Imbalanced data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The prediction of sepsis, especially early diagnosis, has received a significant attention in biomedical research. In order to improve current medical scoring system and overcome the limitations of class imbalance and sample size of local EHR (electronic health records), we propose a novel knowledge-transfer-based approach, which combines a medical scoring system and an ordinal logistic regression model.
    METHODS: Medical scoring systems (i.e. NEWS, SIRS and QSOFA) are generally robust and useful for sepsis diagnosis. With local EHR, machine-learning-based methods have been widely used for building prediction models/methods, but they are often impacted by class imbalance and sample size. Knowledge distillation and knowledge transfer have recently been proposed as a combination approach for improving the prediction performance and model generalization. In this study, we developed a novel knowledge-transfer-based method for combining a medical scoring system (after a proposed score transformation) and an ordinal logistic regression model. We mathematically confirmed that it was equivalent to a specific form of the weighted regression. Furthermore, we theoretically explored its effectiveness in the scenario of class imbalance.
    RESULTS: For the local dataset and the MIMIC-IV dataset, the VUS (the volume under the multi-dimensional ROC surface, a generalization measure of AUC-ROC for ordinal categories) of the knowledge-transfer-based model (ORNEWS) based on the NEWS scoring system were 0.384 and 0.339, respectively, while the VUS of the traditional ordinal regression model (OR) were 0.352 and 0.322, respectively. Consistent analysis results were also observed for the knowledge-transfer-based models based on the SIRS/QSOFA scoring systems in the ordinal scenarios. Additionally, the predicted probabilities and the binary classification ROC curves of the knowledge-transfer-based models indicated that this approach enhanced the predicted probabilities for the minority classes while reducing the predicted probabilities for the majority classes, which improved AUCs/VUSs on imbalanced data.
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge transfer, which combines a medical scoring system and a machine-learning-based model, improves the prediction performance for early diagnosis of sepsis, especially in the scenarios of class imbalance and limited sample size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Data imbalance is a pervasive issue in medical data mining, often leading to biased and unreliable predictive models. This study aims to address the urgent need for effective strategies to mitigate the impact of data imbalance on classification models. We focus on quantifying the effects of different imbalance degrees and sample sizes on model performance, identifying optimal cut-off values, and evaluating the efficacy of various methods to enhance model accuracy in highly imbalanced and small sample size scenarios.
    METHODS: We collected medical records of patients receiving assisted reproductive treatment in a reproductive medicine center. Random forest was used to screen the key variables for the prediction target. Various datasets with different imbalance degrees and sample sizes were constructed to compare the classification performance of logistic regression models. Metrics such as AUC, G-mean, F1-Score, Accuracy, Recall, and Precision were used for evaluation. Four imbalance treatment methods (SMOTE, ADASYN, OSS, and CNN) were applied to datasets with low positive rates and small sample sizes to assess their effectiveness.
    RESULTS: The logistic model\'s performance was low when the positive rate was below 10% but stabilized beyond this threshold. Similarly, sample sizes below 1200 yielded poor results, with improvement seen above this threshold. For robustness, the optimal cut-offs for positive rate and sample size were identified as 15% and 1500, respectively. SMOTE and ADASYN oversampling significantly improved classification performance in datasets with low positive rates and small sample sizes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study identifies a positive rate of 15% and a sample size of 1500 as optimal cut-offs for stable logistic model performance. For datasets with low positive rates and small sample sizes, SMOTE and ADASYN are recommended to improve balance and model accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) systems in healthcare are influenced by unbalanced datasets and varying sizes. This article delves into the impact of dataset size, class imbalance, and their interplay on CNN systems, focusing on the size of the training set versus imbalance-a unique perspective compared to the prevailing literature. Furthermore, it addresses scenarios with more than two classification groups, often overlooked but prevalent in practical settings.
    METHODS: Initially, a CNN was developed to classify lung diseases using X-ray images, distinguishing between healthy individuals and COVID-19 patients. Later, the model was expanded to include pneumonia patients. To evaluate performance, numerous experiments were conducted with varied data sizes and imbalance ratios for both binary and ternary classifications, measuring various indices to validate the model\'s efficacy.
    RESULTS: The study revealed that increasing dataset size positively impacts CNN performance, but this improvement saturates beyond a certain size. A novel finding is that the data balance ratio influences performance more significantly than dataset size. The behavior of three-class classification mirrored that of binary classification, underscoring the importance of balanced datasets for accurate classification.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasizes the fact that achieving balanced representation in datasets is crucial for optimal CNN performance in healthcare, challenging the conventional focus on dataset size. Balanced datasets improve classification accuracy, both in two-class and three-class scenarios, highlighting the need for data-balancing techniques to improve model reliability and effectiveness.
    BACKGROUND: Our study is motivated by a scenario with 100 patient samples, offering two options: a balanced dataset with 200 samples and an unbalanced dataset with 500 samples (400 healthy individuals). We aim to provide insights into the optimal choice based on the interplay between dataset size and imbalance, enriching the discourse for stakeholders interested in achieving optimal model performance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Recognizing a single model\'s generalizability limitations, we assert that further studies on diverse datasets are needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predictive modeling holds a large potential in clinical decision-making, yet its effectiveness can be hindered by inherent data imbalances in clinical datasets. This study investigates the utility of synthetic data for improving the performance of predictive modeling on realistic small imbalanced clinical datasets. We compared various synthetic data generation methods including Generative Adversarial Networks, Normalizing Flows, and Variational Autoencoders to the standard baselines for correcting for class underrepresentation on four clinical datasets. Although results show improvement in F1 scores in some cases, even over multiple repetitions, we do not obtain statistically significant evidence that synthetic data generation outperforms standard baselines for correcting for class imbalance. This study challenges common beliefs about the efficacy of synthetic data for data augmentation and highlights the importance of evaluating new complex methods against simple baselines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The enhancement of fabric quality prediction in the textile manufacturing sector is achieved by utilizing information derived from sensors within the Internet of Things (IoT) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems linked to sensors embedded in textile machinery. The integration of Industry 4.0 concepts is instrumental in harnessing IoT sensor data, which, in turn, leads to improvements in productivity and reduced lead times in textile manufacturing processes. This study addresses the issue of imbalanced data pertaining to fabric quality within the textile manufacturing industry. It encompasses an evaluation of seven open-source automated machine learning (AutoML) technologies, namely FLAML (Fast Lightweight AutoML), AutoViML (Automatically Build Variant Interpretable ML models), EvalML (Evaluation Machine Learning), AutoGluon, H2OAutoML, PyCaret, and TPOT (Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool). The most suitable solutions are chosen for certain circumstances by employing an innovative approach that finds a compromise among computational efficiency and forecast accuracy. The results reveal that EvalML emerges as the top-performing AutoML model for a predetermined objective function, particularly excelling in terms of mean absolute error (MAE). On the other hand, even with longer inference periods, AutoGluon performs better than other methods in measures like mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), root mean squared error (RMSE), and r-squared. Additionally, the study explores the feature importance rankings provided by each AutoML model, shedding light on the attributes that significantly influence predictive outcomes. Notably, sin/cos encoding is found to be particularly effective in characterizing categorical variables with a large number of unique values. This study includes useful information about the application of AutoML in the textile industry and provides a roadmap for employing Industry 4.0 technologies to enhance fabric quality prediction. The research highlights the importance of striking a balance between predictive accuracy and computational efficiency, emphasizes the significance of feature importance for model interpretability, and lays the groundwork for future investigations in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Applying machine-learning techniques for imbalanced data sets presents a significant challenge in materials science since the underrepresented characteristics of minority classes are often buried by the abundance of unrelated characteristics in majority of classes. Existing approaches to address this focus on balancing the counts of each class using oversampling or synthetic data generation techniques. However, these methods can lead to loss of valuable information or overfitting. Here, we introduce a deep learning framework to predict minority-class materials, specifically within the realm of metal-insulator transition (MIT) materials. The proposed approach, termed boosting-CGCNN, combines the crystal graph convolutional neural network (CGCNN) model with a gradient-boosting algorithm. The model effectively handled extreme class imbalances in MIT material data by sequentially building a deeper neural network. The comparative evaluations demonstrated the superior performance of the proposed model compared to other approaches. Our approach is a promising solution for handling imbalanced data sets in materials science.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Under- or late identification of pulmonary embolism (PE)-a thrombosis of 1 or more pulmonary arteries that seriously threatens patients\' lives-is a major challenge confronting modern medicine.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to establish accurate and informative machine learning (ML) models to identify patients at high risk for PE as they are admitted to the hospital, before their initial clinical checkup, by using only the information in their medical records.
    METHODS: We collected demographics, comorbidities, and medications data for 2568 patients with PE and 52,598 control patients. We focused on data available prior to emergency department admission, as these are the most universally accessible data. We trained an ML random forest algorithm to detect PE at the earliest possible time during a patient\'s hospitalization-at the time of his or her admission. We developed and applied 2 ML-based methods specifically to address the data imbalance between PE and non-PE patients, which causes misdiagnosis of PE.
    RESULTS: The resulting models predicted PE based on age, sex, BMI, past clinical PE events, chronic lung disease, past thrombotic events, and usage of anticoagulants, obtaining an 80% geometric mean value for the PE and non-PE classification accuracies. Although on hospital admission only 4% (1942/46,639) of the patients had a diagnosis of PE, we identified 2 clustering schemes comprising subgroups with more than 61% (705/1120 in clustering scheme 1; 427/701 and 340/549 in clustering scheme 2) positive patients for PE. One subgroup in the first clustering scheme included 36% (705/1942) of all patients with PE who were characterized by a definite past PE diagnosis, a 6-fold higher prevalence of deep vein thrombosis, and a 3-fold higher prevalence of pneumonia, compared with patients of the other subgroups in this scheme. In the second clustering scheme, 2 subgroups (1 of only men and 1 of only women) included patients who all had a past PE diagnosis and a relatively high prevalence of pneumonia, and a third subgroup included only those patients with a past diagnosis of pneumonia.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study established an ML tool for early diagnosis of PE almost immediately upon hospital admission. Despite the highly imbalanced scenario undermining accurate PE prediction and using information available only from the patient\'s medical history, our models were both accurate and informative, enabling the identification of patients already at high risk for PE upon hospital admission, even before the initial clinical checkup was performed. The fact that we did not restrict our patients to those at high risk for PE according to previously published scales (eg, Wells or revised Genova scores) enabled us to accurately assess the application of ML on raw medical data and identify new, previously unidentified risk factors for PE, such as previous pulmonary disease, in general populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to develop comprehensive quality assurance models for procedural outcomes after adult cardiac surgery.
    METHODS: Based on 52,792 cardiac operations in adults performed in 19 hospitals of 3 high-performing hospital systems, models were developed for operative mortality (n = 1271), stroke (n = 895), deep sternal wound infection (n = 122), prolonged intubation (6182), renal failure (1265), prolonged postoperative stay (n = 5418), and reoperations (n = 1693). Random forest quantile classification, a method tailored for challenges of rare events, and model-free variable priority screening were used to identify predictors of events.
    RESULTS: A small set of preoperative variables was sufficient to model procedural outcomes for virtually all cardiac operations, including older age; advanced symptoms; left ventricular, pulmonary, renal, and hepatic dysfunction; lower albumin; higher acuity; and greater complexity of the planned operation. Geometric mean performance ranged from .63 to .76. Calibration covered large areas of probability. Continuous risk factors provided high information content, and their association with outcomes was visualized with partial plots. These risk factors differed in strength and configuration among hospitals, as did their risk-adjusted outcomes according to patient risk as determined by counterfactual causal inference within a framework of virtual (digital) twins.
    CONCLUSIONS: By using a small set of variables and contemporary machine-learning methods, comprehensive models for procedural operative mortality and major morbidity after adult cardiac surgery were developed based on data from 3 exemplary hospital systems. They provide surgeons, their patients, and hospital systems with 21st century tools for assessing their risks compared with these advanced hospital systems and improving cardiac surgery quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis spondylitis (TS), commonly known as Pott\'s disease, is a severe type of skeletal tuberculosis that typically requires surgical treatment. However, this treatment option has led to an increase in healthcare costs due to prolonged hospital stays (PLOS). Therefore, identifying risk factors associated with extended PLOS is necessary. In this research, we intended to develop an interpretable machine learning model that could predict extended PLOS, which can provide valuable insights for treatments and a web-based application was implemented.
    METHODS: We obtained patient data from the spine surgery department at our hospital. Extended postoperative length of stay (PLOS) refers to a hospitalization duration equal to or exceeding the 75th percentile following spine surgery. To identify relevant variables, we employed several approaches, such as the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), recursive feature elimination (RFE) based on support vector machine classification (SVC), correlation analysis, and permutation importance value. Several models using implemented and some of them are ensembled using soft voting techniques. Models were constructed using grid search with nested cross-validation. The performance of each algorithm was assessed through various metrics, including the AUC value (area under the curve of receiver operating characteristics) and the Brier Score. Model interpretation involved utilizing methods such as Shapley additive explanations (SHAP), the Gini Impurity Index, permutation importance, and local interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME). Furthermore, to facilitate the practical application of the model, a web-based interface was developed and deployed.
    RESULTS: The study included a cohort of 580 patients and 11 features include (CRP, transfusions, infusion volume, blood loss, X-ray bone bridge, X-ray osteophyte, CT-vertebral destruction, CT-paravertebral abscess, MRI-paravertebral abscess, MRI-epidural abscess, postoperative drainage) were selected. Most of the classifiers showed better performance, where the XGBoost model has a higher AUC value (0.86) and lower Brier Score (0.126). The XGBoost model was chosen as the optimal model. The results obtained from the calibration and decision curve analysis (DCA) plots demonstrate that XGBoost has achieved promising performance. After conducting tenfold cross-validation, the XGBoost model demonstrated a mean AUC of 0.85 ± 0.09. SHAP and LIME were used to display the variables\' contributions to the predicted value. The stacked bar plots indicated that infusion volume was the primary contributor, as determined by Gini, permutation importance (PFI), and the LIME algorithm.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our methods not only effectively predicted extended PLOS but also identified risk factors that can be utilized for future treatments. The XGBoost model developed in this study is easily accessible through the deployed web application and can aid in clinical research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many problems in biology require looking for a \"needle in a haystack,\" corresponding to a binary classification where there are a few positives within a much larger set of negatives, which is referred to as a class imbalance. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the associated area under the curve (AUC) have been reported as ill-suited to evaluate prediction performance on imbalanced problems where there is more interest in performance on the positive minority class, while the precision-recall (PR) curve is preferable. We show via simulation and a real case study that this is a misinterpretation of the difference between the ROC and PR spaces, showing that the ROC curve is robust to class imbalance, while the PR curve is highly sensitive to class imbalance. Furthermore, we show that class imbalance cannot be easily disentangled from classifier performance measured via PR-AUC.





