Illness narrative

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drawing on Arthur Frank\'s conceptualization of narrative repair, we consider how pediatric oncology nurses restore and re-story the narratives of patients and families whose biographies have been thrown off course by the diagnosis and death of a child from cancer, as well as their own narratives as caregivers. Frank argued that when one\'s life story is shipwrecked by chronic or life-threatening illness, storytelling is way to reorient one\'s biography to a new ending, repairing the narrative wreckage created by the illness experience. In this critical narrative study with nine pediatric oncology nurses in Ontario, Canada, we highlight how, through physical, narrative, and moral proximity, nurses become entwined in their patients\' and families\' illness narratives, and how developing this narrative knowledge provides nurses with opportunities to steer families onto new terrain. As well, we examine how nurses re-story and repair their own identities as \"good\" caregivers in situations when they are prevented from acting on behalf of their pediatric cancer patients. These findings contribute to literature on illness narratives by considering narrative repair as a relational process enacted as part of pediatric oncology caregiving.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The process of referral, assessment, and diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) within the UK is often protracted. Given that parents are frequently the instigators of the diagnostic process, understanding the experience of parents is important. Drawing on findings from a longitudinal study, this article explores how the parental experience of the ADHD diagnostic journey includes three significant and distinct forms of \'illness work\'. Twenty-one semi-structured serial interviews were conducted over a 2-year period with seven parents of children on the ADHD diagnostic journey in North East England. We present three significant forms of parental illness work: (1) The \'diagnostic quest\', parental work recognising and fighting for their children\'s needs and selfhood, seeking diagnosis and engaging with systems, (2) \'self-biographical illness work\', the personal parental biographical response to the diagnostic journey and (3) \'child biographical illness work and recontextualizing the child\', parental biographical adjustment and recontextualisation of their children. We advance Rasmussen et al.\'s (2021) model by demonstrating its usefulness in understanding how parents with a personal ADHD diagnosis experience biographical disruption or cohesion in response to their children\'s diagnosis. That a child\'s diagnosis leads parents with ADHD to experience a self-biographical cohesive or disruptive response is a unique and significant finding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, several countries declared \"states of exception,\" that is, authorized legal devices that, in the face of circumstances deemed catastrophic, permit the implementation of extraordinary measures and the temporary suspension of some rights in order to restore the previous state of affairs as soon as possible. This paper offers a comparative textual analysis of the different states of exception declared in the USA, France, and Spain. I argue that these texts constitute a privileged site to explore how prevalent global political logics and mainstream discourses on illness are interwoven. Regarding the global political logics in play, I hold that these declarations constitute an instantiation of democracy\'s autoimmune character; it attacks itself in order to protect itself. Regarding mainstream discourses on illness, I explore how illness is regarded as a threat to one\'s self (by something seemingly other) and the notion that therapy must consist of securing the self\'s triumph over anything seemingly other. This twofold analysis reveals that an aporetic dialectic between self and other-as regards politics and illness-operates in these declarations, most likely because it is, in fact, one and the same dialectic, upon which Western epistemology rests. Furthermore, I suggest that these texts reflect and promote these dominant logics, contributing to shape human relationships around the globe in a certain dangerous way.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study used the McGill Illness Narrative Interview (MINI) to explore patients\' (n = 6) and caregivers\' (n = 3) narratives about how they identified and sought care for psychosis. Participants were recruited from an outpatient clinic at the Hospital Psiquiátrico Dr. Rafael Serrano, a public psychiatric hospital in Puebla, Mexico. All participants consented to complete semi-structured interviews in Spanish. Thematic analyses were used to inductively identify common themes in participants\' narratives. The results indicated that during the initial symptom onset, most participants noticed the presence of hallucinations but did not seek help for this hallmark symptom. Participants described seeking care only when they or their ill relative exhibited escalating aggressive behaviors or physical symptoms that were interpreted as common medical problems. As participants became connected to specialty mental health services, they began to develop a conceptualization of psychosis as a disorder of aggression. For some participants, this conceptualization of psychosis as an illness of aggression contributed to their ambivalence about the diagnosis. These results can be understood using a cultural scripts framework, which suggests that cultural norms are influenced by collective understandings of normalcy and valorization of behaviors. Implications for community campaigns are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The complexities surrounding aging, dementia, and care are timely issues that transcend beyond institutional boundaries, evincing a critical debate on later life across disciplines. The aim of this study is to offer fresh insights into the intricate paradigms of living and growing older with dementia. The study focuses on the Nobel Prize-winning author Annie Ernaux\'s memoir I Remain in Darkness (1999), which provides a candid account of her mother\'s journey through dementia from its onset to the gradual decline.
    This article employs the theoretical frameworks of literary gerontology, illness narratives and life writing to address the challenges of aging, dementia and care that are represented in Ernaux\'s memoir. It also addresses societal attitudes and stigma associated with aging and dementia by exploring the embarrassment that individuals and families experience when confronted with the deteriorating mental health of their loved ones.
    Ernaux\'s memoir explores the nuances of dementia and caregiving within both the familial and institutional context, and sheds light on the complex relationship between a mother and a daughter. Through the act of witnessing, Ernaux embarks on a path of healing, which allows her to confront her past wounds and better navigate the challenges that lie ahead. However, Ernaux\'s confessional memoir also troubles the ethics of life writing and identity issues, and seems to perpetuate the pathologizing medical gaze through the exposure of her mother\'s vulnerability and intimacy in the face of dementia and care.
    Ernaux\'s account of her mother\'s dementia and aging is both a confessional piece of writing and a narrative therapy, which reveals the challenges of aging, illness, and unresolved family tensions. Her work illuminates the interconnectedness between the past, present, and future, and shows that illness narratives can act as a catalyst for transformative change, identity formation, and self-reflection. The article addresses the intricacies of old age, showcasing how life writing and humanities-based inquiry can bring to the fore key aspects of the latest stages in life, which are often unvoiced because they represent the most unpleasant and feared aspects of aging in contemporary society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long COVID affects millions of individuals worldwide but remains poorly understood and contested. This article turns to accounts of patients\' experiences to ask: What might narrative be doing both to long COVID and for those who live with the condition? What particular narrative strategies were present in 2020, as millions of people became ill, en masse, with a novel virus, which have prevailed three years after the first lockdowns? And what can this tell us about illness and narrative and about the importance of literary critical approaches to the topic in a digital, post-pandemic age? Through a close reading of journalist Lucy Adams\'s autobiographical accounts of long COVID, this article explores the interplay between individual illness narratives and the collective narrativizing (or making) of an illness. Our focus on temporality and suffering knits together the phenomenological and the social with the aim of opening up Adams\'s narrative and ascertaining a deeper understanding of what it means to live with the condition. Finally, we look to the stories currently circulating around long COVID and consider how illness narratives-and open, curious, patient-centered approaches to them-might shape medicine, patient involvement, and critical medical humanities research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Today, a majority of children diagnosed with cancer are expected to grow up and live-hopefully until old age. Still, knowledge of the lived experience of childhood cancer survivors is sparse. In pursuit of knowledge expansion, by combining my intersecting roles as an academic, educational counselor, and childhood cancer survivor, I approach my personal illness narrative. By means of evocative autoethnography, I write intentionally vulnerably about my experiences and make them available for consideration. I explore my narrative through archives, artifacts, memories of the past, and conversations evoked in the present. I re-visit the cultural landscape of a southern Norwegian girl growing up in the 00s with cancer. Through this, my illness narrative presents as positioned, tangled, and interwoven with a developmental trajectory. Specific educational experiences seem to linger, and many are related to being absent from or re-entering school after the onset of illness. To grasp the intersecting and conflicting experiences of being very ill while also young, I suggest Erik Erikson\'s moratorium as a key concept. To complement Arthur Frank\'s illness narratives of restitution, chaos, and quest, I establish the moratorium narrative. As a fresh resource, the moratorium narrative underlines the need to make sensitive our academic community\'s gaze on illness trajectories unfolding in formative phases and illness narratives defined by growing up. By providing a point of recognition that prompts elaboration, this could also provide the young and very ill with a much-needed narrative space of opportunity, of which more narratives are invited and insisted upon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The field of cancer care still lacks best practices in communication. Few postgraduate training programs offer formal training to develop such skills. The patient partnership has been used in medical education to increase the sensitivity of the subjective experiences of patients. In our Canadian center, residents and patient-partners participated in an educational workshop on communication focusing on patient\'s narrative. The aim of this pilot qualitative study was to explore the experiences of participants in the workshop. Using theoretical sampling, we recruited 6 residents and 6 patient-partners. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and transcribed. A thematic analysis was performed. From analysis, 4 themes emerged: (1) lack of communication skills training; (2) barriers to effective communication in cancer care; (3) the empathy of patient-partners towards the communication challenges faced by residents; and (4) the participants\' reactions to the workshop. Based on our findings, our communication skills workshop centered on narrative medicine and involving patient-partners appears feasible. Future research could study its pedagogical value and the optimal learning environment required.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The French pill scare is usually presented as a \"media debate\" triggered by the case of Marion Larat, a young woman who suffered a stroke attributed to the pill she was taking. This article intends to focus on a practice that preceded, accompanied, and followed this health scare: the publication of online testimonies of thrombotic reactions posted on the website of the French Association of Victims of Pulmonary Embolism and Stroke Associated with Hormonal Contraception (Avep). Through a discourse analysis, we intend to analyze these online public self-reports as an activist practice aimed at criticizing the dominant medical discourse on contraception. Four discursive frames emerged: unpreparedness of women and doctors, denial of blame and search for the cause, breaking the silence and building solidarity, and collective action. The first two frames concern the process women put in place to obtain the right to speak about and criticize a medical practice. The right to speak is achieved through a concise narrative style focusing on facts, bodily manifestations, and risk factors. The second pair refers to the formation of pill victims as subjects with an ambivalent status and ephemeral agency. The testimonies build what we call \"lone solidarity\", that is, the creation of a social bond and action around a common experience of witnessing medical injustice that develops without any exchange between members. This proves to be inclusive and viral, but at the same time fiercely anti-representational with respect to political struggles or social identification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many of those teaching at the intersection of medicine and the humanities are siloed within institutional spaces. This essay recounts the teaching of Sarah Manguso\'s The Two Kinds of Decay to students across different academic contexts and considers what we can learn when we put classrooms in conversation with each other. This essay argues for the value of texts like Manguso\'s, which explicitly hold the narrating subject and form of illness narrative up for critical examination. The authors call for more collaborative teaching, which has special resonance in the health humanities, where conversations already depend on bridging disciplines and listening to the stories others can tell.





