• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives: This study entailed a weekly analysis of real-world data (RWD) on the safety and efficacy of intravitreal (IVT) faricimab in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). Methods: A retrospective, single-centre clinical trial was conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, Switzerland, approved by the Cantonal Ethics Committee of Zurich, Switzerland. Patients with nAMD were included. Data from patient charts and imaging were analysed. The safety and efficacy of the first faricimab injection were evaluated weekly until 4 weeks after injection. Results: Sixty-three eyes with a complete 4-week follow-up were enrolled. Six eyes were treatment-naïve; fifty-seven eyes were switched to faricimab from another treatment. Neither group showed signs of retinal vasculitis during the 4 weeks after injection. Central subfield thickness (CST) and volume (CSV) showed a statistically significant decrease compared to the baseline in the switched group (CST: p = 0.00383; CSV: p = 0.00702) after 4 weeks. The corrected visual acuity returned to the baseline level in both groups. The macular neovascularization area decreased in both groups, but this was not statistically significant. A complete resolution of sub- and intraretinal fluid after 4 weeks was found in 40% (switched) and 75% (naïve) of the treated patients. Conclusions: The weekly follow-ups reflect the structure-function relationship beginning with a fast functional improvement within two weeks after injection followed by a return to near-baseline levels after week 3. The first faricimab injection in our cohort showed a high safety profile and a statistically significant reduction in macular oedema in switched nAMD patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intravitreal injection (IVI) of a drug allows for immediate intraocular concentrations of active ingredients higher than those obtained by intravenous injection while reducing the risk of systemic side effects. Today, IVI\'s play a central role in the treatment of many vitreoretinal diseases. With the aging of the population and the advent of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) antagonists, their indications have increased exponentially, creating structural, organizational and economic difficulties. IVI is now one of the most widely performed medical procedures in industrialized countries, and its indications are expected to expand further in the near future with the development of new molecules. Although the overall safety of this practice is proven, an IVI exposes the patient to a 0.05 % risk of endophthalmitis, the consequences of which are often dramatic. This article details the current recommendations, in particular regarding asepsis and antisepsis, and proposes a typical sequence for performing an IVI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intravenous fluid administration is the most common invasive procedure widely practiced in hospital settings. Globally, approximately 25 million people receive intravenous fluid therapy. Different factors affect nurse\'s intravenous fluid administration practices; that it may influences on the patient\'s outcome, increase morbidity and mortality. Previous study indicates that healthcare providers especially in developing countries have skills gap related to intravenous fluid administration. The purpose of this study was aimed to assess the intravenous fluid administration practices and its associated factors among nurses and midwives working in public hospitals of West Shewa zone, Central Ethiopia.
    UNASSIGNED: An institution-based cross-sectional study design was employed among 396 nurses and midwives in public hospitals in West Shewa zone, Central Ethiopia, from March 1 to 31, 2019. A Simple random sampling was used to select study participants using structured self-administered questionnaire, and observational checklist. The logistic regression model was used to identify association, and odds ratio was used to test the strength of the associations with outcome variable and predictor variables.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, 59.3% (95%CI = 54.7%-64.5%) participants was had inadequate intravenous fluid administration practice. Inadequate knowledge (AOR 2.1; CI 95% = 1.36-3.36), being untrained (AOR 1.7; 95% CI = 1.04-2.86), unavailability of supervision (AOR 1.8; CI 95% = 1.14-2.99), and absence of incentives and promotion for nurses and midwives (AOR 2.1; CI 95% = 1.19-3.62) were significantly associated with outcome variable.
    UNASSIGNED: Nearly seven in ten participants in the study setting were inadequate intravenous fluid practice. Inadequate knowledge, training, and absence of supervision by senior staffs, and absence of incentives and promotion for nurses and midwives were the main factors affecting intravenous fluid administration practice. Refresher courses, supervision, incentives and promotions were needed to nurses and midwives for an improvement of the intravenous fluid administration practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and Objectives: Intravitreal injections (IVI) of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors are guideline-indicated treatments for diabetic macular edema (DME). However, some recent data have suggested that IVI VEGF inhibitors might, through systemic absorption, lead to a reduction in renal function. Our study aims to compare changes in glycated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) between patients who received IVI ranibizumab and aflibercept treatment and patients who have not received IVI treatments. Materials and Methods: There were 17,165 DME patients with documented ophthalmology visits in the China Medical University Hospital-Clinical Research Data Repository. Those with a history of ESRD or bevacizumab treatment history, and those with missing information on HbA1c or eGFR, were excluded. After matching by age (±2 years), gender, and the year of clinical visit, 154 patients with medical treatment (including ranibizumab and aflibercept) and 154 patients without medical treatment were included in the study. The difference between HbA1c and eGFR at baseline and 3 and 12 months after the index date between the two groups was assessed. Results: Mean HbA1c and eGFR decreased between baseline and 12 months after the index date in both groups (p < 0.05). Compared with the non-treatment group, the treatment group had significantly lower HbA1c 3 and 12 months after the index date. There was no significant difference in eGFR between the two groups. In the generalized estimating equations (GEE) model, HbA1c in the treatment group was lower than the non-treatment group (−0.44%, 95% CI = −0.75, −0.14), but eGFR was similar after adjusting for age, gender, and index-year. HbA1c and eGFR decreased with the time in the adjusted GEE model (p < 0.0001) in both groups. Conclusions: This study showed that eGFR decreased with age and time and was not related to IVI anti-VEGF treatments in our tertiary referral hospital. IVI anti-VEGF therapy was also associated with better HbA1c control. It is suggested that DME patients can receive intravitreal VEGF inhibitors without inducing more renal impairment.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    To synthesize information on the psychometric properties of scales used to assess vision-related quality of life in people with low vision.
    A systematic review was conducted. The Cochrane Library, Embase, PubMed, Bireme and Epistemonikos databases were consulted in July 2020. Eligibility assessment of abstracts and full texts was performed independently by two investigators.A standardized template was used for data extraction regarding study design, scale and version, clinical condition of participants, and psychometric properties measured, using database-specific controlled vocabulary terms for low vision and keywords for vision-related quality of life and validity. Data was synthesized considering two approaches for scales validations, Classical Test Theory and Rasch Analysis.
    A total of 53 articles were included in our analysis. In total, 40 studies evaluated the NEI VFQ scale, four evaluated the IVI scale, two evaluated the VA LV VFQ instrument and seven validated the LVQOL scale. This review found that the VRQoL NEI VFQ, IVI, LVQOL and VA LV VFQ-48 scales have adequate psychometric properties, with good internal consistency, when assessed using the CTT approach. The NEI VFQ scale also showed adequate test-retest reliability and adequate construct and content validity. The NEI VFQ and LVQOL scales showed inadequate items and multidimensionality when Rasch analysis was used. The IVI scale showed potential for assessing change in HRQoL after providing interventions to patients with low vision.
    Many questionnaires exist to measure vision-related quality of life in people with low vision, but the psychometric properties of the questionnaires are variable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A series of methods (SDSCI, SDSPT2, iCI, iCIPT2, iCISCF(2), iVI, and iCAS) is introduced to accurately describe strongly correlated systems of electrons. Born from the (restricted) static-dynamic-static (SDS) framework for designing many-electron wave functions, SDSCI is a minimal multireference (MR) configuration interaction (CI) approach that constructs and diagonalizes a [Formula: see text] matrix for [Formula: see text] states, regardless of the numbers of orbitals and electrons to be correlated. If the full molecular Hamiltonian H in the QHQ block (which describes couplings between functions of the first-order interaction space Q) of the SDSCI CI matrix is replaced with a zeroth-order Hamiltonian [Formula: see text] before the diagonalization is taken, we obtain SDSPT2, a CI-like second-order perturbation theory (PT2). Unlike most variants of MRPT2, SDSPT2 treats single and multiple states in the same way and is particularly advantageous in the presence of near degeneracy. On the other hand, if the SDSCI procedure is repeated until convergence, we will have iterative CI (iCI), which can converge quickly from the above to the exact solutions (full CI) even when starting with a poor guess. When further combined with the selection of important configurations followed by a PT2 treatment of dynamic correlation, iCI becomes iCIPT2, which is a near-exact theory for medium-sized systems. The microiterations of iCI for relaxing the coefficients of contracted many-electron functions can be generalized to an iterative vector interaction (iVI) approach for finding exterior or interior roots of a given matrix, in which the dimension of the search subspace is fixed by either the number of target roots or the user-specified energy window. Naturally, iCIPT2 can be employed as the active space solver of the complete active space (CAS) self-consistent field, leading to iCISCF(2), which can further be combined with iCAS for automated selection of active orbitals and assurance of the same CAS for all states and all geometries. The methods are calibrated by taking the Thiel set of benchmark systems as examples. Results for the corresponding cations, a new set of benchmark systems, are also reported.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aim of the vigilance system in Switzerland is the evaluation and classification of reported suspected adverse reactions of immunological veterinary medicines (IVMP), including suspected lack of expected efficacy. The Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI) is the competent authority for marketing authorizations of immunological veterinary medicinal products in Switzerland and responsible for the vaccinovigilance system. In 2020, 130 adverse reaction reports were received (5% less compared to 2019). The reports mainly concerned dogs (41%) and cats (25%) followed by cattle (18%) and horses (7%). Many of the reports in dogs involved the application of combined vaccines against canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirosis and parainfluenza in combination with canine leptospira components, in cats against cat flu and feline panleukopenia in combination with feline leukaemia virus infection. Causality assessments were done according to the international ABON system. In 27% of the reported cases, the causality assessments between the vaccination and the reaction described were evaluated as being probable (ABON A), in 44% as possible (ABON B).
    BACKGROUND: Das Ziel des Vaccinovigilancemeldesystems ist die Erfassung und Klassifizierung von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen (UAW) nach der Anwendung von immunologischen Tierarzneimitteln (TAM) in der Schweiz. Dazu zählt auch eine vermutete ungenügende Wirksamkeit von Impfstoffen. Als Zulassungsstelle für immunologische TAM ist die Impfstoffkontrolle des Instituts für Virologie und Immunologie (IVI) auch zuständig für das Vaccinovigilancemeldesystem. 130 UAW Meldungen zu zugelassenen immunologischen TAM wurden im Jahr 2020 erfasst (5% weniger als 2019). Am häufigsten betrafen die Meldungen Kleintiere: Hunde (41%) und Katzen (25%), gefolgt von Rindern (18%) und Pferden (7%). Beim Hund basierten die meisten UAW auf der Anwendung von Impfstoffen gegen Staupe, Hepatitis, Parvovirose und Parainfluenza in Kombination mit Leptospirose, bei der Katze waren es Impfstoffe gegen Katzenschnupfen und -seuche kombiniert mit Feliner Leukämievirusinfektion. Die Meldungen wurden gemäss dem internationalen ABON System klassifiziert. In 27% aller eingegangenen Fälle wurde ein kausaler Zusammenhang zwischen der Impfung und der Impfreaktion als wahrscheinlich (ABON A), in 44% als möglich (ABON B) beurteilt.
    BACKGROUND: L’objectif du système de vaccinovigilance en Suisse est l’évaluation et la classification des effets indésirables suspectés signalés en rapport à des médicaments vétérinaires immunologiques, y compris le manque présumé d’efficacité attendue. L’Institut de virologie et d’immunologie (IVI) est l’autorité compétente pour les autorisations de mise sur le marché des médicaments immunologiques vétérinaires en Suisse et est responsable du système de vaccinovigilance. En 2020, 130 déclarations d’effets indésirables ont été reçues (5% de moins par rapport à 2019). Les signalements concernaient principalement les chiens (41%) et les chats (25%) suivis des bovins (18%) et des chevaux (7%). Chez les chiens, ces annonces impliquaient principalement l’application de vaccins combinés contre la maladie de Carré, l’hépatite, la parvovirose et la parainfluenza en combinaison avec la leptospirose, chez les chats contre le coryza et la panleucopénie féline en association avec la leucose féline. Les évaluations de causalité ont été effectuées selon le système international ABON. Dans 27% des cas rapportés, les évaluations de causalité entre la vaccination et la réaction décrite ont été évaluées comme probables (ABON A), dans 44% comme possibles (ABON B).
    BACKGROUND: Lo scopo del sistema di notifica di vaccinovigilanza è di identificare e classificare le reazioni avverse di un farmaco che possono sorgere dopo l’uso di medicamenti veterinari (MVet) immunologici in Svizzera. Questo include anche il sospetto di un’insufficiente efficacia dei vaccini. L’Istituto di Virologia e Immunologia (IVI), in qualità di ufficio di omologazione dei Mvet immunologici, è responsabile anche del sistema di notifica di vaccinovigilanza. Nel 2020 sono state registrate 130 notifiche di Mvet immunologici omologati (5% in meno del 2019). Le notifiche riguardavano per la maggior parte piccoli animali: cani (41%) e gatti (25%), seguiti da bovini (18%) e cavalli (7%). Nei cani la maggioranza delle reazioni avverse erano conseguenti all’uso di vaccini contro cimurro, epatite, parvovirosi e parainfluenza in combinazione con la leptospirosi, nei gatti invece le reazioni avverse erano in relazione a vaccini contro la rinite felina e la gastroenterite felina combinata con l’infezione virale della leucemia felina. Le notifiche sono state classificate secondo il sistema internazionale ABON. Nel 27% dei casi inoltrati è stata considerata una relazione causale tra la vaccinazione e la risposta alla vaccinazione come probabile (ABON A), e nel 44% come possibile (ABON B).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: It is generally accepted that the incidence of birth defects in spontaneously conceived children ranges between 2.0-4.0%. However, several studies have shown that babies born after assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures tend to present more congenital malformations than naturally conceived children, with 6.5% of the children born after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) presenting birth defects. The use of high magnification sperm selection before ICSI was introduced in the early 2000s to allow the identification of spermatozoa with low risk of sperm DNA damage. Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is expected to change the incidence of congenital malformations, although data on the incidence of birth defects in children conceived after IMSI are still scarce.
    METHODS: A systematic review based on searches performed in electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, SCOPUS, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) including articles published by February 2021 was conducted to identify trials comparing the neonatal outcomes of ICSI and IMSI. The outcome measured was the rate of birth defects in children born after ICSI or IMSI. Three trials were included as targets for data extraction and meta-analysis.
    RESULTS: Our meta-analysis included 3907 children conceived after IMSI (1280) or ICSI (2627). The incidence of birth defects was statistically different, with 2.5% (32/1280) in IMSI and 4.5% (119/2627) in ICSI (RR=0.59; 95% CI=0.40-0.87; p=0.007). The results demonstrated that IMSI decreased the incidence of structural defects compared to ICSI - 2.2% (18/830) vs. 3.8% (78/2049) - in a statistically significant manner (RR=0.58; 95%CI=0.35-0.96; p=0.04). No significant difference was observed in chromosomal abnormalities (Trisomy 13; 18; 21 and Triple X) between children conceived after IMSI (8/830) or ICSI (19/2049) (RR=1.07; 95%CI=0.47-2.43; p=0.87).
    CONCLUSIONS: IMSI seems to be an effective tool at reducing the incidence of structural defects compared to ICSI. However, IMSI does not change the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate the incidence rate and outcomes of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection of in-house compounded bevacizumab.
    UNASSIGNED: In this multicentric study performed from 2014 to 2018, patients who were injected with in-house compounded and sterilized bevacizumab were observed for endophthalmitis. In-house compounded syringes were prepared in compounding pharmacy using sterile standard operating guidelines. All cases of acute endophthalmitis following intravitreal injection were recorded and followed up for final anatomical and visual outcome after management.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 50,361 bevacizumab injections were administered. Incidence of post-injection endophthalmitis was 0.0377%. Incidence of culture-positive endophthalmitis was 0.0178%, with 55.5% culture positivity for Staphylococcus species. A significant improvement in the final visual outcome was noted (p<0.05), and overall five patients (26.3%) achieved visual acuity of 6/18 or more.
    UNASSIGNED: In-house compounded injections of bevacizumab can reduce post-injection endophthalmitis to a minimum, with maintenance of proper asepsis and strict protocols by the compounding pharmacy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological systems are composed of highly complex networks, and decoding the functional significance of individual network components is critical for understanding healthy and diseased states. Several algorithms have been designed to identify the most influential regulatory points within a network. However, current methods do not address all the topological dimensions of a network or correct for inherent positional biases, which limits their applicability. To overcome this computational deficit, we undertook a statistical assessment of 200 real-world and simulated networks to decipher associations between centrality measures and developed an algorithm termed Integrated Value of Influence (IVI), which integrates the most important and commonly used network centrality measures in an unbiased way. When compared against 12 other contemporary influential node identification methods on ten different networks, the IVI algorithm outperformed all other assessed methods. Using this versatile method, network researchers can now identify the most influential network nodes.






