• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The identification of novel toxins from overlooked and taxonomically exceptional species bears potential for various pharmacological applications. The remipede Xibalbanus tulumensis, an underwater cave-dwelling crustacean, is the only crustacean for which a venom system has been described. Its venom contains several xibalbin peptides that have an inhibitor cysteine knot (ICK) scaffold.
    RESULTS: Our screenings revealed that all tested xibalbin variants particularly inhibit potassium channels. Xib1 and xib13 with their eight-cysteine domain similar to spider knottins also inhibit voltage-gated sodium channels. No activity was noted on calcium channels. Expanding the functional testing, we demonstrate that xib1 and xib13 increase PKA-II and Erk1/2 sensitization signaling in nociceptive neurons, which may initiate pain sensitization. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that xib13 either originates from the common ancestor of pancrustaceans or earlier while xib1 is more restricted to remipedes. The ten-cysteine scaffolded xib2 emerged from xib1, a result that is supported by our phylogenetic and machine learning-based analyses.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our functional characterization of synthesized variants of xib1, xib2, and xib13 elucidates their potential as inhibitors of potassium channels in mammalian systems. The specific interaction of xib2 with Kv1.6 channels, which are relevant to treating variants of epilepsy, shows potential for further studies. At higher concentrations, xib1 and xib13 activate the kinases PKA-II and ERK1/2 in mammalian sensory neurons, suggesting pain sensitization and potential applications related to pain research and therapy. While tested insect channels suggest that all probably act as neurotoxins, the biological function of xib1, xib2, and xib13 requires further elucidation. A novel finding on their evolutionary origin is the apparent emergence of X. tulumensis-specific xib2 from xib1. Our study is an important cornerstone for future studies to untangle the origin and function of these enigmatic proteins as important components of remipede but also other pancrustacean and arthropod venoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants have a family of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors called interactors/inhibitors of CDK (ICKs) or Kip-related proteins (KRPs). ICK proteins have important functions in cell proliferation, endoreduplication, plant growth, and reproductive development, and their functions depend on the protein levels. However, understanding of how ICK protein levels are regulated is very limited. We fused Arabidopsis ICK sequences to green fluorescent protein (GFP) and determined their effects on the fusion proteins in plants, yeast, and Escherichia coli. The N-terminal regions of ICKs drastically reduced GFP fusion protein levels in Arabidopsis plants. A number of short sequences of 10-20 residues were found to decrease GFP fusion protein levels when fused at the N-terminus or C-terminus. Three of the four short sequences from ICK3 showed a similar function in yeast. Intriguingly, three short sequences from ICK1 and ICK3 caused the degradation of the fusion proteins in E. coli. In addition, computational analyses showed that ICK proteins were mostly disordered and unstructured except for the conserved C-terminal region, suggesting that ICKs are intrinsically disordered proteins. This study has identified a number of short protein-destabilizing sequences, and evidence suggests that some of them may cause protein degradation through structural disorder and instability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The primary cilium provides cell sensory and signaling functions. Cilia structure and function are regulated by ciliogenesis-associated kinase 1 (CILK1). Ciliopathies caused by CILK1 mutations show longer cilia and abnormal Hedgehog signaling. Our study aimed to identify small molecular inhibitors of CILK1 that would enable pharmacological modulation of primary cilia. A previous screen of a chemical library for interactions with protein kinases revealed that Alvocidib has a picomolar binding affinity for CILK1. In this study, we show that Alvocidib potently inhibits CILK1 (IC50 = 20 nM), exhibits selectivity for inhibition of CILK1 over cyclin-dependent kinases 2/4/6 at low nanomolar concentrations, and induces CILK1-dependent cilia elongation. Our results support the use of Alvocidib to potently and selectively inhibit CILK1 to modulate primary cilia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ICK (also known as CILK1) is a mitogen-activated protein kinase-like kinase localized at the ciliary tip. Its deficiency is known to result in the elongation of cilia and causes ciliopathies in humans. However, little is known about how ICK is transported to the ciliary tip. We here show that the C-terminal noncatalytic region of ICK interacts with the intraflagellar transport (IFT)-B complex of the IFT machinery and participates in its transport to the ciliary tip. Furthermore, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that ICK undergoes bidirectional movement within cilia, similarly to IFT particles. Analysis of ICK knockout cells demonstrated that ICK deficiency severely impairs the retrograde trafficking of IFT particles and ciliary G protein-coupled receptors. In addition, we found that in ICK knockout cells, ciliary proteins are accumulated at the bulged ciliary tip, which appeared to be torn off and released into the environment as an extracellular vesicle. The exogenous expression of various ICK constructs in ICK knockout cells indicated that the IFT-dependent transport of ICK, as well as its kinase activity and phosphorylation at the canonical TDY motif, is essential for ICK function. Thus, we unequivocally show that ICK transported to the ciliary tip is required for retrograde ciliary protein trafficking and consequently for normal ciliary function.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spiders use venom to subdue their prey, but little is known about the diversity of venoms in different spider families. Given the limited data available for orb-weaver spiders (Araneidae), we selected the wasp spider Argiope bruennichi for detailed analysis. Our strategy combined a transcriptomics pipeline based on multiple assemblies with a dual proteomics workflow involving parallel mass spectrometry techniques and electrophoretic profiling. We found that the remarkably simple venom of A. bruennichi has an atypical composition compared to other spider venoms, prominently featuring members of the cysteine-rich secretory protein, antigen 5 and pathogenesis-related protein 1 (CAP) superfamily and other, mostly high-molecular-weight proteins. We also detected a subset of potentially novel toxins similar to neuropeptides. We discuss the potential function of these proteins in the context of the unique hunting behavior of wasp spiders, which rely mostly on silk to trap their prey. We propose that the simplicity of the venom evolved to solve an economic dilemma between two competing yet metabolically expensive weapon systems. This study emphasizes the importance of cutting-edge methods to encompass the lineages of smaller venomous species that have yet to be characterized in detail, allowing us to understand the biology of their venom systems and to mine this prolific resource for translational research.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Within mega-diverse Hymenoptera, non-aculeate parasitic wasps represent 75% of all hymenopteran species. Their ovipositor dual-functionally injects venom and employs eggs into (endoparasitoids) or onto (ectoparasitoids) diverse host species. Few endoparasitoid wasps such as Pimpla turionellae paralyze the host and suppress its immune responses, such as encapsulation and melanization, to guarantee their offspring\'s survival. Here, the venom and its possible biology and function of P. turionellae are characterized in comparison to the few existing proteo-transcriptomic analyses on parasitoid wasp venoms. Multiple transcriptome assembly and custom-tailored search and annotation strategies were applied to identify parasitoid venom proteins. To avoid false-positive hits, only transcripts were finally discussed that survived strict filter settings, including the presence in the proteome and higher expression in the venom gland. P. turionella features a venom that is mostly composed of known, typical parasitoid enzymes, cysteine-rich peptides, and other proteins and peptides. Several venom proteins were identified and named, such as pimplin2, 3, and 4. However, the specification of many novel candidates remains difficult, and annotations ambiguous. Interestingly, we do not find pimplin, a paralytic factor in Pimpla hypochondriaca, but instead a new cysteine inhibitor knot (ICK) family (pimplin2), which is highly similar to known, neurotoxic asilid1 sequences from robber flies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vertebrate primary cilium is a Hedgehog signaling center but the extent of its involvement in other signaling systems is less well understood. This report delineates a mechanism by which fibroblast growth factor (FGF) controls primary cilia. Employing proteomic approaches to characterize proteins associated with the FGF-receptor, FGFR3, we identified the serine/threonine kinase intestinal cell kinase (ICK) as an FGFR interactor. ICK is involved in ciliogenesis and participates in control of ciliary length. FGF signaling partially abolished ICK\'s kinase activity, through FGFR-mediated ICK phosphorylation at conserved residue Tyr15, which interfered with optimal ATP binding. Activation of the FGF signaling pathway affected both primary cilia length and function in a manner consistent with cilia effects caused by inhibition of ICK activity. Moreover, knockdown and knockout of ICK rescued the FGF-mediated effect on cilia. We provide conclusive evidence that FGF signaling controls cilia via interaction with ICK.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Using a de novo peptide inhibitor, Corza6 (C6), we demonstrate that the human voltage-gated proton channel (hHv1) is the main pathway for H+ efflux that allows capacitation in sperm and permits sustained reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in white blood cells (WBCs). C6 was identified by a phage-display strategy whereby ∼1 million novel peptides were fabricated on an inhibitor cysteine knot (ICK) scaffold and sorting on purified hHv1 protein. Two C6 peptides bind to each dimeric channel, one on the S3-S4 loop of each voltage sensor domain (VSD). Binding is cooperative with an equilibrium affinity (K d) of ∼1 nM at -50 mV. As expected for a VSD-directed toxin, C6 inhibits by shifting hHv1 activation to more positive voltages, slowing opening and speeding closure, effects that diminish with membrane depolarization.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the first integrated proteomic and transcriptomic investigation of a crustacean venom. Remipede crustaceans are the venomous sister group of hexapods, and the venom glands of the remipede Xibalbanus tulumensis express a considerably more complex cocktail of proteins and peptides than previously thought. We identified 32 venom protein families, including 13 novel peptide families that we name xibalbins, four of which lack similarities to any known structural class. Our proteomic data confirm the presence in the venom of 19 of the 32 families. The most highly expressed venom components are serine peptidases, chitinase and six of the xibalbins. The xibalbins represent Inhibitory Cystine Knot peptides (ICK), a double ICK peptide, peptides with a putative Cystine-stabilized α-helix/β-sheet motif, a peptide similar to hairpin-like β-sheet forming antimicrobial peptides, two peptides related to different hormone families, and four peptides with unique structural motifs. Remipede venom components represent the full range of evolutionary recruitment frequencies, from families that have been recruited into many animal venoms (serine peptidases, ICKs), to those having a very narrow taxonomic range (double ICKs), to those unique for remipedes. We discuss the most highly expressed venom components to shed light on their possible functional significance in the predatory and defensive use of remipede venom, and to provide testable ideas for any future bioactivity studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibitor cystine knots (ICKs) are a family of structural peptides with a large number of cysteine residues that form intramolecular disulfide bonds, resulting in a knot. These peptides are involved in a variety of biological functions including predation and defense, and are found in various species, such as spiders, scorpions, sea anemones, and plants. The Loxosceles intermedia venom gland transcriptome identified five groups of ICK peptides that represent more than 50 % of toxin-coding transcripts. Here, we describe the molecular cloning of U2-Sicaritoxin-Lit2 (U2-SCRTX-Lit2), bioinformatic characterization, structure prediction, and molecular dynamic analysis. The sequence of U2-SCRTX-Lit2 obtained from the transcriptome is similar to that of μ-Hexatoxin-Mg2, a peptide that inhibits the insect Nav channel. Bioinformatic analysis of sequences classified as ICK family members also showed a conservation of cysteine residues among ICKs from different spiders, with the three dimensional molecular model of U2-SCRTX-Lit2 similar in structure to the hexatoxin from μ-hexatoxin-Mg2a. Molecular docking experiments showed the interaction of U2-SCRTX-Lit2 to its predictable target-the Spodoptera litura voltage-gated sodium channel (SlNaVSC). After 200 ns of molecular dynamic simulation, the final structure of the complex showed stability in agreement with the experimental data. The above analysis corroborates the existence of a peptide toxin with insecticidal activity from a novel ICK family in L. intermedia venom and demonstrates that this peptide targets Nav channels.





