Human migrations

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To characterise social determinants of health, mental health problems and potentially problematic symptoms in the adult population displaced by internal armed conflict in Colombia.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive study with a random sample of 98 adults forcefully displaced to Soacha, Colombia, due to internal armed conflict. The Self Report Questionnaire to detect potentially problematic mental health problems and symptoms, and a structured questionnaire on social determinants of health were applied.
    RESULTS: The median age was 38 [interquartile range, 28-46] years, and women predominated (69.39%). The median time since displacement was 36 [16-48] months, and time since settlement in Soacha, 48 [5-48] months. 86.32% survived on less than the minimum wage per month and 93.87% did not have an employment contract. 42.86% and 7.14% reported being owners of their homes before and after displacement, respectively. Upon arriving in Soacha, 79.60% went to primary support networks and 3% to institutions. Before displacement, 16.33% lacked health insurance and 27.55% afterwards. Regarding mental health problems; there were possible depressive or anxious disorders in 57.29%; possible psychosis in 36.73%; and potentially problematic symptoms in 91.66%, being more prevalent and serious in women (p = 0.0025).
    CONCLUSIONS: A deterioration in living conditions and a higher prevalence of potentially problematic mental health problems and symptoms was reported in displaced adult populations settled in Soacha compared to other regions of the country. Analyses with complementary perspectives are required to evaluate these differences.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The human stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori, the causative agent of gastritis, ulcers and adenocarcinoma, possesses very high genetic diversity. H. pylori has been associated with anatomically modern humans since their origins over 100,000 years ago and has co-evolved with its human host ever since. Predominantly intrafamilial and local transmission, along with genetic isolation, genetic drift, and selection have facilitated the development of distinct bacterial populations that are characteristic for large geographical areas. H. pylori utilizes a large arsenal of virulence and colonization factors to mediate the interaction with its host. Those include various adhesins, the vacuolating cytotoxin VacA, urease, serine protease HtrA, the cytotoxin-associated genes pathogenicity island (cagPAI)-encoded type-IV secretion system and its effector protein CagA, all of which contribute to disease development. While many pathogenicity-related factors are present in all strains, some belong to the auxiliary genome and are associated with specific phylogeographic populations. H. pylori is naturally competent for DNA uptake and recombination, and its genome evolution is driven by extraordinarily high recombination and mutation rates that are by far exceeding those in other bacteria. Comparative genome analyses revealed that adaptation of H. pylori to individual hosts is associated with strong selection for particular protein variants that facilitate immune evasion, especially in surface-exposed and in secreted virulence factors. Recent studies identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in H. pylori that are associated with the development of severe gastric disease, including gastric cancer. Here, we review the current knowledge about the pathogenomics of H. pylori.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The evolutionarily recent dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) out of Africa (OoA) and across Eurasia provides a unique opportunity to examine the impacts of genetic selection as humans adapted to multiple new environments. Analysis of ancient Eurasian genomic datasets (~1,000 to 45,000 y old) reveals signatures of strong selection, including at least 57 hard sweeps after the initial AMH movement OoA, which have been obscured in modern populations by extensive admixture during the Holocene. The spatiotemporal patterns of these hard sweeps provide a means to reconstruct early AMH population dispersals OoA. We identify a previously unsuspected extended period of genetic adaptation lasting ~30,000 y, potentially in the Arabian Peninsula area, prior to a major Neandertal genetic introgression and subsequent rapid dispersal across Eurasia as far as Australia. Consistent functional targets of selection initiated during this period, which we term the Arabian Standstill, include loci involved in the regulation of fat storage, neural development, skin physiology, and cilia function. Similar adaptive signatures are also evident in introgressed archaic hominin loci and modern Arctic human groups, and we suggest that this signal represents selection for cold adaptation. Surprisingly, many of the candidate selected loci across these groups appear to directly interact and coordinately regulate biological processes, with a number associated with major modern diseases including the ciliopathies, metabolic syndrome, and neurodegenerative disorders. This expands the potential for ancestral human adaptation to directly impact modern diseases, providing a platform for evolutionary medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic sequence data from worldwide human populations have provided a range of novel insights into our shared ancestry and the historical migrations that have shaped our global genetic diversity. However, a comprehensive understanding of these fundamental questions has been impeded by the lack of inclusion of many Indigenous populations in genomic surveys, including those from the Wallacean archipelago (which comprises islands of present-day Indonesia located east and west of Wallace\'s and Lydekker\'s Lines, respectively) and the former continent of Sahul (which once combined New Guinea and Australia during lower sea levels in the Pleistocene). Notably, these regions have been important areas of human evolution throughout the Late Pleistocene, as documented by diverse fossil and archaeological records which attest to the regional presence of multiple hominin species prior to the arrival of anatomically modern human (AMH) migrants. In this review, we collate and discuss key findings from the past decade of population genetic and phylogeographic literature focussed on the hominin history in Wallacea and Sahul. Specifically, we examine the evidence for the timing and direction of the ancient AMH migratory movements and subsequent hominin mixing events, emphasising several novel but consistent results that have important implications for addressing these questions. Finally, we suggest potentially lucrative directions for future genetic research in this key region of human evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A general imbalance in the proportion of disembarked males and females in the Americas has been documented during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Colonial Era and, although less prominent, more recently. This imbalance may have left a signature on the genomes of modern-day populations characterised by high levels of admixture. The analysis of the uniparental systems and the evaluation of continental proportion ratio of autosomal and X chromosomes revealed a general sex imbalance towards males for European and females for African and Indigenous American ancestries. However, the consistency and degree of this imbalance are variable, suggesting that other factors, such as cultural and social practices, may have played a role in shaping it. Moreover, very few investigations have evaluated the sex imbalance using haplotype data, containing more critical information than genotypes. Here, we analysed genome-wide data for more than 5000 admixed American individuals to assess the presence, direction and magnitude of sex-biased admixture in the Americas. For this purpose, we applied two haplotype-based approaches, ELAI and NNLS, and we compared them with a genotype-based method, ADMIXTURE. In doing so, besides a general agreement between methods, we unravelled that the post-colonial admixture dynamics show higher complexity than previously described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tropical archipelago of Wallacea contains thousands of individual islands interspersed between mainland Asia and Near Oceania, and marks the location of a series of ancient oceanic voyages leading to the peopling of Sahul-i.e., the former continent that joined Australia and New Guinea at a time of lowered sea level-by 50,000 years ago. Despite the apparent deep antiquity of human presence in Wallacea, prior population history research in this region has been hampered by patchy archaeological and genetic records and is largely concentrated upon more recent history that follows the arrival of Austronesian seafarers ~3000-4000 years ago (3-4 ka). To shed light on the deeper history of Wallacea and its connections with New Guinea and Australia, we performed phylogeographic analyses on 656 whole mitogenomes from these three regions, including 186 new samples from eight Wallacean islands and three West Papuan populations. Our results point to a surprisingly dynamic population history in Wallacea, marked by two periods of extensive demographic change concentrated around the Last Glacial Maximum ~15 ka and post-Austronesian contact ~3 ka. These changes appear to have greatly diminished genetic signals informative about the original peopling of Sahul, and have important implications for our current understanding of the population history of the region.







  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    To reconstruct aspects of human demographic history, linguistics and genetics complement each other, reciprocally suggesting testable hypotheses on population relationships and interactions. Relying on a linguistic comparative method based on syntactic data, here we focus on the non-straightforward relation of genes and languages among Finno-Ugric (FU) speakers, in comparison to their Indo-European (IE) and Altaic (AL) neighbors. Syntactic analysis, in agreement with the indications of more traditional linguistic levels, supports at least three distinct clusters, corresponding to these three Eurasian families; yet, the outliers of the FU group show linguistic convergence with their geographical neighbors. By analyzing genome-wide data in both ancient and contemporary populations, we uncovered remarkably matching patterns, with north-western FU speakers linguistically and genetically closer in parallel degrees to their IE-speaking neighbors, and eastern FU speakers to AL speakers. Therefore, our analysis indicates that plausible cross-family linguistic interference effects were accompanied, and possibly caused, by recognizable demographic processes. In particular, based on the comparison of modern and ancient genomes, our study identified the Pontic-Caspian steppes as the possible origin of the demographic processes that led to the expansion of FU languages into Europe.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study set out to determine the frequency of antiretroviral drug resistance mutations in treatment-naive subjects of the north central Mexican state of San Luis Potosí. Mexican studies of antiretroviral drug resistance mutations have focused mainly on large metropolitan areas and border towns subjected to intense international migrations. This study set forth to describe the frequency of these mutations in a Mexican region less subjected to such migratory influences and more representative of smaller Mexican cities. Thirty-eight full-length pol sequences spanning the protease, reverse-transcriptase, and integrase-encoding regions were obtained from 42 treatment-naive human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected subjects. Most exhibited subtype B homology, but CRF02_AG was also detected. Evidence of APOBEC3 hypermutation was seen in two samples. Calibrated population analysis revealed a surveillance drug resistance mutation prevalence of 4.9% for protease inhibitors, of 2.7% for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, of 8.1% for non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and an overall prevalence of 9.5%. This corresponds to an intermediate level of transmitted drug resistance according to the World Health Organization. The identification of integrase mutations suggests that transmitted drug mutations are being imported, as inhibitors targeting integrase have not been widely used in Mexico. Our results provide a greater understanding of HIV diversity in Mexico and highlight the way internal migrations allow HIV mutations and genetic features to permeate regions less subjected to international migrations. The implications of these findings will become more evident as Mexico hosts increased repatriations of migrants in the coming years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic analyses can provide information about human evolutionary history that cannot always be gleaned from other sources. We evaluated evidence of selective pressure due to introduced infectious diseases in the genomes of two indigenous southern African San groups-the ‡Khomani who had abundant contact with other people migrating into the region and the more isolated Ju|\'hoansi. We used a dual approach to test for increased selection on immune genes compared with the rest of the genome in these groups. First, we calculated summary values of statistics that measure genomic signatures of adaptation to contrast selection signatures in immune genes and all genes. Second, we located regions of the genome with extreme values of three selection statistics and examined these regions for enrichment of immune genes. We found stronger and more abundant signals of selection in immune genes in the ‡Khomani than in the Ju|\'hoansi. We confirm this finding within each population to avoid effects of different demographic histories of the two populations. We identified eight immune genes that have potentially been targets of strong selection in the ‡Khomani, whereas in the Ju|\'hoansi, no immune genes were found in the genomic regions with the strongest signals of selection. We suggest that the more abundant signatures of selection at immune genes in the ‡Khomani could be explained by their more frequent contact with immigrant groups, which likely led to increased exposure and adaptation to introduced infectious diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inherited disorders of hemoglobin represent the most common monogenic diseases. This article provides a brief description of the main inherited disorders of hemoglobin and their classification, and summarizes progress made in the last decade toward a better awareness and recognition of these disorders as a global health problem. Also presented are the main demographic, genetic, and environmental factors that influence the present and future health burden of these disorders. The strengths and limitations of existing estimates and current health policies in high-, low-, and middle-income countries are discussed.





