Iatrogénie médicamenteuse

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In 2019, a regional survey of potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIP) of psychotropic drugs in elderly psychiatric inpatients was carried out highlighting their inappropriate use in this population. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical relevance - defined as the provision of an appropriate and necessary treatment, chosen from other alternatives as being the most likely to produce the expected results for a given patient - of these prescriptions considered inappropriate according to current established criteria.
    METHODS: Patients aged over 75, or 64 to 75 and polypathological with at least one PIP of psychotropic drugs or drugs with a high anticholinergic burden, identified by an audit grid established on the basis of STOPP/STARTv2 criteria and the Laroche list on the prescription at 48h of hospitalization, were included. The weighing of the inappropriateness nature of the prescription (resistance to treatment, period of crisis, comorbidities…) was established by a pharmacist-psychiatrist pair on the entire computerized record of the current episode. The clinical relevance of the PIP and the overall prescription was rated as 0 (irrelevant), 1 (partially relevant) or 2 (relevant).
    RESULTS: Thirty-four patients were included. One hundred and twenty-five PIP of psychotropic drugs were noted: 50.4% concerned benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines anxiolytics (BZD/Z), 25.6% neuroleptics (NL), 12% antidepressants (ATD) and 12% drugs with a high anticholinergic burden. On one hand, 49.2% of PIP of BZD/Z, 50% of PIP of NL and 20% of PIP of ATD were considered irrelevant. On the other hand, 49.2% of PIP of BZD/Z, 31.3% of PIP of NL and 13.3% of PIP of ATD were considered partially relevant. Furthermore, 1.6% of PIP of BZD/Z, 18.8% of PIP of NL and 66.7% of PIP of ATD were considered relevant. For PIPs of drugs with a high anticholinergic burden, 80% were deemed irrelevant, 13.3% partially relevant and 6.7% relevant. In all, of the 34 drug prescriptions studied, three (8.8%) were considered irrelevant, 11 (32.4%) partially relevant and 20 (58.8%) clinically relevant.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlighted the clinical relevance of more than half the prescriptions considered inappropriate according to current PPI criteria in the elderly. It underlines the interest of a new PPI detection tool for elderly patients with psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Admissions of the elderly related to medication errors are frequent in hospital, more than half would be avoidable, but there is currently no validated method in French to identify them. The objective of this work was to validate the French version of the AT-HARM10 tool in order to use it for patients admitted in our healthcare facilities. The tool has 10 questions. A positive response to any of the first 3 questions identify admissions that are unlikely to be drug-related. A positive response to one of the following 7 questions identify possible medication-related admissions. For semantic and linguistic validation, we performed cross-validation with forward-backward translation. To clinically validate the method, we conducted a retrospective study including patients over 65 admitted to short-stay units (UHCD) and to orthopedic surgery units in two French hospitals. Two hundred and sixty-six (266) patients were included ; 166 patients admitted to UHCD (mean age 86.0±5.7 years; sex ratio 0.66; mean number of drugs prescribed 7.7±3.8) and 100 patients admitted to orthopedic units (mean age 85.2±6.1 years; sex ratio 0.43; mean number of prescribed drugs 6.4±3.6). We identified 55 % of admissions probably related to medication in UHCD and 76 % in orthopedic units (p<0.05). The most represented item was P5 in both groups (Might [side] effects of the medications the patient was taking [prescribed or not prescribed] prior to hospitalization have caused the admission [including over-treatment] ? The validated AT-HARM10 tool is now integrated into our clinical pharmacy practices and medication reviews are offered as a priority to patients admitted for iatrogenic reasons.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To collect the community pharmacists\' perception on their role in the medication reconciliation\'s process.
    METHODS: We did an observational transverse study thanks to a survey of community pharmacists working in France, conducted in 2020. A digital questionnaire was submitted to Parisian community pharmacists before being shared on two Facebook groups. The responses were analysed with Microsoft Excel® software. We calculated percentages, used Chi2 or Fisher\'s exact tests and did qualitative analyses.
    RESULTS: We collected the perception of 135 community pharmacists, the majority was women (80%), relatively young (69.6% of 40 years old or less). They were 63.7% to claim knowing the medication reconciliation, but they could not define it properly. The subject\'s knowledge was statistically related to age (P-value<0.001) and previous contacts of the health care facilities (P-value<0.001). The majority of interviewed pharmacist considered the transmission of information to those health facilities as relevant and feasible and they expressed their willingness to get involved. However, they were limited by some obstacles such as the non-exhaustiveness of the medicinal record, the unsecured mail and the lack of feedbacks.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although the community pharmacists expressed interest for the medication reconciliation process and willingness to get involved, their role remained limited. Therefore, this process needs an improvement of its organisation and a generalisation of its practice to really benefit the hospital-community transition\'s safety.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In orthopedic surgery, the well-known iatrogenic risk of oral anticoagulants is particularly increased due to surgical management (suspension and resumption of treatment). In order to prevent avoidable iatrogenic events linked to incomplete discharge documents, targeted medical reconciliation (MR) has been deployed. This is a single-center prospective study conducted in orthopaedic surgery for six months including any patient treated upon admission with an oral anticoagulant. The analysis of the compliance of discharge documents (hospitalization report and prescriptions) was carried out before and after pharmaceutical interventions. The criteria analysed included the mention of the oral treatment, its dosage as well as the supervision of the switch from heparin therapy to the usual oral treatment. The documents were compliant if the mention of oral anticoagulant treatment and the date of the shift were correctly documented. Thirty-seven patients were included. The compliance rate of discharge documents was significantly improved by MR, going from 13.5 % to 78.4 % (P <0.05). The non-compliances before the intervention concerned the absence of mention of: the usual treatment (64.9 %), its dosage (81.1 %) or the switch\'s securing (75.7 %). Discharge from surgery of the patient on anticoagulants is a stage presenting a real risk which can be managed by the intervention of pharmacists. Improving the compliance of discharge documents is a first step towards better securing drug management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The links between the emergency department (ED) and drug-related harm are close. In practice, it is necessary to ask systematically if an iatrogenic accident is possible and to evaluate a new prescription carefully so as not to create iatrogenia during the visit to the emergency department. Any situation in which a nurse takes charge of an emergency room must be subject to precautions. Simple measures should be put in place during any hospitalisation of an elderly person.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyse the most frequent DRP over time and pharmacists\' interventions made among older patients aged over 75 years old. DRP between older patients and younger patients aged 18 to 74 years and between older patients treated in geriatric wards or not were also compared.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study conducted on DRP detected by pharmacists at the university hospital centre of Lyon and prospectively recorded in the Act-IP© database from January 2008 to December 2015.
    RESULTS: A total of 56,223 DRP were investigated - 19,056 in older patients and 37,167 in younger patients. A supratherapeutic dosage was mainly reported (22.4% in older patients vs. 19.0% in younger patient) and pharmacists made interventions mostly to adjust dosage (27.3% vs. 24.2%). Physicians\' acceptance was significantly lower in older patients (57.1% vs. 64.3%). DRP associated to a drug included a supratherapeutic use of acetaminophen (5.2% vs. 3.8%) and hypnotics (4.0% vs. 1.4%), medication in cardiology used without indication (1.4% vs. 0.2%) and underuse of vitamin D (1.2% vs. 0.1%). Supratherapeutic dosages were more significantly detected with a lower overall physicians\' acceptance in older patients treated in general wards.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the specificity of DRP among older patients and encourages health care professionals to remain especially alert regarding older patients treated in general wards. These findings can contribute to define or adjust training needs and quality indicators to improve the daily practices of health care professionals.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Corrective treatments for some neurological side effects due to antipsychotic treatments can induce anticholinergic adverse effects. However, the risk of triggering or increasing psychotic symptoms induced by these drugs is unknown with only one case-report concerning the tropatepine. In addition, recommendations for the use of these drugs remain imprecise regarding the management of this type of adverse effect.
    METHODS: We report the case of a psychotic episode in an 18-year-old patient potentially acutised after an auto-intoxication with tropatepine.
    CONCLUSIONS: At high doses, anticholinergic treatments, including tropatepine, might increase psychotic episodes. In addition, the available epidemiological data reveal an inappropriate and excessive prescription of these drugs. Their use and risks should be better known and need an update of the available recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In accordance with the recommendations of the HPST law of 21st July 2009, the retail pharmacists heavily put a lot into new missions, concerning as well prevention and screening as therapeutic education of patient. In that context, two types of pharmaceutical conversations relative to patient\'s therapeutic training were primarily planned : the first one concerns patients with thrombosis\' risk treated by oral anticoagulants (antivitamin K or direct oral anticoagulant), whereas the second one is intended to asthmatics cured by corticoids\' inhalation. Then the publication in 2017 and 2018 respectively of amendments no 11 et 12 to the National convention of 4th April 2012 organizing relationships between titular pharmacists and health insurance planned a third type of support called « shared checkup of medication ». It is a matter of program of personalized pharmaceutical monitoring intended to patients at least 65 years old and suffering from one or several long-lasting affection(s), and also to patients at least 75 years old and chronically treated by at least five different active substances. Those new pharmaceutical conversations aim on the one hand to improve observance of chronic medications - current by elderly patients - and on the other hand to prevent drug iatrogenesis - favored by polymedication - while reasserting the major role of the retail pharmacist as health professional.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The practice of crushing tablets or opening up capsules to be taken orally, when it is not prescribed, can affect the efficacy of a treatment, or even cause an adverse event. A survey carried out in 2016 revealed that this is a common practice, especially among elderly people. However, alternative forms exist and can be prescribed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Drug related problems (DRP) can lead to severe consequences in kidney recipients. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the clinical pharmacist interventions on the incidence of DRP.
    METHODS: The number of DRP were evaluated according to 3periods: Without intervention, with medication reconciliation at admission, and with medication reconciliation at admission associated with an interview with the clinical pharmacist at discharge.
    RESULTS: Patients concerned were mainly men, 55years old (median age), stage3 of CKD, transplanted for less than 3months or more than 1year, with cardiovascular risk factors and receiving an average of 9drugs/day. Among the DRP, 20% were avoidable and severe in most cases. In period1, 27.7% patients had at least 1DRP, in period2, 21.3% patients had at least 1DRP, and in period3, 17.4% of patients had at least 1DRP (P=0.03). One hundred and ten patients had medication reconciliation at admission with a mean of 0.6unintentional discrepancies per patient (omission in 81% of cases). The main drugs involved concerned the digestive-metabolic (24.5%), cardiovascular (23%), and nervous (23%) system. Sixty-eight interviews at discharge were realized and revealed self-medication habits.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that medication reconciliation at admission associated with an interview with the clinical pharmacist at discharge can help to reduce DRP in kidney recipients. Further studies are needed to confirm our results.





