Hernia inguinal

  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: The robotic transabdominal preperitoneal approach (rTAPP) is a relatively recent technique for the treatment of inguinal hernia. To achieve optimal results, the 10 golden rules described must be followed. Surgeons in training often review videos to familiarize themselves with new techniques, YouTube being one of the most used platforms. The objective of this study is to carry out an evaluation of the 10 most viewed videos on YouTube of inguinal hernia repair by transabdominal preperitoneal approach (rTAPP) to determine if the 10 golden rules are met.
    METHODS: Identify and evaluate the 10 videos with the highest number of views related to rTAPP. Three experienced Surgeons evaluated compliance with the 10 golden rules using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed in Excel (Microsoft) and plotted with Tableau (Tableau Inc). The consistency between evaluators was determined using Cronbach\'s alpha, considering a value >0.7 acceptable.
    RESULTS: The average overall evaluation was 3.63 with a range of 2.6 to 4.9. The scores related to compliance with the rules 1, 2, 9, 10 were satisfactory; on the other hand, rules 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 were weak, particularly rule number 7. Internal consistency was observed between raters with a Cronbach\'s alpha of 0.98.
    CONCLUSIONS: The lack of compliance with the 10 golden rules in most of the videos demonstrates that the use of videos (YouTube) is not an adequate resource for learning robot-assisted inguinal hernia cure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repairs are underused in our country and do not fulfil to the recommendations of the European Hernia Society (EHS) guidelines. Thus, it is essential to establish measures that increase its use. We propose that the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC) promote these actions and that they should be incorporated into the specialty program. The proposed measures include Standardization of learning; reinforce anatomical knowledge; regulated practices with simulators; promote the use of the open posterior approach; rotations through centers of excellence; accreditation of specialized units and use a registry of activity as quality control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The repair of inguinal hernia is one of the most frequently performed surgeries in General Surgery units. The laparoscopic approach for these hernias will be clearly considered as the gold standard, based on its advantages over the open approach. There are no clear advantages of the transabdominal preperitoneal approach (TAPP) over the totally preperitoneal approach (TEP), although it has been shown to be more reproducible, presenting a shorter learning curve, although it presents more possibilities of developing trocar site hernias. Laparoscopic TAPP could be superior to TEP in the following indications: incarcerated hernias, emergencies, previous preperitoneal surgery, previous Pfanestiel-type incision, recurrent hernias, inguinoscrotal hernias and obese, being also a better alternative for females. Robotic TAPP is a safe approach with similar results to laparoscopy; however, it is related to an increase in costs and operating time. The value of this technology for the repair of complex hernias (multiple recurrences, inguino-scrotal or after previous preperitoneal surgery) remains to be determined, since they represent a certain challenge for the conventional laparoscopic approach. On the other hand, robotic repair of inguinal hernias may be a way to reduce the learning curve before addressing complex ventral hernias. Finally, artificial intelligence applied to the laparoscopic approach to inguinal hernia will undoubtedly have a significant impact in the future especially to determine the best the indications for this approach, on the performance of a safer technique, on the correct selection of meshes and fixation mechanisms, and on learning curve.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recurrent inguinal hernia is currently considered a complex hernia of the abdominal wall after it has been managed with a primary procedure, which represents a more technically challenging hernia.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the difference in epidemiological, clinical and surgical characteristics of patients with recurrent inguinal hernia and patients without recurrence.
    METHODS: Analytical cross-sectional study, in people over 18 years of age after surgery for inguinal hernia at the Naval Medical Center during the period from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019, integrating two study groups.
    RESULTS: 106 patients were included, 29 surgeries for recurrence, predominance of men and older than 60 years. Differences was found between the group of surgery for recurrence and the group of primary surgery in surgical time in minutes, with medians of 115 (p25 75 and p75 154) and 72 (p25 58 and p75 110), respectively (p = 0.001); type of open approach, 62.1% and 88.3% (p = 0.005), and type of regional anesthesia, 48.3% and 75.3% (p = 0.008). Correlation between body mass index and size of the hernial defect was explored, obtaining r of -0.099 and p = 0.652, with a null correlation between them.
    CONCLUSIONS: With the findings obtained in this study, it is possible to hypothesize the behavior of the naval population which may differ from the general population and thus establish follow-up protocols to give magnitude to already known factors.
    BACKGROUND: La hernia inguinal recidivante es considerada actualmente como una hernia compleja de la pared abdominal después de que se haya manejado con un procedimiento primario, lo que representa una hernia con un mayor desafío técnico.
    OBJECTIVE: Determinar las diferencias en las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y quirúrgicas de pacientes con hernia inguinal recidivante y sin recidiva.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio transversal analítico en mayores de 18 años operados por hernia inguinal en el Centro Médico Naval durante el periodo del 1 de julio de 2016 al 30 de junio de 2019, integrando dos grupos de estudio.
    RESULTS: Se incluyeron 106 pacientes, 29 cirugías por recidiva, predominio de hombres y mayores de 60 años. Se encontraron diferencias entre el grupo de cirugía por recidiva y el grupo de cirugia primaria en tiempo quirúrgico, con medianas de 115 (p25 75 y p75 154) y 72 (p25 58 y p75 110) minutos, respectivamente (p = 0.001); tipo de abordaje, abierto 62.1% y 88.3% (p = 0.005); y tipo de anestesia, regional 48.3% y 75.3% (p = 0.008). Se exploró la correlación entre el índice de masa corporal y el tamaño del defecto herniario, obteniendo r de −0.099 y p = 0.652, con una correlación nula entre ambas.
    CONCLUSIONS: Con los hallazgos obtenidos en este estudio es posible plantear hipótesis del comportamiento de la población naval que pueda diferir de la población general, y con esto establecer protocolos de seguimiento para dar magnitud a factores ya conocidos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    La toxina botulínica se ha aplicado en la reparación de defectos ventrales, pero la literatura sobre su aplicación en hernias inguinoescrotales es escasa. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con hernia inguinoescrotal gigante. Se realiza tomografía computada basal y otra a las 4 semanas de la administración de toxina botulínica en la musculatura oblicua y en el recto abdominal (reducción de grosor e incremento de longitud de la musculatura). Se repara la pared abdominal mediante la colocación de una malla tipo BioA intraperitoneal y otra tipo DynaMesh® retromuscular. La toxina puede tener un papel importante como adyuvante en la reparación de hernias inguinoescrotales con pérdida de domicilio.
    Botulinum toxin has been used in ventral defects repair, but literature on its application in inguinoscrotal hernias is scarce. Patient with giant inguinoscrotal hernia. A baseline CT scan is performed and it is repeated four weeks after botulinum toxin injection in oblique musculature and in the abdominal rectum (reduction in thickness and increase in muscle length is observed). The abdominal wall is repaired by placing an intraperitoneal BioA mesh and a retromuscular DynaMesh® mesh. The toxin can have an important role as an adjuvant in the reparation of inguinoscrotal hernias with loss of domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The groin is a complex anatomic region that has traditionally been ignored by radiologists because most lesions can be diagnosed from clinical data and physical examination. Nevertheless, ultrasound examinations of the groin are increasingly being requested to confirm injury or to resolve diagnostic uncertainty. On the other hand, some conditions involving the groin are found only in pediatric patients. This article describes the key imaging findings in pediatric groin injuries, placing special emphasis on the ultrasound appearance.
    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge about conditions that can affect the groin in pediatric patients and the key imaging findings associated with them helps improve the diagnostic performance of ultrasound.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to perform a systematic review about the relationship between inguinal hernia and surgery for prostate cancer.
    Diagnosis of abdominal wall defects and prostate cancer may be either synchronous or metachronous. The convenience and safety of combined prostatectomy and hernioplasty, the incidence of hernias after prostatectomy and the feasibility of prostatectomy in patients with previous laparoscopic hernioplasty are still debated.
    PubMed and Embase were queried by dedicated search strings. Two researchers independently reviewed the pooled references and selected the articles of interest, including reviews.
    Sixty-five studies were evaluated, 22 of them analysed the feasibility and the outcomes of a combined surgery, namely one-stage radical prostatectomy and herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty. Literature evidences support the combined intervention to patients suffering from an inguinal hernia and a prostate cancer amenable of radical prostatectomy. Sixteen studies addressing the potential increase in the occurrence of inguinal hernia after radical prostatectomy were evaluated. Approximately 15% of patients who undergo retro-pubic radical prostatectomy will develop inguinal hernia. It is suggested that the incidence might be lower in laparoscopic prostatectomy series, particularly in case of transperitoneal approach. The median time to the appearance of the hernia is around 6 months. After evaluation of 14 studies, it is concluded that laparoscopic hernioplasty does not preclude prostatectomy but hinders further pelvic surgery.
    One-stage combined hernioplasty and radical prostatectomy may be accepted except in cases of lymph-nodes dissection and/or positive hydro-distress test of the urethro-vesical anastomosis. Accurate patient\'s counselling and dedicated consent form are mandatory, in the setting of an experienced multidisciplinary team.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the role of the inguinal hernia over the development of varicocele, in cases with accompanying inguinal hernia.
    METHODS: The continuous variables were calculated from mean and standard deviation, and intermittent variables were calculated over percentage and frequency. Normality testing was performed on continuous variables using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Univariate analyses were performed using the unpaired Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-squared test was used for proportions. Kendall\'s tau-b correlation coefficient was used for correlition coefficient. Logistic regression modeling were used to identify the impact of inguinal hernias on selected cases. The data were analyzed with SPSS™ for Windows 22 (SPSS,Chicago, IL).
    RESULTS: Twelve cases (23.1%) in the inguinal hernia group also had varicocele, which was relatively high, whereas 12 cases with inguinal hernia in the varicocele group corresponded to only were 4.02% (12/52 (23.1%) vs 12/298 (4.02%) ). On the other hand, as a result of the binary logistic regression, we found statistically significant difference in the probability of being diagnosed varicocele among the patients with inguinal hernia as 1.94 times.
    CONCLUSIONS: We think that in addition to the direct compression of some of the inguinal hernias on testicular veins, the potential for a combination of common enzymatic and biochemical disorders in some of the cases involving these two disorders may be play role.
    UNASSIGNED: La finalidad de este estudio es investigar el rol de la hernia inguinal respecto al desarrollo de varicocele, en casos con acompañamiento de hernia inguinal.MÉTODOS: Las variables continuas fueron calculadas a partir de media y desviación standard, y las variables discontinuas se calcularon con porcentaje y frecuencia. Se desarrollaron pruebas de normalidad para variables continuas utilizando el test de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Se realizó análisis univariante usando el test U de Mann-Whitney sin emparejamiento y para proporciones y utilizó el test de Chi cuadrado. Se aplicó el coeficiente de correlación tau-b de Kendall para los coeficientes de correlación. Se usaron modelos de regresión logística para identificar el impacto de la hernia inguinal en casos seleccionados. La información fue analizada con SPSS™ 22 para Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL).
    UNASSIGNED: Doce casos (23,1%) en el grupo de hernia inguinal tenían también varicocele, incidencia relativamente alta, mientras que solo había 12 casos con hernia inguinal en el grupo de varicocele, que correspondían a un 4,02 % [12/52 (23,1%) vs 12/298 (4,02%)]. Por otro lado, como resultado de la regresión logística binaria, descubrimos una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la probabilidad de ser diagnosticado varicocele en los pacientes con hernia inguinal (1,94 veces).
    UNASSIGNED: Pensamos que además de la compresión directa de algunas de las hernias inguinales de las venas testiculares, el potencial para una combinación de alteraciones comunes enzimáticas y bioquímicas en algunos de los casos, implicando estas dos anomalías, podría desempeñar un papel importante/clave.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the preference in the anaesthetic technique by anaesthesiologists for the management of inguinal hernia surgery in Galicia.
    METHODS: Using the National Catalogue of Hospitals of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs in Galicia, a questionnair was sent to the Heads of Anaesthesiology Service and Coordinators of the Postanaesthesia Care Unit (PACU) with 11 questions on the anaesthetic technique chosen by anaesthesiologists in the management of patients for inguinal hernia surgery, as well as their reasons.
    RESULTS: The questionnaire was sent to 11 hospitals: 8 with PACU and 3 District. A total of 94 professionals responded, 56% with more than 10 years of experience, who performed between 8-10 procedures/month (58%) on an outpatient basis (61.54%). The most used anaesthetic technique was intradural in 52.8%, compared to 41.8% of general anaesthesia. Respondents with more than 10 years of experience preferred spinal anaesthesia in 38.6% of cases, compared to those with less experience (6.8%) (P=.037). One in 4 of those who chose general anaesthesia used ultrasound-guided interfascial blocks (27.5%). The local anaesthetic most used in intradural anaesthesia was hyperbaric bupivacaine (70.8%) at doses higher than 7mg.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intradural anaesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine was the technique most chosen by anaesthesiologists for the management of inguinal hernia surgery. The anaesthetic techniques chosen among the different hospitals did not follow a homogenous distribution. In this survey, there was a tendency to choose the technique associated with the experience of the anaesthesiologist.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Round ligament cysts are rare lesions, often diagnosed as irreducible inguinal hernias. Most patients are in the third to fourth decade of life, but they can occur in younger patients. They are usually clinically asymptomatic or tend to produce subtle symptoms such as pain, discomfort, or a feeling of heaviness, and swelling. Cysts should not be resized with the Valsalva manoeuvre. Ultrasound is the diagnostic method of choice. The definitive diagnosis is made during surgery, and confirmed by pathological examination.
    OBJECTIVE: To present a case of round ligament cyst, initially diagnosed as an incarcerated inguinal hernia, and a review of the literature.
    METHODS: A 19 year-old female, who was admitted to the emergency department due to her current condition of 5 days of onset. She had an increased volume in right inguinal region that increased with physical exertion, throbbing pain, and nausea without vomiting. A right inguinal mass of approximately of 6cm in diameter was found, which was painful on mid-superficial palpation, reaching a pre-surgical diagnosis of incarcerated right inguinal hernia with an indication of surgical intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: Round ligament cysts are a rare pathology, often confused with incarcerated inguinal hernias. Although ultrasound is the study of choice, the final diagnosis is usually made during surgery and confirmed by histopathology.





