IgA subclasses

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most investigations on the immune cell-activating potency of IgA used purified total IgA and/or specific isolated cell populations. As IgA2 has been reported to be more pro-inflammatory than IgA1, we aimed to employ a fast and convenient whole blood-based assay to individually probe the capacity of the two IgA subclasses to activate immune cells in close physiological conditions. To this end, whole blood from healthy donors (n = 10) was stimulated with immobilized IgA1, IgA2m1 or IgA2m2 (the two main allotypic variants of IgA2). Activation of major leukocyte subsets was measured using a 10-color flow cytometry panel providing access to the expression of 5 activation markers on 6 different immune cell subsets. While capturing some heterogeneity of responses among donors, IgA2m1 and IgA2m2 systematically showed a stronger activation profile compared to IgA1 in a variety of dimensions. For example, both IgA2 allotypes led to stronger modulations of CD54, CD11b, CD62L, CD66b or CD69, on both or either monocytes or neutrophils, indicating a more pronounced pro-inflammatory effect for this subclass than IgA1. By taking into account donor-specific soluble and cellular components this whole blood-based functional approach provides new perspectives to further investigate IgA effector functions in mechanistic studies and/or translational research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While immunoglobulin A (IgA) is well known for its neutralizing and anti-inflammatory function, it is becoming increasingly clear that IgA can also induce human inflammatory responses by various different immune cells. Yet, little is known about the relative role of induction of inflammation by the two IgA subclasses i.e. IgA1, most prominent subclass in circulation, and IgA2, most prominent subclass in the lower intestine. Here, we set out to study the inflammatory function of IgA subclasses on different human myeloid immune cell subsets, including monocytes, and in vitro differentiated macrophages and intestinal CD103+ dendritic cells (DCs). While individual stimulation with IgA immune complexes only induced limited inflammatory responses by human immune cells, both IgA subclasses strongly amplified pro-inflammatory cytokine production upon co-stimulation with Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands such as Pam3CSK4, PGN, and LPS. Strikingly, while IgA1 induced slightly higher or similar levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines by monocytes and macrophages, respectively, IgA2 induced substantially more inflammation than IgA1 by CD103+ DCs. In addition to pro-inflammatory cytokine proteins, IgA2 also induced higher mRNA expression levels, indicating that amplification of pro-inflammatory cytokine production is at least partially regulated at the level of gene transcription. Interestingly, cytokine amplification by IgA1 was almost completely dependent on Fc alpha receptor I (FcαRI), whilst blocking this receptor only partially reduced cytokine induction by IgA2. In addition, IgA2-induced amplification of pro-inflammatory cytokines was less dependent on signaling through the kinases Syk, PI3K, and TBK1/IKKϵ. Combined, these findings indicate that IgA2 immune complexes, which are most abundantly expressed in the lower intestine, particularly promote inflammation by human CD103+ intestinal DCs. This may serve an important physiological function upon infection, by enabling inflammatory responses by this otherwise tolerogenic DC subset. Since various inflammatory disorders are characterized by disturbances in IgA subclass balance, this may also play a role in the induction or exacerbation of chronic intestinal inflammation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased interest in microbiota calls for the thorough analysis of antibody reactivity to different microorganisms. As salivary IgA represents the first line of defence against microorganisms contacting mucosal surfaces, we explored the binding and specificity of salivary IgA by testing the binding of purified, FITC-labelled salivary IgA to different microorganisms in flow cytometry and conclude that this kind of analysis enables the differentiation of species/strains with high IgA binding capacity, which should be corroborated on a larger sample size. Further we compare, with in-house ELISA, the binding of polyclonal salivary IgA with the binding of polyclonal serum IgA from the same individuals to whole microbial cells and to purified microbial components. High correlations were obtained in total salivary IgA binding to Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Escherichia coli, very distant bacterial species, as well as to isolated bacterial components (r = .70-.97). The binding of total salivary IgA resembled the binding of both salivary IgA1 and IgA2, with IgA2 predominating. For serum polyclonal IgA repertoire, substantially higher specificity was obtained. Serum IgA binding to E. coli correlated best with serum IgA binding to lipopolysaccharide (r = .86), and serum IgA against L. rhamnosus correlated best with the anti-peptidoglycan IgA levels (r = .88). We have also detected that total serum IgA response is governed by either IgA1 or IgA2 response, depending on the nature of the antigen/s. We conclude that steady state salivary IgA repertoire, unlike serum IgA repertoire, consists of polyreactive antibodies with innate specificity, questioning its capacity to select resident microbiota.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mucosal initiated immune responses may be involved in the pathophysiology of RA. The most abundant immunoglobulin at mucosal surfaces is IgA, of which two subclasses exist: IgA1 and IgA2. IgA2 is mainly present at mucosal sites and has been ascribed pro-inflammatory properties. As IgA subclasses might provide insights into mucosal involvement and pro-inflammatory mechanisms, we investigated IgA responses in sera of RA patients.
    In two cohorts of RA patients, the EAC and IMPROVED, total IgA1 and IgA2 were measured by ELISA. Furthermore, IgA subclass levels of RF and anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (anti-CCP2) were determined. The association of these IgA subclass levels with CRP and smoking was investigated.
    Total IgA1 and IgA2 were increased in RA patients compared with healthy donors in both cohorts. This increase was more pronounced in seropositive RA vs seronegative RA. For RF and anti-CCP2, both IgA1 and IgA2 could be detected. No strong associations were found between IgA subclasses (total, RF and anti-CCP2) and CRP. In smoking RA patients, a trend towards a selective increase in total IgA2 and RF IgA1 and IgA2 was observed.
    RA patients have raised IgA1 and IgA2 levels. No shift towards IgA2 was observed, indicating that the increase in total IgA is not due to translocation of mucosal IgA into the bloodstream. However, mucosal inflammation might play a role, given the association between smoking and total IgA2 levels. Despite its pro-inflammatory properties, IgA2 does not associate strongly with pro-inflammatory markers in RA patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Circulating IgA anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) associate with more active disease, but a previous study implied that salivary IgA ACPA is related to a less severe disease. Therefore, we aimed to characterize the IgA ACPA response in the saliva and serum in relation to clinical picture and risk factors among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
    RA patients (n = 196) and healthy blood donors (n = 101), included in the cross-sectional study \"Secretory ACPA in Rheumatoid Arthritis\" (SARA), were analyzed for ACPA of IgA isotype, and for subclasses IgA1 and IgA2 ACPA in paired saliva and serum samples using modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) targeting reactivity to a cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP). Cutoff levels for positive tests were set at the 99th percentile for blood donors. Antibody levels were related to clinical characteristics, radiographic damage, smoking habits, and carriage of HLA-DRB1/shared epitope (SE).
    IgA ACPA in the saliva was found in 12% of RA patients, IgA1 occurred in 10%, and IgA2 in 9%. In serum, IgA ACPA was found in 45% of the patients, IgA1 in 44%, and IgA2 in 39%. Levels of IgA ACPA in the saliva correlated significantly with serum levels of IgA (r = 0.455). The presence of salivary IgA ACPA was associated with a higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), 28-joint disease activity score, tender joint count, and patient global assessment at the time of sampling. None of the antibodies was associated with smoking, SE, or radiographic damage.
    Salivary IgA ACPAs were detected in a subset of RA patients in association with higher disease activity. This suggests that mucosal ACPA responses in the oral cavity may contribute to disease-promoting processes in RA.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the leading cause of primary glomerulonephritis in the world. The disease is characterized by the presence of IgA-containing immune complexes in the circulation and in mesangial deposits with ensuing glomerular injury. Although in humans there are two IgA subclasses, only IgA1 molecules are involved. The exclusivity of participation of IgA1 in IgAN prompted extensive structural and immunological studies of the unique hinge region (HR) of IgA1, which is absent in otherwise highly homologous IgA2. HR of IgA1 with altered O-glycans serves as an antigen recognized by autoantibodies specific for aberrant HR glycans leading to the generation of nephritogenic immune complexes. However, there are several unresolved questions concerning the phylogenetic origin of human IgA1 HR, the structural basis of its antigenicity, the origin of antibodies specific for HR with altered glycan moieties, the regulatory defects in IgA1 glycosylation pathways, and the potential approaches applicable to the disease-specific interventions in the formation of nephritogenic immune complexes. This review focuses on the gaps in our knowledge of molecular and cellular events that are involved in the immunopathogenesis of IgAN.





