IgG, Immunoglobulin

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The microscopic tumor extension before, during or after radiochemotherapy (RCHT) and its correlation with the tumor microenvironment (TME) are presently unknown. This information is, however, crucial in the era of image-guided, adaptive high-precision photon or particle therapy.
    UNASSIGNED: In this pilot study, we analyzed formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumor resection specimen from patients with histologically confirmed squamous cell carcinoma (SCC; n = 10) or adenocarcinoma (A; n = 10) of the esophagus, having undergone neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy followed by resection (NRCHT + R) or resection (R)]. FFPE tissue sections were analyzed by immunohistochemistry regarding tumor hypoxia (HIF-1α), proliferation (Ki67), immune status (PD1), cancer cell stemness (CXCR4), and p53 mutation status. Marker expression in HIF-1α subvolumes was part of a sub-analysis. Statistical analyses were performed using one-sided Mann-Whitney tests and Bland-Altman analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: In both SCC and AC patients, the overall percentages of positive tumor cells among the five TME markers, namely HIF-1α, Ki67, p53, CXCR4 and PD1 after NRCHT were lower than in the R cohort. However, only PD1 in SCC and Ki67 in AC showed significant association (Ki67: p = 0.03, PD1: p = 0.02). In the sub-analysis of hypoxic subvolumes among the AC patients, the percentage of positive tumor cells within hypoxic regions were statistically significantly lower in the NRCHT than in the R cohort across all the markers except for PD1.
    UNASSIGNED: In this pilot study, we showed changes in the TME induced by NRCHT in both SCC and AC. These findings will be correlated with microscopic tumor extension measurements in a subsequent cohort of patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-operative adhesions, a common complication of surgery, cause pain, impair organ functionality, and often require additional surgical interventions. Control of inflammation, protection of injured tissue, and rapid tissue repair are critical for adhesion prevention. Adhesion barriers are biomaterials used to prevent adhesions by physical separation of opposing injured tissues. Current adhesion barriers have poor anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerative properties. Umbilical cord tissue (UT), a part of the placenta, is inherently soft, conforming, biocompatible, and biodegradable, with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic properties, making it an attractive alternative to currently available adhesion barriers. While use of fresh tissue is preferable, availability and short storage time limit its clinical use. A viable cryopreserved UT (vCUT) \"point of care\" allograft has recently become available. vCUT retains the extracellular matrix, growth factors, and native viable cells with the added advantage of a long shelf life at -80 °C. In this study, vCUT\'s anti-adhesion property was evaluated in a rabbit abdominal adhesion model. The cecum was abraded on two opposing sides, and vCUT was sutured to the abdominal wall on the treatment side; whereas the contralateral side of the abdomen served as an internal untreated control. Gross and histological evaluation was performed at 7, 28, and 67 days post-surgery. No adhesions were detectable on the vCUT treated side at all time points. Histological scores for adhesion, inflammation, and fibrosis were lower on the vCUT treated side as compared to the control side. In conclusion, the data supports the use of vCUT as an adhesion barrier in surgical procedures.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuropathologic investigations in acute liver failure (ALF) reveal significant alterations to neuroglia consisting of swelling of astrocytes leading to cytotoxic brain edema and intracranial hypertension as well as activation of microglia indicative of a central neuroinflammatory response. Increased arterial ammonia concentrations in patients with ALF are predictors of patients at risk for the development of brain herniation. Molecular and spectroscopic techniques in ALF reveal alterations in expression of an array of genes coding for neuroglial proteins involved in cell volume regulation and mitochondrial function as well as in the transport of neurotransmitter amino acids and in the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Liver-brain pro-inflammatory signaling mechanisms involving transduction of systemically-derived cytokines, ammonia neurotoxicity and exposure to increased brain lactate have been proposed. Mild hypothermia and N-Acetyl cysteine have both hepato-protective and neuro-protective properties in ALF. Potentially effective anti-inflammatory agents aimed at control of encephalopathy and brain edema in ALF include etanercept and the antibiotic minocycline, a potent inhibitor of microglial activation. Translation of these potentially-interesting findings to the clinic is anxiously awaited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The goal is to elucidate the immune modulating activity of an adenovirus (Adv) vector which showed therapeutic activity in human clinical trials. The oncolytic adenovirus (Adv/CD-TK) expressing two suicide genes was tested in two HER2/neu positive BALB/c mouse mammary tumor systems: rat neu-induced TUBO and human HER2-transfected D2F2/E2. Intra-tumoral (i.t.) Adv/CD-TK injection of TUBO tumor plus systemic prodrug therapy showed limited antitumor activity, not exceeding that by the virus itself. Antibody (Ab) to the virus was induced in Adv-/Luc-treated mice, to coincide with the loss of transgene expression. Low replication activity of adenoviruses in rodent cells may limit viral persistence. Host immunity against Adv or Adv-infected cells further mutes suicide gene activity. Treatment of TUBO tumors with Adv/CD-TK alone, however, induced neu-specific Ab responses. Treatment with Adv/CD-TK/GM (Adv/GM) that also expressed mouse granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), but without prodrug treatment, delayed tumor growth, enhanced anti-neu Ab production and conferred complete protection against secondary tumor challenge. D2F2/E2 tumor-bearing mice showed decreased tumor growth following i.t. Adv/GM treatment and they generated greater HER2-specific T-cell responses. These data suggest that i.t. injection of Adv itself induces immune reactivity to tumor-associated antigens and the encoded cytokine, GM-CSF, amplifies that immune response, resulting in tumor growth inhibition. Incorporation of suicide gene therapy did not improve the efficacy of Adv therapy in this mouse mammary tumor system. Oncolytic adenoviral therapy may be streamlined and improved by substituting the suicide genes with immune modulating genes to exploit tumor immunity for therapeutic benefit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abnormal protein interactions of mutant huntingtin (Htt) triggered by polyglutamine expansion are thought to mediate Huntington\'s disease (HD) pathogenesis. Here, we explored a functional interaction of Htt with protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5), an enzyme mediating symmetrical dimethylation of arginine (sDMA) of key cellular proteins, including histones, and spliceosomal Sm proteins. Gene transcription and RNA splicing are impaired in HD. We demonstrated PRMT5 and Htt interaction and their co-localization in transfected neurons and in HD brain. As a result of this interaction, normal (but to a lesser extend mutant) Htt stimulated PRMT5 activity in vitro. SDMA of histones H2A and H4 was reduced in the presence of mutant Htt in primary cultured neurons and in HD brain, consistent with a demonstrated reduction in R3Me2s occupancy at the transcriptionally repressed promoters in HD brain. SDMA of another PRMT5 substrate, Cajal body marker coilin, was also reduced in the HD mouse model and in human HD brain. Finally, compensation of PRMT5 deficiency by ectopic expression of PRMT5/MEP50 complexes, or by the knock-down of H4R3Me2 demethylase JMJD6, reversed the toxic effects of mutant Htt in primary cortical neurons, suggesting that PRMT5 deficiency may mediate, at least in part, HD pathogenesis. These studies revealed a potential new mechanism for disruption of gene expression and RNA processing in HD, involving a loss of normal function of Htt in facilitation of PRMT5, supporting the idea that epigenetic regulation of gene transcription may be involved in HD and highlighting symmetric dimethylation of arginine as potential new therapeutic target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence-based vaccination policy is important for the global and local efforts of achieving control over measles. In 2007, the first Israeli birth cohort to be twice vaccinated during childhood with Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine reached adulthood. In parallel, Israel experienced its largest measles outbreak since 1994. We aimed to assess the seroprevalence of measles IgG antibodies and concordance with rubella and mumps seroprevalence among young Israeli adults born 1988-9 in comparison to previous birth cohorts, in order to inform evidence based prevention policy. We conducted a seroprevalence study of IgG antibodies among 439 Israeli adults born in 1988-9, based on a representative sample of sera collected at age 18-19 upon recruitment to mandatory military service in 2007. In total, 85.7% were seropositive for measles as compared with 95.6% in the 1996 recruitment (P < 0.001). The absolute decline was significant both for males (8.8%, P = 0.001) and females (12.1%, P < 0.001). There were no significant differences in seropositivity by gender, years of education, country of birth or smoking status. Rubella seropositivity among measles seropositives was 90.4%, significantly (P < 0.001) higher than 72.1% among measles seronegatives. Mumps seropositivity among measles seropositives was 87.0%, significantly (P < 0.001) higher than 62.3% among measles seronegatives. Results were similar for Israeli-born only. Our findings indicate that measles seroprevalence decreased after the last change in vaccination policy and reach sub-optimal level. Until global eradication is reached, a proactive vaccination program to supplement routine childhood vaccination program should be considered in Israel and in other countries.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anifrolumab (anifrolumab) is an antagonist human monoclonal antibody that targets interferon α receptor 1 (IFNAR1). Anifrolumab has been developed to treat autoimmune diseases and is currently in clinical trials. To decipher the molecular basis of its mechanism of action, we engaged in multiple epitope mapping approaches to determine how it interacts with IFNAR1 and antagonizes the receptor. We identified the epitope of anifrolumab using enzymatic fragmentation, phage-peptide library panning and mutagenesis approaches. Our studies revealed that anifrolumab recognizes the SD3 subdomain of IFNAR1 with the critical residue R(279). Further, we solved the crystal structure of anifrolumab Fab to a resolution of 2.3 Å. Guided by our epitope mapping studies, we then used in silico protein docking of the anifrolumab Fab crystal structure to IFNAR1 and characterized the corresponding mode of binding. We find that anifrolumab sterically inhibits the binding of IFN ligands to IFNAR1, thus blocking the formation of the ternary IFN/IFNAR1/IFNAR2 signaling complex. This report provides the molecular basis for the mechanism of action of anifrolumab and may provide insights toward designing antibody therapies against IFNAR1.





