• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial cell walls are gigadalton-large cross-linked polymers with a wide range of motional amplitudes, including rather rigid as well as highly flexible parts. Magic-angle spinning NMR is a powerful method to obtain atomic-level information about intact cell walls. Here we investigate sensitivity and information content of different homonuclear 13C13C and heteronuclear 1H15N, 1H13C and 15N13C correlation experiments. We demonstrate that a CPMAS CryoProbe yields ca. 8-fold increased signal-to-noise over a room-temperature probe, or a ca. 3-4-fold larger per-mass sensitivity. The increased sensitivity allowed to obtain high-resolution spectra even on intact bacteria. Moreover, we compare resolution and sensitivity of 1H MAS experiments obtained at 100 kHz vs. 55 kHz. Our study provides useful hints for choosing experiments to extract atomic-level details on cell-wall samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hartmann-Hahn cross polarization and INEPT polarization transfer are the most popular sequences to increase the polarization of low-γ nuclei in magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR. It is well known that the two methods preferentially lead to polarization transfer in different parts of molecules. Cross polarization works best in rigid segments of the molecule while INEPT-based polarization transfer is efficient in highly mobile segments where (nearly) isotropic motion averages out the dipolar couplings. However, there have only been few attempts to define the time scales of motion that are compatible with cross polarization or INEPT transfer in a more quantitative way. We have used simple isotropic jump models in combination with simulations based on the stochastic Liouville equation to elucidate the time scales of motion that allow either cross polarization or INEPT-based polarization transfer. We investigate which motional time scales interfere with one or both polarization-transfer schemes. We have modeled isolated I-S two-spin systems, strongly-coupled I2S three-spin systems and more loosely coupled I-I-S three-spin systems as well as I3S groups. Such fragments can be used as models for typical environments in fully deuterated and back-exchanged molecules (I-S), for fully protonated molecules (I2S and I3S) or situations in between (I-I-S).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    INEPT-based experiments are widely used for 1 H→15 N transfers, but often fail when involving labile protons due to solvent exchanges. J-based cross polarization (CP) strategies offer a more efficient alternative to perform such transfers, particularly when leveraging the Hwater ↔ ${ \\leftrightarrow }$ HN exchange process to boost the 1 H→15 N transfer process. This leveraging, however, demands the simultaneous spin-locking of both Hwater and HN protons by a strong 1 H RF field, while fulfilling the γH B1,H =γN B1,N Hartmann-Hahn matching condition. Given the low value of γN /γH , however, these demands are often incompatible-particularly when experiments are executed by the power-limited cryogenic probes used in contemporary high field NMR. The present manuscript discusses CP alternatives that can alleviate this limitation, and evaluates their performance on urea, amino acids, and intrinsically disordered proteins. These alternatives include new CP variants based on frequency-swept and phase-modulated pulses, designed to simultaneously fulfill the aforementioned conflicting conditions. Their performances vis-à-vis current options are theoretically analyzed with Liouville-space simulations, and experimentally tested with double and triple resonance transfer experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    That the NMR transition of a spin-1/2 nucleus is split into n evenly spaced lines by indirect dipole-dipole (J) coupling to n magnetically equivalent nuclei, whose successive amplitudes follow the nth row of Pascal\'s triangle, is an elementary result in NMR. Described here are a family of less well known multiplet structures with different amplitudes for the evenly spaced lines. The amplitudes can be derived from the nth row of Pascal\'s triangle by weighting the corresponding value of the row by z or z2, where z is related to the summed magnetic quantum number of the magnetically equivalent spins. z1-multiplets have been described in INEPT experiments. A z2-multiplet can be indirectly observed in HSQC experiments when the decoupling pulse during t1 is removed, i.e., an F1-coupled HSQC. While not difficult to generate and despite some reported usefulness, to the best of our knowledge, z2-multiplets have not been rigorously described in previous literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Convenience food products tend to alter their quality and texture while stored. Texture-giving food components are often starch-rich ingredients, such as pasta or rice. Starch transforms depending on time, temperature and water content, which alters the properties of products. Monitoring these transformations, which are associated with a change in mobility of the starch chain segments, could optimize the quality of food products containing multiple ingredients. In order to do so, we applied a simple and efficient in situ 13 C solid-state magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR approach, based on two different polarization transfer schemes, cross polarization (CP) and insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer (INEPT). The efficiency of the CP and INEPT transfer depends strongly on the mobility of chain segments-the time scale of reorientation of the CH-bond and the order parameter. Rigid crystalline or amorphous starch chains give rise to CP peaks, whereas mobile gelatinized starch chains appear as INEPT peaks. Comparing 13 C solid-state MAS NMR experiments based on CP and INEPT allows insight into the progress of gelatinization, and other starch transformations, by reporting on both rigid and mobile starch chains simultaneously with atomic resolution by the 13 C chemical shift. In conjunction with 1 H solid-state MAS NMR, complementary information about other food components present at low concentration, such as lipids and protein, can be obtained. We demonstrate our approach on starch-based products and commercial pasta as a function of temperature and storage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multidimensional solid-state NMR spectroscopy plays a significant role in offering atomic-level insights into molecular systems. In particular, heteronuclear chemical shift correlation (HETCOR) experiments could provide local chemical and structural information in terms of spatial heteronuclear proximity and through-bond connectivity. In solid state, the transfer of magnetization between heteronuclei, a key step in HETCOR experiments, is usually achieved using cross-polarization (CP) or insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer (INEPT) depending on the sample characteristics and magic-angle-spinning (MAS) frequency. But, for a multiphase system constituting molecular components that differ in their time scales of mobilities, CP efficiency is pretty low for mobile components because of the averaging of heteronuclear dipolar couplings whereas INEPT is inefficient for immobile components due to the short T2 and can yield through-space connectivity due to strong proton spin diffusion for immobile components especially under moderate spinning speeds. Herein, in this study we present two 2D pulse sequences that enable the sequential acquisition of 13C/1H HETCOR NMR spectra for the rigid and mobile components by taking full advantage of the abundant proton magnetization in a single experiment with barely increasing the overall experimental time. In particular, the 13C-detected HETCOR experiment could be applied under slow MAS conditions, where a multiple-pulse sequence is typically employed to enhance 1H spectral resolution in the indirect dimension. In contrast, the 1H-detected HETCOR experiment should be applied under ultrafast MAS, where CP and heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) polarization transfer are combined to enhance 13C signal intensities for mobile components. These pulse sequences are experimentally demonstrated on two model systems to obtain 2D 13C/1H chemical shift correlation spectra of rigid and mobile components independently and separately. These pulse sequences can be used for dynamics based spectral editing and resonance assignments. Therefore, we believe the proposed 2D HETCOR NMR pulse sequences will be beneficial for the structural studies of heterogeneous systems containing molecular components that differ in their time scale of motions for understanding the interplay of structures and properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of in vivo 13 C->1 H hyperpolarization transfer, which has significant potential advantages for detecting the distribution and metabolism of hyperpolarized 13 C probes in a clinical MRI scanner.
    A standalone pulsed 13 C RF transmit channel was developed for operation in conjunction with the standard 1 H channel of a clinical 3T MRI scanner. Pulse sequences for 13 C power calibration and polarization transfer were programmed on the external hardware and integrated with a customized water-suppressed 1 H MRS acquisition running in parallel on the scanner. The newly developed RF system was tested in both phantom and in vivo polarization transfer experiments in 1 JCH -coupled systems: phantom experiments in thermally polarized and hyperpolarized [2-13 C]glycerol, and 1 H detection of [2-13 C]lactate generated from hyperpolarized [2-13 C]pyruvate in rat liver in vivo.
    Operation of the custom pulsed 13 C RF channel resulted in effective 13 C->1 H hyperpolarization transfer, as confirmed by the characteristic antiphase appearance of 1 H-detected, 1 JCH -coupled doublets. In conjunction with a pulse sequence providing 190-fold water suppression in vivo, 1 H detection of hyperpolarized [2-13 C]lactate generated in vivo was achieved in a rat liver slice.
    The results show clear feasibility for effective 13 C->1 H hyperpolarization transfer in a clinical MRI scanner with customized heteronuclear RF system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report here an original NMR sequence allowing the acquisition of 3D correlation NMR spectra between three distinct heteronuclei, among which two are half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei. Furthermore, as two of them exhibit close Larmor frequency, this experiment was acquired using a standard triple-resonance probe equipped with a commercial frequency splitter. This NMR technique was tested and applied to sodium alumino-phosphate compounds with 31P as the spin-1/2 nucleus and 23Na and 27Al as the close Larmor frequencies isotopes. To the best of our knowledge, such experiment with direct 31P and indirect 27Al and 23Na detection is the first example of 3D NMR experiment in solids involving three distinct heteronuclei. This sequence has first been demonstrated on a mixture of Al(PO3)3 and NaAlP2O7 crystalline phases, for which a selective observation of NaAlP2O7 is possible through the 3D map edition. This 3D correlation experiment is then applied to characterize mixing and phase segregation in a partially devitrified glass that has been proposed as a material for the sequestration of radioactive waste. The 31P-{23Na,27Al} 3D experiment conducted on the partially devitrified glass material conclusively demonstrates that the amorphous component of the material does not contain aluminum. The as-synthesized material thus presents a poor resistance against water, which is a severe limitation for its application in the radioactive waste encapsulation domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Triacylglycerols, which are quasi-universal components of food matrices, consist of complex mixtures of molecules. Their site-specific 13C content, their fatty acid profile, and their position on the glycerol moiety may significantly vary with the geographical, botanical, or animal origin of the sample. Such variables are valuable tracers for food authentication issues. The main objective of this work was to develop a new method based on a rapid and precise 13C-NMR spectroscopy (using a polarization transfer technique) coupled with multivariate linear regression analyses in order to quantify the whole set of individual fatty acids within triacylglycerols. In this respect, olive oil samples were analyzed by means of both adiabatic 13C-INEPT sequence and gas chromatography (GC). For each fatty acid within the studied matrix and for squalene as well, a multivariate prediction model was constructed using the deconvoluted peak areas of 13C-INEPT spectra as predictors, and the data obtained by GC as response variables. This 13C-NMR-based strategy, tested on olive oil, could serve as an alternative to the gas chromatographic quantification of individual fatty acids in other matrices, while providing additional compositional and isotopic information. Graphical abstract A strategy based on the multivariate linear regression of variables obtained by a rapid 13C-NMR technique was developed for the quantification of individual fatty acids within triacylglycerol matrices. The conceived strategy was tested on olive oil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heteronuclear cross polarization (CP) has been commonly used to enhance the sensitivity of dilute low-γ nuclei in almost all solid-state NMR experiments. However, CP relies on heteronuclear dipolar couplings, and therefore the magnetization transfer efficiency becomes inefficient when the dipolar couplings are weak, as is often the case for mobile components in solids. Here, we demonstrate methods that combine CP with heteronuclear Overhauser effect (referred to as CP-NOE) or with refocused-INEPT (referred to as CP-RINEPT) to overcome the efficiency limitation of CP and enhance the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for mobile components. Our experimental results reveal that, compared to the conventional CP, significant S/N ratio enhancement can be achieved for resonances originating from mobile components, whereas the resonance signals associated with rigid groups are not significantly affected due to their long spin-lattice relaxation times. In fact, the S/N enhancement factor is also dependent on the temperature, CP contact time as well as on the system under investigation. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that CP-RINEPT experiment can be successfully employed to independently detect mobile and rigid signals in a single experiment without affecting the data collection time. However, the resolution of CP spectrum obtained from the CP-RINEPT experiment could be slightly compromised by the mandatory use of continuous wave (CW) decoupling during the acquisition of signals from rigid components. In addition, CP-RINEPT experiment can be used for spectral editing utilizing the difference in dynamics of different regions of a molecule and/or different components present in the sample, and could also be useful for the assignment of resonances from mobile components in poorly resolved spectra. Therefore, we believe that the proposed approaches are beneficial for the structural characterization of multiphase and heterogeneous systems, and could be used as a building block in multidimensional solid-state NMR experiments.





