Home Health Nursing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the role of home care nurses in managing long-term illnesses (L-TI) within the French healthcare system, utilizing data from the SNDS. Focused on data from 2022, it categorizes nursing actions into medical procedures, care procedures, and nursing processes, revealing significant involvement in patient care. The findings highlight the crucial, evolving role of home care nurses in addressing the complex needs of millions suffering from chronic conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in France.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hospital readmission is an important indicator of inpatient care quality and a significant driver of increasing medical costs. Therefore, it is important to explore the effects of postdischarge information, particularly from home healthcare notes, on enhancing readmission prediction models. Despite the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning in prediction model development, current studies often overlook insights from home healthcare notes.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop prediction models for 30-day readmissions using home healthcare notes and structured data. In addition, it explored the development of 14- and 180-day prediction models using variables in the 30-day model.
    METHODS: A retrospective observational cohort study.
    METHODS: This study was conducted at Ajou University School of Medicine in South Korea.
    METHODS: Data from electronic health records, encompassing demographic characteristics of 1819 participants, along with information on conditions, drug, and home healthcare, were utilized.
    METHODS: Two distinct models were developed for each prediction window (30-, 14-, 180-day): the traditional model, which utilized structured variables alone, and the common data model (CDM)-NLP model, which incorporated structured and topic variables extracted from home healthcare notes. BERTopic facilitated topic generation and risk probability, representing the likelihood of documents being assigned to specific topics. Feature selection involved experimenting with various algorithms. The best-performing algorithm, determined using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), was used for model development. Model performance was assessed using various learning metrics including AUROC.
    RESULTS: Among 1819 patients, 251 (13.80 %) experienced 30-day readmission. The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator was used for feature extraction and model development. The 15 structured features were used in the traditional model. Moreover, five additional topic variables from the home healthcare notes were applied in the CDM-NLP model. The AUROC of the traditional model was 0.739 (95 % CI: 0.672-0.807). The AUROC of the CDM-NLP model was high at 0.824 (95 % CI: 0.768-0.880), which indicated an outstanding performance. The topics in the CDM-NLP model included emotional distress, daily living functions, nutrition, postoperative status, and cardiorespiratory issues. In extended prediction model development for 14- and 180-day readmissions, the CDM-NLP consistently outperformed the traditional model.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study developed effective prediction models using both structured and unstructured data, thereby emphasizing the significance of postdischarge information from home healthcare notes in readmission prediction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Demand for home care has increased due to the expansion of preventive care, people living longer with chronic conditions, and the need for healthcare services as the baby boom population ages. Nurses must be prepared to meet the needs of patients and families in the home setting. Home care nursing simulations have been utilized as a teaching-learning strategy in baccalaureate nursing education, yet less is known about their use with practicing home care nurses and associate degree nursing students. The purpose of this pilot study using simulation was to prepare practicing nurses and student nurses to respond using nursing skills and clinical judgment. The convenience sample consisted of associate degree nursing students (n = 9), practicing home healthcare nurses (n = 8), and nursing faculty (n = 2). The Simulation Effectiveness Tool - Modified (SET-M) Survey (Leighton et al., 2015) was utilized for data collection. Participants perceived the home healthcare simulation to be an effective practice experience with high overall agreement for Pre-briefing, Scenario-Confidence, Scenario-Learning, and Debriefing. The findings of this study provide data to support partnerships to provide home care simulation experiences for associate degree nursing students and practicing home care nurses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the risk factors for the nursing diagnosis of fall risk in adults (00303) in elderly people in the community-dwelling.
    METHODS: This is a methodological study, with a quantitative approach, carried out with elderly people living in the city of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, from February to December 2018. For data collection, the demographic profile, Mini-Mental State Examination, diseases self-reported, functional independence measure, Lawton and Brody scale, geriatric depression scale, and self-perception of gait instruments were used. Tests of accuracy and association of risk factors with p ≤ 0.05 were performed.
    RESULTS: A total of 262 elderly people, aged over 80 years (55.7%), 71% of which were female and 42.7% were widowed, were included in the sample. A total of 82.1% had vascular diseases, 72.1% had diabetes, and 20.6% had depression. The predominant risk factors were difficulty performing instrumental activities of daily living (58.8%), cognitive dysfunction (43.5%), and depressive symptoms (26.3%). Difficulty performing instrumental activities of daily living had a sensitivity greater than 60%. The positive and negative predictive values were mostly greater than 50%. In the regression analysis, it was found that the elderly have a higher risk of suffering a fall if they present anxiety (p = 0.05), impaired physical mobility (p = 0.02), and difficulty to perform instrumental activities of daily living as risk factors (p = 0.03).
    CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to identify the presence of risk factors for the diagnosis fall risk in adults (00303) in the clinical context of the elderly in home settings and contribute to the clinical validation of the taxonomy, increase the evidence and importance of the diagnosis, and generate new knowledge for gerontological nursing.
    CONCLUSIONS: To help nurses identify risk factors that lead elderly people to suffer falls at home and to implement preventive actions in their community with the support of their families.
    OBJECTIVE: Identificar os fatores de risco para o diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de Quedas em adultos (00303) em idosos do domicílio. MÉTODO: Trata‐se de um estudo metodológico, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com idosos residentes na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil, no período de fevereiro a dezembro de 2018. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados instrumentos de perfil sociodemográfico, Mini exame do Estado Mental, doenças autorreferidas, Medida de Independência Funcional, Escala de Lawton e Brody, Escala de Depressão Geriátrica e autopercepção da marcha. Foram realizados testes de acurácia e associação de fatores de risco com p ≤ 0,05.
    RESULTS: Participaram 262 idosos, com idade superior a 80 anos (55,7%), sendo 71% do sexo feminino e 42,7% viúvos. Um total de 82,1% tinha doenças vasculares, 72,1% tinham diabetes e 20,6% tinham depressão. Os fatores de risco predominantes foram dificuldade para realizar atividades instrumentais de vida diária (58,8%), déficit cognitivo (43,5%) e sintomas depressivos (26,3%). A dificuldade para realizar atividades instrumentais da vida diária apresentou sensibilidade superior a 60%. Os valores preditivos positivos e negativos foram em sua maioria superiores a 50%. Na análise de regressão constatou‐se que os idosos apresentam maior risco de sofrer queda se apresentarem Ansiedade (p = 0,05), Mobilidade física prejudicada (p = 0,02) e Dificuldade para realizar atividades instrumentais de vida diária (p = 0,03). CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível identificar a presença de fatores de risco para o diagnóstico Risco de queda em adultos (00303) no contexto clínico do idoso em ambiente domiciliar e contribuir para a validação clínica da taxonomia, aumentar a evidência e a importância do diagnóstico e gerar novos conhecimentos para a enfermagem gerontológica. IMPLICAÇÕES PARA A PRÁTICA DE ENFERMAGEM: Ajudar os enfermeiros a identificar os fatores de risco que levam os idosos a sofrer quedas no domicílio e a implementar ações preventivas na sua comunidade com o apoio dos seus familiares.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A patient with multiple comorbidities and an eight-year history of tracheostomy was being treated for tracheitis. At this point, she became incapable of using regular speaking valves, and multiple attempts to reintroduce the speaking valve failed. A Ferrer adjustable speaking valve (FASV) was designed with gradations of outflow closure, allowing air to go through the vocal cords for phonation. The FASV was offered to her through the compassionate use program at the FDA. At 20% initial closure, the patient was able to tolerate the valve and was advanced to 50% closure, at which point she could phonate partially. The use of the valve was terminated at the time of her transfer, 23 days after the initiation of use. This suggests the safety and possible efficacy of using an adjustable speaking valve earlier than regular valves, allowing patients to communicate earlier and further exercise their diaphragms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Home healthcare agencies provide interdisciplinary care to millions of individuals annually. Care is typically led by registered nurses who often determine additional disciplines need to be included in the plan of care. We found that, although persons living with dementia represent about 30% of the home healthcare population, data from our home healthcare system showed that over a 1-year period with 36,443 home care episodes, only 29.6% had one or more social worker visits. Recognizing Alzheimer\'s disease-related dementia as a terminal condition and shifting toward a palliative care approach can be a challenge in home healthcare where care is focused on restorative care or rehabilitative goals with a primary focus on improvement in condition. The goal of this article is to present insights into nurse-led care coordination and teamwork and provide implications for practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Palliative Care (PC) is an interdisciplinary specialty focused on relieving symptoms and optimizing quality of life for people living with serious illnesses and their families. A great need for PC exists in Saudi Arabia due to its aging population and prevalence of cancer and other chronic diseases. Home healthcare can make PC more accessible to patients, but clinicians must be equipped with the PC knowledge and skills to perform their roles. This study was a descriptive, correlational examination of PC practices and knowledge of home care nurses recruited from military hospitals in Saudi Arabia. We surveyed participants using the Palliative Care Quiz for Nursing (PCQN) and the Modified Global Home Health Nursing Care Assessment Questionnaire. The mean PCQN score was 8.40, indicating low levels of PC knowledge. A nurses\' demographic and physical, spiritual, religious, cultural, linguistic, ethical, and legal aspects of care revealed significant associations. Given the low levels of PC knowledge and skills, we recommend focusing on education, training, and research. Universities should review their curriculum to ensure PC content. Hospitals should provide training programs focused on all aspects of PC, specifically emotional and spiritual, without limiting training to physical aspects of care. Future research is also needed to inform policy in this area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The aging of the population requires an appropriate knowledge of the type of care that needs to be provided to inform healthcare policies. In Italy, neither home care nursing, nor the patient experiences have ever been described.
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the characteristics of nurses and care recipients involved in home care.
    METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in 18 Italian Regions. Between April and October 2023, data from nurses and patients involved in home care were collected through two surveys. Psychosocial conditions in workplaces, missed care, and care experiences were assessed using validated tools. Descriptive statistics and Pearson\'s correlations were performed.
    RESULTS: A total of 46 local healthcare units were included in this study, with a total of 2549 nurses and 4709 care recipients. Nurses (mean age 46.60; 79.48% female; 44.68% regional nursing diploma as the highest qualification) reported good working conditions (42.37; SD = 12.25; range = 0-100) and a high mean number of missed care activities (5.11; SD = 3.19; range 0-9). Most nurses (83.41%) reported high levels of job satisfaction, while 20.28% intended to leave their job. Patients (mean age 75.18; 57.57% female; 36.95% primary school), on the other hand, rated positively the care they had received (8.23; range = 0-10).
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite the perception of critical issues at work and some missed care, satisfaction in nurses and patients was high. These data constitute a preliminary snapshot of the studied phenomena, which will be investigated through more in-depth analyses.





