Healthcare system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Accurate healthcare data is indispensable for monitoring the epidemiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and improving the quality of care for individuals on the spectrum. In Colombia, the Ministry of Health has developed the social protection information system (SISPRO) as a comprehensive registry, drawing data from the healthcare system with close to universal coverage (approximately 95%). This study utilizes data gathered by SISPRO to estimate the prevalence and specific characteristics of autistic children registered between January 2020 and December 2022.
    METHODS: A descriptive epidemiological approach was employed, using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases as search terms for ASD within the SISPRO dataset.
    RESULTS: The study revealed a prevalence of 13.788 cases per 10,000 children in 2022 among aged 4 to 14. Regarding healthcare coverage types in 2022, the majority of autistic children served were under the contributory regime (68.28%), followed by the subsidized regime (25.36%). Geographic analysis indicated a non-uniform distribution of ASD prevalence in Colombia. The regions with the highest GDP, such as Antioquia, Atlántico, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, and Valle del Cauca, exhibited the highest prevalence (M = 17.90; SD = 14.3). In contrast, areas with the lowest GDP, including Amazonas, Guainía, Vaupés, Vichada, and Guaviare, showed the lowest prevalence among children (M = 2.6; SD = 2.5).
    CONCLUSIONS: The estimation of ASD prevalence in Colombia represents an ongoing initiative to inform public policy actions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a decrease in the number of autistic children served by the healthcare sector; however, the prevalence of ASD changed to higher levels in 2022. These findings contribute to strategies aimed at improving the quality of life for autistic individuals and mitigating the economic burden on their families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Health systems worldwide are under pressure. Integration seems a possible solution to improve healthcare systems efficiency. This research aims to gather stakeholders\' opinions on integrating community pharmacy and the primary healthcare system and secondly to explore and prioritise interventions for an initial integration plan.
    UNASSIGNED: Using a constructivist qualitative research approach, a two-phase qualitative study was conducted in the Basque Country, Spain. Thematic analysis using NVivo® was undertaken on data gathered during focus groups and semi-structured interviews (phase 1). During phase 2, a nominal group prioritised potential integration interventions identified in phase 1.
    UNASSIGNED: The study amalgamated findings from four focus groups and nine interviews, revealing six themes. Stakeholders had a diverse understanding of integration, associating the term mainly with collaboration, communication or cooperation. Community pharmacies were positively perceived; however, their commercial and privately owned nature was of concern. Remuneration methods for pharmacists were controversial, with a suggested shift to service-based remuneration. Information availability and barriers such as interprofessional communication gaps were highlighted. The nominal group prioritised, according to importance and feasibility, bidirectional communication development, coordination in using interprofessional protocols and community pharmacist participation in primary healthcare centre meetings as interventions for integrating community pharmacies and primary healthcare centres.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on the opinions of stakeholders, three interventions are proposed to initiate the integration process of community pharmacy and primary care. The implementation of these interventions will need to be negotiated with the relevant authorities and evaluated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Jordanian healthcare system has evolved over the past decades expanding its services, technological, and educational resources. A comprehensive view of this system is lacking. The objective of this report is to describe the structure of the Jordanian healthcare system, the challenges facing it, and the current and recommended health policies.
    METHODS: This study reviewed the current status of the Jordanian healthcare system. The following parameters were analyzed: health indicators, infrastructure, human resources, insurance system, pharmaceutical expense, health education system, and medical tourism. Data were collected from various relevant official institutions and related published literature.
    RESULTS: Jordan has a young population with a median age of 23.8 years. Life expectancy is 78.8 years for females and 77.0 years for males. The Jordanian healthcare system is divided into three major categories: (1) Governmental Insurance (i.e., the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Royal Medical Services (RMS) and semi-governmental insurance); (2) Private Insurance; and (3) Refugee Insurance, including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (NHUR). The Governmental Insurance covers 64.30% of the total population. Health expenditure is 6.37% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Pharmaceutical expenses make up 26.6% of the total national healthcare budget. Human resource assessment shows a high ratio of medical staff per 10.000 inhabitants, especially concerning physicians (31.7), dentists (7.9), and pharmacists (15.1). However, the ratio of nursing staff per 10.000 inhabitants is considered low (37.5). The Hospital bed/1000 population ratio is also relatively low (1.4). Healthcare accreditation is implemented through the Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation which was achieved by 7 hospitals and by the National Health Care Accreditation Certificate (HCAC) achieved by 17 hospitals and 42 primary healthcare centers. Postgraduate medical education covers almost all medical and surgical fields. Medical tourism is currently well-established.
    CONCLUSIONS: Assessment of the Jordanian healthcare system shows high ratios of physicians, dentists, and pharmacists but a low ratio of nursing staff per 10.000 inhabitants. The hospital bed/1000 population ratio is also relatively low. Pharmaceutical expenses are significantly high and medical tourism is well-developed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines the effectiveness of the countries\' health systems in the Horn of Africa region. It also investigates the perspectives of actors who have played an active role in health affairs in Somalia carried out by Türkiye. Using the Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Total Factor Efficiency Analysis, we investigated the effectiveness of the health systems and improvements made throughout the years. In the countries of interest, efficiency levels and average total factor productivity showed positive and/or negative trends between 2000 and 2020. Kenya showed a marked performance in achieving improved average total factor productivity thanks to the effective use of current technology in health, success in integrating new technologies into the health system, and a high potential to produce more output despite insufficient existing inputs. The remaining countries lagged behind in improving their production factors. Since 2014, Türkiye has provided health services in Somalia through health diplomacy and conducted medical examinations for numerous patients in a well-equipped hospital.
    Cette étude examine l\'efficacité des systèmes de santé des pays de la région de la Corne de l\'Afrique. Il étudie également les perspectives des acteurs qui ont joué un rôle actif dans les affaires de santé en Somalie menées par Türkiye. En utilisant l\'analyse de l\'enveloppe des données et l\'analyses d\'efficacité des facteurs totales de Malmquist, nous avons étudié l\'efficience des systèmes de santé et les améliorations apportées au cours des années. Dans les pays intéressés, les niveaux d\'efficacité et la productivité totale moyenne du facteur ont montré des tendances positives et/ou négatives entre 2000 et 2020. Le Kenya a fait preuve d\'une performance marquée dans l\'amélioration de la productivité totale moyenne du facteur grâce à l\'utilisation efficace de la technologie actuelle dans le domaine de la santé, au succès de l\'intégration de nouvelles technologies dans le système de santé et au potentiel élevé de produire plus de produits malgré l\'insuffisance des produits existants. Les autres pays sont en retard dans l\'amélioration de leurs facteurs de production. Depuis 2014, Türkiye a fourni des services de santé en Somalie par le biais de la diplomatie de santé et a effectué des examens médicaux pour de nombreux patients dans un hôpital bien équipé.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The primary purpose of international aid is to promote economic and social development around the world. International aid plays an important role in Afghanistan\'s healthcare system. The purpose of this study is to investigate international aid management in Afghanistan\'s health sector from the perspectives of national and international managers in 2022 and to provide recommendations for the improvement.
    METHODS: The study has a cross-sectional design. The study participants were chosen by random sampling. The sample size was determined based on Yaman\'s formula at 110. The data collection tool was the questionnaire provided by International Health Partnership and Related Initiatives. The data were analyzed in two descriptive (mean and percentage) and analytical formats. Independent t-test, Mann-Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests and Variance analysis were used to examine the relationships between demographic variables and the scores of each dimension.
    RESULTS: The average scores given to different dimensions of aid management were as following: 1) the donners\' support of the national health strategy: 48/68 ± 16.14 (49%), 2) the predictable financing: 50/23 ± 16.02 (50%), 3) foreign aid on budget: 55/39 ± 20.15 (55%), 4) strengthening public financial management system: 38/35 ± 19.06 (38%), 5) strengthening the supply and procurement system: 40.97 ± 19.55 (41%), 6) mutual accountability: 46.50 ± 19.26 (46%), 7) technical support and training: 50.24 ± 17.33 (50%), 8) civil society involvement: 35.24 ± 18.61(35%), 9) private sector participation: 36 ± 17.55 (36%), and in total the average score was 44.52 ± 13.27 (44%). The difference between the scores given by two groups of managers was not significant. No meaningful relationship was observed between the total score and any of the demographic variables, but there was a weak relationship between work and management experience and total score. The correlation coefficient showed a statistically significant relationship between the different dimensions of the questionnaire. To sum up, the performance in all dimensions of aid management hardly reached 50%. Donors\' support for the national health strategy was not adequate. There were challenges in evidence-based decision-making, developing national health strategies, control and evaluation, the allocation of resources and use of procurement system. The priorities of donors and government were not always similar and mutual responsibility was lacking. Technical assistance and supporting multilateral cooperation are necessary.
    CONCLUSIONS: Most studies on foreign aid focused on its effects on economic growth, poverty and investment and not aid management processes. Without proper aid management, parts of resources are wasted and aims of aid programs cannot be achieved. This study investigates aid management in a developing country from the perspectives of two main stakeholders, international and national managers.
    UNASSIGNED: Data collection coincided with the change of government in Afghanistan. The situation might be different now. Still, this study provides areas for the improvement of aid management in the studied country. Future studies can build upon the findings of this research and conduct in-depth exploration of areas of aid effectiveness and designing detailed programs of improvement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Instructions of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness need to be followed. Particularly, civil society involvement and private sector participation should receive attention. A joint plan for improvement and collaboration of different stakeholders is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In long-term care facilities (LTCF), apathy is a prevalent issue, leading to cognitive decline, functional impairment, and increased mortality risk. Despite its significance, apathy often remains underrecognized and undermanaged in these settings. Recognizing and addressing the predictors of apathy is critical for early intervention and improved care outcomes.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the prevalence of apathy and identify its associated risk factors among newly admitted residents in the Canadian LTCF, using the InterRAI Minimum Data Set (MDS 2.0).
    METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of MDS 2.0 admission assessment data between 2015 and 2019, covering 157,596 residents across six Canadian provinces and one territory. Apathy was measured using the Apathy Index of the MDS 2.0, with the biopsychosocial model guiding the analysis.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of apathy was 12.5% (19,758 individuals). The most significant predictors include cognitive impairments, specific age groups, hearing impairments, vision impairments, facility size and location.
    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study underscore the need for tailored strategies in LTCF to address apathy, considering individual, institutional, and regional variations. Emphasis on environmental and personal factors is crucial in the management and prevention of apathy in these settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Seriously injured persons with pre-existing psychiatric conditions or those injured due to violent crimes represent a particularly vulnerable treatment group.
    METHODS: All patients with injuries from suicidal attempts (PSAs) or patients with injuries from violent offenses (PVOs) that presented to the university emergency room of a Level 1 trauma center in Germany between 1 January 2017 and 31 November 2022 were retrospectively investigated.
    RESULTS: It can be seen that PVOs were significantly younger compared to PSAs (p = 0.03). Total hospital stay was significantly longer for PSAs compared to PVOs (p < 0.001). PSAs were also significantly more severely injured than PVOs (p < 0.001). Our study was able to show a significant difference between both patient groups in the region of injury (p < 0.001). PSAs had a significantly more extensive psychiatric history than PVOs (p < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: Injuries from suicide attempts and violent offenses are a serious and growing public health problem, but one that can be addressed through timely, evidence-based, and often cost-effective interventions. It requires early interaction among multiple disciplines and a standardized approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Approximately 240,000 people in Ukraine are living with HIV. Recent changes in medical legislation have significantly strengthened the role of family doctors and primary care pediatricians in the prevention, early detection and follow-up of patients with HIV. Thus, the purpose of the study was to examine the experience of primary care physicians in testing and providing care to patients with HIV.
    UNASSIGNED: Qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews with typical representatives of the target audience from different regions of Ukraine were conducted. Inductive thematic content analysis was used to analyze the data upon standardized research protocols using the Theoretical Domain System.
    UNASSIGNED: The results identify knowledge, skills, motivation, barriers, and opportunities in the context of HIV testing among family doctors in Ukraine. Primary health care providers consider HIV testing of patients to be an important part of their professional activities. In most cases, HIV testing is initiated upon detection of clinical indicators or when a person is identified as a key population. Preventive testing at the request of the patient is less common. Although most family doctors believe that they are sufficiently informed to conduct testing, there is a certain knowledge gap regarding communication with the patient and further treatment in case of a positive HIV result. The main obstacle to regular HIV testing is the reluctance and resistance of patients, as well as in some cases insufficient or non-existent tests in primary health care facilities. In order to improve the situation with HIV testing among the population, family doctors believe that it is necessary to organize regular trainings and courses to improve the skills of doctors on HIV, provide primary health care facilities with sufficient tests and establish high-quality information support.
    UNASSIGNED: The obtained results clearly outline the main problems that concern family doctors in Ukraine regarding work with key vulnerable groups and persons living with HIV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of children and adolescents in migratory flows is growing in Latin America and the Caribbean. Little is known about migration\'s effects on these groups\' health. This article aims to investigate the evidence available on the access and use of healthcare services by migrant children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean. We seek to explore the role of social determinants of health at different levels in the health conditions of these groups. Also, to identify potential recommendations for healthcare systems and public policy to address them. For this purpose, a narrative review of 52 publications was carried out based on a search of scientific literature in the Web of Science and Google Scholar databases. Five relevant topics were identified: use of emergency care associated with lack of healthcare access, preventive services, and other social determinants of health; exposure to preventable infectious diseases; mental health; sexual and reproductive health; and vaccinations and dental health. We conclude that the evidence shows the need to address the inequities and disadvantages faced by migrant children from a perspective of social determinants of health and policies that consider health as a human right regardless of the migratory status of children and adolescents, as well as that of their parents or primary caregivers.
    En Latinoamérica y El Caribe la presencia de niños, niñas y adolescentes en los flujos migratorios internacionales es creciente. Los efectos que la migración genera sobre la salud de estos grupos han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de este artículo es indagar en las principales evidencias reportadas respecto al acceso y uso de servicios de salud por parte de niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes en América Latina y El Caribe. Esto, con la finalidad de reflexionar sobre el rol que cumplen los determinantes sociales de la salud de diverso nivel, en las condiciones de salud de estos grupos. También se busca identificar recomendaciones para su abordaje desde los sistemas de salud y la política pública. Para ello se realizó una revisión narrativa de 52 publicaciones sobre la base de un proceso de búsqueda de literatura científica de la base de datos y Google Académico. Se identificaron cinco temas relevantes: uso de urgencias asociado a falta de acceso a salud, a servicios preventivos y a otros determinantes sociales de la salud; exposición a enfermedades infecciosas prevenibles; salud mental; salud sexual y reproductiva; y vacunaciones y salud dental. Concluimos que la evidencia muestra la necesidad de abordar las inequidades y desventajas que están acumulando estos grupos, desde una óptica de determinantes sociales de la salud y de políticas que consideren la salud como derecho humano independiente de la situación migratoria de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, así como la de sus padres o cuidadores principales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Incidence of sexual violence among recently arrived asylum-seeking women in France (INCIDAVI) is a French study which found a past year incidence of 26 % for postarrival sexual violence (SV) among asylum-seeking women (ASW). It reported that fewer than 1 out of 10 victims consulted a healthcare professional when SV occurred. These findings raise the question of how ASW who have been victims of SV get involved in care. We aimed to explore the mechanisms and obstacles to seeking care in the host country among this population.
    UNASSIGNED: This qualitative phase of INCIDAVI was based on a grounded theory approach. Twenty semi structured interviews were conducted between February 1, 2022, and July 29, 2022. The interviews explored the conditions under which women talk about SV, the care pathway in France and the perceived consequences of care. We performed an inductive analysis using NVivo® 14 software.
    UNASSIGNED: Life paths of ASW are traversed by SV which influence their health and safety behaviour and can re-expose them to SV. Talking about SV is a rare choice focused on seeking protection. When appropriate care is used, it is perceived as beneficial and leads to a change in the perception of a possible recovery.
    UNASSIGNED: The failure of ASW to seek care for SV is shaped by the fact that SV is initially perceived as ordinary. A proactive attitude on the part of carers towards detecting such violence leads to positive experiences of care, which in turn influence women\'s initial perceptions of SV, enabling them to envisage health recovery.





