Homologous pairing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Durum wheat, Triticum turgidum, and bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, are two allopolyploid species of very recent origin that have been subjected to intense selection programs during the thousands of years they have been cultivated. In this paper, we study the durum wheat satellitome and establish a comparative analysis with the previously published bread wheat satellitome.
    METHODS: We revealed the durum wheat satellitome using the satMiner protocol which is based on consecutive rounds of clustering of Illumina reads by RepeatExplorer2, and estimated abundance and variation for each identified satDNA with RepeatMasker v4.0.5. We have also performed a deep satDNA families characterization including chromosomal location by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) in durum wheat and its comparison with FISH patterns in bread wheat. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST®) was used for trailing each satDNA in the assembly of durum wheat genome through NCBI\'s Genome Data Viewer (GDW) and the genome assemblies of both species were compared. Sequence divergence and consensus turnover rate (CTR) between homologous satDNA families of durum and bread wheat were estimated using MEGA11.
    RESULTS: This study reveals that in an exceedingly short period, significant qualitative and quantitative changes have occurred in the set of satellite DNAs (satDNAs) of both species, with expansions/contractions of the number of repeats and the loci per satellite, different in each species, and a high rate of sequence change for most of these satellites, in addition to the emergence/loss of satDNAs not shared between the two species analysed. These evolutionary changes in satDNA are common between species but what is truly remarkable and novel about this study is that these processes have taken place in less than the last ~8000 years separating the two species, indicating an accelerated evolution of their satDNAs.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results, together with the relationship of many of these satellites with transposable elements and the polymorphisms they generate at the level of centromeres and subtelomeric regions of their chromosomes, are analysed and discussed in the context of the evolutionary origin of these species and the selection pressure exerted by man throughout the history of their cultivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During meiotic prophase I, chromosomes undergo large-scale dynamics to allow homologous chromosome pairing, prior to which chromosome ends attach to the inner nuclear envelope and form a chromosomal bouquet. Chromosome pairing is crucial for homologous recombination and accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis. However, the specific mechanism by which homologous chromosomes recognize each other is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the process of homologous chromosome pairing during early prophase I of meiosis in rice (Oryza sativa) using pooled oligo probes specific to an entire chromosome or chromosome arm. We revealed that chromosome pairing begins from both ends and extends toward the center from early zygotene through late zygotene. Genetic analysis of both trisomy and autotetraploidy also showed that pairing initiation is induced by both ends of a chromosome. However, healed ends that lack the original terminal regions on telocentric and acrocentric chromosomes cannot initiate homologous chromosome pairing, even though they may still enter the telomere clustering region at the bouquet stage. Furthermore, a chromosome that lacks the distal parts on both sides loses the ability to pair with other intact chromosomes. Thus, the native ends of chromosomes play a crucial role in initiating homologous chromosome pairing during meiosis and likely have a substantial impact on genome differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), chromosome associations during meiosis are extremely regulated and initiate at the telomeres and subtelomeres, which are enriched in satellite DNA (satDNA). We present the study and characterization of the bread wheat satellitome to shed light on the molecular organization of wheat subtelomeres. Our results revealed that the 2.53% of bread wheat genome is composed by satDNA and subtelomeres are particularly enriched in such DNA sequences. Thirty-four satellite DNA (21 for the first time in this work) have been identified, analyzed and cytogenetically validated. Many of the satDNAs were specifically found at particular subtelomeric chromosome regions revealing the asymmetry in subtelomere organisation among the wheat subgenomes, which might play a role in proper homologous recognition and pairing during meiosis. An integrated physical map of the wheat satellitome was also constructed. To the best of our knowledge, our results show that the combination of both cytogenetics and genome research allowed the first comprehensive analysis of the wheat satellitome, shedding light on the complex wheat genome organization, especially on the polymorphic nature of subtelomeres and their putative implication in chromosome recognition and pairing during meiosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During meiosis, the chromatin and transcriptome undergo prominent switches. Although recent studies have explored the genome reorganization during spermatogenesis, the chromatin remodeling in oogenesis and characteristics of homologous pairing remain largely elusive. We comprehensively compared chromatin structures and transcriptomes at successive substages of meiotic prophase in both female and male mice using low-input high-through chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Compartments and topologically associating domains (TADs) gradually disappeared and slowly recovered in both sexes. We found that homologs adopted different sex-conserved pairing strategies prior to and after the leptotene-to-zygotene transition, changing from long interspersed nuclear element (LINE)-enriched compartments B to short interspersed nuclear element (SINE)-enriched compartments A. We complemented marker genes and predicted the sex-specific meiotic sterile genes for each substage. This study provides valuable insights into the similarities and distinctions between sexes in chromosome architecture, homologous pairing, and transcriptome during meiotic prophase of both oogenesis and spermatogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiosis involves deep changes in the spatial organisation and interactions of chromosomes enabling the two primary functions of this process: increasing genetic diversity and reducing ploidy level. These two functions are ensured by crucial events such as homologous chromosomal pairing, synapsis, recombination and segregation. In most sexually reproducing eukaryotes, homologous chromosome pairing depends on a set of mechanisms, some of them associated with the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced at the onset of prophase I, and others that operate before DSBs formation. In this article, we will review various strategies utilised by model organisms for DSB-independent pairing. Specifically, we will focus on mechanisms such as chromosome clustering, nuclear and chromosome movements, as well as the involvement of specific proteins, non-coding RNA, and DNA sequences.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Sexually reproducing organisms produce haploid gametes through meiotic cell division, during which a single round of DNA replication is followed by two consecutive chromosome segregation. A series of meiosis-specific events take place during the meiotic prophase to ensure successful chromosome segregation. These events include programmed DNA double-strand break formation, chromosome movement driven by cytoplasmic forces, homologous pairing, synaptonemal complex installation, and inter-homolog crossover formation. Phase separation has emerged as a key principle controlling cellular biomolecular material organization and biological processes. Recent studies have revealed the involvements of phase separation in assembling meiotic chromosome-associated structures. Here we review and discuss how phase separation may participate in meiotic chromosome dynamics and propose that it may provide opportunities to understand the mysteries in meiotic regulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In most eukaryotes, pairing of homologous chromosomes is an essential feature of meiosis that ensures homologous recombination and segregation. However, when the pairing process begins, it is still under investigation. Contrasting data exists in Mus musculus, since both leptotene DSB-dependent and preleptotene DSB-independent mechanisms have been described. To unravel this contention, we examined homologous pairing in pre-meiotic and meiotic Mus musculus cells using a three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization-based protocol, which enables the analysis of the entire karyotype using DNA painting probes. Our data establishes in an unambiguously manner that 73.83% of homologous chromosomes are already paired at premeiotic stages (spermatogonia-early preleptotene spermatocytes). The percentage of paired homologous chromosomes increases to 84.60% at mid-preleptotene-zygotene stage, reaching 100% at pachytene stage. Importantly, our results demonstrate a high percentage of homologous pairing observed before the onset of meiosis; this pairing does not occur randomly, as the percentage was higher than that observed in somatic cells (19.47%) and between nonhomologous chromosomes (41.1%). Finally, we have also observed that premeiotic homologous pairing is asynchronous and independent of the chromosome size, GC content, or presence of NOR regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transvection, the functional interaction between homologous alleles, was first described in Drosophila in the 1950\'s. While transvection has been documented in a growing list of genes, using mutant alleles or synthetic constructs, in Drosophila and other organisms, the extent of its relevance to gene expression in physiological conditions has remained questionable. The molecular mechanisms underlying transvection are still largely unexplored, although hints suggest a link with the general machinery that controls the genome organization in the nucleus. In this review, we discuss recent results establishing the relevance of transvection for proper gene regulation, and in particular for the sexually dimorphic regulation of the Drosophila X-linked gene yellow. We also discuss the role that DNA insulator sequences and chromatin architectural proteins play in bringing in proximity homologous alleles, and how they may contribute to interallelic gene regulation.
    La transvection, l’interaction fonctionnelle entre des allèles homologues, a été décrite pour la première fois chez la drosophile dans les années 1950. Bien que la transvection ait été documentée pour une liste croissante de gènes, en utilisant des allèles mutants ou des constructions synthétiques, chez la drosophile et d’autres organismes, l’étendue de sa pertinence pour la régulation de l’expression des gènes dans des conditions physiologiques reste une question ouverte. Les mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent la transvection sont encore largement inexplorés, bien que des indices suggèrent un lien avec la machinerie générale qui contrôle l’organisation du génome dans le noyau. Dans cette revue, nous discutons des résultats récents établissant la pertinence de la transvection pour la régulation correcte des gènes, et en particulier pour la régulation sexuellement dimorphique du gène yellow qui est porté par le chromosome X de la drosophile. Nous discutons également du rôle que jouent les séquences d’ADN isolatrices et les protéines architecturales de la chromatine dans le rapprochement des allèles homologues, et comment elles peuvent contribuer à la régulation interallélique des gènes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic architecture facilitates chromosome recognition, pairing, and recombination. Telomeres and subtelomeres play an important role at the beginning of meiosis in specific chromosome recognition and pairing, which are critical processes that allow chromosome recombination between homologs (equivalent chromosomes in the same genome) in later stages. In plant polyploids, these terminal regions are even more important in terms of homologous chromosome recognition, due to the presence of homoeologs (equivalent chromosomes from related genomes). Although telomeres interaction seems to assist homologous pairing and consequently, the progression of meiosis, other chromosome regions, such as subtelomeres, need to be considered, because the DNA sequence of telomeres is not chromosome-specific. In addition, recombination operates at subtelomeres and, as it happens in rye and wheat, homologous recognition and pairing is more often correlated with recombining regions than with crossover-poor regions. In a plant breeding context, the knowledge of how homologous chromosomes initiate pairing at the beginning of meiosis can contribute to chromosome manipulation in hybrids or interspecific genetic crosses. Thus, recombination in interspecific chromosome associations could be promoted with the aim of transferring desirable agronomic traits from related genetic donor species into crops. In this review, we summarize the importance of telomeres and subtelomeres on chromatin dynamics during early meiosis stages and their implications in recombination in a plant breeding framework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterochromatin-related epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, facilitate pairing of homologous chromosomes during the meiotic prophase of mammalian spermatogenesis. In pro-spermatogonia, de novo DNA methylation plays a key role in completing meiotic prophase and initiating meiotic division. However, the role of maintenance DNA methylation in the regulation of meiosis, especially in the adult, is not well understood. Here, we reveal that NP95 (also known as UHRF1) and DNMT1 - two essential proteins for maintenance DNA methylation - are co-expressed in spermatogonia and are necessary for meiosis in male germ cells. We find that Np95- or Dnmt1-deficient spermatocytes exhibit spermatogenic defects characterized by synaptic failure during meiotic prophase. In addition, assembly of pericentric heterochromatin clusters in early meiotic prophase, a phenomenon that is required for subsequent pairing of homologous chromosomes, is disrupted in both mutants. Based on these observations, we propose that DNA methylation, established in pre-meiotic spermatogonia, regulates synapsis of homologous chromosomes and, in turn, quality control of male germ cells. Maintenance DNA methylation, therefore, plays a role in ensuring faithful transmission of both genetic and epigenetic information to offspring.





