.
    METHODS: A prospective cohort study in 243 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) from 18 European countries recorded the frequency of pain assessments, use of mechanical ventilation, sedation, analgesia or neuromuscular blockade for each neonate for up to 28 days after NICU admission.
    RESULTS: Only 2113 of 6648 (31.8%) of neonates received assessments of continuous pain, occurring variably among tracheal ventilation (TrV, 46.0%), noninvasive ventilation (NiV, 35.0%) and no ventilation (NoV, 20.1%) groups (p < 0.001). Daily assessments for continuous pain occurred in only 10.4% of all neonates (TrV: 14.0%, NiV: 10.7%, NoV: 7.6%; p < 0.001). More frequent assessments of continuous pain occurred in NICUs with pain guidelines, nursing champions and surgical admissions (all p < 0.01), and for newborns <32 weeks gestational age, those requiring ventilation, or opioids, sedatives-hypnotics, general anaesthetics (O-SH-GA) (all p < 0.001), or surgery (p = 0.028). Use of O-SH-GA drugs increased the odds for pain assessment in the TrV (OR:1.60, p < 0.001) and NiV groups (OR:1.40, p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Assessments of continuous pain occurred in less than one-third of NICU admissions and daily in only 10% of neonates. NICU clinical practices should consider including routine assessments of continuous pain in newborns.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma involving whole of a leg in a neonate with Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon causing limb and life-threatening situation has not been reported. One such case and its successful management is presented in this case report. Literature review is made.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a standard of care for preterm/term newborns effective pain management may improve their clinical and neurodevelopmental outcomes. Neonatal pain is assessed using context-specific, validated, and objective pain methods, despite the limitations of currently available tools. Therapeutic approaches reducing invasive procedures and using pharmacologic, behavioral, or environmental measures are used to manage neonatal pain. Nonpharmacologic approaches like kangaroo care, facilitated tucking, non-nutritive sucking, sucrose, and others can be used for procedural pain or adjunctive therapy. Local/topical anesthetics, opioids, NSAIDs/acetaminophen and other sedative/anesthetic agents can be incorporated into NICU protocols for managing moderate/severe pain or distress in all newborns.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The optimal timing for changing intravenous (IV) administration sets that contain total parenteral nutrition (TPN), with and without lipids, in neonates remains unknown.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether decreasing the frequency of changing IV administration sets (>24 h versus every 24 h) in neonates increases the incidence of sepsis within seven days of discontinuation of TPN and microbial contamination of the infusate.
    METHODS: The databases searched to identify studies that evaluated the frequency of IV administration sets on sepsis and microbial contamination of the infusate included MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Scopus and Web of Science. The Evidence Evaluation Worksheet adapted from the American Heart Association\'s International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation was used to evaluate eligible studies for quality, level of evidence and direction of support.
    RESULTS: Two studies were reviewed; however, neither of the studies reported on the outcome of sepsis. One study reported that changing IV administration sets every 48 h did not increase the rate of infusate (amino acid or lipid) contamination compared with change every 24 h, while the other study reported an increase in the lipid infusate contamination rate when IV administration sets were changed every 72 h.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient evidence to support or refute routinely changing IV administration sets every 48 h or that decreasing the frequency of set changes increases the incidence of sepsis.
    On ne connaît pas le moment optimal pour changer les dispositifs de transfusion intraveineuse (IV) de l’alimentation parentérale totale (APT), avec et sans lipides, chez les nouveau-nés.
    Déterminer si le fait de réduire la fréquence des changements de dispositif de transfusion IV (plus de 24 heures plutôt que toutes les 24 heures) chez les nouveau-nés accroît l’incidence de septicémie dans les sept jours suivant l’arrêt de l’APT ainsi que la contamination microbienne du soluté.
    Les chercheurs ont consulté les bases de données MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Bibliothèque Cochrane, Scopus et Web of Science pour repérer les études qui évaluaient la fréquence des changements de dispositif de transfusion IV sur la septicémie et la contamination microbienne du soluté. Ils ont utilisé la feuille d’évaluation des données probante adaptée de l’International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation de l’American Heart Association pour déterminer les études admissibles en matière de qualité, de qualité des preuves et d’orientation du soutien.
    Les chercheurs ont analysé deux études, mais aucune des deux ne signalait l’issue de la septicémie. Une étude a établi que le fait de changer le dispositif de transfusion IV toutes les 48 heures n’accroissait pas le taux de contamination du soluté (acide aminé ou lipide) par rapport à un changement toutes les 24 heures, tandis que l’autre étude indiquait une augmentation du taux de contamination du soluté de lipide lorsque le dispositif de transfusion IV était changé toutes les 72 heures.
    Les données probantes sont insuffisantes pour étayer ou réfuter les changements systématiques de dispositif de transfusion IV toutes les 48 heures ou établir que la diminution de la fréquence des changements de dispositif de transfusion accroît l’incidence de septicémie.





