
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review aims at the current trends in chocolate ganache production and recipe formulation. Ganache is a blend of chocolate, sugars, dairy, and other ingredients commonly used to fill pralines, pastries, etc. In spite of ganache\'s popularity in the food industry, a comprehensive review focused on the application of functional substances and ganache processing has not been discussed in the scientific literature. This review addresses the new ways of applying special ingredients, such as vegetable fats and seeds, flavor infusions, oleogels, hemp products, etc., which can be added to the ganache matrix to achieve desirable properties. In particular, the application of sterols and sterol esters as functional substances of oleogels seems to be a very promising method, enhancing the ganache fat profile. The elevated caloric content that is characteristic of ganache can be substantially attenuated through the application of hydrocolloids and/or fruit-based components, thereby offering the potential for caloric reduction without compromising on taste. The various alterations to ganache formulations by the application of natural substances offer a large base for the development of novel ganache variants and relevant food products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study offers a comprehensive review of current developments regarding the utilization of diverse hydrocolloids in formulating fruit fillings across different fruit types, their impact on textural attributes, rheological properties, thermal stability, syneresis, and nutritional advantages of fillings and optimization of its characteristics to align with consumer preferences. The review also focuses on the various factors influencing fruit fillings, including the selection of fruits, processing methodologies, the inherent nature and concentration of hydrocolloids, and their synergistic interactions. In depth, scientific work on the impact of the parameters such as pH, total soluble solids, and sugar content within the fruit fillings was also discussed. Additionally, this article focuses on the utilization of the diverse fruit fillings developed by using hydrocolloids in bakery products including pastry, tartlet, muffins, cookies, and so forth. The review establishes that hydrocolloids offer a spectrum of techno-functional attributes conducive to strengthening both the structural and thermal stability of fruit fillings, consequently extending their shelf life. It further establishes that incorporating of hydrocolloids facilitates the development of healthier food products by mitigating the necessity of excessive sugar or various other less favorable ingredients. The incorporation of fruit fillings in bakery products significantly increases the value proposition of these baked goods, contributing to their overall enhancement of quality and sensory value.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Guava, a commercially important fruit crop, is being grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Due to the perishable nature of guava fruits, there are great losses during marketing, transport and storage. The application of edible coating is emerging as a low-cost, simple to implement and efficient method for extending the postharvest life of fresh horticultural produces, such as fruits and vegetables. This study aimed to assess the potential of Albizia gum (AZG) to improve storability and maintain the overall fruit quality of stored guava fruits. Freshly harvested guava fruits were coated with 0 % (control), 1.5 %, 3 % or 4.5 % AZG. After coating treatment, the fruits were stored at 20 ± 1 °C and 85-90 % relative humidity for 15 days. The results revealed that 4.5% AZG coating suppressed the weight loss and decay incidence up to 27 % and 36 %, respectively, as compared with control. The fruits coated with 4.5 % AZG had the maximum titratable acidity (0.40 %), ascorbic acid (104.47 mg·100 g-1), total antioxidants (118.84 mmol Trolox·100 g-1), total phenolics (285.57 mg·kg-1) and flavonoids (60.12 g·kg-1) on 15th day of storage. However, the minimum total soluble solids (11.97 %), sugar-acid ratio (29.31), relative ion leakage (68.40 %), malondialdehyde (0.11 nmol·kg-1 FW) and hydrogen peroxide (16.05 μmol·kg-1 FW) were recorded in the fruits of same treatment on 15th day of storage. Furthermore, the activities of antioxidant enzymes \"i.e., superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX)\" were increased under the influence of AZG coating. Consequently, as compared to uncoated fruits, AZG-coated fruits exhibited reduced activities of fruit softening enzymes \"i.e., cellulase, pectin methylesterase (PME), and polygalacturonase (PG)\". To sum up, the application of AZG-based edible coating could markedly improve the storage life of guavas and maintain overall fruit quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the effect of different hydrocolloids on the improvement of the printability and post-processing stability of minced chicken meat, each hydrocolloid was prepared with 1 % formulation and compared with the control. The effects of these hydrocolloids on the rheological properties of chicken mince and complex model printing capability were explored separately, while the cooking loss and microstructure changes of the samples before and after heating were analyzed. The results showed that the chicken mince gel containing carrageenan was more suitable for printing, increased the yield stress and apparent viscosity of the samples, and the printing process was easier to mold. In addition, carrageenan increased the hardness of the samples, and the microstructures were compact and changed little during the heating process, and the water was locked in the gel matrix, reducing shape changes during the heating process. The use of hydrocolloids improves the stability of post-processing of chicken 3D printing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growing demand for sustainable and ethical food options has led to significant advancements in plant-based meat substitutes (PBMS). PBMS have made considerable progress in simulating the taste, texture, and sensory properties of animal meat. Connective tissue is a fundamental component of animal meat that significantly influences tenderness, texture, and sensory properties. However, the imitation of realistic connective tissues has received relatively less attention in the PBMS industry. The current work focuses on exploring materials and techniques for the replication of plant-based connective tissues (PBCT). By understanding the structural and functional characteristics of animal connective tissues (ACT), it is possible to replicate these characteristics in PBCT. Hydrogels, with their ability to simulate certain properties of ACT, present a viable material for the creation of PBCT. To achieve the desired simulation, their mechanical and structural properties need to be enhanced by using several materials and several physical techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soft rot Pectobacteriaceae (SRP) are a group of destructive Gram-negative phytopathogens that can infect a wide range of plant hosts, including potatoes. There are no effective control agents available against SRP, making their management challenging. We have developed a novel approach to protect potato tubers against SRP. It makes use of encapsulated predatory Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus bacteria that upon release from a polymeric carrier, prey upon SRP. We applied a carrageenan-trehalose-based formulation containing a B. bacteriovorus HD100 predator to prevent soft-rot disease development in potato tubers, under various conditions. The dried formulation exhibited very high stability over an eighteen-month period at room temperature (˜25ºC), in contrast to unencapsulated suspensions of the predator, in which viability decreased rapidly below detection level. The rehydrated formulation was as efficient as freshly grown unencapsulated predators, and provided high protection in potted potato tubers, displaying an average of 50% reduction in disease parameters (e.g. tissue decay and disease index) under controlled conditions at 7-days post-inoculation and planting. The protective effect provided by this formulation was maintained in longer-term trials (28 days) conducted in larger vessels within a net-house under natural climate conditions, highlighting its potential for practical application in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction between proteins and soluble dietary fibers plays a vital role in the development of animal-derived foods. Herein, the effects of different contents (0-3.0%) of round-bracted psyllium husk powder (PHP) on the gelation behavior, microstructure, and intermolecular interactions of Andrias davidianus myofibrillar protein (MP) were investigated. Rheological and chemical forces suggested that PHP (1.5%-2.0%) enhanced the functional properties of MP at low ionic strength, thereby increasing the viscoelasticity of mixed gels. SDS-PAGE revealed that PHP reinforced the cross-linking and aggregation of protein molecules. Circular dichroism spectroscopy, low-field nuclear magnetic resonance, and scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that PHP induced the transformation of α-helix (decreased by 14.85%) to an ordered β-sheet structure (increased by 81.58%), which was more favorable for the formation of dense network structure and improved (10.53%) the water retention of MP gels. This study provided new insights for PHP to effectively meliorate the heat-induced gelling properties of MP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, the bakery industry has been exploring alternative fats to replace traditional solid fats. Shortening, a common baking ingredient, is produced through the hydrogenation of vegetable oils, resulting in high levels of saturated and trans fatty acids, despite its vegetable oil origin. The excessive consumption of these fats has been associated with negative health effects, including dyslipidemia and cardiovascular issues. Oleogels, incorporating hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), xanthan gum (XG), and olive oil, were utilized to replace shortening in the production of white pan bread. The substitution of shortening with oleogel in the white pan bread preparation demonstrated potential reductions in saturated fat, trans fat, and the ratio of saturated fat to unsaturated fatty acids. Specifically, with the complete substitution of shortening with oleogel, saturated fatty acids decreased by 52.46% and trans fatty acids by 75.72%, with unsaturated fatty acids increasing by 57.18%. Our findings revealed no significant difference in volume between bread made with shortening and bread with up to 50% shortening substitution. Moreover, when compared to bread made with shortening and 50% oleogel substitution, no adverse effects on the quality characteristics of volume and expansion properties were observed, and the retrogradation rate was delayed. This study suggests that incorporating oleogels, formed with hydrocolloids such as HPMC and XG, to replace shortening in bread, in conjunction with traditional solid fats, provides positive effects on the quality and nutritional aspects of the bread compared to using oleogel alone. Through this study, we demonstrate the use of oleogels as a healthier alternative to shortening, without reducing the bread\'s quality, thus offering a practical solution to reduce unhealthy fats in bakery products.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Scalds constitute the most common type of childhood burns. Given their potential for spontaneous healing, a variety of dressings are used to promote healing and prevent infection. This comparative study was carried out to document the clinical presentation of pediatric scald burns and evaluate their management outcome with hydrocolloid dressings versus silver sulphadiazine (SSD) in terms of complete healing, healing time, mean number of dressings required to achieve healing, and any need for split thickness skin grafting at three weeks. The study included all pediatric scald patients (aged ≤15 years) who presented with superficial partial-thickness and deep partial-thickness wounds during the study period. Exclusion criteria included children over the age of 15 years, facial scalds and full thickness scalds. Half of the patients were randomly assigned to the hydrocolloid group and half to the SSD group. Out of a total of 100 patients, 66% (n=66) were males whereas 34% (n=34) were females. Age ranged from 3 months to 15 years, with a mean of 2.88±2.86 years. Total body surface area (TBSA) affected ranged from 3% to 17% with a mean of 7.00±4.76%. The majority of the children (75%) were managed on an outpatient basis whereas 25% were hospitalized. Hydrocolloid dressings yielded superior results in terms of complete healing of the scalds, healing time, the mean number of dressings required to achieve healing, and less frequent need for split thickness skin grafting at three weeks. Given the observed benefits, hydrocolloid dressings should constitute the preferred choice of dressing for managing superficial and deep partial thickness scalds in the pediatric population.
    L’ébouillantement est la cause la plus fréquente de brûlure chez l’enfant. Volontiers peu profondes, ces brûlures peuvent bénéficier de pansements promouvant la cicatrisation et limitant l’infection. Cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer comparativement l’évolution et la cicatrisation à 3 semaines (délai de cicatrisation complète, % de surface guérie, nombre de pansements, greffes) d’enfants ébouillantés selon que le pansement est hydrocolloïdal (HC) ou à la sulfadiazine argentique (SDA). Elle a inclus tous les ébouillantements observés chez 100 enfants (≤15 ans) vus avec des ébouillantements superficiels ou intermédiaires durant la période d’étude. Les critères d’exclusion étaient un âge de plus de 15 ans, une atteinte faciale, une atteinte profonde. Les patients inclus étaient tirés au sort par moitiés pour bénéficier de pansements HC ou SDA. L’âge moyen était de 2,88 ± 2,86 ans (3 mois-15ans) ; il y avait 66 garçons et 34 filles. La surface touchée était de 7 ± 4,76% (3-17). Les 3/4 des enfants ont été suivis en externe. Les enfants sous HC guérissaient plus complétement (moins de greffes), plus vite, après moins de pansements que ceux sous SDA. Ainsi, les pansements HC devraient représenter le traitement préférentiel des ébouillantements peu profonds de l’enfant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive consumption of salt is associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and other health issues. However, it is challenging to find appropriate strategies that balance sensory qualities while achieving sodium reduction as salt plays a crucial role in providing desired appearance, texture, and taste. The impact of hydrocolloid properties (addition and type) on saltiness perception were reviewed. Additionally, considering the interactions between food components, both covalent and noncovalent, we propose designing specialized colloidal structures capable of binding sodium ions to enhance salt-taste perception. The effects of hydrocolloids on the physicochemical, structural, and sensory qualities of gel foods are then discussed. Finally, by addressing current issues with low-salt foods and consumer demands, we provide a future outlook for low-salt food development. The selection of suitable hydrocolloids and precise control of the addition are crucial considerations for achieving salt reduction. The interaction between hydrocolloids and other food components can be utilized to design specialized colloidal structures, thereby accomplishing gel-based salt reduction and enhancing properties. This review serves as a theoretical reference for developing healthy, nutritious, and flavorful low-salt foods that can aid in the prevention and mitigation of diseases associated with excessive salt consumption.





