Improved growth

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, agricultural productivity is facing a serious problem due to soil salinity which often causes osmotic, ionic, and redox imbalances in plants. Applying halotolerant rhizobacterial inoculants having multifarious growth-regulating traits is thought to be an effective and advantageous approach to overcome salinity stress. Here, salt-tolerant (tolerating 300 mM NaCl), exopolysaccharide (EPS) producing Rhizobium azibense SR-26 (accession no. MG063740) was assessed for salt alleviation potential by inoculating Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) plants raised under varying NaCl regimes. The metabolically active cells of strain SR-26 produced a significant amount of phytohormones (indole-3-acetic acid, gibberellic acid, and cytokinin), ACC deaminase, ammonia, and siderophore under salt stress. Increasing NaCl concentration variably affected the EPS produced by SR-26. The P-solubilization activity of the SR-26 strain was positively impacted by NaCl, as demonstrated by OD shift in NaCl-treated/untreated NBRIP medium. The detrimental effect of NaCl on plants was lowered by inoculation of halotolerant strain SR-26. Following soil inoculation, R. azibense significantly (p ≤ 0.05) enhanced seed germination (10%), root (19%) shoot (23%) biomass, leaf area (18%), total chlorophyll (21%), and carotenoid content (32%) of P. vulgaris raised in soil added with 40 mM NaCl concentration. Furthermore, strain SR-26 modulated the relative leaf water content (RLWC), proline, total soluble protein (TSP), and sugar (TSS) of salt-exposed plants. Moreover, R. azibense inoculation lowered the concentrations of oxidative stress biomarkers; MDA (29%), H2O2 content (24%), electrolyte leakage (31%), membrane stability (36%) and Na+ ion uptake (28%) when applied to 40 mM NaCl-treated plants. Further, R. azibense increases the salt tolerance mechanism of P. vulgaris by upregulating the antioxidant defensive responses. Summarily, it is reasonable to propose that EPS-synthesizing halotolerant R. azibense SR-26 should be applied as the most cost-effective option for increasing the yields of legume crops specifically P. vulgaris in salinity-challenged soil systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    NAC (NAM/ATAF1/2/CUC2) transcription factors are central switches of growth and stress responses in plants. However, unpredictable interspecies conservation of function and regulatory targets makes the well-studied NAC orthologs inapt for pulse engineering. The knowledge of suitable NAC candidates in hardy pulses like cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) is still in infancy, hence warrants immediate biotechnological intervention. Here, we showed that overexpression of two native NAC genes (VuNAC1 and VuNAC2) promoted germinative, vegetative, and reproductive growth and conferred multiple abiotic stress tolerance in a commercial cowpea variety. The transgenic lines displayed increased leaf area, thicker stem, nodule-rich denser root system, early flowering, higher pod production (∼3.2-fold and ∼2.1-fold), and greater seed weight (10.3% and 6.0%). In contrast, transient suppression of VuNAC1/2 caused severe growth retardation and flower inhibition. The overexpressor lines showed remarkable tolerance to major yield-declining terminal stresses, such as drought, salinity, heat, and cold, and recovered growth and seed production by boosting photosynthetic activity, water use efficiency, membrane integrity, Na+ /K+ homeostasis, and antioxidant activity. The comparative transcriptome study indicated consolidated activation of genes involved in chloroplast development, photosynthetic complexes, cell division and expansion, cell wall biogenesis, nutrient uptake and metabolism, stress response, abscisic acid, and auxin signaling. Unlike their orthologs, VuNAC1/2 direct synergistic transcriptional tuning of stress and developmental signaling to avoid unwanted trade-offs. Their overexpression governs the favorable interplay of photosynthesis and reactive oxygen species regulation to improve stress recovery, nutritional sufficiency, biomass, and production. This unconventional balance of strong stress tolerance and agronomic quality is useful for translational crop research and molecular breeding of pulses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ATAF-like NAC transcription factors are bonafide regulators of stress-signaling. However, their overexpression often exerts growth-retardation by activating ABA-hypersensitivity, chloroplast-degradation, or carbon-starvation. To improve tolerance to multiple stress complying with growth sustainability, we examined two ATAF orthologs, VuNAC1 and VuNAC2, isolated from a drought-hardy cowpea genotype, for a harmonized regulation of stress and growth signaling. The genes were induced by dehydration, NaCl, polyethylene glycol, heat, cold, ABA, and light. Analysis of the promoter-elements and regulatory network corroborated the integration of circadian, hormonal, stress, developmental, and nutrition signals, being VuNAC1/2 the central transcriptional-switch interfacing growth and stress responses. The constitutive gene overexpression in Arabidopsis resulted in an improved embryonic, rosette, and inflorescence growth, under optimum as well as limiting nutrition, in association with increased photosynthetic activity and stomatal-density. The transgenic seedlings manifested tolerance to dehydration, salinity, aluminum, cadmium, and H2O2 toxicity, in addition to ABA-mediated seed dormancy and hypersensitivity. The soil-grown plants survived severe drought and hypersalinity by maintaining the water-status and membrane integrity through the accumulation of stress protectants, such as proline, glutathione, and ascorbate. Unlike their orthologs from other species, VuNAC1/2 conferred tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in line with improved growth attributes via regulation of photosynthetic controls and nutritional balance, suggesting growth being a crucial component of stress-tolerance and recovery. Such unique stress-responsive transcription factors, which also confer photosynthetic gain, could be sustainable biotechnological tools for developing stress-tolerant crops and translating the improved growth into yield without unintended trade-offs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Yeast is a dominant host for recombinant production of heterologous proteins, high-value biochemical compounds, and microbial fermentation. During bioprocess operations, pH fluctuations, organic solvents, drying, starvation, osmotic pressure, and often a combination of these stresses cause growth inhibition or death, markedly limiting its industrial use. Thus, stress-tolerant yeast strains with balanced energy-bioenergetics are highly desirous for sustainable improvement of quality biotechnological production. We isolated two NAC transcription factors (TFs), VuNAC1 and VuNAC2, from a wild cowpea genotype, improving both stress tolerance and growth when expressed in yeast. The GFP-fused proteins were localized to the nucleus. Y2H and reporter assay demonstrated the dimerization and transactivation abilities of the VuNAC proteins having structural folds similar to rice SNAC1. The gel-shift assay indicated that the TFs recognize an \"ATGCGTG\" motif for DNA-binding shared by several native TFs in yeast. The heterologous expression of VuNAC1/2 in yeast improved growth, biomass, lifespan, fermentation efficiency, and altered cellular composition of biomolecules. The transgenic strains conferred tolerance to multiple stresses such as high salinity, osmotic stress, freezing, and aluminum toxicity. Analysis of the metabolome revealed reprogramming of major pathways synthesizing nucleotides, vitamin B complex, amino acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, and other energy currencies and cofactors. Consequently, the transcriptional tuning of stress signaling and biomolecule metabolism improved the survival of the transgenic strains during starvation and stress recovery. VuNAC1/2-based synthetic gene expression control may contribute to designing robust industrial yeast strains with value-added productivity.





