Hofmeister series

Hofmeister 系列
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Hofmeister series categorizes ions based on their effects on protein stability, yet the microscopic mechanism remains a mystery. In this series, NaCl is neutral, Na2SO4 and Na2HPO4 are kosmotropic, while GdmCl and NaSCN are chaotropic. This study employs CD and NMR to investigate the effects of NaCl, Na2SO4, and Na2HPO4 on the conformation, stability, binding, and backbone dynamics (ps-ns and µs-ms time scales) of the WW4 domain with a high stability and accessible side chains at concentrations ≤ 200 mM. The results indicated that none of the three salts altered the conformation of WW4 or showed significant binding to the four aliphatic hydrophobic side chains. NaCl had no effect on its thermal stability, while Na2SO4 and Na2HPO4 enhanced the stability by ~5 °C. Interestingly, NaCl only weakly interacted with the Arg27 amide proton, whereas Na2SO4 bound to Arg27 and Phe31 amide protons with Kd of 32.7 and 41.6 mM, respectively. Na2HPO4, however, bound in a non-saturable manner to Trp9, His24, and Asn36 amide protons. While the three salts had negligible effects on ps-ns backbone dynamics, NaCl and Na2SO4 displayed no effect while Na2HPO4 significantly increased the µs-ms backbone dynamics. These findings, combined with our recent results with GdmCl and NaSCN, suggest a microscopic mechanism for the Hofmeister series. Additionally, the data revealed a lack of simple correlation between thermodynamic stability and backbone dynamics, most likely due to enthalpy-entropy compensation. Our study rationalizes the selection of chloride and phosphate as the primary anions in extracellular and intracellular spaces, as well as polyphosphate as a primitive chaperone in certain single-cell organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GdmCl and NaSCN are two strong chaotropic salts commonly used in protein folding and stability studies, but their microscopic mechanisms remain enigmatic. Here, by CD and NMR, we investigated their effects on conformations, stability, binding and backbone dynamics on ps-ns and µs-ms time scales of a 39-residue but well-folded WW4 domain at salt concentrations ≤200 mM. Up to 200 mM, both denaturants did not alter the tertiary packing of WW4, but GdmCl exerted more severe destabilization than NaSCN. Intriguingly, GdmCl had only weak binding to amide protons, while NaSCN showed extensive binding to both hydrophobic side chains and amide protons. Neither denaturant significantly affected the overall ps-ns backbone dynamics, but they distinctively altered µs-ms backbone dynamics. This study unveils that GdmCl and NaSCN destabilize a protein before the global unfolding occurs with differential binding properties and µs-ms backbone dynamics, implying the absence of a simple correlation between thermodynamic stability and backbone dynamics of WW4 at both ps-ns and µs-ms time scales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Ice friction plays a crucial role in both basic study and practical use. Various strategies for controlling ice friction have been developed. However, one unsolved puzzle regarding ice friction is the effect of ion-ice interplay on its tribological properties.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we conducted ice friction experiments and summarized the specific effects of hydrated ions on ice friction. By selecting cations and anions, the coefficient of ice friction can be reduced by more than 70 percent. Experimental spectra, low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR), density functional theory (DFT) calculations, and Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations demonstrated that the addition of ions could break the H-bonds in water.
    RESULTS: The link between the charge density of ions and the coefficients of ice friction was revealed. A part of the ice structure was changed from an ice-like to a liquid-like interfacial water structure with the addition of ions. Lower charge density ions led to weaker ionic forces with the water molecules in the immobilized water layer, resulting in free water molecules increasing in the lubricating layer. This study provides guidance for preparing ice-making solutions with low friction coefficients and a fuller understanding of the interfacial water structure at low temperatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microgels are commonly applied as solute carriers, where the size, density, and functionality of the microgels depend on solute binding. As representatives for ionic solutes with high affinity for the microgel, we study here the effect of superchaotropic Keggin polyoxometalates (POMs) PW12O403- (PW) and SiW12O404- (SiW) on the aqueous swelling and internal structure of nonionic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNiPAM) microgels by light scattering techniques and small-angle X-ray scattering. Due to their weak hydration, these POMs bind spontaneously to the microgels at millimolar concentrations. The microgels thus become charged and swell at low POM concentration, surprisingly without strongly increasing the volume phase transition temperature, and deswell at higher POM concentration. The swelling arises because of the osmotic pressure of dissociated counterions of the POMs, while the deswelling is due to POMs acting as physical cross-links in the microgels under screened electrostatics in NaCl or excess POM solution. This swelling/deswelling transition is sharper for PW than for SiW related to the lower charge density, weaker hydration, and stronger binding of PW. The POMs elicit qualitatively and quantitatively different swelling effects from ionic surfactants and classical salts. Moreover, the network softness and topology govern the swelling response upon POM binding. The softer the microgel, the stronger is the swelling response, while, inside the microgel, regions of high polymer density swell/contract more upon electric charging/cross-linking than regions with low polymer density. POM binding thus enables fine-tuning of microgel properties and highlights the role of network topology in microgel swelling. Because POMs decompose at an alkaline pH, these POM/microgel systems also exhibit pH-responsive swelling in addition to the typical temperature responsiveness of pNiPAM microgels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of a range of electrolytes on the hydrolysis of urea by the enzyme urease is explored. The autocatalytic behavior of urease in unbuffered solutions and its pH clock reactions are studied. The concentration dependence of the experimental variables is analyzed in terms of specific ion-enzyme interactions and hydration. The results offer insights into the molecular mechanisms of the enzyme, and on the nature of its interactions with the electrolytes. We found that urease can tolerate mild electrolytes in its environment, while it is strongly inhibited by both strong kosmotropic and strong chaotropic anions. This study may cast light on an alternative therapy for Helicobacter pylori infections and contribute to the design of innovative materials and provide new approaches for the modulation of the enzymatic activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Piezo- and pyroelectric materials are of interest, for example, for energy harvesting applications, for the development of tactile sensors, as well as neuromorphic computing. This study reports the observation of pyro- and piezoelectricity in thin surface-attached polymer brushes containing zwitterionic and electrolytic side groups that are prepared via surface-initiated polymerization. The pyro- and piezoelectric properties of the surface-grafted polyelectrolyte brushes are found to sensitively depend on and can be tuned by variation of the counterion. The observed piezo- and pyroelectric properties reflect the structural complexity of polymer brushes, and are attributed to a complex interplay of the non-uniform segment density within these films, together with a non-uniform distribution of counterions and specific ion effects. The fabrication of thin pyroelectric films by surface-initiated polymerization is an important addition to the existing strategies toward such materials. Surface-initiated polymerization, in particular, allows for facile grafting of polar thin polymer films from a wide range of substrates via a straightforward two-step protocol that obviates the need for multistep laborious synthetic procedures or thin film deposition protocols. The ability to produce polymer brushes with piezo- and pyroelectric properties opens up new avenues of application of these materials, for example, in energy harvesting or biosensing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ion channels exhibit gating behavior, fluctuating between open and closed states, with the transmembrane voltage serving as one of the essential regulators of this process. Voltage gating is a fundamental functional aspect underlying the regulation of ion-selective, mostly α-helical, channels primarily found in excitable cell membranes. In contrast, there exists another group of larger, and less selective, β-barrel channels of a different origin, which are not directly associated with cell excitability. Remarkably, these channels can also undergo closing, or \"gating\", induced by sufficiently strong electric fields. Once the field is removed, the channels reopen, preserving a memory of the gating process. In this study, we explored the hypothesis that the voltage-induced closure of the β-barrel channels can be seen as a form of reversible protein denaturation by the high electric fields applied in model membranes experiments-typically exceeding twenty million volts per meter-rather than a manifestation of functional gating. Here, we focused on the bacterial outer membrane channel OmpF reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers and analyzed various characteristics of the closing-opening process that support this idea. Specifically, we considered the nearly symmetric response to voltages of both polarities, the presence of multiple closed states, the stabilization of the open conformation in channel clusters, the long-term gating memory, and the Hofmeister effects in closing kinetics. Furthermore, we contemplate the evolutionary aspect of the phenomenon, proposing that the field-induced denaturation of membrane proteins might have served as a starting point for their development into amazing molecular machines such as voltage-gated channels of nerve and muscle cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ion specific effects on the charging and aggregation features of zein nanoparticles (ZNP) were studied in aqueous suspensions by electrophoretic and time-resolved dynamic light scattering techniques. The influence of mono- and multivalent counterions on the colloidal stability was investigated for positively and negatively charged particles at pH values below and above the isoelectric point, respectively. The sequence of the destabilization power of monovalent salts followed the prediction of the indirect Hofmeister series for positively charged particles, while the direct Hofmeister series for negatively charged ones assumed a hydrophobic character for their surface. The multivalent ions destabilized the oppositely charged ZNPs more effectively and the aggregation process followed the Schulze-Hardy rule. For some multivalent ions, strong adsorption led to charge reversal resulting in restabilization of the suspensions. The experimental critical coagulation concentrations (CCCs) could be well-predicted with the theory developed by Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek indicating that the aggregation processes were mainly driven by electrical double layer repulsion and van der Waals attraction. The ion specific dependence of the CCCs is owing to the modification of the surface charge through ion adsorption at different extents. These results are crucial for drug delivery applications, where inorganic electrolytes are present in ZNP samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years it has been increasingly recognized that different classes of large ions with multiple valency have effects conceptually similar to weakly solvated ions in the Hofmeister series, also labeled by the term chaotropic. The term \"superchaotropic effect\" has been coined because these effects are much more strongly pronounced for nanometer-sized ions, whose adsorption properties often resemble typical surfactants. Despite this growing interest in these nanometer-sized ions, a simple conceptual extension of the Hofmeister series toward nanoions has not been achieved because an extrapolation of the one-dimensional surface charge density scale does not lead to the superchaotropic regime. In this work, we discuss a generic model that is broadly applicable to ions of nearly spherical shape and thus includes polyoxometalates and boron clusters. We present a qualitative classification scheme in which the ion size appears as a second dimension. Ions of different sizes but the same charge density differ in their bulk solvation free energy. As the ions grow bigger at constant surface charge density, they become more stable in solution, but the adsorption behavior is still governed by the surface charge density. A detailed molecular dynamics simulation study of large ions that is based on a shifted Lennard-Jones potential is presented that supports the presented classification scheme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently, taste sensors utilizing lipid polymer membranes are utilized to assess the taste of food products quantitatively. During this process, it is crucial to identify and quantify basic tastes, e.g., sourness and sweetness, while ensuring that there is no response to tasteless substances. For instance, suppression of responses to anions, like tasteless NO3- ions contained in vegetables, is essential. However, systematic electrochemical investigations have not been made to achieve this goal. In this study, we fabricated three positively charged lipid polymer membranes containing oleylamine (OAm), trioctylemethylammonium chloride (TOMACl), or tetradodecylammonium bromide (TDAB) as lipids, and sensors that consist of these membranes to investigate the potential change characteristics of these sensors in solutions containing different anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, NO3-, I-). The ability of each anion solution to reduce the positive charge on membranes and shift the membrane potential in the negative direction was in the following order: I- > NO3- > Br- > Cl- > F-. This order well reflected the order of size of the hydrated ions, related to their hydration energy. Additionally, the OAm sensor displayed low ion selectivity, whereas the TOMACl and TDAB sensors showed high ion selectivity related to the OAm sensor. Such features in ion selectivity are suggested to be due to the variation in positive charge with the pH of the environment and packing density of the OAm molecule in the case of the OAm sensor and due to the strong and constant positive charge created by complete ionization of lipids in the case of TOMACl and TDAB sensors. Furthermore, it was revealed that the ion selectivity varies by changing the lipid concentration in each membrane. These results contribute to developing sensor membranes that respond to different anion species selectively and creating taste sensors capable of suppressing responses to tasteless anions.





