
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Candida albicans has been listed in the critical priority group by the WHO in 2022 depending upon its contribution in invasive candidiasis and increased resistance to conventional drugs. Drug repurposing offers an efficient, rapid, and cost-effective solution to develop alternative therapeutics against pathogenic microbes. Alexidine dihydrochloride (AXD) and hexachlorophene (HCP) are FDA approved anti-cancer and anti-septic drugs, respectively. In this study, we have shown antifungal properties of AXD and HCP against the wild type (reference strain) and clinical isolates of C. albicans. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC50) of AXD and HCP against C. albicans ranged between 0.34 and 0.69 µM and 19.66-24.58 µM, respectively. The biofilm inhibitory and eradication concentration of AXD was reported comparatively lower than that of HCP for the strains used in the study. Further investigations were performed to understand the antifungal mode of action of AXD and HCP by studying virulence features like cell surface hydrophobicity, adhesion, and yeast to hyphae transition, were also reduced upon exposure to both the drugs. Ergosterol content in cell membrane of the wild type strain was upregulated on exposure to AXD and HCP both. Biochemical analyses of the exposed biofilm indicated reduced contents of carbohydrate, protein, and e-DNA in the extracellular matrix of the biofilm when compared to the untreated control biofilm. AXD exposure downregulated activity of tissue invading enzyme, phospholipase in the reference strain. In wild type strain, ROS level, and activities of antioxidant enzymes were found elevated upon exposure to both drugs. FESEM analysis of the drug treated biofilms revealed degraded biofilm. This study has indicated mode of action of antifungal potential of alexidine dihydrochloride and hexachlorophene in C. albicans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Segmentation of the white matter in MRI scans of the rat brain presents a significant challenge due to the low contrast. Existing anatomical reference maps of rat brain are usually constructed from fixed tissue, which may suffer from geometrical distortions due to fixation/processing. To significantly increase the in vivo contrast between white and gray matter in the rat brain we used a known neurotoxicant hexachlorophene, which produces selective white matter damage. This model was used to map white matter in the rat brain and estimate the partial white matter content in any given imaging voxel. Hexachlorophene was administered to rats at a dose of 30 mg/kg orally once a day over five consecutive days. A significant white matter changes were observed using quantitative T2 maps, from which the partial white matter content throughout the whole rat brain was derived. Several assumptions were made: hexachlorophene affects T2 relaxation only in the white matter; T2 of gray matter is relatively uniform in the brain; apparent T2 value in a given voxel is a combination of T2s from white and gray matter portions of that voxel, hexachlorophene affects nearly 100 % of white matter. The partial white matter map of the rat brain was constructed with the resolution of 0.2 × 0.2 × 1.0 mm per voxel. This map could be adjusted for segmentation of the brain tissue with preset threshold of the white matter content, or to establish the tissue composition in any region of interest among other applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019, has resulted in the largest pandemic in recent history. Current therapeutic strategies to mitigate this disease have focused on the development of vaccines and on drugs that inhibit the viral 3CL protease or RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzymes. A less-explored and potentially complementary drug target is Nsp15, a uracil-specific RNA endonuclease that shields coronaviruses and other nidoviruses from mammalian innate immune defenses. Here, we perform a high-throughput screen of over 100,000 small molecules to identify Nsp15 inhibitors. We characterize the potency, mechanism, selectivity, and predicted binding mode of five lead compounds. We show that one of these, IPA-3, is an irreversible inhibitor that might act via covalent modification of Cys residues within Nsp15. Moreover, we demonstrate that three of these inhibitors (hexachlorophene, IPA-3, and CID5675221) block severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 replication in cells at subtoxic doses. This study provides a pipeline for the identification of Nsp15 inhibitors and pinpoints lead compounds for further development against coronavirus disease 2019 and related coronavirus infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the aim to determine neurotoxicity, new methods are being validated, including tests and test batteries comprising in vitro and in vivo approaches. Alternative test models such as the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo have received increasing attention, with minor modifications of the fish embryo toxicity test (FET; OECD TG 236) as a tool to assess behavioral endpoints related to neurotoxicity during early developmental stages. The spontaneous tail movement assay, also known as coiling assay, assesses the development of random movement into complex behavioral patterns and has proven sensitive to acetylcholine esterase inhibitors at sublethal concentrations. The present study explored the sensitivity of the assay to neurotoxicants with other modes of action (MoAs). Here, five compounds with diverse MoAs were tested at sublethal concentrations: acrylamide, carbaryl, hexachlorophene, ibuprofen, and rotenone. While carbaryl, hexachlorophene, and rotenone consistently induced severe behavioral alterations by ~ 30 h post fertilization (hpf), acrylamide and ibuprofen expressed time- and/or concentration-dependent effects. At 37-38 hpf, additional observations revealed behavioral changes during dark phases with a strict concentration-dependency. The study documented the applicability of the coiling assay to MoA-dependent behavioral alterations at sublethal concentrations, underlining its potential as a component of a neurotoxicity test battery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid Δ5,4-isomerase 1 (3β-HSD1) plays a critical role in the biosynthesis of progesterone from pregnenolone in the human placenta to maintain normal pregnancy. Whether they inhibit placental 3β-HSD1 and mode of inhibition remains unclear. In this study, we screened 21 pesticides and fungicides in five classes to inhibit human 3β-HSD1 and compared them to rat homolog 3β-HSD4. 3β-HSD activity was measured by catalyzing pregnenolone to progesterone in the presence of NAD+. Of the 21 chemicals, azoles (difenoconazole), thiocarbamates (thiram and ferbam) and organochlorine (hexachlorophene) significantly inhibited human 3β-HSD1 with half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of 2.77, 0.24, 0.68, and 17.96 μM, respectively. We also found that difenoconazole, ferbam and hexachlorophene are mixed/competitive inhibitors of 3β-HSD1 while thiram is a mixed/noncompetitive inhibitor. Docking analysis showed that difenoconazole and hexachlorophene bound steroid-binding site. Difenoconazole and hexachlorophene except thiram and ferbam also significantly inhibited rat 3β-HSD4 activity with IC50 of 1.12 and 2.28 µM, respectively. Thiram and ferbam significantly inhibited human 3β-HSD1 possibly by interfering with cysteine residues, while they had no effects on rat 3β-HSD4. In conclusion, some pesticides potently inhibit placental 3β-HSD, leading to the reduction of progesterone formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) mutations account for 35% of the genetic alterations in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The Src-homology region 2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP2), encoded by PTPN11, is closely involved in RAS downstream pathways and development of many tumors by affecting cell proliferation, differentiation, and immunity. Targeting SHP2 with small molecules may be a promising avenue for the treatment of KRAS-mutant (mut) NSCLC. Herein, hexachlorophene (HCP) was identified as a SHP2 inhibitor with an IC50 value of 5.63 ± 0.75 μM through screening of the FDA-approved drug library. HCP specifically inhibited SHP2 rather than other phosphatases. Molecular docking showed that HCP displayed an orientation favorable for nucleophilic attack in the catalytic domain of SHP2. HCP suppressed viability of multiple KRAS-mut and KRAS-wild type cells and induced senescence and apoptosis in KRAS-mut cells. Moreover, HCP reversed epithelial-mesenchymal transition to suppress metastasis in KRAS-mut cells, and inhibited the RAS/MEK/ERK and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways by suppression of SHP2 phosphorylation and formation SHP2/Grb2/Gab1/SOS1 complex. In summary, HCP can act as a specific SHP2 inhibitor to inhibit KRAS-mut NSCLC cell proliferation and metastasis and induce senescence through suppression of the RAF/MEK/ERK and PI3K/AKT pathways. HCP warrants further investigation as a new compound skeleton for the development of selective SHP2 inhibitors for the treatment of NSCLC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the genus Leishmania and transmitted by the bite of a sand fly. To date, most available drugs for treatment are toxic and beyond the economic means of those affected by the disease. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is a chaperone protein that plays a major role in the folding of newly synthesized proteins, specifically assisting in disulfide bond formation, breakage, or rearrangement in all non-native proteins. In previous work, we demonstrated that Leishmania major PDI (LmPDI) has an essential role in pathogen virulence. Furthermore, inhibition of LmPDI further blocked parasite infection in macrophages. In this study, we utilized a computer-aided approach to design a series of LmPDI inhibitors. Fragment-based virtual screening allowed for the understanding of the inhibitors\' modes of action on LmPDI active sites. The generated compounds obtained after multiple rounds of virtual screening were synthesized and significantly inhibited target LmPDI reductase activity and were shown to decrease in vitro parasite growth in human monocyte-derived macrophages. This novel cheminformatics and synthetic approach led to the identification of a new series of compounds that might be optimized into novel drugs, likely more specific and less toxic for the treatment of leishmaniasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well established that hexachlorophene, which is used as an antibacterial agent, causes intramyelinic edema in humans and animal models. The hexachlorophene myelinopathy model, in which male Sprague-Dawley rats received 25 to 30 mg/kg hexachlorophene by gavage for up to 5 days, provided an opportunity to compare traditional neuropathology evaluations with magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) findings. In addition, stereology assessments of 3 neuroanatomical sites were compared to quantitative measurements of similar structures by MRM. There were positive correlations between hematoxylin and eosin and luxol fast blue stains and MRM for identifying intramyelinic edema in the cingulum of corpus callosum, optic chiasm, anterior commissure (aca), lateral olfactory tracts, pyramidal tracts (py), and white matter tracts in the cerebellum. Stereology assessments were focused on the aca, longitudinal fasciculus of the pons, and py and demonstrated differences between control and treated rats, as was observed using MRM. The added value of MRM assessments was the ability to acquire qualitative 3-dimensional (3-D) images and obtain quantitative measurements of intramyelinic edema in 26 neuroanatomical sites in the intact brain. Also, diffusion tensor imaging (fractional anisotropy [FA]) indicated that there were changes in the cytoarchitecture of the white matter as detected by decreases in the FA in the treated compared to the control rats. This study demonstrates creative strategies that are possible using qualitative and quantitative assessments of potential white matter neurotoxicants in nonclinical toxicity studies. Our results lead us to the conclusion that volumetric analysis by MRM and stereology adds significant value to the standard 2-D microscopic evaluations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the synthesis of N-docosahexaenoylethanolamine (synaptamide) in neuronal cells from unesterified docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) or DHA-lysophosphatidylcholine (DHA-lysoPC), the two major lipid forms that deliver DHA to the brain, in order to understand the formation of this neurotrophic and neuroprotective metabolite of DHA in the brain. Both substrates were taken up in Neuro2A cells and metabolized to N-docosahexaenoylphosphatidylethanolamine (NDoPE) and synaptamide in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, but unesterified DHA was 1.5 to 2.4 times more effective than DHA-lysoPC at equimolar concentrations. The plasmalogen NDoPE (pNDoPE) amounted more than 80% of NDoPE produced from DHA or DHA-lysoPC, with 16-carbon-pNDoPE being the most abundant species. Inhibition of N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD) by hexachlorophene or bithionol significantly decreased the synaptamide production, indicating that synaptamide synthesis is mediated at least in part via NDoPE hydrolysis. NDoPE formation occurred much more rapidly than synaptamide production, indicating a precursor-product relationship. Although NDoPE is an intermediate for synaptamide biosynthesis, only about 1% of newly synthesized NDoPE was converted to synaptamide, possibly suggesting additional biological function of NDoPE, particularly for pNDoPE, which is the major form of NDoPE produced.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hexachlorophene (HCP) is used in a range of general cleaning and disinfecting products and has received increased attention due to its damaging effect to the central nervous system in animals and its toxicity in humans. The chemical oxidation of HCP by KMnO4 was performed to systematically evaluate the effects of oxidant dose, pH, temperature, typical anions, humic acid (HA), and various matrices on HCP removal. The second-order rate constant for HCP was determined to be 4.83 × 104 M-1 s-1 at pH 7.0 and 25 °C. The presence of HA can inhibit the removal of HCP by KMnO4, while Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, PO43-, and CO32- have negligible effects. Degradation products analysis of the reaction, as well as theoretical calculations of HCP molecule and its phenoxy radical species, indicated that KMnO4 oxidation for HCP included a C-C bridge bond cleavage, hydroxylation, direct oxidation and self-coupling, and cross-coupling reactions. This study revealed that KMnO4 oxidation is an effective technique for eliminating HCP in real water and wastewater.





