
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hunger and satiety can have an influence on decision-making, sensory processing, and motor behavior by altering the internal state of the brain. This process necessitates the integration of peripheral sensory stimuli into the central nervous system. Here, we show how animals without a central nervous system such as the cnidarian Hydra measure and integrate satiety into neuronal circuits and which specific neuronal populations are involved. We demonstrate that this simple nervous system, previously referred to as diffuse, has an endodermal subpopulation (N4) similar to the enteric nervous system (feeding-associated behavior) and an ectodermal population (N3) that performs central nervous system-like functions (physiology/motor). This view of a supposedly simple nervous system could open an important window into the origin of more complex nervous systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hormonal and neuronal inputs to the brain control how much animals eat. The origins of this behavior were unclear, but in this issue of Cell Reports, Giez et al.1 describe specific neurons inhibiting feeding in evolutionary ancient animals without brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydra vulgaris, long known for its remarkable regenerative capabilities, is also a long-standing source of inspiration for models of spontaneous patterning. Recently it became clear that early patterning during Hydra regeneration is an integrated mechanochemical process whereby morphogen dynamics is influenced by tissue mechanics. One roadblock to understanding Hydra self-organization is our lack of knowledge about the mechanical properties of these organisms. In this study, we combined microfluidic developments to perform parallelized microaspiration rheological experiments and numerical simulations to characterize these mechanical properties. We found three different behaviors depending on the applied stresses: an elastic response, a viscoelastic response, and tissue rupture. Using models of deformable shells, we quantify their Young\'s modulus, shear viscosity, and the critical stresses required to switch between behaviors. Based on these experimental results, we propose a description of the tissue mechanics during normal regeneration. Our results provide a first step toward the development of original mechanochemical models of patterning grounded in quantitative experimental data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the evolution of body plans has been one of the major areas of investigation in developmental and evolutionary biology. Cnidaria, the sister group to bilaterians, provides an opportunity to elucidate the origin and evolution of body axes. Hydra, a freshwater cnidarian, is a useful model to study signaling pathways governing pattern formation, which are conserved up to vertebrates including humans. The transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling pathway is one of the fundamental pathways that regulate axis formation and organogenesis during embryonic development. In this article, we discuss the TGF-β pathway members identified in Hydra along with other cnidarians with an emphasis on bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and their inhibitors. TGF-β members, especially those involved in BMP signaling pathway, are mainly involved in maintaining the Organizer region and patterning the body axis in Hydra. Identification of other members of this pathway in Hydra and fellow cnidarians would provide insights into the evolution of body axes and pattern formation in more complex metazoans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gadolinium (Gd) is among the rare earth elements extensively utilized in both industrial and medical applications. The latter application appears to contribute to the rise in Gd levels in aquatic ecosystems, as it is excreted via urine from patients undergoing MRI scans and often not captured by wastewater treatment systems. The potential environmental and biological hazards posed by gadolinium exposure are still under investigation. This study aimed to assess the teratogenic risk posed by a gadolinium chelate on the freshwater cnidarian Hydra vulgaris. The experimental design evaluated the impact of pure Gadodiamide (25 μg/l, 50 μg/l, 100 μg/l, 500 μg/l) and its commercial counterpart compound (Omniscan®; 100 μg/l, 500 μg/l, 782.7 mg/l) at varying concentrations using the Teratogenic Risk Index (TRI). Here we showed a moderate risk (Class III of TRI) following exposure to both tested formulations at concentrations ≥ 100 μg/l. Given the potential for similar concentrations in aquatic environments, particularly near wastewater discharge points, a teratogenic risk assessment using the Hydra regeneration assay was conducted on environmental samples collected from three rivers (Tiber, Almone, and Sacco) in Central Italy. Additionally, chemical analysis of field samples was performed using ICP-MS. Analysis of freshwater samples revealed low Gd concentrations (≤ 0.1 μg/l), despite localized increases near domestic and/or industrial wastewater discharge sites. Although teratogenic risk in environmental samples ranged from high (Class IV of TRI) to negligible (Class I of TRI), the low Gd concentrations, particularly when compared to higher levels of other contaminants like arsenic and heavy metals, preclude establishing a direct cause-effect relationship between Gd and observed teratogenic risks in environmental samples. Nevertheless, the teratogenic risks observed in laboratory tests warrant further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    生物塑料的使用(例如,聚羟基丁酸酯)作为一种解决方案出现,以帮助减少传统塑料造成的塑料污染。然而,生物塑料与传统塑料有许多共同的特点,例如降解为纳米级颗粒和吸附环境污染物的能力,比如金属.本研究旨在评估金属(镉-镉,铜-Cu,和锌-锌)与聚羟基丁酸酯纳米塑料(PHB-NPLs;〜200nm)在淡水刺胞动物Hydraviridissima上的死亡率,形态学改变,和喂养行为。为组合暴露选择的金属浓度对应于导致20%的浓度,50%,和80%的死亡率(分别为LC20,LC50和LC80),PHB-NPLs浓度范围为0.01至1000μg/L。H.viridissima对金属的敏感性,根据LC50,可以订购为:Zn The use of bioplastics (e.g., polyhydroxybutyrate) emerged as a solution to help reduce plastic pollution caused by conventional plastics. Nevertheless, bioplastics share many characteristics with their conventional counterparts, such as degradation to nano-sized particles and the ability to sorb environmental pollutants, like metals. This study aimed to assess the potential impacts of the interaction of metals (cadmium - Cd, copper - Cu, and zinc - Zn) with polyhydroxybutyrate nanoplastics (PHB-NPLs; ~200 nm) on the freshwater cnidarian Hydra viridissima in terms of mortality rates, morphological alterations, and feeding behavior. The metal concentrations selected for the combined exposures corresponded to concentrations causing 20 %, 50 %, and 80 % of mortality (LC20, LC50, and LC80, respectively) and the PHB-NPLs concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 1000 μg/L. H. viridissima sensitivity to the metals, based on the LC50\'s, can be ordered as: Zn < Cd < Cu. Combined exposure to metals and PHB-NPLs yielded distinct outcomes concerning mortality, morphological changes, and feeding behavior, uncovering metal- and dose-specific responses. The interaction between Cd-LCx and PHB-NPLs progressed from no effect at LC20,96h to an ameliorative effect at Cd-LC50,96h. Cu-LCx revealed potential mitigation effects (LC20,96h and LC50,96h) but at Cu-LC80,96h the response shifts to a potentiating effect. For Zn-LCx, response patterns across the combinations with PHB-NPLs were like those induced by the metal alone. PHB-NPLs emerged as a key factor capable of modulating the toxicity of metals. This study highlights the context-dependent interactions between metals and PHB-NPLs in freshwater environments while supporting the need for further investigation of the underlying mechanisms and ecological consequences in forthcoming research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intracellular antioxidant glutaredoxin controls cell proliferation and survival. Based on the active site, structure, and conserved domain motifs, it is classified into two classes. Class I contains dithiol Grxs with two cysteines in the consensus active site sequence CXXC, while class II has monothiol Grxs with one cysteine residue in the active site. Monothiol Grxs can also have an additional N-terminal thioredoxin (Trx)-like domain. Previously, we reported the characterization of Grx1 from Hydra vulgaris (HvGrx1), which is a dithiol isoform. Here, we report the molecular cloning, expression, analysis, and characterization of another isoform of Grx, which is the multidomain monothiol glutaredoxin-3 from Hydra vulgaris (HvGrx3). It encodes a protein with 303 amino acids and is significantly larger and more divergent than HvGrx1. In-silico analysis revealed that Grx1 and Grx3 have 22.5% and 9.9% identical nucleotide and amino acid sequences, respectively. HvGrx3 has two glutaredoxin domains and a thioredoxin-like domain at its amino terminus, unlike HvGrx1, which has a single glutaredoxin domain. Like other monothiol glutaredoxins, HvGrx3 failed to reduce glutathione-hydroxyethyl disulfide. In the whole Hydra, HvGrx3 was found to be expressed all over the body column, and treatment with H2O2 led to a significant upregulation of HvGrx3. When transfected in HCT116 (human colon cancer cells) cells, HvGrx3 enhanced cell proliferation and migration, indicating that this isoform could be involved in these cellular functions. These transfected cells also tolerate oxidative stress better.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Notch-signalling pathway plays an important role in pattern formation in Hydra. Using pharmacological Notch inhibitors (DAPT and SAHM1), it has been demonstrated that HvNotch is required for head regeneration and tentacle patterning in Hydra. HvNotch is also involved in establishing the parent-bud boundary and instructing buds to develop feet and detach from the parent. To further investigate the functions of HvNotch, we successfully constructed NICD (HvNotch intracellular domain)-overexpressing and HvNotch-knockdown transgenic Hydra strains. NICD-overexpressing transgenic Hydra showed a pronounced inhibition on the expression of predicted HvNotch-target genes, suggesting a dominant negative effect of ectopic NICD. This resulted in a \"Y-shaped\" phenotype, which arises from the parent-bud boundary defect seen in polyps treated with DAPT. Additionally, \"multiple heads\", \"two-headed\" and \"ectopic tentacles\" phenotypes were observed. The HvNotch-knockdown transgenic Hydra with reduced expression of HvNotch exhibited similar, but not identical phenotypes, with the addition of a \"two feet\" phenotype. Furthermore, we observed regeneration defects in both, overexpression and knockdown strains. We integrated these findings into a mathematical model based on long-range gradients of signalling molecules underlying sharply defined positions of HvNotch-signalling cells at the Hydra tentacle and bud boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this paper was to evaluate whether symbiotic cooperation between green hydra (Hydra viridissima) and photoautotrophic alga gives higher resistance of the preservation of DNA integrity compared to brown hydra (Hydra oligactis). Norflurazon concentrations were 0.061 or 0.61 mg/L and UV-B light 254 nm, 0.023mWcm- 2 applied separately or simultaneously. By alkaline comet assay primary DNA damage was assessed and cytotoxicity by fluorescent staining. Norflurazon at 0.61 mg L- 1 significantly increased DNA damage in brown hydras compared to the control (6.17 ± 0.6 μm, 5.2 ± 1.7% vs. 2.9 ± 0.2 μm, 1.2 ± 0.2%). Cytotoxicity was significantly elevated, being higher in brown hydras (25.7 ± 3.5% vs. 8.2 ± 0.2%). UV-B irradiation induced significant DNA damage in brown hydras (13.5 ± 1.0 μm, 4.1 ± 1.0%). Simultaneous exposure to UV-B and norflurazon led to a synergistic DNA damaging. The frequency of cytotoxicity and hedgehog nucleoids was more pronounced in brown (78.3 ± 9.4%; 56.4 ± 6.0%) than in green hydras (34.7 ± 2.5%; 24.2 ± 0.6%). Evolutionary established symbiotic cooperation proved to provide resistance against cyto/genotoxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cnidarian Hydra vulgaris is a small polyp with a nervous system of few hundred neurons belonging to a dozen cell types, organized in two nerve nets without cephalization or ganglia. Using this simple neural \"chassis\", Hydra can maintain a stable repertoire of behaviors, even performing complex fixed-action patterns, such as somersaulting and feeding. The ability to image the activity of Hydra\'s entire neural and muscle tissue has revealed that Hydra\'s nerve nets are divided into coactive ensembles of neurons, associated with specific movements. These ensembles can be activated by neuropeptides and interact using cross-inhibition circuits and implement integrate-to-threshold algorithms. In addition, Hydra\'s nervous system can self-assemble from dissociated cells in a stepwise modular architecture. Studies of Hydra and other cnidarians could enable the systematic deciphering of the neural basis of its behavior and help provide perspective on basic principles of neuroscience.





