
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With an ongoing transition towards the use of Light Emitting Diodes, more knowledge is needed on which light settings optimise sustainability parameters in pig production. We studied the effects of four light intensities on social, environmental and economic sustainability indicators, including ammonia emissions, space use, pen fouling, weight gain, carcass quality, perception of the stockkeeper, costs of the light system, and use of drinking water, electricity and medicines. Light treatments included a low (45 lux), medium (198 lux) and high (968 lux) uniform intensity, and a spatial gradient treatment ranging from 71 lux in the front to 330 lux in the back of each pen. The latter treatment aimed to improve the space use of functional areas. A total of 448 growing-finishing pigs were studied on a commercial farm using two consecutive batches of four rooms containing eight pens with seven pigs. Light intensity influenced some aspects of space use and pen fouling. For example, the proportion of pigs lying in the resting area was higher in the high and medium light intensity treatment than in the low intensity and gradient treatment. Moreover, the high-intensity treatment resulted in more fouling with faeces in the feeding area compared with the low-intensity and the gradient treatment. Ammonia emissions were higher in the gradient than in the low intensity treatment (not measured in medium and high intensity treatment). Furthermore, light intensity did not affect weight gain, carcass quality, water use and medicine use. The stockkeeper was content to work in all light conditions, but slightly preferred the medium intensity due to optimal visibility. Concerning economic performance, the costs of the light system and electricity use increased in the following order: low intensity, gradient, medium intensity, and high intensity. In conclusion, contrary to expectation the spatial gradient did not notably improve space use or reduce pen fouling, but rather increased ammonia emissions in comparison with uniform light. This is likely because the gradient could not be applied in an optimal way in the existing housing conditions. Among the other sustainability indicators, mainly electricity use and costs of the light system differed per treatment. These aspects can be improved by further optimising the number of light sources needed per pen to achieve the targeted intensities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spectral differences in ambient light can affect animal behavior and convey crucial information about an individual\'s environment. The ability to perceive and respond to differences in ambient light varies widely by taxa and is shaped by a species\' ecology. Mexican jumping bean moths, Cydia saltitans, spend their entire larval period encased in fallen host seeds and contend with potentially lethal environmental temperatures when host seeds are in direct sunlight. We investigate if and how C. saltitans larvae in host seeds respond to lighting conditions associated with these thermal risks. In a temperature-controlled experiment, we identified that larvae demonstrated distinct behavioral (\"jumping\") responses corresponding to four lighting treatments (white, red, green, and purple), despite extremely minimal light penetration through host seed walls. Red light induced the greatest larval activity (measured by probability of movement and by displacement from origin), suggesting that larvae have mechanisms to perceive low levels of red light and/or to detect subtle increases in heat produced by red/near infrared-biased light spectra, possibly providing them with an early-warning mechanism against thermal stress. Our findings highlight the interplay of environmental lighting, behavior, and potential thermosensory adaptations in a species with a visually constrained environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Light is the primary source of energy and regulates seasonal changes in physiology and behavior. The role of photoperiod has been much investigated in several bird species, but the role of illumination in seasonal adaptations of passerine finches is less understood. We, therefore, investigated the effects of photoperiod and illuminance on migratory physiology in a Palearctic-Indian migratory finch, redheaded bunting (Emberiza bruncieps).
    METHODS: Photosensitive buntings maintained under short days (8L:16D) were divided into three groups receiving 5, 25, and 100 lux of white daytime illuminance, respectively. Thereafter, using photoperiodic manipulation three life history states, i.e., nonmigratory (NM), premigratory (PM), and migratory (MIG) states were induced in the buntings. The birds in the MIG state were consecutively perfused after seven nights of Zugunruhe (nighttime migratory restlessness) for neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunohistochemistry, which is involved in a wide range of functions including energy homeostasis, vision, and fat deposition in birds.
    RESULTS: We found differential effects of illuminance on locomotor activity and physiology. Photostimulated birds showed intense nighttime activity in the MIG state. We observed premigratory hyperphagia in the birds, with increased food intake in the 100 lux group, which was reflected in the body mass gain in the MIG state. NPY expression on the periphery of the nucleus rotundus suggests its potential role in visual acuity, where the NPY-cell count significantly decreased under 25 lux illumination.
    CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that migrating birds may also experience physiological effects from changes in daytime illumination. We observed illuminance-dependent variations in the quantity of food consumed by the birds. It indicates that the illuminance may also impact the encephalic centers that control food intake.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Moving boundaries of electrical double layers have shown promising capability in driving directional electron flows in solids, leading to a range of hydrovoltaic effects. The recent discovery of a photohydrovoltaic phenomenon utilizes a moving illumination zone to generate moving boundaries with different properties at the solid-water interface, referred to as the kinetic photovoltaic effect. Here, oxygen was found to act as a chemical switch to turn on and off the kinetic photovoltaic effect. Introducing oxygen would rapidly diminish the kinetic photovoltage in p-Si. On the contrary, degassing oxygen leads to a gradual recovery, whose rate can be facilely speeded up by more than one order through electrostatic gating. Mechanistic investigations of the oxygen switch behavior uncovered a dependence of surface band bending intensity of silicon on oxygen adsorption, which highlights the role of gas molecules, often overlooked, in applications based on semiconductor-liquid interfaces, such as photoelectrochemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Illumination characteristics of flexible ureteroscopes have been evaluated in air, but not in saline, the native operative medium for endourology. The aim was to evaluate light properties of contemporary ureteroscopes in air versus saline, light distribution analysis, and color temperature.
    METHODS: We evaluated the Storz Flex-Xc and Flex-X2s, Olympus V3 and P7, Pusen 7.5F and 9.2F, and OTU WiScope using a 3D printed black target board in-vitro model submerged in saline. A spectrometer was used for lux and color temperature measurements at different opening locations.
    RESULTS: Illuminance was higher in saline compared to air (5679 vs. 5205 lx with Flex-Xc, p = 0.02). Illuminance in saline differed between ureteroscopes (ANOVA p < 0.001), with highest for the Flex-Xc at 100% brightness setting (5679 lx), followed by Pusen 9.2F (5280 lx), Flex-X2s (4613 lx), P7 (4371 lx), V3 (2374 lx), WiScope (582 lx) and finally Pusen 7.5F (255 lx). The same ranking was found at 50% brightness setting, with the highest ureteroscope illuminance value 34 times that of the scope with lowest illuminance. Most scopes had maximum illuminance off center, with skewness. Three scopes had two light sources, with one light source for all other scopes. Inter-scope comparisons revealed significant differences of color temperature (ANOVA p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates the presence of inhomogeneous light spread as well as large differences in illumination properties of ureteroscopes, possibly impacting on the performance of individual scopes in vivo. Additionally, the study suggests that future studies on illumination characteristics of flexible ureteroscopes should ideally be done in saline, and no longer in air.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local actions of stressors induce electrical signals (ESs), influencing photosynthetic processes and probably increasing tolerance to adverse factors in higher plants. However, the participation of well-known depolarization ESs (action potentials and variation potentials) in these responses seems to be rare under natural conditions, particularly in the case of variation potentials, which are induced by extreme stressors (e.g., burning). Earlier, we showed that the local action of moderate heating and illumination can induce low-amplitude hyperpolarization ESs influencing photosynthetic light reactions in wheat plants cultivated in a vegetation room. In the current work, we analyzed ESs and changes in photosynthetic light reactions and drought tolerance that were induced by a combination of moderate heating and illumination in wheat plants cultivated under open-ground conditions. It was shown that the local heating and illumination induced low-amplitude ESs, and the type of signal (depolarization or hyperpolarization) was dependent on distance from the irritated zone and wheat age. Induction of depolarization ESs was not accompanied by photosynthetic changes in plants under favorable conditions or under weak drought. In contrast, the changes were observed after induction of these signals under moderate drought. Increasing drought tolerance was also observed in the last case. Thus, low-amplitude ESs can participate in photosynthetic regulation and increase tolerance to drought in plants cultivated under open-ground conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sunlight illumination has the potential to control the stability and sustainability of dynamic membrane (DM) systems. In this study, an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was combined with DM under different illumination positions (direct, indirect and no illumination) to treat wastewater. Results indicated that the UASB achieved a COD removal up to 87.05 % with an average methane production of 0.28 L/d. Following treatment by the UASB, it was found that under illumination, the removal of organic substances by DM exhibited poor performance due to algal proliferation. However, the DM systems demonstrated efficient removal of ammonia nitrogen, ranging from 96.21 % to 97.67 % after stabilization. Total phosphorus removal was 45.72 %, and membrane flux remained stable when directly illuminated. Conversely, the DM system subjected to indirect illumination showed unstable membrane flux and severe fouling resistance. These findings offer valuable insights into optimizing illumination positions in DM systems under anaerobic conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The daily light/dark cycle affects animals\' learning, memory, and cognition. Exposure to insufficient daylight illumination negatively impacts emotion and cognition, leading to seasonal affective disorder characterized by depression, anxiety, low motivation, and cognitive impairment in diurnal animals. However, how this affects memory, learning, and cognition in nocturnal rodents is largely unknown. Here, we studied the effect of daytime light illuminance on memory, learning, cognition, and expression of mRNA levels in the hippocampus, thalamus, and cortex, the higher-order learning centers. Two experiments were performed. In experiment one, rats were exposed to 12 L:12D (12 h light and 12 h dark) with a 10, 100, or 1000 lx daytime light illuminance. After 30 days, various behavioral tests (novel object recognition test, hole board test, elevated plus maze test, radial arm maze, and passive avoidance test) were performed. In experiment 2, rats since birth were raised either under constant bright light (250 lx; LL) or a daily light-dark cycle (12 L:12D). After four months, behavioral tests (novel object recognition test, hole board test, elevated plus maze test, radial arm maze, passive avoidance test, Morris water maze, and Y-maze tests) were performed. At the end of experiments, rats were sampled, and mRNA expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (Bdnf), Tyrosine kinase (Trk), microRNA132 (miR132), Neurogranin (Ng), Growth Associated Protein 43 (Gap-43), cAMP Response Element-Binding Protein (Crebp), Glycogen synthase kinase-3β (Gsk3β), and Tumour necrosis factor-α (Tnf-α) were measured in the hippocampus, cortex, and thalamus of individual rats. Our results show that exposure to bright daylight (100 and 1000 lx; experiment 1) or constant light (experiment 2) compromises memory, learning, and cognition. Suppressed expression levels of these mRNA were also observed in the hypothalamus, cortex, and thalamus. These results suggest that light affects differently to different groups of animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Keyhole approaches, performed with the endoscope, microscope, or exoscope, aim to minimize tissue traumatization while maximizing surgical view. The exoscope can provide better ergonomics than the microscope without restricting the space inside of the keyhole, as when using the endoscope. However, a frequently quoted reason for intraoperative exoscope-to-microscope conversion is the absence of sufficient light. In this video, the authors present 4 patients who underwent posterior fossa keyhole surgery without intraoperative conversion. The surgical objective was achieved in all patients without associated morbidity. After adequate adaptation, the exoscope allows sufficient light in the surgical field to perform safe keyhole surgery. The video can be found here:






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When seeing an object in a scene, the presumption of seeing that object from a general viewpoint (as opposed to an accidental viewpoint) is a useful heuristic to decide which of many interpretations of this object is correct. Similar heuristic assumptions on illumination quality might also be used for scene interpretation. Here we tested that assumption and asked if illumination information helps determine object properties when seen from an accidental viewpoint. Test objects were placed on a flat surface and illumination was varied while keeping the objects\' images constant. Observers judged the shape or rigidity of static or moving simple objects presented in accidental view. They also chose which of two seemingly very similar faces was familiar. We found: (1) Objects might appear flat without shadow information but were perceived to be volumetric objects or non-planar in the presence of cast shadows. (2) Apparently non-rigid objects became rigid with shadow information. (3) Shading and shadows helped to infer which of two face was the familiar one. Previous results had shown that cast shadows help determine spatial layout of objects. Our study shows that other properties of objects like rigidity or 3D-shape can be disambiguated by shadow information.





