Heme trafficking

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Iron protoporphyrin IX (heme) is a redox-active cofactor that is bound in mammalian cells by GAPDH and allocated by a process influenced by physiologic levels of NO. This impacts the activity of many heme proteins including indoleamine dioxygenase-1 (IDO1), a redox enzyme involved in immune response and tumor growth. To gain further understanding we created a tetra-Cys human GAPDH reporter construct (TC-hGAPDH) which after labeling could indicate its heme binding by fluorescence quenching. When purified or expressed in a human cell line, TC-hGAPDH had properties like native GAPDH and heme binding quenched its fluorescence by 45-65%, allowing it to report on GAPDH binding of mitochondrially-generated heme in live cells in real time. In cells with active mitochondrial heme synthesis, low-level NO exposure increased heme allocation to IDO1 while keeping the TC-hGAPDH heme level constant due to replenishment by mitochondria. When mitochondrial heme synthesis was blocked, low NO caused a near complete transfer of the existing heme in TC-hGAPDH to IDO1 in a process that required IDO1 be able to bind the heme and have an active hsp90 present. Higher NO exposure had the opposite effect and caused IDO1 heme to transfer back to TC-hGAPDH. This demonstrated: (i) flow of mitochondrial heme through GAPDH is tightly coupled to target delivery, (ii) NO up- or down-regulates IDO1 activity by promoting a conserved heme exchange with GAPDH that goes in either direction according to the NO exposure level. The ability to drive a concentration-dependent, reversible protein heme exchange is unprecedented and reveals a new role for NO in biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytochrome P450 3A4 and 2D6 (EC and; CYP3A4 and 2D6) are heme-containing enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of a wide number of xenobiotic and drug substrates and thus broadly impact human biology and pharmacologic therapies. Although their activities are directly proportional to their heme contents, little is known about the cellular heme delivery and insertion processes that enable their maturation to functional form. We investigated the potential involvement of GAPDH and chaperone Hsp90, based on our previous studies linking these proteins to intracellular heme allocation. We studied heme delivery and insertion into CYP3A4 and 2D6 after they were transiently expressed in HEK293T and GlyA CHO cells or when naturally expressed in HEPG2 cells in response to rifampicin, and also investigated their associations with GAPDH and Hsp90 in cells. The results indicate that GAPDH and its heme binding function is involved in delivery of mitochondria-generated heme to apo-CYP3A4 and 2D6, and that cell chaperone Hsp90 is additionally involved in driving their heme insertions. Uncovering how cells allocate heme to CYP3A4 and 2D6 provides new insight on their maturation processes and how this may help to regulate their functions in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme, an essential molecule for virtually all living organisms, acts primarily as a cofactor in a large number of proteins. However, how heme is mobilized from the site of synthesis to the locations where hemoproteins are assembled remains largely unknown in cells, especially bacterial ones. In this study, with Shewanella oneidensis as the model, we identified HtpA (SO0126) as a heme-trafficking protein and homolog of TANGO2 proteins found in eukaryotes. We showed that HtpA homologs are widely distributed in all domains of living organisms and have undergone parallel evolution. In its absence, the cytochrome (cyt) c content and catalase activity decreased significantly. We further showed that both HtpA and representative TANGO2 proteins bind heme with 1:1 stoichiometry and a relatively low dissociation constant. Protein interaction analyses substantiated that HtpA directly interacts with the cytochrome c maturation system. Our findings shed light on cross-membrane transport of heme in bacteria and extend the understanding of TANGO2 proteins. IMPORTANCE The intracellular trafficking of heme, an essential cofactor for hemoproteins, remains underexplored even in eukaryotes, let alone bacteria. Here we developed a high-throughput method by which HtpA, a homolog of eukaryotic TANGO2 proteins, was identified to be a heme-binding protein that enhances cytochrome c biosynthesis and catalase activity in Shewanella oneidensis. HtpA interacts with the cytochrome c biosynthesis system directly, supporting that this protein, like TANGO2, functions in intracellular heme trafficking. HtpA homologs are widely distributed, but a large majority of them were found to be non-exchangeable, likely a result of parallel evolution. By substantiating the heme-trafficking nature of HtpA and its eukaryotic homologs, our findings provide general insight into the heme-trafficking process and highlight the functional conservation along evolution in all living organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO1) and Tryptophan-2, 3-dioxygenase (TDO) catalyze the conversion of L-tryptophan to N-formyl-kynurenine and thus play primary roles in metabolism, inflammation, and tumor immune surveillance. Because their activities depend on their heme contents, which vary in biological settings and go up or down in a dynamic manner, we studied how their heme levels may be impacted by nitric oxide (NO) in mammalian cells. We utilized cells expressing TDO or IDO1 either naturally or via transfection and determined their activities, heme contents, and expression levels as a function of NO exposure. We found NO has a bimodal effect: a narrow range of low NO exposure promoted cells to allocate heme into the heme-free TDO and IDO1 populations and consequently boosted their heme contents and activities 4- to 6-fold, while beyond this range the NO exposure transitioned to have a negative impact on their heme contents and activities. NO did not alter dioxygenase protein expression levels, and its bimodal impact was observed when NO was released by a chemical donor or was generated naturally by immune-stimulated macrophage cells. NO-driven heme allocations to IDO1 and TDO required participation of a GAPDH-heme complex and for IDO1 required chaperone Hsp90 activity. Thus, cells can up- or downregulate their IDO1 and TDO activities through a bimodal control of heme allocation by NO. This mechanism has important biomedical implications and helps explain why the IDO1 and TDO activities in animals go up and down in response to immune stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme b (iron protoporphyrin IX) plays important roles in biology as a metallocofactor and signaling molecule. However, the targets of heme signaling and the network of proteins that mediate the exchange of heme from sites of synthesis or uptake to heme dependent or regulated proteins are poorly understood. Herein, we describe a quantitative mass spectrometry (MS)-based chemoproteomics strategy to identify exchange labile hemoproteins in human embryonic kidney HEK293 cells that may be relevant to heme signaling and trafficking. The strategy involves depleting endogenous heme with the heme biosynthetic inhibitor succinylacetone (SA), leaving putative heme-binding proteins in their apo-state, followed by the capture of those proteins using hemin-agarose resin, and finally elution and identification by MS. By identifying only those proteins that interact with high specificity to hemin-agarose relative to control beaded agarose in an SA-dependent manner, we have expanded the number of proteins and ontologies that may be involved in binding and buffering labile heme or are targets of heme signaling. Notably, these include proteins involved in chromatin remodeling, DNA damage response, RNA splicing, cytoskeletal organization, and vesicular trafficking, many of which have been associated with heme through complementary studies published recently. Taken together, these results provide support for the emerging role of heme in an expanded set of cellular processes from genome integrity to protein trafficking and beyond.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme regulatory motifs (HRMs) are found in a variety of proteins with diverse biological functions. In heme oxygenase-2 (HO2), heme binds to the HRMs and is readily transferred to the catalytic site in the core of the protein. To further define this heme transfer mechanism, we evaluated the ability of GAPDH, a known heme chaperone, to transfer heme to the HRMs and/or the catalytic core of HO2. Our results indicate GAPDH and HO2 form a complex in vitro. We have followed heme insertion at both sites by fluorescence quenching in HEK293 cells with HO2 reporter constructs. Upon mutation of residues essential for heme binding at each site in our reporter construct, we found that HO2 binds heme at the core and the HRMs in live cells and that heme delivery to HO2 is dependent on the presence of GAPDH that is competent for heme binding. In sum, GAPDH is involved in heme delivery to HO2 but, surprisingly, not to a specific site on HO2. Our results thus emphasize the importance of heme binding to both the core and the HRMs and the interplay of HO2 with the heme pool via GAPDH to maintain cellular heme homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitric oxide (NO) signaling in biology relies on its activating cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) production by the NO receptor soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC). sGC must obtain heme and form a heterodimer to become functional, but paradoxically often exists as an immature heme-free form in cells and tissues. Based on our previous finding that NO can drive sGC maturation, we investigated its basis by utilizing a fluorescent sGC construct whose heme level can be monitored in living cells. We found that NO generated at physiologic levels quickly triggered cells to mobilize heme to immature sGC. This occurred when NO was generated within cells or by neighboring cells, began within seconds of NO exposure, and led cells to construct sGC heterodimers and thus increase their active sGC level by several-fold. The NO-triggered heme deployment involved cellular glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)-heme complexes and required the chaperone hsp90, and the newly formed sGC heterodimers remained functional long after NO generation had ceased. We conclude that NO at physiologic levels triggers assembly of its own receptor by causing a rapid deployment of cellular heme. Redirecting cellular heme in response to NO is a way for cells and tissues to modulate their cGMP signaling and to more generally tune their hemeprotein activities wherever NO biosynthesis takes place.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme oxygenases (HOs) detoxify heme by oxidatively degrading it into carbon monoxide, iron, and biliverdin, which is reduced to bilirubin and excreted. Humans express two isoforms of HO: the inducible HO-1, which is upregulated in response to excess heme and other stressors, and the constitutive HO-2. Much is known about the regulation and physiological function of HO-1, whereas comparatively little is known about the role of HO-2 in regulating heme homeostasis. The biochemical necessity for expressing constitutive HO-2 is dependent on whether heme is sufficiently abundant and accessible as a substrate under conditions in which HO-1 is not induced. By measuring labile heme, total heme, and bilirubin in human embryonic kidney HEK293 cells with silenced or overexpressed HO-2, as well as various HO-2 mutant alleles, we found that endogenous heme is too limiting a substrate to observe HO-2-dependent heme degradation. Rather, we discovered a novel role for HO-2 in the binding and buffering of heme. Taken together, in the absence of excess heme, we propose that HO-2 regulates heme homeostasis by acting as a heme buffering factor that controls heme bioavailability. When heme is in excess, HO-1 is induced, and both HO-2 and HO-1 can provide protection from heme toxicity via enzymatic degradation. Our results explain why catalytically inactive mutants of HO-2 are cytoprotective against oxidative stress. Moreover, the change in bioavailable heme due to HO-2 overexpression, which selectively binds ferric over ferrous heme, is consistent with labile heme being oxidized, thereby providing new insights into heme trafficking and signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aerobic respiration is a key energy-producing pathway in many prokaryotes and virtually all eukaryotes. The final step of aerobic respiration is most commonly catalyzed by heme-copper oxidases embedded in the cytoplasmic or mitochondrial membrane. The majority of these terminal oxidases contain a prenylated heme (typically heme a or occasionally heme o) in the active site. In addition, many heme-copper oxidases, including mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidases, possess a second heme a cofactor. Despite the critical role of heme a in the electron transport chain, the details of the mechanism by which heme b, the prototypical cellular heme, is converted to heme o and then to heme a remain poorly understood. Recent structural investigations, however, have helped clarify some elements of heme a biosynthesis. In this review, we discuss the insight gained from these advances. In particular, we present a new structural model of heme o synthase (HOS) based on distance restraints from inferred coevolutionary relationships and refined by molecular dynamics simulations that are in good agreement with the experimentally determined structures of HOS homologs. We also analyze the two structures of heme a synthase (HAS) that have recently been solved by other groups. For both HOS and HAS, we discuss the proposed catalytic mechanisms and highlight how new insights into the heme-binding site locations shed light on previously obtained biochemical data. Finally, we explore the implications of the new structural data in the broader context of heme trafficking in the heme a biosynthetic pathway and heme-copper oxidase assembly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) is a key component of NO-cGMP signaling in mammals. Although heme must bind in the sGC β1 subunit (sGCβ) for sGC to function, how heme is delivered to sGCβ remains unknown. Given that GAPDH displays properties of a heme chaperone for inducible NO synthase, here we investigated whether heme delivery to apo-sGCβ involves GAPDH. We utilized an sGCβ reporter construct, tetra-Cys sGCβ, whose heme insertion can be followed by fluorescence quenching in live cells, assessed how lowering cell GAPDH expression impacts heme delivery, and examined whether expressing WT GAPDH or a GAPDH variant defective in heme binding recovers heme delivery. We also studied interaction between GAPDH and sGCβ in cells and their complex formation and potential heme transfer using purified proteins. We found that heme delivery to apo-sGCβ correlates with cellular GAPDH expression levels and depends on the ability of GAPDH to bind intracellular heme, that apo-sGCβ associates with GAPDH in cells and dissociates when heme binds sGCβ, and that the purified GAPDH-heme complex binds to apo-sGCβ and transfers its heme to sGCβ. On the basis of these results, we propose a model where GAPDH obtains mitochondrial heme and then forms a complex with apo-sGCβ to accomplish heme delivery to sGCβ. Our findings illuminate a critical step in sGC maturation and uncover an additional mechanism that regulates its activity in health and disease.






