Hepatic Veins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A májdaganatok reszekálhatóságának feltétele a műtét után megmaradó, megfelelő májműködést biztosítani képes elégséges májszövetmennyiség. Ennek mérete a műtét előtt különböző eljárásokkal növelhető meg. A vena (v.) portae occlusiós technikákkal lassabb és csekélyebb növekedés érhető el, kis rizikójú intervenció során. Amennyiben a hypertrophia nem elegendő, illetve ha felmerül a gyors tumorpogresszió lehetősége, úgy alkalmazható a v. portae egyoldali elzárása és a májállomány kettéválasztása, ami rövid idő alatt a legjelentősebb indukált hypertrophiát biztosítja. A kombinált műtét morbiditása azonban viszonylag jelentős. A fenti technikák előnyeit hivatott ötvözni a máj kettős vénás elsorvasztása, melynek során az azonos oldali v. portae és v. hepatica occlusiója történik. Ezzel gyors, az utóbbi módszert megközelítő mértékű ellenoldali lebeny-hypertrophia érhető el biztonságosan. Esetünkön keresztül ezt a májhipertrofizáló technikát mutatjuk be. A 75 éves nőbeteg bizonytalan hasi panaszai miatt indult kivizsgálása során a máj jobb lebenyében, a középső szektort is érintő, nagy méretű intrahepaticus cholangiocellularis tumor igazolódott. Tekintettel a lokalizációra, a tumor csak jobb oldali trisegmentectomiával volt eltávolítható. Májvolumetriát végeztünk, mely alapján a megmaradó máj volumene (S1-2-3) 35% alattinak bizonyult. Kettős vénás depriváció mellett döntöttünk. A jobb v. portae és v. hepatica dextra occlusióját követő 7. napon jelentős hypertrophiát (41%) igazoltunk. A tervezett műtétet sikeresen elvégeztük. A posztoperatív szakban enyhe ascites csorgását konzervatívan kezeltük, egyéb szövődmény nem jelentkezett, a 8. posztoperatív napon emittáltuk a beteget. Amennyiben a tervezett májreszekció kapcsán a megmaradó máj várható térfogata nem elégséges, májregenerációs technikák alkalmazására van szükség. Az elérhető technikák közül a legújabb, alacsony szövődményrizikóval kecsegető megoldás a kettős vénás depriváció, mely során az azonos oldali v. portae és v. hepatica elzárására kerül sor. A fenti eset bizonyítja, hogy a módszertől gyors és hatékony májregeneráció várható minimális megterheléssel, ami lehetővé teszi a biztonságos kiterjesztett májreszekciók elvégzését. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(36): 1433–1439.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liver has exceptional regeneration capacity which makes live donor liver transplantation a good surgical option for patients waiting for donors. Hepatic veins play major role in transplantation surgeries. Variations of hepatic veins can have great impact on surgical approach and outcome of the surgery. In the present study, total number of hepatic veins, presence and absence of accessory veins and confluence with its varied patterns were studied. We found maximum cases with 2 and 3 major hepatic veins which indicate presence of confluence. Confluence between left and middle hepatic veins was highest with 38% of total 54% of cases with confluence. We also found confluence between middle and accessory hepatic vein which is not mentioned in any present classifications. In addition, we have measured confluence length and diameter which holds significance in hepatic resection and anastomosis. The mean confluence length was 0.88±0.39 cm while mean confluence diameter was 0.57±0.20 cm. We found accessory hepatic veins in 15% of cases. The knowledge of this surgical anatomy and associated variations is of paramount importance in liver transplantation, radiological interventional procedures of liver and hepatic tumor resection procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Right superior resection (segments 7 and 8) is an uncommon resection for liver malignancies, with most of the literature limited to case reports and small series. Resection of segments 4, 7, and 8 has been reported in only a few cases. When the right hepatic vein is resected, venous reconstruction or identification of one or more right inferior hepatic veins is considered mandatory, to maintain segmentary function of segments 5 and 6. We present a case of liver resection of segments 4, 7, and 8 including the right and middle hepatic veins for symptomatic benign liver disease with no right hepatic vein reconstruction, nor a prominent right inferior hepatic vein(s). After the resection, there was no change in liver function tests, and the patient made an unremarkable recovery. Three months after the operation, partial atrophy of segments 5 and 6 with hypertrophy of the left lateral section was observed, while two and one half years after resection, the patient is asymptomatic. When right hepatic vein reconstruction would add unnecessary operative time, and there is low likelihood of the need for repeated resection, particularly when the hepatic vein is difficult to dissect, this approach can be safe and useful, while providing an adequate postoperative liver mass in the short-term to recover uneventfully from major liver resection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility and long-term outcomes of hepatic vein (HV) recanalization using intrahepatic collateral pathways in patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) with HV obstruction.
    METHODS: Clinical data of 29 BCS patients with HV obstruction and intrahepatic collateral pathways were reviewed. All patients underwent HV recanalization through the intrahepatic collaterals. Follow-up was performed at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment and annually thereafter. Cumulative patency and survival rates were assessed using Kaplan-Meier curves. The independent predictors of patency were determined using a Cox regression model.
    RESULTS: HV recanalization was successful in 28 of the 29 patients (96.6%), with no complications. Of the 28 cases, simultaneous recanalization of the accessory HV and right HV was achieved in 11 patients, accessory HV and middle HV in six, accessory HV and left HV in three, right HV and middle HV in five, and left HV and middle HV in three. Twenty-eight patients were followed from 4 to 87 (mean, 53.6 ± 26.7) months after treatment, and six patients developed reocclusion. The overall cumulative 1-, 3-, 5-, and 7-year primary HV patency rates were 96.3, 82.9, 74.6, and 59.7%, respectively. The cumulative 1-, 3-, 5-, and 7-year survival rates were 100, 95.8, 95.8, and 86.3%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Interventional treatment of HV obstruction in BCS patients through intrahepatic collateral approaches is well tolerated and feasible and can result in excellent long-term patency and survival rates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measurement of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) effectively mirrors the severity of portal hypertension (PH) and offers valuable insights into prognosis of liver disease, including the risk of decompensation and mortality. Additionally, HVPG offers crucial information about treatment response to nonselective beta-blockers and other medications, with its utility demonstrated in clinical trials in patients with PH. Despite the widespread dissemination and validation of noninvasive tests, HVPG still holds a significant role in hepatology. Physicians treating patients with liver diseases should comprehend the HVPG measurement procedure, its applications, and how to interpret the results and potential pitfalls.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-laden bioprinting is a promising biofabrication strategy for regenerating bioactive transplants to address organ donor shortages. However, there has been little success in reproducing transplantable artificial organs with multiple distinctive cell types and physiologically relevant architecture. In this study, an omnidirectional printing embedded network (OPEN) is presented as a support medium for embedded 3D printing. The medium is state-of-the-art due to its one-step preparation, fast removal, and versatile ink compatibility. To test the feasibility of OPEN, exceptional primary mouse hepatocytes (PMHs) and endothelial cell line-C166, were used to print hepatospheroid-encapsulated-artificial livers (HEALs) with vein structures following predesigned anatomy-based printing paths in OPEN. PMHs self-organized into hepatocyte spheroids within the ink matrix, whereas the entire cross-linked structure remained intact for a minimum of ten days of cultivation. Cultivated HEALs maintained mature hepatic functions and marker gene expression at a higher level than conventional 2D and 3D conditions in vitro. HEALs with C166-laden vein structures promoted endogenous neovascularization in vivo compared with hepatospheroid-only liver prints within two weeks of transplantation. Collectively, the proposed platform enables the manufacture of bioactive tissues or organs resembling anatomical architecture, and has broad implications for liver function replacement in clinical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The umbilical venous catheter is a vital access device in neonatal intensive care units for preterm and critically ill infants. Correct positioning is crucial, as malpositioning can lead to severe complications. According to international guidelines, the position of the umbilical venous catheter tip must be assessed in real time; traditionally, the catheter is visualized with a thoracoabdominal X-ray, but one of the most effective and safest methods is therefore real-time ultrasound.
    METHODS: This study compares real-time ultrasound and traditional X-ray methods for assessing umbilical venous catheter tip location in 461 cases. The rate of tip malposition was analyzed retrospectively. The secondary aim was to assess indwelling time of umbilical venous catheters and reasons of removal.
    RESULTS: Real-time ultrasound tip location, found to be more reliable and efficient, demonstrated a significantly lower incidence of primary malpositioning compared to X-ray assessments (9.6 vs. 75.9%). The study also highlighted the association of real-time ultrasound with reduced catheter manipulation, fewer radiographs, and higher indwelling times of umbilical venous catheter. The multiple logistic regression showed a high probability of the central safe position of the umbilical venous catheter tip using real-time ultrasound tip location (odds ratio 29.5, 95% confidence interval: 17.4-49.4).
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the adoption of real-time ultrasound in clinical settings to enhance umbilical venous catheter placement accuracy and minimize associated risks. A minimal training investment is needed to attain the proficiency to visualize the umbilical venous catheters, offering a substantial advantage in terms of both cost-effectiveness for the procedure and enhanced patient safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Determining ultrafiltration volume in patients undergoing intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) is an essential component in the assessment and management of volume status. Venous excess ultrasound (VExUS) is a novel tool used to quantify the severity of venous congestion at the bedside. Given the high prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), venous Doppler could represent a useful tool to monitor decongestion in these patients.
    METHODS: This is a prospective observational study conducted in ESKD patients who were admitted to the hospital requiring IHD and ultrafiltration. Inferior vena cava maximum diameter (IVCd), portal vein Doppler (PVD), and hepatic vein Doppler (HVD) were performed in all patients before and after a single IHD session.
    RESULTS: Forty-one patients were included. The prevalence of venous congestion was 88% based on IVCd and 63% based on portal vein pulsatility fraction (PVPF). Both mean IVCd and PVPF displayed a significant improvement after ultrafiltration. The percent decrease in PVPF was significantly larger than the percent decrease in IVCd. HVD alterations did not significantly improve after ultrafiltration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed a high prevalence of venous congestion in hospitalized ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis. After a single IHD session, there was a significant improvement in both IVCd and PVPF. HVD showed no significant improvement with one IHD session. PVPF changes were more sensitive than IVCd changes during volume removal. This study suggests that, due to its rapid response to volume removal, PVD, among the various components of the VExUS grading system, could be more effective in monitoring real-time decongestion in patients undergoing IHD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To provide a standardized approach for laparoscopic access to dissection of the first and second porta hepatis. By opening a portion of the hepatic serosa and subsequently exposing the hepatic Laennec\'s capsule, dissection of the first and second porta hepatis was performed along the Laennec\'s capsule. Utilizing the \"Hepatic Serosal Incision\" approach along the Laennec\'s capsule enabled the precise dissection of the left and right hepatic pedicles of the first porta hepatis and the root of the hepatic veins at the second porta hepatis under laparoscopy. This method allows for rapid and accurate access to the space between Laennec\'s capsule and the hepatic hilar plate system under laparoscopy as well as clear exposure of the root of the hepatic veins and their branches, facilitating more precise laparoscopic anatomical liver resection.





