
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xenogenesis has been recognized as a prospective method for producing channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus ♀ × blue catfish, I. furcatus ♂ hybrids. The xenogenesis procedure can be achieved by transplanting undifferentiated stem cells derived from a donor fish into a sterile recipient. Xenogenesis for hybrid catfish embryo production has been accomplished using triploid channel catfish as a surrogate. However, having a surrogate species with a shorter maturation period, like white catfish (Ameiurus catus), would result in reduced feed costs, labor costs, and smaller body size requirements, making it a more suitable species for commercial applications where space is limited, and as a model species. Hence, the present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of triploid white catfish as a surrogate species to transplant blue catfish stem cells (BSCs) and channel catfish stem cells (CSCs). Triploid white catfish fry were injected with either BSCs or CSCs labeled with PKH 26 fluorescence dye from 0 to 12 days post hatch (DPH). No significant differences in weight and length of fry were detected among BSCs and CSCs injection times (0 to 12 DPH) when fry were sampled at 45 and 90 DPH (P > 0.05). The highest survival was reported when fry were injected between 4.0 to 5.5 DPH (≥ 81.2%). At 45 and 90 DPH, cell and cluster area increased for recipients injected from 0 to 5.2 DPH, and the highest cluster area values were reported between 4.0 to 5.2 DPH. Thereafter, fluorescent cell and cluster area in the host declined with no further decrease after 10 DPH. At 45 DPH, the highest percentage of xenogens were detected when fry were injected with BSCs between 4.0 to 5.0 and CSCs between 3.0 to 5.0 DPH. At 90 DPH, the highest number of xenogens were detected from 4.0 to 6.0 DPH when injected with either BSCs or CSCs. The current study demonstrated the suitability of white catfish as a surrogate species when BSCs and CSCs were transplanted into triploid white catfish between 4.0 to 6.0 DPH (27.4 ± 0.4°C). Overall, these findings allow enhanced efficiency of commercializing xenogenic catfish carrying gametes of either blue catfish or channel catfish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To elucidate the mechanism behind channel catfish feminization induced by high temperature, gonad samples were collected from XY pseudo-females and wild-type females and subjected to high-throughput sequencing for Whole-Genome-Bisulfite-Seq (WGBS) and transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq). The analysis revealed 50 differentially methylated genes between wild-type females and XY pseudo-females, identified through the analysis of KEGG pathways and GO enrichment in the promoter of the genome and differentially methylated regions (DMRs). Among these genes, multiple differential methylation sites observed within the srd5a2 gene. Repeatability tests confirmed 7 differential methylation sites in the srd5a2 gene in XY pseudo-females compared to normal males, with 1 specific differential methylation site (16608174) distinguishing XY pseudo-females from normal females. Interestingly, the expression of these genes in the transcriptome showed no difference between wild-type females and XY pseudo-females. Our study concluded that methylation of the srd5a2 gene sequence leads to decreased expression, which inhibits testosterone synthesis while promoting the synthesis of 17β-estradiol from testosterone. This underscores the significance of the srd5a2 gene in the sexual differentiation of channel catfish, as indicated by the ipu00140 KEGG pathway analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study confirms the extended distribution of two invasive species of the genus Ameiurus in Ukraine. Specifically, A. melas is recorded for the first time in the Southern Buh basin and A. nebulosus has expanded further eastward within the Dnipro basin. Material collected in 2019 and 2022 was identified by morphological features and confirmed by molecular genetic analysis. The most reliable morphological characters for distinguishing these two species include anal-fin membrane pigmentation (light or black), gill raker count (fewer or more than 16), and serrations on the pectoral-fin spine (well-developed along the full length or small, absent near the tip). The analysis of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I barcoding marker identified all samples from the Dnipro Basin (Tnia and Velykyi Luh localities) as A. nebulosus, while all specimens from the Vinnytsia region within the Southern Buh basin (Sotskoho and Vyshenske lakes) were attributed to A. melas. The maximum-likelihood analysis revealed clearly separated clades with high bootstrap support (>75%), strongly supporting the presence of the two separate species. This study suggests the potential for further eastward expansion of both species within Ukraine: A. nebulosus in the northern direction and A. melas in the southern direction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Commercial culture of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) occurs in earthen ponds that are characterized by diel swings in dissolved oxygen concentration that can fall to severe levels of hypoxia, which can suppress appetite and lead to suboptimal growth. Given the significance of the hypothalamus in regulating these processes in other fishes, an investigation into the hypothalamus transcriptome was conducted to identify specific genes and expression patterns responding to hypoxia. Channel catfish in normoxic water were compared with catfish subjected to 12 h of hypoxia (20% oxygen saturation; 1.8 mg O2/L; 27°C) followed by 12 h of recovery in normoxia to mimic 24 h in a catfish aquaculture pond. Fish were sampled at 0-, 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-h timepoints, with the 6- and 12-h samplings occurring during hypoxia. A total of 190 genes were differentially expressed during the experiment, with most occurring during hypoxia and returning to baseline values within 6 h of normoxia. Differentially expressed genes were sorted by function into Gene Ontology biological processes and revealed that most were categorized as \"response to hypoxia,\" \"sprouting angiogenesis,\" and \"cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus.\" The patterns of gene expression reported here suggest that transcriptome responses to hypoxia are broad and quickly reversibly with the onset of normoxia. Although no genes commonly reported to modulate appetite were found to be differentially expressed in this experiment, several candidates were identified for future studies investigating the interplay between hypoxia and appetite in channel catfish, including adm, igfbp1a, igfbp7, and stc2b.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Channel catfish are an economically important species that experience diel episodic periods of hypoxia that can reduce appetite. This is the first study to investigate their transcriptome from the hypothalamus in a simulated 24-h span in a commercial catfish pond, with 12 h of hypoxia and 12 h of normoxia. The research revealed functional groups of genes relating to hypoxia, angiogenesis, and glycolysis as well as individual target genes possibly involved in appetite regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are pivotal pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and key mediators of innate immunity. Despite the significance of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in comparative immunology and aquaculture, its 20 TLR genes remain largely functionally uncharacterized. In this study, our aim was to determine the catfish TLR7 agonists, signaling potential, and cellular localization. Using a mammalian reporter system, we identified imiquimod and resiquimod, typical ssRNA analogs, as potent catfish TLR7 agonists. Notably, unlike grass carp TLR7, catfish TLR7 lacks the ability to respond to poly (I:C). Confocal microscopy revealed predominant catfish TLR7 expression in lysosomes, co-localizing with the endosomal chaperone protein, UNC93B1. Furthermore, imiquimod stimulation elicited robust IFNb transcription in peripheral blood leukocytes isolated from adult catfish. These findings underscore the conservation of TLR7 signaling in catfish, reminiscent of mammalian TLR7 responses. Our study sheds light on the functional aspects of catfish TLR7 and contributes to a better understanding of its role in immune defense mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Snakehead vesiculovirus (SHVV) is a negative-sense single-stranded RNA virus that infects snakehead fish. This virus leads to illness and mortality, causing significant economic losses in the snakehead aquaculture industry. The replication and spread of SHVV in cells, which requires glutamine as a nitrogen source, is accompanied by alterations in intracellular metabolites. However, the metabolic mechanisms underlying the inhibition of viral replication by glutamine deficiency are poorly understood. This study utilized liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry to measure the differential metabolites between the channel catfish Parasilurus asotus ovary cell line infected with SHVV under glutamine-containing and glutamine-deprived conditions. Results showed that the absence of glutamine regulated 4 distinct metabolic pathways and influenced 9 differential metabolites. The differential metabolites PS(16:0/16:0), 5,10-methylene-THF, and PS(18:0/18:1(9Z)) were involved in amino acid metabolism. In the nuclear metabolism functional pathway, differential metabolites of guanosine were observed. In the carbohydrate metabolism pathway, differential metabolites of UDP-d-galacturonate were detected. In the signal transduction pathway, differential metabolites of SM(d18:1/20:0), SM(d18:1/22:1(13Z)), SM(d18:1/24:1(15 Z)), and sphinganine were found. Among them, PS(18:0/18:1(9Z)), PS(16:0/16:0), and UDP-d-galacturonate were involved in the synthesis of phosphatidylserine and glycoprotein. The compound 5,10-methylene-THF provided raw materials for virus replication, and guanosine and sphingosine are related to virus virulence. The differential metabolites may collectively participate in the replication, packaging, and proliferation of SHVV under glutamine deficiency. This study provides new insights and potential metabolic targets for combating SHVV infection in aquaculture through metabolomics approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ferritin, transferrin, and transferrin receptors I and II play a vital role in iron metabolism, health, and indication of iron deficiency anaemia in fish. To evaluate the use of high-iron diets to prevent or reverse channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) anaemia of unknown causes, we investigated the expression of these iron-regulatory genes and proteins in channel catfish fed plant-based diets. Catfish fingerlings were fed five diets supplemented with 0 (basal), 125, and 250 mg/kg of either inorganic iron or organic iron for 2 weeks. Ferritin, transferrin, and transferrin receptor I and II mRNA and protein expression levels in fish tissues (liver, intestine, trunk kidney, and head kidney) and plasma were determined. Transferrin (iron transporter) and TfR (I and II) genes were generally highly expressed in fish fed the basal diet compared to those fed the iron-supplemented diets. In contrast, ferritin (iron storage) genes were more expressed in the trunk kidney of fish fed the iron-supplemented diets than in those fed the basal diet. Our results demonstrate that supplementing channel catfish plant-based diets with iron from either organic or inorganic iron sources affected the expression of the iron-regulatory genes and increased body iron status in the fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a hydrophobic and antibacterial pad was prepared to preserve Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). The pad composite the microfibrillated cellulose and β-cyclodextrin/nisin microcapsules. The hydrophobic pad ensures a dry surface in contact with the fish, reducing microbial contamination. The pad has a low density and high porosity, making it lightweight and suitable for packaging applications, while also providing a large surface area for antibacterial activity. Results demonstrated that this antibacterial pad exhibits an ultralow density of 9.0 mg/cm3 and an ultrahigh porosity of 99.10%. It can extend the shelf life of Channel Catfish fillets to 9 days at 4 °C, with a total volatile base nitrogen below 20 mg/100 g. The study proposes a novel solution for preserving aquatic products by combining antibacterial substances with the natural base material aerogel. This approach also extends the utilization of aerogel and nisin in food packaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) are a food fish extensively reared in aquaculture facilities throughout the world and are also among the most abundant wild catfish species in North America, making them a popular target of anglers. Furthermore, channel catfish are important members of aquatic ecosystems; for example, they serve as a glochidial host for the endangered winged mapleleaf mussel (Quadrula fragosa), making them critical for conserving this species through hatchery-based restoration efforts. During a routine health inspection, a novel aquareovirus was isolated from channel catfish used in mussel propagation efforts at a fish hatchery in Wisconsin. This virus was isolated on brown bullhead cells (ATCC CCL-59) and identified through metagenomic sequencing as a novel member of the family Spinareoviridae, genus Aquareovirus. The virus genome consists of 11 segments, as is typical of the aquareoviruses, with phylogenetic relationships based on RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and major outer capsid protein amino acid sequences showing it to be most closely related to golden shiner virus (aquareovirus C) and aquareovirus C/American grass carp reovirus (aquareovirus G) respectively. The potential of the new virus, which we name genictpun virus 1 (GNIPV-1), to cause disease in channel catfish or other species remains unknown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aeromonas veronii is associated with food spoilage and some human diseases, such as diarrhea, gastroenteritis, hemorrhagic septicemia or asymptomatic and even death. This research investigated the mechanism of the growth, biofilm formation, virulence, stress resistance, and spoilage potential of Bacillus subtilis lipopeptide against Aeromonas veronii. Lipopeptides suppressed the transmembrane transport of Aeromonas veronii by changing the cell membrane\'s permeability, the structure of membrane proteins, and Na+/K+-ATPase. Lipopeptide significantly reduced the activities of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) by 86.03% and 56.12%, respectively, ultimately slowing Aeromonas veronii growth. Lipopeptides also restrained biofilm formation by inhibiting Aeromonas veronii motivation and extracellular polysaccharide secretion. Lipopeptides downregulated gene transcriptional levels related to the virulence and stress tolerance of Aeromonas veronii. Furthermore, lipopeptides treatment resulted in a considerable decrease in the extracellular protease activity of Aeromonas veronii, which restrained the decomposing of channel catfish flesh. This research provides new insights into lipopeptides for controlling Aeromonas veronii and improving food safety.





