Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Does hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) prior to hysterosalpingography (HSG) or HSG prior to HyFoSy affect visible tubal patency when compared HSG or HyFoSy alone?
    CONCLUSIONS: Undergoing either HyFoSy or HSG prior to tubal patency testing by the alternative method does not demonstrate a significant difference in visible tubal patency when compared to HyFoSy or HSG alone.
    BACKGROUND: HyFoSy and HSG are two commonly used visual tubal patency tests with a high and comparable diagnostic accuracy for evaluating tubal patency. These tests may also improve fertility, although the underlying mechanism is still not fully understood. One of the hypotheses points to a dislodgment of mucus plugs that may have disrupted the patency of the Fallopian tubes.
    METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of the randomized controlled FOAM study, in which women underwent tubal patency testing by HyFoSy and HSG, randomized for order of the procedure. Participants either had HyFoSy first and then HSG, or vice versa. Here, we evaluate the relative effectiveness of tubal patency testing by HyFoSy or HSG prior to the alternative tubal patency testing method on visible tubal patency, compared to each method alone.
    METHODS: Infertile women aged between 18 and 41 years scheduled for tubal patency testing were eligible for participating in the FOAM study. Women with anovulatory cycles, endometriosis, or with a partner with male infertility were excluded. To evaluate the effect HyFoSy on tubal patency, we relied on HSG results by comparing the proportion of women with bilateral tubal patency visible on HSG in those who underwent and who did not undergo HyFoSy prior to their HSG (HyFoSy prior to HSG versus HSG alone). To evaluate the effect of HSG on tubal patency, we relied on HyFoSy results by comparing the proportion of women with bilateral tubal patency visible on HyFoSy in those who underwent and who did not undergo HSG prior to their HyFoSy (HSG prior to HyFoSy versus HyFoSy alone).
    RESULTS: Between May 2015 and January 2019, we randomized 1160 women (576 underwent HyFoSy first followed by HSG, and 584 underwent HSG first followed by HyFoSy). Among the women randomized to HyFoSy prior to HSG, bilateral tubal patency was visible on HSG in 467/537 (87%) women, compared with 472/544 (87%) women who underwent HSG alone (risk difference 0.2%; 95% CI: -3.8% to 4.2%). Among the women randomized to HSG prior to HyFoSy, bilateral tubal patency was visible on HyFoSy in 394/471 (84%) women, compared with 428/486 (88%) women who underwent HyFoSy alone (risk difference -4.4%; 95% CI: -8.8% to 0.0%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this secondary analysis should be interpreted as exploratory and cannot be regarded as definitive evidence. Furthermore, it has to be noted that pregnancy outcomes were not considered in this analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tubal patency testing by either HyFoSy or HSG, prior to the alternative tubal patency testing method does not significantly affect visible tubal patency, when compared to alternative method alone. This suggests that both methods may have comparable abilities to dislodge mucus plugs in the Fallopian tubes.
    BACKGROUND: The FOAM study was an investigator-initiated study, funded by ZonMw, a Dutch organization for Health Research and Development (project number 837001504). IQ Medical Ventures provided the ExEm®-FOAM kits free of charge. The funders had no role in study design, collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data. H.R.V. reports consultancy fees from Ferring. M.v.W. received a travel grant from Oxford University Press in the role of Deputy Editor for Human Reproduction and participates in a Data Safety and Monitoring Board as an independent methodologist in obstetrics studies in which she has no other role. M.v.W. is coordinating editor of Cochrane Fertility and Gynaecology. B.W.J.M. received an investigator grant from NHMRC (GNT1176437) and research funding from Merck KGaA. B.W.J.M. reports consultancy for Organon and Merck KGaA, and travel support from Merck KGaA. B.W.J.M. reports holding stocks of ObsEva. V.M. received research grants from Guerbet, Merck and Ferring and travel and speaker fees from Guerbet. The other authors do not report conflicts of interest.
    BACKGROUND: International Clinical Trials Registry Platform No. NTR4746.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We aimed to evaluate the impact of pain on patients during Hysterosalpingography (HSG).
    UNASSIGNED: PubMed, PMC and other journals were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTS) on HSG. Appropriate articles were selected for inclusion and reasonable exclusion according to keywords. Following a thorough review of the relevant literature, the process of literature screening was conducted in accordance with the aforementioned criteria. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the risk of bias assessment tool developed by the Cochrane Collaboration. Meta-analysis was conducted using RevMan 5.4.1 software.
    UNASSIGNED: Twelve studies were included, including 1530 cases in the experimental group and 1545 cases in the control group. The literature summarizes the basic information of patients during HSG and makes statistics on the differences in visual analog scale (VAS) and pain perception. The findings from the HSG examination revealed a lack of significant association between patients\' pain sensation and their age and BMI. However, the duration of pregnancy in patients decreased following HSG treatment (95%CI (-18.84 to -3.58), P=0.004).Compared with conventional testing, HSG could effectively reduce the pregnancy time of patients (95%CI (-18.84, -3.58), P=0.004), reduce the VAS of patients (95%CI (-4.73, -1.51), P=0.0001), and increase the number of patients without pain (95%CI (1.80, 10.43), P=0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: During the HSG examination, acceptable pain avoidance is generated and can be relieved over time. At present, there is no effective alternative method, so the patient should cooperate with the doctor to complete the examination, to relieve the pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: What are the costs and effects of tubal patency testing by hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) compared to hysterosalpingography (HSG) in infertile women during the fertility work-up?
    CONCLUSIONS: During the fertility work-up, clinical management based on the test results of HyFoSy leads to slightly lower, though not statistically significant, live birth rates, at lower costs, compared to management based on HSG results.
    BACKGROUND: Traditionally, tubal patency testing during the fertility work-up is performed by HSG. The FOAM trial, formally a non-inferiority study, showed that management decisions based on the results of HyFoSy resulted in a comparable live birth rate at 12 months compared to HSG (46% versus 47%; difference -1.2%, 95% CI: -3.4% to 1.5%; P = 0.27). Compared to HSG, HyFoSy is associated with significantly less pain, it lacks ionizing radiation and exposure to iodinated contrast medium. Moreover, HyFoSy can be performed by a gynaecologist during a one-stop fertility work-up. To our knowledge, the costs of both strategies have never been compared.
    METHODS: We performed an economic evaluation alongside the FOAM trial, a randomized multicenter study conducted in the Netherlands. Participating infertile women underwent, both HyFoSy and HSG, in a randomized order. The results of both tests were compared and women with discordant test results were randomly allocated to management based on the results of one of the tests. The follow-up period was twelve months.
    METHODS: We studied 1160 infertile women (18-41 years) scheduled for tubal patency testing. The primary outcome was ongoing pregnancy leading to live birth. The economic evaluation compared costs and effects of management based on either test within 12 months. We calculated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs): the difference in total costs and chance of live birth. Data were analyzed using the intention to treat principle.
    RESULTS: Between May 2015 and January 2019, 1026 of the 1160 women underwent both tubal tests and had data available: 747 women with concordant results (48% live births), 136 with inconclusive results (40% live births), and 143 with discordant results (41% had a live birth after management based on HyFoSy results versus 49% with live birth after management based on HSG results). When comparing the two strategies-management based on HyfoSy results versus HSG results-the estimated chance of live birth was 46% after HyFoSy versus 47% after HSG (difference -1.2%; 95% CI: -3.4% to 1.5%). For the procedures itself, HyFoSy cost €136 and HSG €280. When costs of additional fertility treatments were incorporated, the mean total costs per couple were €3307 for the HyFoSy strategy and €3427 for the HSG strategy (mean difference €-119; 95% CI: €-125 to €-114). So, while HyFoSy led to lower costs per couple, live birth rates were also slightly lower. The ICER was €10 042, meaning that by using HyFoSy instead of HSG we would save €10 042 per each additional live birth lost.
    CONCLUSIONS: When interpreting the results of this study, it needs to be considered that there was a considerable uncertainty around the ICER, and that the direct fertility enhancing effect of both tubal patency tests was not incorporated as women underwent both tubal patency tests in this study.
    CONCLUSIONS: Compared to clinical management based on HSG results, management guided by HyFoSy leads to slightly lower live birth rates (though not statistically significant) at lower costs, less pain, without ionizing radiation and iodinated contrast exposure. Further research on the comparison of the direct fertility-enhancing effect of both tubal patency tests is needed.
    BACKGROUND: FOAM trial was an investigator-initiated study, funded by ZonMw, a Dutch organization for Health Research and Development (project number 837001504). IQ Medical Ventures provided the ExEm®-FOAM kits free of charge. The funders had no role in study design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data. K.D. reports travel-and speakers fees from Guerbet and her department received research grants from Guerbet outside the submitted work. H.R.V. received consulting-and travel fee from Ferring. A.M.v.P. reports received consulting fee from DEKRA and fee for an expert meeting from Ferring, both outside the submitted work. C.H.d.K. received travel fee from Merck. F.J.M.B. received a grant from Merck and speakers fee from Besins Healthcare. F.J.M.B. is a member of the advisory board of Merck and Ferring. J.v.D. reported speakers fee from Ferring. J.S. reports a research agreement with Takeda and consultancy for Sanofi on MR of motility outside the submitted work. M.v.W. received a travel grant from Oxford Press in the role of deputy editor for Human Reproduction and participates in a DSMB as independent methodologist in obstetrics studies in which she has no other role. B.W.M. received an investigator grant from NHMRC GNT1176437. B.W.M. reports consultancy for ObsEva, Merck, Guerbet, iGenomix, and Merck KGaA and travel support from Merck KGaA. V.M. received research grants from Guerbet, Merck, and Ferring and travel and speakers fees from Guerbet. The other authors do not report conflicts of interest.
    BACKGROUND: International Clinical Trials Registry Platform No. NTR4746.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tubal pathology is the etiological factor in 20% of couples with female infertility. Historically, diagnostic evaluation of the fallopian tubes has been performed by means of hysterosalpingography (HSG). Hysterosonosalpingography with EXEM® foam is a recent technique with supposedly comparable effectiveness to HSG, but with better tolerability for patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Tubal patency was assessed in patients who were candidates for intrauterine insemination (IUI) between January 2020 and July 2021. (I) Hysterosonosalpingography with EXEM® foam. (II) If the patient had both tubes patent, IUI was proposed. In case of inconclusive or pathological results, HSG was performed. (III) If the HSG concludes tubal patency, IUI is proposed. On the other hand, if it results in tubal obstruction, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is proposed.
    UNASSIGNED: Assessment of tubal patency by HSG showed concordance with previous Hysterosonosalpingography with EXEM® foam results in 45.5% (n=15) of cases of unilateral obstruction and 66.7% (n=6) of cases of bilateral obstruction. When we compare the total cost of HSG (€54,899.46) with the sum of patients who only required Hysterosonosalpingography with EXEM® foam together with those who underwent both tests (€45,575.96), it shows that the latter represents a cost benefit strategy (cost difference €9,323.50).
    UNASSIGNED: Our results suggest a benefit of €9,323.50 when performing the contingent sequential strategy, in case of pathological or inconclusive results, compared to performing a systematic HSG in all patients. Patients with an obstructive hysterosalpingogram with EXEM® and a patent hysterosalpingogram will be the subgroup that will benefit the most, as IUI can be proposed instead of IVF. In addition, there is a benefit in terms of optimizing the medical procedure, hospital visits and speeding up the time to start assisted reproductive technology (ART).






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    In women with unexplained infertility, tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during hysterosalpingography leads to significantly more live births as compared to tubal flushing with water-based contrast during hysterosalpingography. However, it is unknown whether incorporating tubal flushing with oil-based contrast in the initial fertility work-up results to a reduced time to conception leading to live birth when compared to delayed tubal flushing that is performed six months after the initial fertility work-up. We also aim to evaluate the effectiveness of tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during hysterosalpingography versus no tubal flushing in the first six months of the study.
    This study will be an investigator-initiated, open-label, international, multicenter, randomized controlled trial with a planned economic analysis alongside the study. Infertile women between 18 and 39 years of age, who have an ovulatory cycle, who are at low risk for tubal pathology and have been advised expectant management for at least six months (based on the Hunault prediction score) will be included in this study. Eligible women will be randomly allocated (1:1) to immediate tubal flushing (intervention) versus delayed tubal flushing (control group) by using web-based block randomization stratified per study center. The primary outcome is time to conception leading to live birth with conception within twelve months after randomization. We assess the cumulative conception rate at six and twelve months as two co-primary outcomes. Secondary outcomes include ongoing pregnancy rate, live birth rate, miscarriage rate, ectopic pregnancy rate, number of complications, procedural pain score and cost-effectiveness. To demonstrate or refute a shorter time to pregnancy of three months with a power of 90%, a sample size of 554 women is calculated.
    The H2Oil-timing study will provide insight into whether tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during hysterosalpingography should be incorporated in the initial fertility work-up in women with unexplained infertility as a therapeutic procedure. If this multicenter RCT shows that tubal flushing with oil-based contrast incorporated in the initial fertility work-up reduces time to conception and is a cost-effective strategy, the results may lead to adjustments of (inter)national guidelines and change clinical practice.
    The study was retrospectively registered in International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (Main ID: EUCTR2018-004153-24-NL).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The high efficacy of modern assisted reproductive technology (ART) and increase in the number of noninfertile patients who are using ART for family building in the United States call into question the relevance of the standard, one-size-fits-all infertility evaluation. Here, we explore whether all patients presenting for ART need uterine cavity and tubal assessment and what tests are most appropriate, efficient, and cost-effective in current times.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    In women with unexplained infertility, tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during hysterosalpingography (HSG) increases ongoing pregnancy and subsequent live birth rates when compared to tubal flushing with water-based contrast. It is currently unclear whether an HSG with oil-based contrast also results in more ongoing pregnancies and live births in women of advanced age, women with ovulation disorders, and women with potential tubal pathology when compared to an HSG with water-based contrast.
    We plan an international, multicentre, open-label, randomized controlled trial (RCT) studying three groups of infertile women who have an indication for tubal patency testing according to their treating physician and additionally; (1) are 39 years of age or older, (2) have an ovulation disorder or (3) have a high risk for tubal pathology based on their medical history. Women with an allergy for iodinated contrast medium are excluded, as are women with diabetes, hyperprolactinemia or untreated hyper- or hypothyroidism, and women with a partner with severe male infertility. After informed consent, women will be randomly allocated to the intervention, tubal flushing with the use of oil-based contrast during HSG or the control group, tubal flushing with the use of water-based contrast during HSG in a 1:1 ratio by the web-based system Castor. The primary endpoint will be ongoing pregnancy leading to live birth with conception within six months after randomization. Secondary outcomes are other pregnancy outcomes, used fertility treatments, adverse events and cost-effectiveness. Based on the expected ongoing pregnancy rate of 17% in the control group and 27% in the intervention group, the sample size will be 930 women (465 per group). Study inclusion is expected to be complete in four years.
    This multicentre RCT will establish whether, for women of advanced age, women with ovulatory disease, and women who have a high risk for tubal pathology, there is a fertility enhancing effect of tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during HSG and whether the use of this contrast medium is cost-effective. Trial Registration The study was prospectively registered in the Netherlands Trial Register on August 1st 2019 as \'H2Oil2\' (reference number NL7925, https://www.trialregister.nl/trial/7925 ).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 60% of sterile couples a female factor is present, with these being tubal factors in 30-50% of cases. A tubal patency test is also required in women without a male partner undergoing fertility treatment. Thus, an accurate, safe and tolerable technique should be available. The aim of this study is to determine and to compare hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) and hysterosalpingography (HSG) tolerability in terms of pain and anxiety.
    This is a prospective real-world setting multicentre study conducted in two tertiary hospitals in Madrid. 210 infertile women/women without a male partner looking to get pregnant were recruited; 111 for the HyFoSy group and 99 for the HSG group. Tolerability was measured in terms of anxiety by the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and pain by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
    Median VAS score in HyFoSy group was 2 (P25; P75: 1; 3) versus 5 (4; 8) in HSG group, p < 0.001. The median State-STAI score in the HSG group was 18 points (10; 26) versus 10 (7; 16) in the HyFoSy group (p < 0.001); the median Trait-STAI score in the HSG group was 15 (11; 21) versus 13 (9; 17) in the HyFoSy group (p = 0.044).
    HyFoSy shows higher tolerability to both: pain and anxiety. It is related to less pain and less post-test anxiety than HSG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Hysterosalpingography (HSG) performed with an iodine contrast media can cause thyroid dysfunction, including thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism. We investigated the association between the serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody (TRAb), an indicator of Graves\' disease, and abnormal thyroid function after performing HSG.
    UNASSIGNED: The screening of TRAb was conducted in 362 patients who first visited the Tawara IVF Clinic between April and September 2018. The association between TRAb levels and the effects of HSG examinations on thyroid function were evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the 362 patients, 2 (0.55%) had high levels (>2.0 IU/L) of TRAb, whereas 18 (5.0%) had intermediate TRAb levels, ranging from 0.3 to 1.9 IU/L. Of the 98 women (including 7 of the 18 women with TRAb level 0.3-1.9 IU/L, and 91 of the 342 women with TRAb level <0.3 IU/L) who had undergone HSG, two women developed overt thyrotoxicosis after HSG, and the frequency was significantly higher (p = .0044) in the group with intermediate levels of TRAb (28.6%, 2 of 7) than that in the group with low TRAb levels (<0.3 IU/L; 0.0%, 0 of 91).
    UNASSIGNED: These findings indicate that increased serum levels of TRAb are significantly associated with the development of thyrotoxicosis after HSG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This review highlights the role of imaging in the diagnosis and management of reproductive disorders. The additional information that imaging studies can contribute to reproductive medicine is emphasized, including the role of pelvic ultrasonography (US, including sonohysterography and contrast-enhanced hysterosalpingosonography), hysterosalpingography (HSG), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the female reproductive tract. In addition, the implications of congenital causes of infertility on the urinary tract in females are reviewed. While the evaluation of infertility in women is initially focused on the assessment of ovulation via serum hormone levels, imaging plays a role in evaluating other causes of infertility. Recent research in this field focuses on the establishment of a comprehensive single imaging study for the assessment of female reproductive disorders. Two proposed methods are MR hysterosalpingography and Fertiliscan, a combination of high-quality 3D ultrasound and assessment of tubal patency with hysterosalpingo-foam-sonography, though more research is needed to determine the risks and benefits of each method, as well as their reliability.





