• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial ribosomes require three initiation factors IF1, IF2, and IF3 during the initial steps of translation. These IFs ensure correct base pairing of the initiator tRNA anticodon with the start codon in the mRNA located at the P-site of the 30S ribosomal subunit. IF3 is one of the first IFs to bind to the 30S and plays a crucial role in the selection of the correct start codon and codon: anticodon base pairing. IF3 also prevents the premature association of the 50S subunit of ribosomes and aids in ribosome recycling. IF3 is reported to change binding sites and conformation to ensure translation initiation fidelity. A recent study suggested an initial binding of IF3 CTD away from the P-site and that IF1 and IF2 promote the movement of CTD to the P-site and concomitant movement of NTD. Hence, to visualize the position of IF3 in the absence of any other IFs, we determined cryo-EM structure of the 30S-IF3 complex. The map shows that IF3 is present in an extended conformation with CTD present at the P-site and NTD near the platform even in the absence of IF1 and IF2. Hence, IF3 CTD binds at the P-site and moves away during the accommodation of the initiator tRNA at the P-site in the later steps of translation initiation. Overall, we report the structure of 30S-IF3 which demystifies the starting binding site and conformation of IF3 on the 30S ribosomal subunit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In translation initiation in prokaryotes, IF3 recognizes the interaction between the initiator codon of mRNA and the anticodon of fMet-tRNAini and then relocates the fMet-tRNAini to an active position. Here, we have surveyed 328 codon-anticodon combinations for the preference of IF3. At the first and second base of the codon, only Watson-Crick base pairs are tolerated. At the third base, stronger base pairs, for example, Watson-Crick, are more preferred, but other types of base pairs, for example, G/U wobble, are also tolerated; weaker base pairs are excluded by IF3. When the codon-anticodon combinations are unfavorable for IF3 or the concentration of IF3 is too low to recognize any codon-anticodon combinations, IF3 fails to set the P-site fMet-tRNAini at the active position and causes its drop-off from the ribosome. Thereby, translation reinitiation occurs from the second aminoacyl-tRNA at the A site to yield a truncated peptide lacking the amino-terminal fMet. We refer to this event as the amino-terminal drop-off-reinitiation. We also showed that EF-G and RRF are involved in disassembling such an aberrant ribosome complex bearing inactive fMet-tRNAini Thereby EF-G and RRF are able to exclude unfavorable codon-anticodon combinations with weaker base pairs and alleviate the amino-terminal drop-off-reinitiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canonical translation initiation in bacteria entails the assembly of the 30S initiation complex (IC), which binds the 50S subunit to form a 70S IC. IF3, a key initiation factor, is recruited to the 30S subunit at an early stage and is displaced from its primary binding site upon subunit joining. We employed four different FRET pairs to monitor IF3 relocation after 50S joining. IF3 moves away from the 30S subunit, IF1 and IF2, but can remain bound to the mature 70S IC. The secondary binding site is located on the 50S subunit in the vicinity of ribosomal protein L33. The interaction between IF3 and the 50S subunit is largely electrostatic with very high rates of IF3 binding and dissociation. The existence of the non-canonical binding site may help explain how IF3 participates in alternative initiation modes performed directly by the 70S ribosomes, such as initiation on leaderless mRNAs or re-initiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Translation begins at AUG, GUG, or UUG codons in bacteria. Start codon recognition occurs in the P site, which may help explain this first-position degeneracy. However, the molecular basis of start codon specificity remains unclear. In this study, we measured the codon dependence of 30S•mRNA•tRNAfMet and 30S•mRNA•tRNAMet complex formation. We found that complex stability varies over a large range with initiator tRNAfMet, following the same trend as reported previously for initiation rate in vivo (AUG > GUG, UUG > CUG, AUC, AUA > ACG). With elongator tRNAMet, the codon dependence of binding differs qualitatively, with virtually no discrimination between GUG and CUG. A unique feature of initiator tRNAfMet is a series of three G-C basepairs in the anticodon stem, which are known to be important for efficient initiation in vivo. A mutation targeting the central of these G-C basepairs causes the mRNA binding specificity pattern to change in a way reminiscent of elongator tRNAMet. Unexpectedly, for certain complexes containing fMet-tRNAfMet, we observed mispositioning of mRNA, such that codon 2 is no longer programmed in the A site. This mRNA mispositioning is exacerbated by the anticodon stem mutation and suppressed by IF2. These findings suggest that both IF2 and the unique anticodon stem of fMet-tRNAfMet help constrain mRNA positioning to set the correct reading frame during initiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Initiator tRNAs (i-tRNAs) are characterized by the presence of three consecutive GC base pairs (GC/GC/GC) in their anticodon stems in all domains of life. However, many mycoplasmas possess unconventional i-tRNAs wherein the highly conserved sequence of GC/GC/GC is represented by AU/GC/GC, GC/GC/GU or AU/GC/GU. These mycoplasmas also tend to preferentially utilize non-AUG initiation codons. To investigate if initiation with the unconventional i-tRNAs and non-AUG codons in mycoplasmas correlated with the changes in the other components of the translation machinery, we carried out multiple sequence alignments of genes encoding initiation factors (IF), 16S rRNAs, and the ribosomal proteins such as uS9, uS12 and uS13. In addition, the occurrence of Shine-Dalgarno sequences in mRNAs was analyzed. We observed that in the mycoplasmas harboring AU/GC/GU i-tRNAs, a highly conserved position of R131 in IF3, is represented by P, F or Y and, the conserved C-terminal tail (SKR) of uS9 is represented by the TKR sequence. Using the Escherichia coli model, we show that the change of R131 in IF3 optimizes initiation with the AU/GC/GU i-tRNAs. Also, the SKR to TKR change in uS9 was compatible with the R131P variation in IF3 for initiation with the AU/GC/GU i-tRNA variant. Interestingly, the mycoplasmas harboring AU/GC/GU i-tRNAs are also human pathogens. We propose that these mycoplasmas might have evolved a relaxed translational apparatus to adapt to the environment they encounter in the host.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During termination of translation, the nascent peptide is first released from the ribosome, which must be subsequently disassembled into subunits in a process known as ribosome recycling. In bacteria, termination and recycling are mediated by the translation factors RF, RRF, EF-G, and IF3, but their precise roles have remained unclear. Here, we use single-molecule fluorescence to track the conformation and composition of the ribosome in real time during termination and recycling. Our results show that peptide release by RF induces a rotated ribosomal conformation. RRF binds to this rotated intermediate to form the substrate for EF-G that, in turn, catalyzes GTP-dependent subunit disassembly. After the 50S subunit departs, IF3 releases the deacylated tRNA from the 30S subunit, thus preventing reassembly of the 70S ribosome. Our findings reveal the post-termination rotated state as the crucial intermediate in the transition from termination to recycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The major oxidative stress response in Streptomyces is controlled by the sigma factor SigR and its cognate antisigma factor RsrA, and SigR activity is tightly controlled through multiple mechanisms at both the transcriptional and posttranslational levels. Here we show that sigR has a highly unusual GTC start codon and that this leads to another level of SigR regulation, in which SigR translation is repressed by translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Changing the GTC to a canonical start codon causes SigR to be overproduced relative to RsrA, resulting in unregulated and constitutive expression of the SigR regulon. Similarly, introducing IF3* mutations that impair its ability to repress SigR translation has the same effect. Thus, the noncanonical GTC sigR start codon and its repression by IF3 are critical for the correct and proper functioning of the oxidative stress regulatory system. sigR and rsrA are cotranscribed and translationally coupled, and it had therefore been assumed that SigR and RsrA are produced in stoichiometric amounts. Here we show that RsrA can be transcribed and translated independently of SigR, present evidence that RsrA is normally produced in excess of SigR, and describe the factors that determine SigR-RsrA stoichiometry.IMPORTANCE In all sigma factor-antisigma factor regulatory switches, the relative abundance of the two proteins is critical to the proper functioning of the system. Many sigma-antisigma operons are cotranscribed and translationally coupled, leading to a generic assumption that the sigma and antisigma factors are produced in a fixed 1:1 ratio. In the case of sigR-rsrA, we show instead that the antisigma factor is produced in excess over the sigma factor, providing a buffer to prevent spurious release of sigma activity. This excess arises in part because sigR has an extremely rare noncanonical GTC start codon, and as a result, SigR translation initiation is repressed by IF3. This finding highlights the potential significance of noncanonical start codons, very few of which have been characterized experimentally. It also emphasizes the limitations of predicting start codons using bioinformatic approaches, which rely heavily on the assumption that ATG, GTG, and TTG are the only permissible start codons.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aminoglycoside antibiotics are widely used to treat infectious diseases. Among them, streptomycin and kanamycin (and derivatives) are of importance to battle multidrug-resistant (MDR) Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Both drugs bind the small ribosomal subunit (30S) and inhibit protein synthesis. Genetic, structural, and biochemical studies indicate that local and long-range conformational rearrangements of the 30S subunit account for this inhibition. Here, we use intramolecular FRET between the C- and N-terminus domains of the flexible IF3 to monitor real-time perturbations of their binding sites on the 30S platform. Steady and pre-steady state binding experiments show that both aminoglycosides bring IF3 domains apart, promoting an elongated state of the factor. Binding of Initiation Factor IF1 triggers closure of IF3 bound to the 30S complex, while both aminoglycosides revert the IF1-dependent conformation. Our results uncover dynamic perturbations across the 30S subunit, from the A-site to the platform, and suggest that both aminoglycosides could interfere with prokaryotic translation initiation by modulating the interaction between IF3 domains with the 30S platform.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In bacterial translational initiation, three initiation factors (IFs 1-3) enable the selection of initiator tRNA and the start codon in the P site of the 30S ribosomal subunit. Here, we report 11 single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) reconstructions of the complex of bacterial 30S subunit with initiator tRNA, mRNA, and IFs 1-3, representing different steps along the initiation pathway. IF1 provides key anchoring points for IF2 and IF3, thereby enhancing their activities. IF2 positions a domain in an extended conformation appropriate for capturing the formylmethionyl moiety charged on tRNA. IF3 and tRNA undergo large conformational changes to facilitate the accommodation of the formylmethionyl-tRNA (fMet-tRNA(fMet)) into the P site for start codon recognition.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Initiation of translation involves the assembly of a ribosome complex with initiator tRNA bound to the peptidyl site and paired to the start codon of the mRNA. In bacteria, this process is kinetically controlled by three initiation factors--IF1, IF2, and IF3. Here, we show that deletion of helix H69 (∆H69) of 23S rRNA allows rapid 50S docking without concomitant IF3 release and virtually eliminates the dependence of subunit joining on start codon identity. Despite this, overall accuracy of start codon selection, based on rates of formation of elongation-competent 70S ribosomes, is largely uncompromised in the absence of H69. Thus, the fidelity function of IF3 stems primarily from its interplay with initiator tRNA rather than its anti-subunit association activity. While retaining fidelity, ∆H69 ribosomes exhibit much slower rates of overall initiation, due to the delay in IF3 release and impedance of an IF3-independent step, presumably initiator tRNA positioning. These findings clarify the roles of H69 and IF3 in the mechanism of translation initiation and explain the dominant lethal phenotype of the ∆H69 mutation.





