Inbred strain

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previously, we discovered a strain of Kunming mice, referred to as the KMush/ush strain, that exhibited notably abnormal electroretinogram (ERG) readings and elevated thresholds for auditory brainstem responses (ABRs), which resembled the characteristics of Usher Syndrome (USH). We successfully identified the pathogenic genes, Pde6b and Adgrv1, after KMush/ush crossbred with CBA/CaJ mice, referred to as CBA-1ush/ush, CBA-2ush/ush or CBA-2ush/ush. In this investigation, we crossbred KMush/ush and CBA/J mice to establish novel recombinant inbred lines and analysed their phenotypic and genotypic characteristics.
    METHODS: ERG readings, ABR testing, fundus morphology, histological examination of the retina and inner ear, reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) analysis, western blotting, DNA sequence analysis and behavioural experiments were performed to assess the phenotypes and genotypes of the progeny lines.
    RESULTS: No obvious waveforms in the ERG were detected in F1 hybrid mice while normal ABR results were recorded. The F2 hybrids, which were called J1ush/ush or J2ush/ush, exhibited segregated hearing-loss phenotypes. J1ush/ush mice had a retinitis pigmentosa (RP) phenotype with elevated ABR thresholds, whereas J2ush/ush mice exhibited only the RP phenotype. Interestingly, J1ush/ush mice showed significantly higher ABR thresholds than wild-type mice at 28 days post born (P28), and RT-qPCR and DNA-sequencing analysis showed that Adgrv1 gene expression was significantly altered in J1ush/ush mice, but histological analysis showed no significant structural changes in the organ of Corti or spiral ganglia. Further elevation of ABR-related hearing thresholds by P56 manifested only as a reduced density of spiral ganglion cells, which differed significantly from the previous pattern of cochlear alterations in CBA-2ush/ush mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: We successfully introduced the hearing-loss phenotype of inbred mice with USH into CBA/J mice, which provides a good animal model for future studies on the important physiological roles of the Adgrv1 gene in inner-ear structure and for therapeutic studies targeting Adgrv1-mutated USH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Housing conditions can affect the well-being of laboratory animals and thereby affect the outcomes of experiments. The appropriate environment is essential for the expression of natural behavior in animals. Here, we compared survival rates in four inbred mouse strains maintained under three different environmental conditions. Three mouse strains (C57BL/6J, C3H/HeN, and DBA/2J) housed under environmental enrichment (EE) conditions showed improved survival; however, EE did not alter the survival rate of the fourth strain, BALB/c. None of the strains showed significant differences in body weights or plasma corticosterone levels in the three environmental conditions. For BALB/c mice, the rates of debility were higher in the EE group. Interestingly, for C57BL/6J and C3H/HeN mice, the incidence of animals with alopecia was significantly lower in the EE groups than in the control group. It is possible that the enriched environment provided greater opportunities for sheltering in a secure location in which to avoid interactions with other mice. The cloth mat flooring used for the EE group was bitten and chewed by the mice. Our findings suggest that depending on the mouse strains different responses to EE are caused with regard to health and survival rates. The results of this study provide basic data for further studies on EE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Transgenic mouse lines expressing Cre-recombinase under the regulation of either dopamine transporter (DAT) or tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) promoters are commonly used to study the dopamine (DA) system. While use of the TH promoter appears to have less liability to changes in native gene expression, transgene insertion in the DAT locus results in reduced DAT expression and function. This confound is sometimes overlooked in genetically targeted behavioral experiments.
    OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate the suitability of DAT-Ires-Cre and TH-Cre transgenic lines for behavioral pharmacology experiments with DA agonists. We hypothesized that DAT-Ires-Cre expression would impact DAT-mediated behaviors, but no impact of TH-Cre expression would be observed.
    METHODS: DAT-Ires-Cre and TH-Cre mice bred on mixed 129S6/C57BL/6 and pure C57BL/6 backgrounds were evaluated for novelty-induced, baseline, and amphetamine (AMPH)-induced locomotion, and for AMPH and D1 agonist (SKF-38393)-induced preservative behaviors.
    RESULTS: DAT-Ires-Cre mice on both mixed 129S6/C57BL/6 and pure C57BL/6 backgrounds displayed increased novelty-induced activity and decreased AMPH-induced locomotion, with mixed results for AMPH-induced stereotypy. TH-Cre mice on both backgrounds showed typical baseline activity and AMPH-induced stereotypy, with a difference in AMPH-induced locomotion observed only on the mixed background. Both transgenic lines displayed unaltered SKF-38393-induced grooming behavior.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that the DAT-Ires-Cre transgenic line may lead to confounds for experiments that are dependent on DAT expression. The TH-Cre transgenic line studied here may be a more useful option, depending on background strain, because of its lack of baseline and drug-induced phenotypes. These data highlight the importance of appropriate controls in studies employing transgenic mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The UCSF Mouse Inventory Database Application is an open-source Web App that provides information about the mutant alleles, transgenes, and inbred strains maintained by investigators at the university and facilitates sharing of these resources within the university community. The Application is designed to promote collaboration, decrease the costs associated with obtaining genetically-modified mice, and increase access to mouse lines that are difficult to obtain. An inventory of the genetically-modified mice on campus and the investigators who maintain them is compiled from records of purchases from external sources, transfers from researchers within and outside the university, and from data provided by users. These data are verified and augmented with relevant information harvested from public databases, and stored in a succinct, searchable database secured on the university network. Here we describe this resource and provide information about how to implement and maintain such a mouse inventory database application at other institutions.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Restraint stress is one of the most widely used experimental methods for generating rodent models of stress-induced neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Although various types of restraint apparatuses have been used to expose animals to stress, the magnitudes of the effects of stress exposure via different types of restraint apparatuses on physiology and behavior have not been compared in the same environment. Here, we investigated the effects of stress exposure via two types of restraint apparatuses on body weight, locomotor activity, anxiety- and depression-related behaviors, and plasma corticosterone levels in mice.
    Adult male BALB/cAJcl mice were restrained by placing them in either a well-ventilated plastic conical tube or a tapered plastic film envelope for 6 hours per day for 10 or 21 consecutive days. Mice were weighed during and after the stress period and were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests, including light/dark transition, open field, elevated plus maze, Porsolt forced swim, tail suspension, and sucrose preference tests, starting on the day after the last stress session. Plasma corticosterone levels were measured in another cohort of mice on the 1st and the 21st stress sessions and after the Porsolt forced swim test.
    Exposure to repeated stress via the two above mentioned types of restraint apparatuses caused body weight loss, heightened locomotor activity, altered immobility during forced swim, and increased plasma corticosterone levels, and some of these results differed between the restraint stress protocols. Film-restraint-stressed mice had significantly lower body weights than tube-restraint-stressed mice. Film-restraint-stressed mice exhibited significantly higher or lower immobility during forced swim than tube-restraint-stressed mice, depending on the test time. Additionally, the stress-induced increase in plasma corticosterone levels was found to be higher in film-restraint-stressed mice than in tube-restraint-stressed mice.
    Our results indicate that film-restraint stress has more pronounced effects on body weight, depression-related behavior, and corticosterone response than tube-restraint stress in mice. These findings may help guide which restraint stress procedures to use, depending on the objectives of a given study, in generating animal models of stress-induced neuropsychiatric disorders.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Researchers in psychiatry and neuroscience are increasingly recognizing the importance of gut-brain communication in mental health. Both genetics and environmental factors influence gut microbiota composition and function. This study examines host-microbe signaling at the gastrointestinal barrier to identify bottom-up mechanisms of microbiota-brain communication.
    OBJECTIVE: We examined differences in gut microbiota composition and fecal miRNA profiles in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, in relation to gastrointestinal homeostasis and evaluated the response to perturbation of the gut microbiota by broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment.
    RESULTS: Differences in the gut microbiota composition between BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, evaluated by fecal 16S rRNA gene sequencing, included significant differences in genera Prevotella, Alistipes, Akkermansia, and Ruminococcus. Significant differences in fecal miRNA profiles were determined using the nCounter NanoString platform. A BLASTn analysis identified conserved fecal miRNA target regions in bacterial metagenomes with 14 significant correlations found between fecal miRNA and predicted taxa relative abundance in our dataset. Treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics for 2 weeks resulted in a host-specific physiological response at the gastrointestinal barrier including a decrease in barrier permeability in BALB/c mice and alterations in the expression of barrier regulating genes in both strains. Genera Parabacteroides and Bacteroides were associated with changes in barrier function.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide insight into how specific taxa influence gut barrier integrity and function. More generally, these data in the context of recent published studies makes a significant contribution to our understanding of host-microbe interactions providing new knowledge that can be harnessed by us and others in future mechanistic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The CRISPR/Cas9 technique has undergone many modifications to decrease the effort and shorten the time needed for efficient production of mutant mice. The use of fresh embryos consumes time and effort during oocytes preparation and fertilization before every experiment, and freeze-thawed embryos overcome this limitation. However, cryopreservation of 1-cell embryos is challenging.
    We introduce a protocol that combines a modified method for cryopreserving 1-cell C57BL/6J embryos with optimized electroporation conditions that were used to deliver CRISPR reagents into embryos, 1 h after thawing.
    Freeze-thawed 1-cell embryos showed similar survival rates and surprisingly high developmental rates compared to fresh embryos. Using our protocol, we generated several lines of mutant mice: knockout mice via non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and knock-in mice via homology-directed repair (HDR) with high-efficient mutation rates (100%, 75% respectively) and a low mosaic rate within 4 weeks.
    Our protocol associates the use of freeze-thawed embryos from an inbred strain and electroporation, and can be performed by laboratory personnel with basic training in embryo manipulation to generate mutant mice within short time periods.
    We developed a simple, economic, and robust protocol facilitating the generation of genetically modified mice, bypassing the need of backcrossing, with a high efficiency and a low mosaic rate. It makes the preparation of mouse models of human diseases a simple task with unprecedented ease, pace, and efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Our laboratory discovered a Kunming mouse with enormous electroretinogram (ERG) defects. Its auditory brainstem response (ABR) threshold was significantly elevated and closely resembled the features of Usher syndrome (USH). This study sought to cross these USH-like mice (named KMush/ush mice) with CBA/CaJ mice to establish recombinant inbred strains and identify their phenotypes and genotypes.
    METHODS: KMush/ush mice were crossed with CBA/CaJ mice to establish inbred strains by sibling mating. ERG, ABR, ocular fundus morphology, histological examinations of the retina and inner ear, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, western blotting, and exon sequencing were performed to assess the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring strains.
    RESULTS: The F1 hybrids from crossing KMush/ush and CBA/CaJ mice had normal ERG and ABR responses. The F2 offspring from intercrossing the F1 mice showed a segregation of the retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and hearing loss phenotypes. The CBA-1ush/ush mice had an RP phenotype that was characterized by a vanished ERG waveform and loss of the outer nuclear layer. Their Pde6b gene had a nonsense mutation that resulted in the failure of protein production in western blotting. However, the ABR threshold of this strain of mice was normal. The CBA-2ush/ush mice had normal retinal function and architecture. Their ABR threshold was increased, with a dramatic degeneration of the stereocilia bundles in the outer hair cells of the inner ear. Whole exome sequencing and exon sequencing revealed a deletion of one base pair in exon 31 of the Adgrv1 gene, which would result in the premature termination of protein encoding. The level of Adgrv1 mRNA was reduced in the CBA-2ush/ush mice. The CBA-3ush/ush mice had phenotypes of RP, elevated ABR threshold, and degeneration of the stereocilia bundles in the outer hair cells. They were closely associated with the nonsense mutations of Pde6b and Adgrv1, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: We isolated a mouse strain with hearing loss from inbred mice with retinal degeneration and established it as a recombinant inbred strain with a spontaneous mutation in Adgrv1, the human Usher syndrome 2C gene. The retinal degeneration was cause by a mutation in Pde6b, while the hearing loss was caused by a mutation in Adgrv1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The identification of the mutation causing Huntington\'s disease (HD) has led to the generation of a large number of mouse models. These models are used to further enhance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the disease, as well as investigating and identifying therapeutic targets for this disorder. Here we review the transgenic, knock-in mice commonly used to model HD, as well those that have been generated to study specific disease mechanisms. We then provide a brief overview of the importance of standardizing the use of HD mice and describe brief protocols used for genotyping the mouse models used within the Bates Laboratory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Mongolian gerbil has been a useful laboratory animal in many research fields, especially in ischemia studies. However, due to the variation of the circle of Willis (COW), the ischemic model is unstable and various. To solve this problem, we newly established an inbred strain of gerbils, restricting breeding and keeping to F23. The data on the breeding and growth of the animals are described in the present study. The genetic characteristics of F4 to F20 detected by microsatellite DNA and biochemical markers are also shown here. The results demonstrated that the frequency of ischemic model by unilateral carotid occlusion and the frequency of incomplete COW increased, increasing from 50% and 75% in F1 to 88.89% and 100% in F20, respectively. The ratios of consistent patterns of COW in parents were positively related with the number of inbred generations. A reproductive performance analysis indicated that the average size of litters in the inbred gerbils was less than that of outbred gerbils and that adult body weight was also lower in inbred gerbils; also, the pups in the 2nd litter were the best ones chosen to reproduce. The genetic detection results indicated that 26 out of 28 microsatellite loci and all 26 biochemical markers were homozygous in F20, showing comparably identical genetic composition in inbred gerbils. All the data demonstrated that an inbred strain of ischemia-prone gerbil has been established successfully. This strain can be used in stroke research and can largely reduce the number of animals needed in experiments.





