Home-visiting programs

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: This intervention study seeks to assess the impact of a care competencies training program on students\' well-being. Method: This randomized controlled trial involved 191 Vietnamese adolescents (65.4% female, Mage = 16 years and 8 months) in a 7-week intervention study that used video vignettes to build their care competencies. Validated scales were used to determine their care competencies (Care Competencies Questionnaire for Adolescents) and well-being (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Perceived Stress Scale and Satisfaction with Life Scale) at three points in time: before, immediately after, and two months after the intervention. The full-information maximum likelihood approach was applied to latent growth curve modeling (LGM) in Mplus 8.5 to estimate the initial level (i.e., intercept) and the change (i.e., slope) in care competencies and well-being among adolescents over time. Factor scores of LGMs were saved for correlation and multiple linear regression analysis by using SPSS (version 26.0) to explore the relationships between the changes in care competencies/failures and the changes in well-being. Results: Results showed that, next to a significant increase in care competencies and a significant decrease in care failures, other well-being variables also significantly changed in the intervention group. In the intervention group, but not in the control group, changes in care competencies and failures consistently and significantly predicted changes in well-being. Conclusion: The results support the potential of the video vignette-based intervention to promote the development of adolescents\' care competencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: To systematically review studies examining the effects of home-visiting preventive parenting programs (HV-PPs) on improving the quality of mother-child interactions in early childhood. Method: Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses protocol, we identified 3,586 studies published between 2018 and 2022 by searching the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, BVS/LILACS, SciELO, and PsycNET/PsycINFO. After applying the eligibility criteria, 17 articles were selected for review. Results: Most studies were conducted in high-income countries (53%) and the remainder were conducted in upper-middle-income countries, predominantly using a randomized controlled trial design and with strong methodological quality. The 17 studies applied 13 different HV-PPs, predominantly using video feedback, based on various dosages and schedules. Most studies (77%) showed significant positive effects on mother-child interactions by improving mainly positive maternal behaviors (e.g., sensitivity and responsiveness). Positive effects occurred independent of the study design, sample characteristics, measures, and constructs assessed. However, the findings suggest that the combination of fewer than six sessions, durations shorter than three months, and a very early start did not impact mother-child interactions, as expected. Few studies have explored negative maternal behaviors, children\'s behaviors, and dyadic interactions such as mutuality and synchrony. Conclusions: HV-PPs positively impacted mother-child interactions in early childhood despite the large heterogeneity across program designs, outcome measures, and overlapping constructs. Based on the results, we discuss the practical and economic implications of using parenting programs as a preventive approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In 2016, Brazil scaled up the Criança Feliz Program (PCF, from the acronym in Portuguese), making it one of the largest Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs worldwide. However, the PCF has not been able to achieve its intended impact. We aimed to identify barriers and facilitators to achieving the PCF implementation outcomes across the RE-AIM dimensions (Reach, Effectiveness or Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    UNASSIGNED: This comparative case study analysis selected five contrasting municipalities based on population size, region of the country, implementation model, and length of time implementing the PCF. We conducted 244 interviews with PCF municipal team (municipal managers, supervisors, home visitors), families, and cross-sectoral professionals. A rapid qualitative analysis was used to identify themes across RE-AIM dimensions.
    UNASSIGNED: Families\' limited knowledge and trust in PCF goals were a barrier to its reach. While the perceived benefit of PCF on parenting skills and ECD enabled reach, the lack of referral protocols to address social needs, such as connecting food-insecure families to food resources, undermined effectiveness. Questions about whether the social assistance sector should be in charge of PCF challenged its adoption. Implementation barriers exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic included low salaries, temporary contracts, high turnover, infrequent supervision, lack of an effective monitoring system, and nonexistence or non-functioning multisectoral committees. The absence of institutionalized funding was a challenge for sustainability.
    UNASSIGNED: Complex intertwined system-level barriers may explain the unsuccessful implementation of PCF. These barriers must be addressed for Brazil to benefit from the enormous reach of the PCF and the evidence-based nurturing care principles it is based upon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychosocial stressors and resources present in the early life of a child play a crucial part in determining outcomes later in life. Preventive early childhood intervention services aim to reduce negative and increase positive outcomes. Home-visiting programs are an example for preventive services that are common in many countries.The present study focusses on a wide spread home-visiting program in Germany and has three main objectives: First, to characterize the professionals that conduct and the families who participate in the program. Second, to study relations between a broad range of resources and stressors. Third, to analyse potential outcome variables for future efficacy studies on early childhood intervention services. The goal is to recruit 130 professionals and 500 families from 20 cities and municipalities in Germany. For families with two caregivers, both are invited to participate. Questionnaire topics for professionals and families include a range of stressors and resources, need for support, and the work focus of the professionals. Statistical analyses will mainly be descriptive, exploring the complex interplay of stressors and resources in vulnerable families.These results will not only provide insights into how the program is currently conducted and whom it serves, but might also help to further accelerate the program and the training of professionals.
    Zusammenfassung Psychosoziale Belastungen und Ressourcen, die in den ersten Lebensjahren eines Kindes auftreten, haben einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf Entwicklungen im weiteren Lebensverlauf. Präventive Angebote der Frühen Hilfen zielen darauf, negative Entwicklungen zu reduzieren und positive Entwicklungen zu fördern. Aufsuchende Angebote sind ein Beispiel für präventive Angebote, die in vielen Ländern üblich sind. Die vorliegende Studie fokussiert auf ein weit verbreitetes aufsuchendes Angebot in Deutschland und verfolgt drei Hauptziele: Erstens sollen die Fachkräfte, die das Angebot durchführen, und die Familien, die daran teilnehmen, charakterisiertwerden. Zweitens sollen die Beziehungen zwischen einembreiten Spektruman Ressourcen und Belastungen untersucht werden. Drittens sollen potenzielle Ergebnisvariablen für künftige Wirksamkeitsstudien zu Angeboten der Frühen Hilfen analysiert werden. Ziel ist es, 130 Fachkräfte und 500 Familien aus 20 Städten und Gemeinden in Deutschland zu rekrutieren. Bei Familien mit zwei Bezugspersonen werden beide zur Teilnahme eingeladen. Zu den Inhalten, die in den Fragebögen für Fachkräfte und Familien abgefragt werden, gehören eine Reihe von Belastungen und Ressourcen, der Unterstützungsbedarf sowie der Arbeitsschwerpunkt der Fachkräfte. Die statistischen Analysen werden hauptsächlich deskriptiv sein und das komplexe Zusammenspiel von Belastungen und Ressourcen in belasteten Familien explorieren. Die Ergebnisse werden nicht nur Aufschluss darüber geben, wie das Programmderzeit durchgeführt wird und wer es in Anspruch nimmt, sondern könnten auch dazu beitragen, das Angebot und die Ausbildung der Fachkräfte weiter zu entwickeln.





