
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sewage surveillance is widely applied to track valid human excretion information and identify public health conditions during corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This approach can be applied to monitor the antibiotic resistance level in sewers and to assess the risk of spreading antibiotic resistance in municipal wastewater systems. However, there is still little information about human antibiotic resistance occurrence characteristics in sewer system. This study conducted a field trial for whole year to advance understanding on spatial and temporal occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in gravity sewerage. The spatial distribution of ARGs along the drainage pipe line (from human settlements to wastewater treatement pant (WWTP)) was insignificant, which may be affected by irregular human emission alongside the pipeline. The correlation between ARGs and antibiotics in sewage was insignificant. The temporal distribution showed that the effect of temperature on ARGs abundance was evident, the ARGs abundance in sewage was generally higher during the cold season. Metagenomic analysis revealed that the detected ARGs were mainly distributed in Proteobacteria (47.51 %) and Antinobacteria (20.11 %). Potential hosts of ARGs in sewage were mainly identified as human gut microorganisms, including human pathogenic bacteria, such as Prevotella, Kocuria, and Propionibacterium, etc. This study provides a new insight into the sewerage surveillance tracking characteristics of human ARGs in sewer system, and suggesting that the sewage-carried ARGs surveillance is a promising method for assessment and management of antibiotic resistance level on population size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exosomes are membrane-bound structures released by cells into the external environment that carry a significant amount of important cargo, such as proteins, DNA, RNA, and lipids. They play a crucial role in intercellular communication. Parasites have complex life cycles and can release exosomes at different stages. Exosomes released by parasitic pathogens or infected cells contain parasitic nucleic acids, antigenic molecules, virulence factors, drug-resistant proteins, proteases, lipids, etc. These components can regulate host gene expression across species or modulate signaling pathways, thereby dampening or activating host immune responses, causing pathological damage, and participating in disease progression. This review focuses on the means by which parasitic exosomes modulate host immune responses, elaborates on the pathogenic mechanisms of parasites, clarifies the interactions between parasites and hosts, and provides a theoretical basis and research directions for the prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2023.1266499.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Student nurses in high-income countries are increasingly taking opportunities to undertake international clinical placements in low- and middle-income countries as part of their pre-registration studies.
    UNASSIGNED: This review aimed to identify and evaluate existing research explores what local people in low- and middle-income countries think of international clinical placements taking place in their localities. This includes a range of local stakeholders, such as clinicians (including midwives, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and academics), healthcare students (from any discipline), patients, carers, and community members. Considering the limited research focused specifically on local individuals exposed to nursing students, we sought to review the wider research exploring the perceptions of local people in low- and middle-income countries who have been exposed to any type of travelling pre-registration healthcare students. The aim of this review was to assess the size and scope of available research literature, establish research priorities, and provide generalizable findings relevant to all international clinical placements, including those undertaken by nursing students.
    UNASSIGNED: Electronic databases were used to search for published results of previous research, including PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, CINAHL, Medline Ovid, and the Cochrane Library. Thirteen peer-reviewed articles were included after the screening process. The results of the original studies were analysed using a thematic synthesis.
    UNASSIGNED: Themes identified included learning (with subthemes of travelling students learning from local people, local people learning from travelling students, and optimising learning), prestige, travelling student behaviour, and resource use (with subthemes of enhancing resources, draining resources and improvements via partnership working). Whilst challenges and drawbacks of international clinical placements were identified, on balance, local people across all the studies were positive about receiving travelling students and keen for this to continue.
    UNASSIGNED: This work has found that the current body of research exploring perceptions of international clinical placements was heavily focused on local clinicians who have been exposed to travelling medical students. Some of the themes identified may be generalisable to all stakeholders of all types of international clinical placements. These include the central concern regarding reciprocity and the desire that international placements should be beneficial for all involved, rather than solely the travelling student. However, further research is required to understand how other types of placements, such as nursing placements, are viewed by other local people (e.g., patients).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The intensification of production processes, resulting from the rise in pork production, contributes to environmental changes and increased interaction between humans, animals, and wildlife. This favorable scenario promotes the spread of potent viral species, such as PCV3, increasing the potential for the emergence of new pathogenic agents and variants. These changes in the epidemiology and manifestation of PCV3 highlight the need for enhanced understanding and control. The current literature presents challenges in the classification of PCV3, with different groups proposing diverse criteria. Establishing common terminology is crucial to facilitate comparisons between studies. While consensus among experts is valuable, new approaches must be transparent and comparable to existing literature, ensuring reproducible results and proper interpretation, and positively impacting public health. This study aims to review the literature on PCV3 infection, exploring its key aspects and highlighting unanswered questions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We searched for common patterns in parasite ecology by investigating species and host contributions to the beta-diversity of infracommunities (=assemblages of parasites harboured by a host individual) in helminths of three species of South African ungulates and fleas of 11 species of South American rodents, assuming that a comparison of patterns in distinctly different parasites and hosts would allow us to judge the generality or, at least, commonness of these patterns. We used data on species\' composition and numbers of parasites and asked whether (i) parasite species\' attributes (life cycle, transmission mode, and host specificity in helminths; possession of sclerotized combs, microhabitat preference, and host specificity in fleas) or their population structure (mean abundance and/or prevalence) and (ii) host characteristics (sex and age) affect parasite and host species\' contributions to parasite beta-diversity (SCBD and HCBD, respectively). We found that parasite species\' morphological and ecological attributes were mostly not associated with their SCBD. In contrast, parasite SCBD, in both ungulates and rodents, significantly increased with either parasite mean abundance or prevalence or both. The effect of host characteristics on HCBD was detected in a few hosts only. In general, parasite infracommunities\' beta-diversity appeared to be driven by variation in parasite species rather than the uniqueness of the assemblages harboured by individual hosts. We conclude that some ecological patterns (such as the relationships between SCBD and parasite abundance/prevalence) appear to be common and do not differ between different host-parasite associations in different geographic regions, whereas other patterns (the relationships between SCBD and parasite species\' attributes) are contingent and depend on parasite and host identities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Anaplasma includes A. marginale, A. centrale, A. bovis, A. ovis, A. platys, and A. phagocytophilum transmitted by ticks, some of which are zoonotic and cause anaplasmosis in humans and animals. In 2012, a new species was discovered in goats in China. In 2015, the same agent was detected in humans in China, and it was provisionally named Anaplasma capra, referring to 2012. The studies conducted to date have revealed the existence of A. capra in humans, domestic animals, wild animals, and ticks from three different continents (Asia, Europe, and Africa). Phylogenetic analyses based on gltA and groEL sequences show that A. capra clearly includes two different genotypes (A. capra genotype-1 and A. capra genotype-2). Although A. capra human isolates are in the genotype-2 group, goat, sheep, and cattle isolates are in both groups, making it difficult to establish a host genotype-relationship. According to current data, it can be thought that human isolates are genotype-2 and while only genotype-1 is found in Europe, both genotypes are found in Asia. Anaplasma capra causes clinical disease in humans, but the situation is not yet sufficient to understand the zoonotic importance and pathogenicity in animals. In the present review, the history, hosts (vertebrates and ticks), molecular prevalence, pathogenic properties, and genetic diversity of A. capra were evaluated from a broad perspective.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is a zoonotic disease caused by the rodent-transmitted orthohantaviruses (HVs), with China possessing the most cases globally. The virus hosts in China are Apodemus agrarius and Rattus norvegicus, and the disease spread is strongly influenced by global climate dynamics. To assess and predict the spatiotemporal trends of HFRS from 2005 to 2098, we collected historical HFRS data in mainland China (2005-2020), historical and projected climate and population data (2005-2098), and spatial variables including biotic, environmental, topographical, and socioeconomic. Spatiotemporal predictions and mapping were conducted under 27 scenarios incorporating multiple integrated representative concentration pathway models and population scenarios. We identify the type of magistral HVs host species as the best spatial division, including four region categories. Seven extreme climate indices associated with temperature and precipitation have been pinpointed as key factors affecting the trends of HFRS. Our predictions indicate that annual HFRS cases will increase significantly in 62 of 356 cities in mainland China. Rattus regions are predicted to be the most active, surpassing Apodemus and Mixed regions. Eighty cities are identified as at severe risk level for HFRS, each with over 50 reported cases annually, including 22 new cities primarily located in East China and Rattus regions after 2020, while 6 others develop new risk. Our results suggest that the risk of HFRS will remain high through the end of this century, with Rattus norvegicus being the most active host, and that extreme climate indices are significant risk factors. Our findings can inform evidence-based policymaking regarding future risk of HFRS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: In the Amazon region, several species of triatomines occur in the natural environments. Among them, species of the genus Rhodnius are a risk to human populations due to their high rates of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. The aim of this study was to identify the T. cruzi genotypes in Rhodnius specimens and their relationship with sylvatic hosts from different environments in the Brazilian Amazon. Methods: A total of 492 triatomines were collected from the municipalities of Monte Negro, Rondônia state, and Humaitá, Amazonas state, 382 of them being nymphs and 110 adults. Genotyping of T. cruzi in six discrete typing units (DTUs) was performed using conventional multilocus PCR. The triatomines that were positive for T. cruzi and engorged with blood were also targeted for amplification of the cytochrome B (cytB) gene to identify bloodmeal sources. Results: Of the 162 positive samples, the identified DTUs were TcI (87.65%) and TcIV (12.35%). It was observed that 102 specimens were engorged with a variety of bloodmeals. Triatomines infected with TcI were associated with DNA of all identified vertebrates, except Plecturocebus brunneus. TcIV was detected in triatomines that fed on Coendou prehensilis, Didelphis marsupialis, Mabuya nigropunctata, P. brunneus, Pithecia irrorata, Sapajus apella, and Tamandua tetradactyla. Conclusion: Results highlight the need to understand the patterns of T. cruzi genotypes in Rhodnius spp. and their association with sylvatic hosts to better elucidate their role in the transmission of Chagas disease in the Amazon region.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





