
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Products of parturition are the predominant source of Brucella abortus for transmission in bison (Bison bison). Our objective was to assess whether preventing pregnancy in Brucella-seropositive bison reduced B. abortus shedding. Brucella-seropositive and -seronegative bison from Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA were used in a replicated experiment. Each of two replicates (rep1, rep2) included a group of seropositive females treated with a single dose of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-based immunocontraceptive (Treatment rep1, n=15; Treatment rep2, n=20) and an untreated group (Control rep1, n=14; Control rep2, n=16) housed separately. Seronegative sentinel females were placed in each group to monitor horizontal transmission. Seronegative males were co-mingled for breeding each year. Pregnant females were removed from treatment groups in the first year, but not thereafter. Each January-June we monitored for B. abortus shedding events-any parturition associated with culture-positive fluids or tissues. We analyzed probability of shedding events using a negative binomial generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood using Laplace approximation. Over 5 yr, we observed zero shedding events in Treatment rep1 vs. 12 in Control rep1. All five Control rep1 sentinels but zero (0/5) Treatment rep1 sentinels seroconverted. In the second replicate, Treatment rep2 had two shedding events over 3 yr and Control rep2 had five events over 2 yr. Sentinels in both Control rep2 (3/6) and Treatment rep2 (5/6) seroconverted by trial endpoint. Treatment rep1 showed a reduced shedding probability relative to Control rep1, Treatment rep2, and Control rep2 (log odds value -25.36 vs. -1.71, -1.39, and -0.23, respectively). Fixed effect predictor covariates, year and age, had no explanatory value. These data suggest that successful contraception of brucellosis-seropositive female bison prevents shedding of B. abortus by individual animals. However, contraceptive treatment may or may not sufficiently reduce disease transmission to reduce brucellosis prevalence in an affected herd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to determine if the number of pregnancies in naturally infected Brucella abortus-positive bison (Bison bison) cows would be reduced over a period of 5 yr after one treatment with 3000 µg gonadotropin-releasing hormone immunocontraceptive (GonaCon) compared to a similar group of naturally infected B. abortus-positive bison cows not treated with GonaCon. In each of the 5 yr, GonaCon-treated cows produced fewer offspring in relation to number of cows than the nontreated cows. Fisher\'s Exact test comparing offspring produced during the first reproductive season showed a significant difference between the two groups (P=0.0028). Differences in number of calves produced in GonaCon-treated and control groups were also noted in remaining years, but statistics were not applied because of data constraints. These data indicate that one treatment with GonaCon in brucellosis-seropositive female bison reduced pregnancies over five reproductive years. Thus, immunocontraception could potentially be used to manage brucellosis in affected herds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been a growing interest in alternatives to surgery for controlling reproduction in tom cats, and the resultant medical options add to a practitioner\'s toolbox when handling these cases in clinical practice. It is important, however, that when suggesting these drugs, veterinarians have a good understanding of their mode of action, and their correct use and dosage.
    Breeders increasingly wish to be able to switch on/off the reproductive ability of their tom cats in a controlled manner. In addition, in small animal medicine, there has been concern from some academics, and a growing number of pet cat owners, about potential long-term effects of surgical sterilisation. Further, for some cats surgical castration may not be possible due to health conditions that mean anaesthesia is unsafe. In all of these scenarios, medical alternatives to surgery can prove useful.
    No special equipment or technical skills are required. A good knowledge of the medical alternatives to surgical sterilisation for controlling reproduction in a tom, and making sure the patient is a suitable candidate, are, however, important for ensuring the cat\'s health during and after treatment and the owner\'s satisfaction.
    This review is aimed principally (but not exclusively) at veterinary practitioners working with cat breeders who seek a temporary arrest in their tom cat\'s reproduction. It may also help practitioners with clients who would like an alternative to surgery or with cats where anaesthesia for surgical castration is not possible.
    Advances in reproductive feline medicine have resulted in improved knowledge of medical contraception. This review draws on scientific evidence-based papers that report on the mode of action, length of efficacy and potential side effects of different methods of medical contraception, as well as the authors\' own clinical experience.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase I
    With an unplanned pregnancy rate of 50% or more in many countries, there is an urgent need for contraceptives that are more accessible and acceptable. To meet the growing demand for new contraceptives, ZabBio developed ZB-06, a vaginal film containing HC4-N, a human contraceptive antibody that inactivates sperm.
    This study aimed to assess the potential contraceptive activity of the ZB-06 film using a surrogate assessment for contraceptive efficacy, the postcoital test. We also assessed clinical safety of film use among healthy heterosexual couples. Serum, cervical mucus, and vaginal fluid HC4-N antibody concentrations and sperm agglutination potency were determined after single film use. Changes in the concentration of soluble proinflammatory cytokines and vaginal Nugent score after film use were measured as subclinical safety endpoints.
    This was a phase 1, first-in-woman, open-label, proof-of-concept, postcoital test and safety study.
    A total of 20 healthy women were enrolled in the study, and 8 heterosexual couples completed all study visits. The product was safe for both female participants and their male sexual partners. The postcoital test performed on ovulatory cervical mucus at baseline (no product use) revealed a mean of 25.9 (±30.6) progressively motile sperm per high-power field. After use of a single ZB-06 film before intercourse, this number dropped to 0.04 (±0.06) progressively motile sperm per high-power field (P<.0001). At the follow-up postcoital test visit approximately 1 month later (no product use), a mean of 47.4 (±37.4) progressively motile sperm per high-power field was observed, indicating contraceptive reversibility.
    A single dose of the ZB-06 film applied before intercourse was safe and met efficacy surrogate benchmarks of excluding progressively motile sperm from ovulatory cervical mucus. These data indicate that ZB-06 is a viable contraceptive candidate warranting further development and testing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contraceptive vaccines are designed to stimulate autoimmune responses to molecules involved in the reproductive process. A mouse-specific peptide from zona pellucida 3 (mZP3) has been proposed as a target epitope. Here, we employed a plant expression system for the production of glycosylated mZP3 and evaluated the immunogenicity of plant-produced mZP3-based antigens in a female BALB/c mouse model. In the mZP3-1 antigen, mZP3 fused with a T-cell epitope of tetanus toxoid, a histidine tag, and a SEKDEL sequence. A fusion antigen (GFP-mZP3-1) and a polypeptide antigen containing three repeats of mZP3 (mZP3-3) were also examined. Glycosylation of mZP3 should be achieved by targeting proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum. Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of antigens resulted in successful production of mZP3 in Nicotiana benthamiana. Compared with mZP3-1, GFP-mZP3-1 and mZP3-3 increased the production of the mZP3 peptide by more than 20 and 25 times, respectively. The glycosylation of the proteins was indicated by their size and their binding to a carbohydrate-binding protein. Both plant-produced GFP-mZP3-1 and mZP3-3 antigens were immunogenic in mice; however, mZP3-3 generated significantly higher levels of serum antibodies against mZP3. Induced antibodies recognized native zona pellucida of wild mouse, and specific binding of antibodies to the oocytes was observed in immunohistochemical studies. Therefore, these preliminary results indicated that the plants can be an efficient system for the production of immunogenic mZP3 peptide, which may affect the fertility of wild mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stress responses can be triggered by several physical and social factors, prompting physiological reactions including increases in glucocorticoid concentrations. In a population of feral horses (Equus caballus) on Shackleford Banks, North Carolina, females previously immunized with the immunocontraceptive agent porcine zona pellucida (PZP) change social groups (bands) more often than unimmunized females, disrupting the social stability within the population. We assessed the effects of increased female group changing behavior (or female turnover) on individual male stress by comparing fecal cortisol metabolite (FCM) concentrations among stallions experiencing varying amounts of female group changing behavior. FCM concentrations did not significantly correlate with female turnover. Similarly, FCM concentrations were not dependent upon the timing of female group changing behavior. These findings suggest that female turnover rate has little influence on physiological measures of stress in associated stallions. That said, Shackleford stallions experiencing increased female turnover do engage in behaviors typically associated with stress (increased vigilance, highly escalated male-male conflicts). Future work should compare FCM concentrations across time within populations and among populations managed under different strategies to better isolate factors influencing stallion stress physiology. Such studies are especially important if we are to determine how changes in female behavior related to immunocontraception impact physiological and behavioral indicators of stress for non-target animals. Finally, our study highlights the importance of considering both physiological and behavioral measures when investigating animal responses to potentially challenging situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The world population is continuously growing. It has been estimated that half of the world\'s population is from the Asian continent, mainly from China and India. Overpopulation may lead to many societal problems as well as to changes in the habitat. Birth control measures are thus needed to control this growth. However, for the last 50-60 years, there have not been any improvements in the field of contraception. Nevertheless, the immunocontraceptive vaccine is an emerging field, and it might be the only replacement for the existing mode of contraception for the next millennium. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are frequent, and their transmission rate increases yearly. As antibiotics are the prevailing treatment for this kind of infections, resistance in humans has increased; therefore, having effective antibiotic treatments for STIs is now a concern. Vaccines against STIs are now needed. It is thought that the improvements in the fields of proteomics, immunomics, metabolomics, and other omics will help in the successful development of vaccines.
    UNASSIGNED: To collect and review the literature about recent advancements in immunocontraception and vaccines against sexually transmitted diseases/infections.
    UNASSIGNED: Reliable scientific databases, such as PubMed Central, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Goggle Scholar, were consulted. Publications bearing important information on targeted antigens/immunogens for contraceptive vaccine design and advancements in vaccine development for STIs were gathered and tabulated, and details were analyzed as per the theme of each study.
    UNASSIGNED: Important antigens that have a specific role in fertility have been studied extensively for their contraceptive nature. Additionally, the advancements in the screening for the best antigens, according to their antigenic nature and how they elicit immune responses for an extended period were also studied. Herd immunity for STIs and advancements in the development of vaccines for syphilis, gonorrhea, and herpes simplex virus were also studied and tabulated in this review. An extensive knowledge on STIs vaccines was gained.
    UNASSIGNED: This extensive review is aimed to provide insights for active researchers in vaccinology, immunology, and reproductive biology. Advancements in the development of vaccines for different STIs can be gathered as a wholesome report.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    •Increases in human-wildlife conflicts alongside cultural shifts against lethal control methods are driving the need for alternative wildlife management tools such as fertility control. Contraceptive formulations suitable for oral delivery would permit broader remote application in wildlife species.•This study evaluated the contraceptive effect and immune response to two novel injectable immunocontraceptive formulations targeting the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH): MAF-IMX294 and MAF-IMX294P conjugates, both identified as having potential as oral contraceptives. The study also explored whether in multiparous species immunocontraceptives may either totally prevent reproduction or also affect litter size.•Female rats, chosen as a model species, were given three doses of either MAF-IMX294 or MAF-IMX294P to compare anti-GnRH immune response and reproductive output up to 310 days post-treatment.•Both formulations induced anti-GnRH antibody titres in 100% of rats and significantly impaired fertility compared to control animals. Following treatment with MAF-IMX294 and MAF-IMX294P 0 of 9 and 1 of 10 females respectively produced litters following the first mating challenge 45 days post-treatment, compared to 9 of 9 control animals.•Across the whole 310 day study period 7 of 9 females from the MAF-IMX294 group and 10 of 10 females in the MAF-IMX294P group became fertile, producing at least one litter throughout six mating challenges.•No significant differences were found between the two formulations in antibody titre response or duration of contraceptive effect, with an average time to first pregnancy of 166 days for MAF-IMX294 and 177 days for MAF-IMX294P for all females that became fertile.•Following treatment with MAF-IMX294 and MAF-IMX294P the first litter produced post-infertility in treated females was significantly smaller than in control animals. This indicates treatment with immunocontraceptives may induce an overall suppression of fecundity extending past an initial infertility effect. This increases the potential long-term impact of these immunocontraceptives in multiparous species such as commensal rodents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Giraffe present unique contraception challenges as males persistently pursue females during estrus. Year-round pursuit during frequent recurring estrus can pose significant risk under slippery conditions. Complete ovarian suppression is a useful tool in giraffe because it eliminates estrous behavior, interest from the male, and controls reproduction. Effective reproduction control in giraffes has been achieved with porcine zona pellucida, oral melengestrol acetate, and depot medroxy-progesterone acetate. However, these methods allow some degree of folliculogenesis and estrous behavior. Improvest® is a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) immunological product that elicits antibodies against GnRH and abrogates the effects of endogenous GnRH. This study evaluated the efficacy of Improvest® for gonadal suppression in seven females and one male giraffe by monitoring steroid hormones. Seven female giraffe were treated intramuscularly with an initial dose, a booster at 4 weeks and maintenance boosters at 3-month intervals (600 µg/dose) for 12 months. Six females were on supplemental contraception during the induction phase because separation from males was not possible. In the male (treated with 400 µg), testosterone concentrations decreased after the second injection. However, even with low serum testosterone concentrations, mounting (of nontreated females) behavior was still observed occasionally. Ovarian activity was suppressed in all treated females and interest by the males stopped; supplemental contraceptives (during the induction phase) did not impede the effect of Improvest®. After 15.3 months (seven doses), Improvest® was discontinued in three females which no longer needed contraception. In these females, ovarian activity was noted approximately 90 days after the last dose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) regulates the reproductive endocrine system in mammals. The GnRH immunocontraception vaccine can aid animal population control and management. We evaluated a recombinant GnRH fusion protein with the adjuvant MONTANIDE ISA 206 VG as a GnRH vaccine in adult male ICR mice by evaluating anti-GnRH antibodies; concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone; testis size and histomorphology; and semen quality. Response was assessed after intramuscular administration of the vaccine to mice in weeks 0, 4, and 8. The vaccine induced specific antibody response by week 5, with peak of antibody levels observed by week 13 and a declining level thereafter until the end of the study at week 24. Furthermore, it reduced serum FSH, LH, and testosterone concentrations. The vaccinated mice exhibited testicular atrophy and reduced sperm quality, concentration, morphology, and viability compared to control males. The outcomes of pairings of treated males with untreated females revealed reduced mating, pregnancy rates and number of litters compared to control pairings. Assessment of this GnRH vaccine in different species could assist its development for future applications.






