IMU sensors

IMU 传感器
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gait monitoring using hip joint angles offers a promising approach for person identification, leveraging the capabilities of smartphone inertial measurement units (IMUs). This study investigates the use of smartphone IMUs to extract hip joint angles for distinguishing individuals based on their gait patterns. The data were collected from 10 healthy subjects (8 males, 2 females) walking on a treadmill at 4 km/h for 10 min. A sensor fusion technique that combined accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer data was used to derive meaningful hip joint angles. We employed various machine learning algorithms within the WEKA environment to classify subjects based on their hip joint pattern and achieved a classification accuracy of 88.9%. Our findings demonstrate the feasibility of using hip joint angles for person identification, providing a baseline for future research in gait analysis for biometric applications. This work underscores the potential of smartphone-based gait analysis in personal identification systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present work focuses on the tapping test, which is a method that is commonly used in the literature to assess dexterity, speed, and motor coordination by repeatedly moving fingers, performing a tapping action on a flat surface. During the test, the activation of specific brain regions enhances fine motor abilities, improving motor control. The research also explores neuromuscular and biomechanical factors related to finger dexterity, revealing neuroplastic adaptation to repetitive movements. To give an objective evaluation of all cited physiological aspects, this work proposes a measurement architecture consisting of the following: (i) a novel measurement protocol to assess the coordinative and conditional capabilities of a population of participants; (ii) a suitable measurement platform, consisting of synchronized and non-invasive inertial sensors to be worn at finger level; (iii) a data analysis processing stage, able to provide the final user (medical doctor or training coach) with a plethora of useful information about the carried-out tests, going far beyond state-of-the-art results from classical tapping test examinations. Particularly, the proposed study underscores the importance interdigital autonomy for complex finger motions, despite the challenges posed by anatomical connections; this deepens our understanding of upper limb coordination and the impact of neuroplasticity, holding significance for motor abilities assessment, improvement, and therapeutic strategies to enhance finger precision. The proof-of-concept test is performed by considering a population of college students. The obtained results allow us to consider the proposed architecture to be valuable for many application scenarios, such as the ones related to neurodegenerative disease evolution monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medieval combat sport is a form of mixed martial art in which combatants engage in fighting using offensive and defensive equipment while dressed in full armor. The sport is considered extremely taxing, making it nearly impossible to maintain the same level of performance. However, this form of sport has not been thoroughly analyzed, and its impact on human physical response is largely unknown. To address this gap, the study reported here aimed to introduce and test a procedure for analyzing human physical responses within the framework of the sport. To accomplish this, two experienced combatants were asked to engage in a series of strikes, performed in the form of a set duel simulating a professional fight competition. The kinematic aspect of the procedure was examined using motion analysis with the help of an IMU suit, while the physiological aspect was evaluated based on blood lactate levels and heart rate measurements. Furthermore, an ergometer test conducted in a laboratory setting aimed to determine the lactate threshold. The duel results showed noticeable decreases in the kinematic aspects of the strikes, such as the velocity of impact, and a dramatic rise in physiological aspects, such as heart rate and blood lactate levels. During the duel sets, the blood lactate surpassed the threshold level, and at the end, the heart rate exceeded the maximum age-related level. Practicing medieval combat sport has been shown to impose an extreme physical load on the bodies of combatants, noticeably affecting their performance levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial intelligence is being used for rehabilitation, including monitoring exercise compliance through sensor technology. AI classification of shoulder exercise wearing an IMU sensor has only been reported in normal (i.e. painless) subjects. To prove the feasibility of monitoring exercise compliance, we aimed to classify 11 types of shoulder rehabilitation exercises using an AI (artificial intelligence) algorithm in patients with shoulder pain. We had the patients wear an IMU-based sensor, collected data during exercise, and determined the accuracy of exercise classification.
    Data were collected from 58 patients (27 males, 31 females, age range 37-82 years) diagnosed with shoulder diseases such as adhesive capsulitis and rotator cuff disease. 11 types of shoulder pain rehabilitation exercise programs were developed and repeated each exercise ten times per session while wearing an IMU sensor. The study applied the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) and the SoftMax as the activation function for hidden layers, the output layer.
    The acquired data was used to train a DNN model using the multilayer perceptron algorithm. The trained model was used to classify 11 types of shoulder pain rehabilitation exercises. The training accuracy was 0.975 and the test accuracy was 0.925.
    The study demonstrates that IMU sensor data can effectively classify shoulder pain rehabilitation exercises, providing more appropriate feedback for patients. The model can be utilized to establish a system for remotely monitoring patients\' exercise performance. The use of deep learning in patient monitoring and rehabilitation has significant potential to bring innovative changes to healthcare service delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article presents a dataset comprising signal data collected from Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors during the administration of the Time Up and Go (TUG) test for assessing fall risk in older adults. The dataset is divided into two main sections. The first section contains personal, behavioral, and health-related data from 34 participants. The second section contains signal data from tri-axial acceleration and tri-axial gyroscope sensors embedded in an IMU sensor, which was affixed to the participants\' waist area to capture signal data while they walked. The chosen assessment method for fall risk analysis is the TUG test, requiring participants to walk a 3-meter distance back and forth. To prepare the dataset for subsequent analysis, the raw signal data underwent processing to extract only the walking periods during the TUG test. Additionally, a low-pass filter technique was employed to reduce noise interference. This dataset holds the potential for the development of effective models for fall risk detection based on insights garnered from questionnaires administered to specialists who observed the experiments. The dataset also contains anonymized participant information that can be explored to investigate fall risk, along with other health-related conditions or behaviors that could influence the risk of falling. This information is invaluable for devising tailored treatment or rehabilitation plans for individual older adults. The complete dataset is accessible through the Mendeley repository.\"






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Depressive mood states in healthy populations are prevalent but often under-reported. Biases exist in self-reporting of depression in otherwise healthy individuals. Gait and balance control can serve as objective markers for identifying those individuals, particularly in real-world settings. We utilized inertial measurement units (IMU) to measure gait and balance control. An exploratory, cross-sectional design was used to compare individuals who reported feeling depressed at the moment (n = 49) with those who did not (n = 84). The Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-sectional Studies was employed to ensure internal validity. We recruited 133 participants aged between 18-36 years from the university community. Various instruments were used to evaluate participants\' present depressive symptoms, sleep, gait, and balance. Gait and balance variables were used to detect depression, and participants were categorized into three groups: not depressed, mild depression, and moderate-high depression. Participant characteristics were analyzed using ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests, and no significant differences were found in age, height, weight, BMI, and prior night\'s sleep between the three groups. Classification models were utilized for depression detection. The most accurate model incorporated both gait and balance variables, yielding an accuracy rate of 84.91% for identifying individuals with moderate-high depression compared to non-depressed individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dual-task activities are essential within everyday life, requiring visual-spatial memory (VSM) and mobility skills. Navigational memory is an important component of VSM needed to carry out everyday activities, but this is often not included in traditional tests such as the Corsi block tapping test (CBT). The Walking Corsi Test (WalCT) allows both VSM and navigational memory to be tested together, as well as allowing measures of gait to be collected, thus providing a more complete understanding of dual-task function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of an increasingly complex cognitive task on gait in a healthy adult population, using the WalCT and body-worn inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors. Participants completed both the CBT and WalCT, where they were asked to replicate increasingly complex sequences until they were no longer able to carry this out correctly. IMU sensors were worn on the shins throughout the WalCT to assess changes in gait as task complexity increased. Results showed that there were significant differences in several gait parameters between completing a relatively simple cognitive task and completing a complex task. The type of memory used also appeared to have an impact on some gait variables. This indicates that even within a healthy population, gait is affected by cognitive task complexity, which may limit function in everyday dual-task activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is characterized by a variety of motor and non-motor symptoms, some of them pertaining to gait and balance. The use of sensors for the monitoring of patients\' mobility and the extraction of gait parameters, has emerged as an objective method for assessing the efficacy of their treatment and the progression of the disease. To that end, two popular solutions are pressure insoles and body-worn IMU-based devices, which have been used for precise, continuous, remote, and passive gait assessment. In this work, insole and IMU-based solutions were evaluated for assessing gait impairment, and were subsequently compared, producing evidence to support the use of instrumentation in everyday clinical practice. The evaluation was conducted using two datasets, generated during a clinical study, in which patients with PD wore, simultaneously, a pair of instrumented insoles and a set of wearable IMU-based devices. The data from the study were used to extract and compare gait features, independently, from the two aforementioned systems. Subsequently, subsets comprised of the extracted features, were used by machine learning algorithms for gait impairment assessment. The results indicated that insole gait kinematic features were highly correlated with those extracted from IMU-based devices. Moreover, both had the capacity to train accurate machine learning models for the detection of PD gait impairment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human motion analysis requires information about the position and orientation of different parts of the human body over time. Widely used are optical methods such as the VICON system and sets of wired and wireless IMU sensors to estimate absolute orientation angles of extremities (Xsens). Both methods require expensive measurement devices and have disadvantages such as the limited rate of position and angle acquisition. In the paper, the adaptation of the drone flight controller was proposed as a low-cost and relatively high-performance device for the human body pose estimation and acceleration measurements. The test setup with the use of flight controllers was described and the efficiency of the flight controller sensor was compared with commercial sensors. The practical usability of sensors in human motion measurement was presented. The issues related to the dynamic response of IMU-based sensors during acceleration measurement were discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Binaural synthesis with head tracking is often used in spatial audio systems. The devices used for head tracking must provide data on the orientation of the listener\'s head. These data need to be highly accurate, and they need to be provided as fast and as frequently as possible. Therefore, head-tracking devices need to be equipped with high-quality inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors. Since IMUs readily include triaxial accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers, it is crucial that all of these sensors perform well, as the head orientation is calculated from all sensor outputs. This paper discusses the challenges encountered in the process of the performance assessment of IMUs through appropriate measurements. Three distinct hardware platforms were investigated: five IMU sensors either connected to Arduino-based embedded systems or being an integral part of one, five smartphones across a broad range of overall quality with integrated IMUs, and a commercial virtual reality unit that utilizes a headset with integrated IMUs. An innovative measurement method is presented and proposed for comparing the performance of sensors on all three platforms. The results of the measurements performed using the proposed method show that all three investigated platforms are adequate for the acquisition of the data required for calculating the orientation of a device as the input to the binaural synthesis process. Some limitations that have been observed during the measurements, regarding data acquisition and transfer, are discussed.





