Help-Seeking Behavior

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Veteran residents in Northern Ireland (NI) are an under-researched population. Little is known about their experiences of trauma and mental health management. The overall mental well-being of veterans living in NI may be poorer than other veteran populations, due to the challenges presented by the unique landscape. Understanding their experiences is crucial for providing appropriate, targeted support.
    METHODS: Six male veterans, who had received a mental health diagnosis, living in NI and all aged > 40 years participated. Semi-structured interviews, using open-ended questions, were conducted over the telephone. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore their experiences.
    RESULTS: Two experiential themes were identified each containing three experiential statements. Statements for \'an extreme lack of\' included: lack of mental health literacy/awareness; lack of expectations of official support; lack of a sense of perceived appreciation. Statements for \'an extreme abundance of\' included: exacerbated exposure to a range of extreme environments; high levels of ruled-based living; high levels of engaging with informal/local level support.
    CONCLUSIONS: Several experiential statements aligned with existing literature, including having poor mental health literacy and problem recognition, and heavily utilising social support versus formal help-seeking. Some novel findings included bouncing between extreme positive and negative environments which could be as detrimental to mental health as experiencing conflict trauma. Heavy alcohol use was just another rule soldiers followed. Positive help-seeking experiences failed to improve poor opinions of support organisations. Finally, poor self-perceptions connected to military status are pertinent in NI, which seems to fuel self-marginalisation and distrust. A combination of factors likely contributes to many veterans living in NI having poorer mental well-being. Novel findings would benefit from further exploration as understanding how NI veterans interpret their experiences is key to providing adequate healthcare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studying in a foreign country can be accompanied by challenges, including difficulty understanding the curriculum, culture shock, and a new language. These additional challenges place international students at risk and predispose them to developing mental health problems compared to domestic student.
    OBJECTIVE: This study explores psychological well-being and help-seeking behaviours of international nursing students who commenced their program onshore or in a remote learning capacity.
    METHODS: This paper reports the findings of the mixed-methods study. Research was conducted among international students enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing programs across multiple campuses at two Victorian universities in 2022. Data was collected using a survey questionnaire with open-response questions and incorporated a validated Student Stress Survey.
    RESULTS: Findings indicated that international students require support financially and to settle in Australia upon arrival. Participants highlighted that they require additional support to keep up with academic workloads and require further academic support tailored for international students. There was no patient or public contribution in the design, conduct, analysis or preparation of this manuscript.
    CONCLUSIONS: Participants highlighted that they require additional support to keep up with academic workloads and require further academic support tailored for international students. There was no patient or public contribution in the design, conduct, analysis or preparation of this manuscript.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    More than half of all men do not seek professional help for depression, suicide and anxiety. Although media-based campaigns represent a promising health promotion intervention to improve male help-seeking, it is unclear what communication strategies in extant mental health media-based campaigns are effective for men. The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize information about the effectiveness of these campaigns on male help-seeking outcomes. A search was conducted of electronic databases and gray literature. Studies were eligible if they examined the effectiveness of a media-based campaign targeting male help-seeking attitudes, beliefs, intentions or behaviors in relation to mental disorders, distress, suicide or self-harm. Twenty-two studies of varying quality met the eligibility criteria. Most studies targeting mental health or depression were found to positively influence male help-seeking. There were mixed results for suicide prevention campaigns. Some evidence suggests that overall, brochure-based campaigns impact help-seeking. The use of male or mixed-gender campaign imagery produced similar results. The choice of message framing appeared to influence help-seeking outcomes. Despite substantial heterogeneity in campaign approaches and difficulties isolating the effects of campaign delivery from messaging, the review indicates that media-based campaigns can play a role in improving male help-seeking for mental health difficulties. Mounting evidence suggests that messaging and delivery should align with male communication preferences. However, high-quality, targeted research is required to evaluate the circumstances in which various campaign delivery and messaging components are effective in improving male help-seeking for poor mental health and suicidality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is limited research on the factors that impact mental distress among Korean American (KA) church leaders even though their unique social situation can create many barriers to seeking mental health assistance. This study compared factors impacting mental distress and help-seeking behaviors between KA church leaders (CLs) and church members (CMs) in the greater Los Angeles area. The respondents (N = 243) were mostly female, married, educated, first-generation immigrants with a mean age of 47.9 years (SD = 19.7). The Hopkins Symptoms Checklist 10 was used to measure anxiety and depression. Hierarchal linear regressions showed that health status exerted the strongest effect on both anxiety and depression among CLs and CMs. Beyond health status, education (only for depression), informal resource use, and resiliency impacted mental distress scores for CLs. Only resiliency and religious coping predicted depression scores among CMs. To effectively reach this population, community-based organizations and behavioral health specialists should consider collaborating with churches to promote and provide essential mental health support. Our findings also highlight that the needs of church leaders (CLs) and church members (CMs) differ, which should guide the development of culturally tailored interventions that build on the resilience of both groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Dysmenorrhoea, or period pain, is a prevalent gynaecological condition that can result in functional interference during menstruation. Despite the significant disruption dysmenorrhoea can have on functioning and well-being, medical help-seeking rates are low. Little is known about what factors may predict help-seeking for dysmenorrhoea.
    UNASSIGNED: The current study aimed to test the predictive validity of the Behavioural Model of Health Services Use (BMHSU) for help-seeking behaviour in dysmenorrhoea, whereby help-seeking behaviour was operationalised as having attended to a healthcare professional for dysmenorrhoea-related care.
    UNASSIGNED: A cross-sectional observational design was used.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants (N = 439) completed an online survey, which measured the following eight predictor variables: menstrual pain characteristics, health beliefs, self-efficacy, social support utilisation and satisfaction, perceived healthcare availability, and pain intensity and interference. Participants were also asked to report whether they had ever attended to a healthcare professional for their menstrual pain.
    UNASSIGNED: The BMHSU accounted for 8% of the variance in help-seeking behaviour. Pain interference and appointment availability were significant predictors of the variance in past help-seeking behaviour, such that those who experienced greater pain interference, and those who perceived greater availability of healthcare appointments were less likely to have visited a healthcare professional for their menstrual pain. The BMHSU had an overall 69% classification accuracy in predicting help-seeking behaviour.
    UNASSIGNED: Although the BMHSU demonstrated reasonably good model fit, it does not appear to be a particularly robust model for predicting help-seeking behaviour for dysmenorrhoea. Future research should explore whether a refined BMHSU or an alternative theoretical model can provide more useful insight into this behaviour. Better understanding of the determinants of help-seeking behaviour will enable the development of interventions to promote appropriate help-seeking and improve health outcomes for individuals with menstrual pain.
    What makes people with period pain seek help?Many people experience common period pain, which can be severe and debilitating. Even though it can make daily life difficult, not many people seek medical help for period pain.The purpose of this study was to find out why people with period pain might or might not go to a doctor for help. We used a theoretical framework called the Behavioural Model of Health Services Use to try to understand this. This framework tells us that predisposing factors like age or health beliefs, enabling factors like family support and access to healthcare, and need factors like severe symptoms, can predict whether someone will go to the doctor. We wanted to test if this way of thinking could accurately predict if someone with period pain had been to see a doctor.We asked people with period pain to fill in an online survey. We asked about things like how painful their periods were, what they believed about their menstrual health, how confident they felt in managing their pain, whether they got support from others, if they thought healthcare was available, and how much the pain affected their lives. We also asked if they had ever gone to a doctor for help with their period pain.We found that these factors were not very accurate in predicting whether people sought help for period pain. The most important predictors were how much the pain affected their lives and whether they believed that healthcare appointments were available to them. If the pain was very disruptive, and if they felt there were free appointments, people were less likely to have gone to see a doctor.This study was the first to use this way of thinking to understand help-seeking for people with period pain. In the future, researchers should test different models to see if they work better for understanding help-seeking behaviour for period pain. It is important to find ways to understand this behaviour to help people seek help for their pain when they need it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Despite available support, sexuality needs are the most frequently reported unmet need among men with prostate cancer, which may be due to low help-seeking rates. Using the Ecological Systems Framework as a theoretical foundation, we conducted a scoping review of the available literature to understand what factors impact help-seeking behaviour for sexual issues after prostate cancer treatment among men who had received treatment.
    METHODS: Following PRISMA guidelines, a systematic search on Medline, PsychInfo, Embase, Emcare, and Scopus was conducted to identify studies of adult prostate cancer patients post-treatment, which reported barriers and/or facilitators to help-seeking for sexual health issues. Quality appraisals were conducted using Joanna Briggs Institute appraisal tools, and results were qualitatively synthesised.
    RESULTS: Of the 3870 unique results, only 30 studies met inclusion criteria. In general, studies were considered moderate to good quality, though only six used standardised measures to assess help-seeking behaviour. Barriers and facilitators for sexual help-seeking were identified across all five levels of the Ecological Systems Framework, including age, treatment type, and previous help seeking experience (individual level), healthcare professional communication and partner support (microsystem), financial cost and accessibility of support (meso/exosystem), and finally embarrassment, masculinity, cultural norms, and sexuality minority (macrosystem).
    CONCLUSIONS: Addressing commonly reported barriers (and inversely, enhancing facilitators) to help-seeking for sexual issues is essential to ensure patients are appropriately supported. Based on our results, we recommend healthcare professionals include sexual wellbeing discussions as standard care for all prostate cancer patients, regardless of treatment received, age, sexual orientation, and partnership status/involvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Men\'s use of domestic violence is a major public health issue globally. However, the potential for technology to address this issue has been limited within research and practice. This study aimed to test the feasibility and acceptability of an online healthy relationship tool (BETTER MAN) for men who have used domestic violence to encourage help-seeking. A pre- and postsurvey with a 3-month follow-up was used. One hundred and forty men enrolled, with retention rates of 79% (111) immediately after BETTER MAN and 62% (86) at 3 months. Participants were diverse men (mean age of 32 years, 33% born outside Australia, 19% in same-sex relationships, and 2% Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander). The majority (70%, 58) of men reported behaviors classified as moderate risk (e.g., checked partner\'s phone, picked on partner, and controlled money) and 24% (20) as high-risk behaviors (e.g., scared partner, physical force, and unwanted sexual activities). Post BETTER MAN, there was a significant increase in mean intention to contact counseling service (baseline 5.8, immediately 6.7, and 3-month follow-up 7.2) and mean confidence in the ability to seek help (baseline 3.7, immediately 5.1, and 3-month follow-up 7.2). Men\'s readiness to make changes in behavior median score significantly moved from baseline (5.9-I am not ready to take action), immediately (6.7-I am ready to make some changes), and 3-month follow-up (7.2-I have begun to change my behavior). At 3-month follow-up, 55% (47/86) of men reported accessing counseling services compared with 34% (46/140) of men at baseline. Findings suggest that it is feasible that BETTER MAN might work to engage men to seek help and is acceptable to men using domestic violence. However, a large-scale randomized controlled trial is needed to determine the effectiveness of BETTER MAN on help-seeking behaviors for men\'s use of domestic violence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is an international public health problem. Qualitative synthesis of the psychological experiences associated with NSSI in adolescents remains limited. This study aimed to systematically review the factors, emotional experiences, coping strategies, and help-seeking experiences of adolescents who engage in NSSI. A comprehensive search of 10 databases was conducted. Two researchers independently conducted study screening, data extraction, and quality assessment. Eighteen articles were included and analyzed using a meta-aggregation approach. Four themes were identified: (1) factors contributing to NSSI, (2) emotions associated with engaging in NSSI, (3) coping strategies, and (4) potential barriers to seeking help. Our findings provide a comprehensive picture of the psychological experiences of adolescents who engage in NSSI. They primarily adopt negative coping strategies to deal with serious problems, and there are potential barriers to seeking help. Further research is needed to explore the true needs of adolescents, as well as how schools, families, and hospitals can play a collaborative role in improving adolescents\' psychological issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To better target stroke awareness efforts (pre and post first stroke) and thereby decrease the time window for help-seeking, this study aims to assess quantitatively whether stroke awareness is associated with appropriate help-seeking at symptom onset, and to investigate qualitatively why this may (not) be the case.
    METHODS: This study conducted in a German regional stroke network comprises a convergent quantitative-dominant, hypothesis-driven mixed methods design including 462 quantitative patient questionnaires combined with qualitative interviews with 28 patients and seven relatives. Quantitative associations were identified using Pearson\'s correlation analysis. Open coding was performed on interview transcripts before the quantitative results were used to further focus qualitative analysis. Joint display analysis was conducted to mix data strands. Cooperation with the Patient Council of the Department of Neurology ensured patient involvement in the study.
    RESULTS: Our hypothesis that stroke awareness would be associated with appropriate help-seeking behaviour at stroke symptom onset was partially supported by the quantitative data, i.e. showing associations between some dimensions of stroke awareness and appropriate help-seeking, but not others. For example, knowing stroke symptoms is correlated with recognising one\'s own symptoms as stroke (r = 0.101; p = 0.030*; N = 459) but not with no hesitation before calling help (r = 0.003; p = 0.941; N = 457). A previous stroke also makes it more likely to recognise one\'s own symptoms as stroke (r = 0.114; p = 0.015*; N = 459), but not to be transported by emergency ambulance (r = 0.08; p = 0.872; N = 462) or to arrive at the hospital on time (r = 0.02; p = 0.677; N = 459). Qualitative results showed concordance, discordance or provided potential explanations for quantitative findings. For example, qualitative data showed processes of denial on the part of patients and the important role of relatives in initiating appropriate help-seeking behaviour on patients\' behalf.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides insights into the complexities of the decision-making process at stroke symptom onset. As our findings suggest processes of denial and inabilities to translate abstract disease knowledge into correct actions, we recommend to address relatives as potential saviours of loved ones, increased use of specific situational examples (e.g. lying on the bathroom floor) and the involvement of patient representatives in the preparation of informational resources and campaigns. Future research should include mixed methods research from one sample and more attention to potential reporting inconsistencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Developing an understanding of the negative impact of discrimination is critical when examining the suicidality of Black young adults in the US. Suicide rates among Black young adults have increased at alarming rates. One of the reasons for this increase is the disparities related to access to mental health services, which has long-term health consequences. This study addresses a significant gap in the literature by examining associations between experiences of everyday discrimination, attitudes towards mental health help-seeking attitudes, on the outcomes suicide ideation, planning to die by suicide, and suicide attempts.
    METHODS: The data came from a national study of the experiences of Black young adults regarding mental, physical, and sexual health. Participants were recruited from across the Midwestern region of the United States through Qualtrics Panels, an online survey delivery service used to recruit study participants. The total sample for this study was N = 362, and the average age of the sample was 21 (SD: 1.96). We used a logistic regression analysis to examine the role of everyday discrimination, mental health support-seeking attitudes, and covariates on the outcomes: suicide ideation, planning to die by committing suicide, and suicide attempts.
    RESULTS: Black young adults with positive mental health help-seeking attitudes were 34% less likely to attempt suicide (OR = 0.66; 95% CI: 0.46, 0.96) and 35% less likely to experience suicide ideation (OR = 0.65; 95% CI: 0.47, 0.89). However, those young adults who experienced discrimination daily were more likely to report having attempted suicide (OR = 1.70; 95% CI: 1.34, 2.15).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings offer valuable insights into the complex interplay between experiences of discrimination, attitudes toward seeking mental health support, and suicidal behaviors. However, our research also underscores how experiences of discrimination can significantly exacerbate feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and inadequacy, further contributing to suicidal behaviors in this population. By promoting positive mental health help-seeking behaviors, actively addressing discrimination, and applying an intersectional approach to suicide prevention efforts, we can take significant strides towards building a more supportive and inclusive society. This approach aims to empower individuals to seek help, reduce the risk of suicidal behaviors, and create a more welcoming environment for all members of our community.





