Inception V3

盗梦空间 V3
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The process of brain tumour segmentation entails locating the tumour precisely in images. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is typically used by doctors to find any brain tumours or tissue abnormalities. With the use of region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) masks, Grad-CAM and transfer learning, this work offers an effective method for the detection of brain tumours. Helping doctors make extremely accurate diagnoses is the goal. A transfer learning-based model has been suggested that offers high sensitivity and accuracy scores for brain tumour detection when segmentation is done using R-CNN masks. To train the model, the Inception V3, VGG-16, and ResNet-50 architectures were utilised. The Brain MRI Images for Brain Tumour Detection dataset was utilised to develop this method. This work\'s performance is evaluated and reported in terms of recall, specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, precision, and F1 score. A thorough analysis has been done comparing the proposed model operating with three distinct architectures: VGG-16, Inception V3, and Resnet-50. Comparing the proposed model, which was influenced by the VGG-16, to related works also revealed its performance. Achieving high sensitivity and accuracy percentages was the main goal. Using this approach, an accuracy and sensitivity of around 99% were obtained, which was much greater than current efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Breast cancer (BC) is the leading cause of female cancer mortality and is a type of cancer that is a major threat to women\'s health. Deep learning methods have been used extensively in many medical domains recently, especially in detection and classification applications. Studying histological images for the automatic diagnosis of BC is important for patients and their prognosis. Owing to the complication and variety of histology images, manual examination can be difficult and susceptible to errors and thus needs the services of experienced pathologists. Therefore, publicly accessible datasets called BreakHis and invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) are used in this study to analyze histopathological images of BC. Next, using super-resolution generative adversarial networks (SRGANs), which create high-resolution images from low-quality images, the gathered images from BreakHis and IDC are pre-processed to provide useful results in the prediction stage. The components of conventional generative adversarial network (GAN) loss functions and effective sub-pixel nets were combined to create the concept of SRGAN. Next, the high-quality images are sent to the data augmentation stage, where new data points are created by making small adjustments to the dataset using rotation, random cropping, mirroring, and color-shifting. Next, patch-based feature extraction using Inception V3 and Resnet-50 (PFE-INC-RES) is employed to extract the features from the augmentation. After the features have been extracted, the next step involves processing them and applying transductive long short-term memory (TLSTM) to improve classification accuracy by decreasing the number of false positives. The results of suggested PFE-INC-RES is evaluated using existing methods on the BreakHis dataset, with respect to accuracy (99.84%), specificity (99.71%), sensitivity (99.78%), and F1-score (99.80%), while the suggested PFE-INC-RES performed better in the IDC dataset based on F1-score (99.08%), accuracy (99.79%), specificity (98.97%), and sensitivity (99.17%).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early detection of plant leaf diseases accurately and promptly is very crucial for safeguarding agricultural crop productivity and ensuring food security. During their life cycle, plant leaves get diseased because of multiple factors like bacteria, fungi, weather conditions, etc. In this work, the authors propose a model that aids in the early detection of leaf diseases using a novel hierarchical residual vision transformer using improved Vision Transformer and ResNet9 models. The proposed model can extract more meaningful and discriminating details by reducing the number of trainable parameters with a smaller number of computations. The proposed method is evaluated on the Local Crop dataset, Plant Village dataset, and Extended Plant Village Dataset with 13, 38, and 51 different leaf disease classes. The proposed model is trained using the best trail parameters of Improved Vision Transformer and classified the features using ResNet 9. Performance evaluation is carried out on a wide aspects over the aforementioned datasets and results revealed that the proposed model outperforms other models such as InceptionV3, MobileNetV2, and ResNet50.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the major causes of blindness in human beings is the diabetic retinopathy (DR). To prevent blindness, early detection of DR is therefore necessary. In this paper, a hybrid model is proposed for diagnosing DR from fundus images. A combination of morphological image processing and Inception v3 deep learning techniques are exploited to detect DR as well as to classify healthy, mild non-proliferative DR (NPDR), moderate NPDR, severe NPDR, and proliferative DR (PDR). The proposed algorithm was carried out in several steps such as segmentation of blood vessels, localization and removal of optic disc, and macula, abnormal features detection (microaneurysms, hemorrhages, and neovascularization), and classification. Microaneurysms and hemorrhages that appear in the retina are the early signs of DR. In this work, we have detected microaneurysms and hemorrhages by applying dynamic contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization and threshold value on overlapping patched images. An overall accuracy of 96.83% is obtained to classify DR into five different stages. The better performance demonstrates the effectiveness and novelty of the proposed work as compared to the recent reported work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Continuous release of image databases with fully or partially identical inner categories dramatically deteriorates the production of autonomous Computer-Aided Diagnostics (CAD) systems for true comprehensive medical diagnostics. The first challenge is the frequent massive bulk release of medical image databases, which often suffer from two common drawbacks: image duplication and corruption. The many subsequent releases of the same data with the same classes or categories come with no clear evidence of success in the concatenation of those identical classes among image databases. This issue stands as a stumbling block in the path of hypothesis-based experiments for the production of a single learning model that can successfully classify all of them correctly. Removing redundant data, enhancing performance, and optimizing energy resources are among the most challenging aspects. In this article, we propose a global data aggregation scale model that incorporates six image databases selected from specific global resources. The proposed valid learner is based on training all the unique patterns within any given data release, thereby creating a unique dataset hypothetically. The Hash MD5 algorithm (MD5) generates a unique hash value for each image, making it suitable for duplication removal. The T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), with a tunable perplexity parameter, can represent data dimensions. Both the Hash MD5 and t-SNE algorithms are applied recursively, producing a balanced and uniform database containing equal samples per category: normal, pneumonia, and Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19). We evaluated the performance of all proposed data and the new automated version using the Inception V3 pre-trained model with various evaluation metrics. The performance outcome of the proposed scale model showed more respectable results than traditional data aggregation, achieving a high accuracy of 98.48%, along with high precision, recall, and F1-score. The results have been proved through a statistical t-test, yielding t-values and p-values. It\'s important to emphasize that all t-values are undeniably significant, and the p-values provide irrefutable evidence against the null hypothesis. Furthermore, it\'s noteworthy that the Final dataset outperformed all other datasets across all metric values when diagnosing various lung infections with the same factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer remains the leading gynecological cause of cancer mortality. Predicting the sensitivity of ovarian cancer to chemotherapy at the time of pathological diagnosis is a goal of precision medicine research that we have addressed in this study using a novel deep-learning neural network framework to analyze the histopathological images.
    METHODS: We have developed a method based on the Inception V3 deep learning algorithm that complements other methods for predicting response to standard platinum-based therapy of the disease. For the study, we used histopathological H&E images (pre-treatment) of high-grade serous carcinoma from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Genomic Data Commons portal to train the Inception V3 convolutional neural network system to predict whether cancers had independently been labeled as sensitive or resistant to subsequent platinum-based chemotherapy. The trained model was then tested using data from patients left out of the training process. We used receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and confusion matrix analyses to evaluate model performance and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to correlate the predicted probability of resistance with patient outcome. Finally, occlusion sensitivity analysis was piloted as a start toward correlating histopathological features with a response.
    RESULTS: The study dataset consisted of 248 patients with stage 2 to 4 serous ovarian cancer. For a held-out test set of forty patients, the trained deep learning network model distinguished sensitive from resistant cancers with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.846 ± 0.009 (SE). The probability of resistance calculated from the deep-learning network was also significantly correlated with patient survival and progression-free survival. In confusion matrix analysis, the network classifier achieved an overall predictive accuracy of 85% with a sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 90% for this cohort based on the Youden-J cut-off. Stage, grade, and patient age were not statistically significant for this cohort size. Occlusion sensitivity analysis suggested histopathological features learned by the network that may be associated with sensitivity or resistance to the chemotherapy, but multiple marker studies will be necessary to follow up on those preliminary results.
    CONCLUSIONS: This type of analysis has the potential, if further developed, to improve the prediction of response to therapy of high-grade serous ovarian cancer and perhaps be useful as a factor in deciding between platinum-based and other therapies. More broadly, it may increase our understanding of the histopathological variables that predict response and may be adaptable to other cancer types and imaging modalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Corona Virus was first started in the Wuhan city, China in December of 2019. It belongs to the Coronaviridae family, which can infect both animals and humans. The diagnosis of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is typically detected by Serology, Genetic Real-Time reverse transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), and Antigen testing. These testing methods have limitations like limited sensitivity, high cost, and long turn-around time. It is necessary to develop an automatic detection system for COVID-19 prediction. Chest X-ray is a lower-cost process in comparison to chest Computed tomography (CT). Deep learning is the best fruitful technique of machine learning, which provides useful investigation for learning and screening a large amount of chest X-ray images with COVID-19 and normal. There are many deep learning methods for prediction, but these methods have a few limitations like overfitting, misclassification, and false predictions for poor-quality chest X-rays. In order to overcome these limitations, the novel hybrid model called \"Inception V3 with VGG16 (Visual Geometry Group)\" is proposed for the prediction of COVID-19 using chest X-rays. It is a combination of two deep learning models, Inception V3 and VGG16 (IV3-VGG). To build the hybrid model, collected 243 images from the COVID-19 Radiography Database. Out of 243 X-rays, 121 are COVID-19 positive and 122 are normal images. The hybrid model is divided into two modules namely pre-processing and the IV3-VGG. In the dataset, some of the images with different sizes and different color intensities are identified and pre-processed. The second module i.e., IV3-VGG consists of four blocks. The first block is considered for VGG-16 and blocks 2 and 3 are considered for Inception V3 networks and final block 4 consists of four layers namely Avg pooling, dropout, fully connected, and Softmax layers. The experimental results show that the IV3-VGG model achieves the highest accuracy of 98% compared to the existing five prominent deep learning models such as Inception V3, VGG16, ResNet50, DenseNet121, and MobileNet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Curcuma longa (turmeric) and Curcuma zanthorrhiza (temulawak) are members of the Zingiberaceae family that contain curcuminoids, essential oils, starch, protein, fat, cellulose, and minerals. The nutritional content proportion of turmeric is different from temulawak which implies differences in economic value. However, only a few people who understand herbal plants, can identify the difference between them. This study aims to build a model that can distinguish between the two species of Zingiberaceae based on the image captured from a mobile phone camera. A collection of images consisting of both types of rhizomes are used to build a model through a learning process using transfer learning, specifically pre-trained VGG-19 and Inception V3 with ImageNet weight. Experimental results show that the accuracy rates of the models to classify the rhizomes are 92.43% and 94.29%, consecutively. These achievements are quite promising to be used in various practical use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain tumors are serious conditions caused by uncontrolled and abnormal cell division. Tumors can have devastating implications if not accurately and promptly detected. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the methods frequently used to detect brain tumors owing to its excellent resolution. In the past few decades, substantial research has been conducted in the field of classifying brain images, ranging from traditional methods to deep-learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNN). To accomplish classification, machine-learning methods require manually created features. In contrast, CNN achieves classification by extracting visual features from unprocessed images. The size of the training dataset had a significant impact on the features that CNN extracts. The CNN tends to overfit when its size is small. Deep CNNs (DCNN) with transfer learning have therefore been developed. The aim of this work was to investigate the brain MR image categorization potential of pre-trained DCNN VGG-19, VGG-16, ResNet50, and Inception V3 models using data augmentation and transfer learning techniques. Validation of the test set utilizing accuracy, recall, Precision, and F1 score showed that the pre-trained VGG-19 model with transfer learning exhibited the best performance. In addition, these methods offer an end-to-end classification of raw images without the need for manual attribute extraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: We aim to present effective and computer aided diagnostics in the field of ophthalmology and improve eye health. This study aims to create an automated deep learning based system for categorizing fundus images into three classes: normal, macular degeneration and tessellated fundus for the timely recognition and treatment of diabetic retinopathy and other diseases. Methods: A total of 1,032 fundus images were collected from 516 patients using fundus camera from Health Management Center, Shenzhen University General Hospital Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China. Then, Inception V3 and ResNet-50 deep learning models are used to classify fundus images into three classes, Normal, Macular degeneration and tessellated fundus for the timely recognition and treatment of fundus diseases. Results: The experimental results show that the effect of model recognition is the best when the Adam is used as optimizer method, the number of iterations is 150, and 0.00 as the learning rate. According to our proposed approach we, achieved the highest accuracy of 93.81% and 91.76% by using ResNet-50 and Inception V3 after fine-tuned and adjusted hyper parameters according to our classification problem. Conclusion: Our research provides a reference to the clinical diagnosis or screening for diabetic retinopathy and other eye diseases. Our suggested computer aided diagnostics framework will prevent incorrect diagnoses caused by the low image quality and individual experience, and other factors. In future implementations, the ophthalmologists can implement more advanced learning algorithms to improve the accuracy of diagnosis.





