Human retinal organoid

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lentiviral vectors have markedly enhanced gene therapy efficiency in treating congenital diseases, but their long-term safety remains controversial. Most gene therapies for congenital eye diseases need to be carried out at early ages, yet the assessment of related risks to ocular development posed by lentiviral vectors is challenging. Utilizing single-cell transcriptomic profiling on human retinal organoids, this study explored the impact of lentiviral vectors on the retinal development and found that lentiviral vectors can cause retinal precursor cells to shift toward photoreceptor fate through the up-regulation of key fate-determining genes such as PRDM1. Further investigation demonstrated that the intron and intergenic region of PRDM1 was bound by PHLDA1, which was also up-regulated by lentiviral vectors exposure. Importantly, knockdown of PHLDA1 successfully suppressed the lentivirus-induced differentiation bias of photoreceptor cells. The findings also suggest that while lentiviral vectors may disrupt the fate determination of retinal precursor cells, posing risks in early-stage retinal gene therapy, these risks could potentially be reduced by inhibiting the PHLDA1-PRDM1 axis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human stem cell-derived organoids enable both disease modeling and serve as a source of cells for transplantation. Human retinal organoids are particularly important as a source of human photoreceptors; however, the long differentiation period required and lack of vascularization in the organoid often results in a necrotic core and death of inner retinal cells before photoreceptors are fully mature. Manipulating the in vitro environment of differentiating retinal organoids through the incorporation of extracellular matrix components could influence retinal development. We investigated the addition of hyaluronan (HA), a component of the interphotoreceptor matrix, as an additive to promote long-term organoid survival and enhance retinal maturation. HA treatment had a significant reduction in the proportion of proliferating (Ki67+) cells and increase in the proportion of photoreceptors (CRX+), suggesting that HA accelerated photoreceptor commitment in vitro. HA significantly upregulated genes specific to photoreceptor maturation and outer segment development. Interestingly, prolonged HA-treatment significantly decreased the length of the brush border layer compared to those in control retinal organoids, where the photoreceptor outer segments reside; however, HA-treated organoids also had more mature outer segments with organized discs structures, as revealed by transmission electron microscopy. The brush border layer length was inversely proportional to the molar mass and viscosity of the hyaluronan added. This is the first study to investigate the role of exogenous HA, viscosity, and polymer molar mass on photoreceptor maturation, emphasizing the importance of material properties on organoid culture. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Retinal organoids are a powerful tool to study retinal development in vitro, though like many other organoid systems, can be highly variable. In this work, Shoichet and colleagues investigated the use of hyaluronan (HA), a native component of the interphotoreceptor matrix, to improve photoreceptor maturation in developing human retinal organoids. HA promoted human photoreceptor differentiation leading to mature outer segments with disc formation and more uniform and healthy retinal organoids. These findings highlight the importance of adding components native to the developing retina to generate more physiologically relevant photoreceptors for cell therapy and in vitro models to drive drug discovery and uncover novel disease mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of the first synapse of the visual system between photoreceptors and bipolar cells in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of the human retina is crucial for visual processing but poorly understood. By studying the maturation state and spatial organization of photoreceptors, depolarizing bipolar cells and horizontal cells in the human fetal retina, we establish a pseudo-temporal staging system for OPL development that we term OPL-Stages 0 to 4. This was validated through quantification of increasingly precise subcellular localization of bassoon to the OPL with each stage (P<0.0001). By applying these OPL staging criteria to human retinal organoids (HROs) derived from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, we observed comparable maturation from OPL-Stage 0 at day 100 in culture up to OPL-Stage 3 by day 160. Quantification of presynaptic protein localization confirmed progression from OPL-Stage 0 to 3 (P<0.0001). Overall, this study defines stages of human OPL development through mid-gestation and establishes HROs as a model system that recapitulates key aspects of human photoreceptor-bipolar cell synaptogenesis in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methods for stem cell-derived, three-dimensional retinal organoids induction have been established and shown great potential for retinal development modeling and drug screening. Herein, we reported an exogenous-factors-free and robust method to generate retinal organoids based on \"self-formed ectodermal autonomous multi-zone\" (SEAM) system, a two-dimensional induction scheme that can synchronously generate multiple ocular cell lineages. Characterized by distinct morphological changes, the differentiation of the obtained retinal organoids could be staged into the early and late differentiation phases. During the early differentiation stage, retinal ganglion cells, cone photoreceptor cells (PRs), amacrine cells, and horizontal cells developed; whereas rod PRs, bipolar cells, and Müller glial cells were generated in the late differentiation phase, resembling early-phase and late-phase retinogenesis in vivo. Additionally, we modified the maintenance strategy for the retinal organoids and successfully promoted their long-term survival. Using 3D immunofluorescence image reconstruction and transmission electron microscopy, the substantial mature PRs with outer segment, inner segment and ribbon synapse were demonstrated. Besides, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was induced with distinct boundary and the formation of ciliary margin was observed by co-suspending retina organoids with the zone containing RPE. The obtained RPE could be expanded and displayed similar marker expression, ultrastructural feature and functional phagocytosis to native RPE. Thus, this research described a simple and robust system which enabled generation of retina organoids with substantial mature PRs, RPE and the ciliary margin without the need of exogenous factors, providing a new platform for research of retinogenesis and retinal translational application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are differentiated into three-dimensional (3D) retinal organoids to study retinogenesis and diseases that would otherwise be impossible. The complexity and low yield in current protocols remain a technical challenge, particularly for inexperienced personnel. Differentiation protocols require labor-intensive and time-consuming dissection of optic vesicles (OVs). Here we compare this method with a suspension method of developing retinal organoids. iPSCs were differentiated with standard protocols but the suspension-grown method omitted the re-plating of embryoid bodies and dissection of OVs. All other media and treatments were identical between developmental methods. Developmental maturation was evaluated with RT-qPCR and immunocytochemistry. Dissection- and suspension-derived retinal organoids displayed temporal biogenesis of retinal cell types. Differences in retinal organoids generated by the two methods of differentiation included temporal developmental and the organization of neural retina layers. Retinal organoids grown in suspension showed delayed development and disorganized retinal layers compared to the dissected retinal organoids. We found that omitting the re-plating of EBs to form OVs resulted in numerous OVs that were easy to identify and matured along a retinal lineage. While more efficient, the suspension method led to retinal organoids with disorganized retinal layers compared to those obtained using conventional dissection protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human-induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) derived organoids have become increasingly used systems allowing 3D-modeling of human organ development, and disease. They are also a reliable source of cells for transplantation in cell therapy and an excellent model to validate gene therapies. To make full use of these systems, a toolkit of genetic modification techniques is necessary to control their activity in line with the downstream application. We have previously described adeno-associated viruse (AAV) vectors for efficient targeting of cells within human retinal organoids. Here, we describe biological restriction and enhanced gene expression in cone cells of such organoids thanks to the use of a 1.7-kb L-opsin promoter. We illustrate the usefulness of implementing such a promoter to enhance the expression of the red-shifted opsin Jaws in fusion with a fluorescent reporter gene, enabling cell sorting to enrich the desired cell population. Increased Jaws expression after transplantation improved light responses promising better therapeutic outcomes in a cell therapy setting. Our results point to the importance of promoter activity in restricting, improving, and controlling the kinetics of transgene expression during the maturation of hiPSC retinal derivatives. Differentiation requires mechanisms to initiate specific transcriptional changes and to reinforce those changes when mature cell states are reached. By employing a cell-type-specific promoter we put transgene expression under the new transcriptional program of mature cells.





