
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydroxyectoine is an important compatible solute that holds potential for development into a high-value chemical with broad applications. However, the traditional high-salt fermentation for hydroxyectoine production presents challenges in treating the high-salt wastewater. Here, we report the rational engineering of Halomonas salifodinae to improve the bioproduction of hydroxyectoine under lower-salt conditions. The comparative transcriptomic analysis suggested that the increased expression of ectD gene encoding ectoine hydroxylase (EctD) and the decreased expressions of genes responsible for tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle contributed to the increased hydroxyectoine production in H. salifodinae IM328 grown under high-salt conditions. By blocking the degradation pathway of ectoine and hydroxyectoine, enhancing the expression of ectD, and increasing the supply of 2-oxoglutarate, the engineered H. salifodinae strain HS328-YNP15 (ΔdoeA::PUP119-ectD p-gdh) produced 8.3-fold higher hydroxyectoine production than the wild-type strain and finally achieved a hydroxyectoine titer of 4.9 g/L in fed-batch fermentation without any detailed process optimization. This study shows the potential to integrate hydroxyectoine production into open unsterile fermentation process that operates under low-salinity and high-alkalinity conditions, paving the way for next-generation industrial biotechnology. KEY POINTS: • Hydroxyectoine production in H. salifodinae correlates with the salinity of medium • Transcriptomic analysis reveals the limiting factors for hydroxyectoine production • The engineered strain produced 8.3-fold more hydroxyectoine than the wild type.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the potential of biogas from waste/wastewater treatment as a renewable energy source, the presence of pollutants and the rapid decrease in the levelized cost of solar and wind power constrain the use of biogas for energy generation. Biogas conversion into ectoine, one of the most valuable bioproducts (1000 €/kg), constitutes a new strategy to promote a competitive biogas market. The potential for a stand-alone 20 L bubble column bioreactor operating at 6% NaCl and two 10 L interconnected bioreactors (at 0 and 6% NaCl, respectively) for ectoine production from biogas was comparatively assessed. The stand-alone reactor supported the best process performance due to its highest robustness and efficiency for ectoine accumulation (20-52 mgectoine/gVSS) and CH4 degradation (up to 84%). The increase in N availability and internal gas recirculation did not enhance ectoine synthesis. However, a 2-fold increase in the internal gas recirculation resulted in an approximately 1.3-fold increase in CH4 removal efficiency. Finally, the recovery of ectoine through bacterial bio-milking resulted in efficiencies of >70% without any negative impact of methanotrophic cell recycling to the bioreactors on CH4 biodegradation or ectoine synthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybrid biological-inorganic (HBI) systems show great promise as CO2 conversion platforms combining CO2 fixation by hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria (HOB) with water splitting. Herein, halotolerant HOB were enriched using an HBI system with a high-ionic-strength medium containing 180 mM phosphate buffer to identify new biocatalysts. The reactors were inoculated with samples from saline environments and applied with a voltage of 2.0 V. Once an increase in biomass was observed with CO2 consumption, an aliquot of the medium was transferred to a new reactor. After two successive subcultures, Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain H1_3_1 and Mycolicibacterium mageritense strain H4_3_1 were isolated from the reactor media. Genome sequencing indicated the presence of genes for aerobic hydrogen-oxidizing chemolithoautotrophy and synthesis of the compatible solute hydroxyectoine in both strains. Furthermore, both strains produced hydroxyectoine in the reactors under the high-ionic-strength condition, suggesting the potential for new HBI systems using halotolerant HOB to produce high-value-added chemicals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ectoine and hydroxyectoine are compatible solutes with enormous potential for use in the medical and cosmetic industries. Considering the excellent osmoprotective properties of these compatible solutes, we investigate the presence of four compatible solutes (ectoine, hydroxyectoine, proline, and glutamic acid) quantitatively by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in forty-five halophilic/halotolerant bacterial isolates. We determined ectoine production by Marinibacillus sp., Nesterenkonia xinjiangensis, Halobacillus sp., Bacillus patagoniensis, Virgibacillus picturae, Halomonas neptunia, Bacillus patagoniensis, Gracilibacillus sp., Thalassobacillus devorans, Microbacterium sp., Nesterenkonia sp., and Bacillus agaradhaerens, and this production was NaCl dependent. Additionally, the production of hydroxyectoine was observed in six bacterial isolates (Nesterenkonia xinjiangensis, Halobacillus sp., Halomonas neptunia, Thalassobacillus devorans, Nesterenkonia sp., and Bacillus agaradhaerens) which was NaCl and temperature dependent. The study identified new bacterial isolates producing ectoine or hydroxyectoine. While the ectoine production in many different Bacillus members and a few Nesterenkonia have been documented before, ectoine production by Bacillus patagoniensis and Nesterenkonia xinjiangensis has not been shown so far. Further, ectoine production by a member of the genus Thalassobacillus (Thalassobacillus devorans) was demonstrated experimentally for the first time. The findings reported in the study may serve as a basis for the large-scale production of ectoine and hydroxyectoine in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A moderate halophilic bacterium that could accumulate ectoine and hydroxyectoine was isolated from soil near a salt mine and was identified as a Sinobaca sp. (designed strain H24) according to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The bacterium grew well in the presence of 1-2 M NaCl, while growth in a medium that contained 2 M NaCl led to higher accumulation of ectoines. The yields of ectoine and hydroxyectoine by Sinobaca sp. H24 reached 11.27 mg/l and 1.34 mg/l, respectively, when cultured in the following medium: NaCl (2 M), peptone (5 g/l), yeast extract (1 g/l), NH4Cl (0.02 M), KH2PO4 (1 M), K2HPO4 (0.1 M), and glycerol (1% w/v). Genes that are involved in ectoine biosynthesis of Sinobaca sp. H24 were also identified, and their sequences were determined by a metagenomics approach. The results demonstrated that Sinobaca sp. H24 possesses ectoine metabolism genes for both ectoine biosynthesis (ectA, ectB, ectC, and ectD) and ectoine degradation (doeA). Genes that are related to ectoine biosynthesis, such as lysC and asd, were also characterized. The identification and characterization results for ectoine/hydroxyectoine biosynthesis genes are in agreement with the physiology of Sinobaca sp. H24 as a potential candidate for ectoine production for industrial applications. This report established for the first time the accumulation of ectoine/hydroxyectoine in Sinobaca sp. and characterized the genes that are involved in ectoine/hydroxyectoine biosynthesis in Sinobaca sp. H24.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The application of biogas as a low-priced substrate for the production of ectoines constitutes an opportunity to decrease their production costs and to enhance the viability of anaerobic digestion. The influence of operational conditions on CH4-biogas biodegradation and on ectoines production yields was assessed in continuous pilot bubble column bioreactors. The rise in biomass concentration from 1 to 3 g L-1 resulted in a decrease in the specific ectoine content from 42 ± 8 to 30 ± 4 mgectoine gVSS-1. The concentration of Cu2+ and Mg2+ did not impact process performance, while the use of ammonium as N source resulted in low CH4 biodegradation and ectoine yields (13 ± 7 mgectoine gVSS-1). The increase in CH4 content from 4.5 to 9 %v·v-1 enhanced CH4 removal efficiency. Process operation at NaCl concentrations of 3 %w·w-1 instead of 6 %w·w-1 decreased the ectoine yield to 17 mgectoine gVSS-1. Finally, Methylomicrobiumburyatense was identified as the dominant species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The compatible solutes ectoine and 5-hydroxyectoine are widely synthesized by bacteria as osmostress protectants. These nitrogen-rich tetrahydropyrimidines can also be exploited as nutrients by microorganisms. Many ectoine/5-hydroxyectoine catabolic gene clusters are associated with a regulatory gene (enuR: ectoine nutrient utilization regulator) encoding a repressor protein belonging to the MocR/GabR sub-family of GntR-type transcription factors. Focusing on EnuR from the marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi, we show that the dimerization of EnuR is mediated by its aminotransferase domain. This domain can fold independently from its amino-terminal DNA reading head and can incorporate pyridoxal-5\'-phosphate (PLP) as cofactor. The covalent attachment of PLP to residue Lys302 of EnuR was proven by mass-spectrometry. PLP interacts with system-specific, ectoine and 5-hydroxyectoine-derived inducers: alpha-acetyldiaminobutyric acid (alpha-ADABA), and hydroxy-alpha-acetyldiaminobutyric acid (hydroxy-alpha-ADABA), respectively. These inducers are generated in cells actively growing with ectoines as sole carbon and nitrogen sources, by the EutD hydrolase and targeted metabolic analysis allowed their detection. EnuR binds these effector molecules with affinities in the low micro-molar range. Studies addressing the evolutionary conservation of EnuR, modelling of the EnuR structure, and docking experiments with the inducers provide an initial view into the cofactor and effector binding cavity. In this cavity, the two high-affinity inducers for EnuR, alpha-ADABA and hydroxy-alpha-ADABA, are positioned such that their respective primary nitrogen group can chemically interact with PLP. Purified EnuR bound with micro-molar affinity to a 48 base pair DNA fragment containing the sigma-70 type substrate-inducible promoter for the ectoine/5-hydroxyectoine importer and catabolic gene cluster. Consistent with the function of EnuR as a repressor, the core elements of the promoter overlap with two predicted EnuR operators. Our data lend themselves to a straightforward regulatory model for the initial encounter of EnuR-possessing ectoine/5-hydroxyectoine consumers with environmental ectoines and for the situation when the external supply of these compounds has been exhausted by catabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Compatible solutes are key for the ability of halophilic bacteria to resist high osmotic stress. They have received wide attention from researchers for their excellent osmotic protection properties. Hydroxyectoine is a particularly important compatible solute, but its production by microbes faces several challenges, including low titer/yield, the presence of the byproduct ectoine, and the requirement of high salinity. Here, we aimed to metabolically engineer Escherichia coli to efficiently produce hydroxyectoine in the absence of osmotic stress without accumulating the byproduct ectoine. First, combinatorial optimization of the expression strength of key genes in the ectoine synthesis module and hydroxyectoine synthesis module was conducted. After optimization of the expression of these genes, 12.12 g/L hydroxyectoine and 0.24 g/L ectoine were obtained at 36 h in shake-flask fermentation with the addition of the co-substrate α-ketoglutarate. Further optimization of the addition of α-ketoglutarate achieved the sole production of hydroxyectoine (i.e., no ectoine accumulation), indicating that the supply of α-ketoglutarate is critically important for sole hydroxyectoine production. Finally, quorum sensing-based auto-regulation of intracellular α-ketoglutarate pool was implemented as an alternative to α-ketoglutarate addition by coupling the expression of sucA with the esaI/esaR circuit, which led to 14.93 g/L hydroxyectoine with a unit cell yield of 1.678 g/g and no ectoine accumulation in the absence of osmotic stress. This is the highest reported titer of sole hydroxyectoine production under salinity-free fermentation to date.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a robust biotechnology for the valorisation of organic waste into biogas. However, the rapid decrease in renewable electricity prices requires alternative uses of biogas. In this context, the engineering of innovative platforms for the bio-production of chemicals from CH4 has recently emerged. The extremolyte and osmoprotectant ectoine, with a market price of ~1000€/Kg, is the industrial flagship of CH4-based bio-chemicals. This work aimed at optimizing the accumulation of ectoines using mixed microbial consortia enriched from saline environments (a salt lagoon and a salt river) and activated sludge, and biogas as feedstock. The influence of NaCl (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 %) and Na2WO4 (0, 35 and 70 μg L-1) concentrations and incubation temperature (15, 25 and 35 °C) on the stoichiometry and kinetics of the methanotrophic consortia was investigated. Consortia enriched from activated sludge at 15 °C accumulated the highest yields of ectoine and hydroxyectoine at 6 % NaCl (105.0 ± 27.2 and 24.2 ± 5.4 mgextremolyte gbiomass-1, respectively). The consortia enriched from the salt lagoon accumulated the highest yield of ectoine and hydroxyectoine at 9 % NaCl (56.6 ± 2.5 and 51.0 ± 2.0 mgextremolyte gbiomass-1, respectively) at 25 °C. The supplementation of tungsten to the cultivation medium did not impact on the accumulation of ectoines in any of the consortia. A molecular characterization of the enrichments revealed a relative abundance of ectoine-accumulating methanotrophs of 7-16 %, with Methylomicrobium buryatense and Methylomicrobium japanense as the main players in the bioconversion of methane into ectoine.





