Head rotation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalent disorder, with oral breathing influencing its severity. Expiratory velopharyngeal obstruction (EVO), observed during drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE), may contribute to oral breathing in OSA patients. EVO results in obstruction between the pharynx and nasal cavity during expiration. This study aims to identify factors associated with positive EVO during DISE.
    METHODS: Case series.
    METHODS: Tertiary Medical Center.
    METHODS: Seventy-two OSA patients underwent clinical evaluation, polysomnography, and DISE, utilizing interventions like intraoral negative airway pressure (iNAP), mouth closure, and oral appliances (OAs) in supine positions with head rotation. The findings, classified under velopharynx, oropharynx, tongue base, epiglottis, included the presence of EVO.
    RESULTS: The results demonstrated that interventions including mouth closure and iNAP were associated with increased observation of EVO (43.1% and 34.7%) compared to OA (20.1%). However, head rotation was associated with decreased presence of EVO during DISE compare to supine (26% vs 35.8%). Noticeably, per 1 year increase of age was associated with an increased odds of EVO (odds ratio: 1.03, 95% confidence interval: 1.01-1.06). However, no other baseline characteristics were significantly associated the odds of EVO.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study reveals the effectiveness of head rotation and OA in reducing EVO and improving mouth breathing in OSA patients, offering valuable insights for future treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the effect of head rotation on the first-attempt success rate of i-gel insertion, aiming to alleviate the effect of gravity on the tongue and reduce resistance between the device and the tongue.
    METHODS: Adult surgical patients were randomized to standard and head rotation technique groups. In the head rotation technique group, patients\' heads were maximally rotated to the left before i-gel insertion. The primary endpoint was the first-attempt success rate. Secondary endpoints included the success rate within two attempts (using the allocated technique), time required for successful i-gel placement within two attempts, and success rate at the third attempt (using the opposite technique).
    RESULTS: Among 158 patients, the head rotation technique group showed a significantly higher first-attempt success rate (60/80, 75.0%) compared to the standard technique group (45/78, 57.7%; P = 0.021). The success rate within two attempts was similar between the groups (95.0% vs. 91.0%, P = 0.326). The time required for successful i-gel placement was significantly shorter in the head rotation technique (mean [SD], 13.4 [3.7] s vs. 16.3 [7.8] s; P = 0.030). When the head rotation technique failed, the standard technique also failed in all cases (n = 4), whereas the head rotation technique succeeded in five out of the seven patients where the standard technique failed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The head rotation technique significantly improved the first-attempt success rate and reduced the time required for successful i-gel insertion. It was effective when the standard technique failed. The head rotation technique may be an effective primary or alternative method for i-gel insertion.
    BACKGROUND: ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT05201339).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A fleeting flash aligned vertically with an object remaining stationary in the head-centered space would be perceived as lagging behind the object during the observer\'s horizontal head rotation. This perceptual mislocalization is an illusion named head-rotation-induced flash-lag effect (hFLE). While many studies have investigated the neural mechanism of the classical visual FLE, the hFLE has been hardly investigated.
    UNASSIGNED: We measured the cortical activity corresponding to the hFLE on participants experiencing passive head rotations using functional near-infrared spectroscopy.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants were asked to judge the relative position of a flash to a fixed reference while being horizontally rotated or staying static in a swivel chair. Meanwhile, functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals were recorded in temporal-parietal areas. The flash duration was manipulated to provide control conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: Brain activity specific to the hFLE was found around the right middle/inferior temporal gyri, and bilateral supramarginal gyri and superior temporal gyri areas. The activation was positively correlated with the rotation velocity of the participant around the supramarginal gyrus and negatively related to the hFLE intensity around the middle temporal gyrus.
    UNASSIGNED: These results suggest that the mechanism underlying the hFLE involves multiple aspects of visual-vestibular interactions including the processing of multisensory conflicts mediated by the temporoparietal junction and the modulation of vestibular signals on object position perception in the human middle temporal complex.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    The effect of head rotation on supraglottic airway (SGA) oropharyngeal leak pressure (OPLP) has not been well elucidated. The aim of this study was to help clarify which SGA device provides higher OPLP at head-rotated position.
    Patients who underwent elective surgery under general anesthesia were enrolled and randomly divided into laryngeal mask airway (LMA®) ProSeal™ and i-gel® groups. The allocated SGA device was inserted under anesthesia. The primary outcome was OPLP, and secondary outcomes were ventilation score, expiratory tidal volume, and maximum pressure under volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) with an inspiratory tidal volume of 10 mL·kg-1 ideal body weight and fibreoptic view of the vocal cords at 0°, 30°, and 60° head rotation.
    Data from 78 and 76 patients were analyzed in the LMA ProSeal and i-gel groups, respectively. The mean (standard deviation) OPLP of the LMA ProSeal was significantly higher than that of the i-gel at the 60° head-rotated position (LMA ProSeal, 20.4 [6.5] vs i-gel, 16.9 [7.8] cm H2O; difference in means, 3.6; adjusted 95% confidence interval, 0.5 to 6.6; adjusted P = 0.02, adjusted for six comparisons). The maximum pressure under VCV at 60° head rotation was significantly higher in the LMA ProSeal group than in the i-gel group. The expiratory tidal volume of the LMA ProSeal did not significantly change with head rotation and was significantly higher than that of the i-gel at 60° head rotation. Ventilation score, fibreoptic view of the vocal cords, and complications were not significantly different between the ProSeal and i-gel groups.
    The LMA ProSeal provides higher OPLP than the i-gel at a 60° head-rotated position under general anesthesia.
    Japan Registry of Clinical Trials (https://jrct.niph.go.jp) (JRCT1012210043); registered 18 October 2021.
    RéSUMé: OBJECTIF: L’effet de la rotation de la tête sur la pression de fuite oropharyngée (OPLP en anglais) des dispositifs supraglottiques (DSG) n’est pas encore bien élucidé. L’objectif de cette étude était d’aider à déterminer quel DSG procurait une pression de fuite oropharyngée plus élevée lorsque la tête est en rotation. MéTHODE: Les patient·es qui ont bénéficié d’une intervention chirurgicale non urgente sous anesthésie générale ont été recruté·es et aléatoirement réparti·es en deux groupes, soit masque laryngé (LMA®) ProSeal™ ou i-gel®. Le DSG alloué a été inséré sous anesthésie. Le critère d’évaluation principal était la pression de fuite oropharyngée, et les critères d’évaluation secondaires étaient le score de ventilation, le volume courant expiratoire et la pression maximale sous ventilation à volume contrôlé (VVC) avec un volume courant inspiratoire de 10 mL·kg−1 du poids corporel idéal et une visualisation fibroscopique des cordes vocales à une rotation de la tête de 0°, 30° et 60°. RéSULTATS: Les données de 78 et 76 patient·es ont été analysées dans les groupes LMA ProSeal et i-gel, respectivement. La pression de fuite oropharyngée moyenne (écart type) du LMA ProSeal était significativement plus élevée que celle de l’i-gel en position de rotation de la tête à 60° (LMA ProSeal, 20,4 [6,5] vs i-gel, 16,9 [7,8] cm H2O; différence de moyennes, 3,6; intervalle de confiance ajusté à 95 %, de 0,5 à 6,6; P = 0,02 ajusté, ajusté pour six comparaisons). La pression maximale sous VVC à une rotation de la tête de 60° était significativement plus élevée dans le groupe LMA ProSeal que dans le groupe i-gel. Le volume courant expiratoire du LMA ProSeal n’a pas changé de manière significative avec la rotation de la tête et était significativement plus élevé que celui de l’i-gel à une rotation de la tête de 60°. Le score de ventilation, la visualisation fibroscopique des cordes vocales et les complications n’étaient pas significativement différents entre les groupes ProSeal et i-gel. CONCLUSION: Le LMA ProSeal procure une pression de fuite oropharyngée plus élevée que l’i-gel dans une position de rotation de la tête à 60° sous anesthésie générale. ENREGISTREMENT DE L’éTUDE: Registre japonais des essais cliniques (https://jrct.niph.go.jp) (JRCT1012210043); enregistré le 18 octobre 2021.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), epiglottic collapse (EC) constitutes a major factor in the failure of continuous positive airway pressure therapy and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty. This study explored treatments that can improve EC in patients with OSA through drug-induced sleep endoscopy with target-controlled infusion (TCI-DISE).
    METHODS: Retrospective cohort study.
    METHODS: Tertiary center.
    METHODS: This study screened 352 OSA patients who underwent TCI-DISE between 2016 and 2022. Fifty-four patients with EC were included in the final analysis. EC severity was assessed multiple times through TCI-DISE with different interventions.
    RESULTS: The application of these interventions in patients with anteroposterior epiglottic collapse (apEC) led to a significant decrease in apEC severity from total to partial or no obstruction in 60.0% of patients by head rotation, in 53.6% by mouth closure, in 47.4% who received oral appliances (OA), and in 28.0% who received intermittent negative airway pressure (iNAP). With simultaneous head rotation, apEC severity decreased more significantly from total to partial or no obstruction in 77.8% of patients by mouth closure, in 70.3% who received OA, and in 68.0% who received iNAP. Lateral epiglottic collapse (latEC) severity decreased in 53.8% of patients after OA use and in 61.5% of patients with OA use and head rotation.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study identified head rotation with mouth closure as the most effective treatment for apEC through TCI-DISE. Patients with latEC had higher weight, apnea-hypopnea index, and body mass index compared with patients with apEC. OA use with head rotation appeared more effective in latEC through TCI-DISE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Head rotation in human spermatozoa is essential for different swimming modes and fertilisation, as it links the molecular workings of the flagellar beat with sperm motion in three-dimensional (3D) space over time. Determining the direction of head rotation has been hindered by the symmetry and translucent nature of the sperm head, and by the fast 3D motion driven by the helical flagellar beat. Analysis has been mostly restricted to two-dimensional (2D) single focal plane image analysis, which enables tracking of head centre position but not tracking of head rotation. Despite the conserved helical beating of the human sperm flagellum, human sperm head rotation has been reported to be uni- or bi-directional, and even to intermittently change direction in a given cell. Here, we directly measure the head rotation of freely swimming human sperm using multi-plane 4D (3D+t) microscopy and show that: (1) 2D microscopy is unable to distinguish head rotation direction in human spermatozoa; (2) head rotation direction in non-capacitating and capacitating solutions, for both aqueous and viscous media, is counterclockwise (CCW), as seen from head to tail, in all rotating spermatozoa, regardless of the experimental conditions; and (3) head rotation is suppressed in 36% of spermatozoa swimming in non-capacitating viscous medium, although CCW rotation is recovered after incubation in capacitating conditions within the same viscous medium, possibly unveiling an unexplored aspect of the essential need of capacitation for fertilisation. Our observations show that the CCW head rotation in human sperm is conserved. It constitutes a robust and persistent helical driving mechanism that influences sperm navigation in 3D space over time, and thus is of critical importance in cell motility, propulsion of flagellated microorganisms, sperm motility assessments, human reproduction research, and self-organisation of flagellar beating patterns and swimming in 3D space.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speech intelligibility in cocktail party situations has been traditionally studied for stationary sound sources and stationary participants. Here, speech intelligibility and behavior were investigated during active self-rotation of standing participants in a spatialized speech test. We investigated if people would rotate to improve speech intelligibility, and we asked if knowing the target location would be further beneficial. Target sentences randomly appeared at one of four possible locations: 0°, ± 90°, 180° relative to the participant\'s initial orientation on each trial, while speech-shaped noise was presented from the front (0°). Participants responded naturally with self-rotating motion. Target sentences were presented either without (Audio-only) or with a picture of an avatar (Audio-Visual). In a baseline (Static) condition, people were standing still without visual location cues. Participants\' self-orientation undershot the target location and orientations were close to acoustically optimal. Participants oriented more often in an acoustically optimal way, and speech intelligibility was higher in the Audio-Visual than in the Audio-only condition for the lateral targets. The intelligibility of the individual words in Audio-Visual and Audio-only increased during self-rotation towards the rear target, but it was reduced for the lateral targets when compared to Static, which could be mostly, but not fully, attributed to changes in spatial unmasking. Speech intelligibility prediction based on a model of static spatial unmasking considering self-rotations overestimated the participant performance by 1.4 dB. The results suggest that speech intelligibility is reduced during self-rotation, and that visual cues of location help to achieve more optimal self-rotations and better speech intelligibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a need for development of reliable and accessible clinical biomarker for detecting cognitive dysfunction in PD. This study aimed to investigate whether involuntary head rotation during the saccade test could serve as a potential biomarker for screening cognitive dysfunction in PD.
    A total of 27 PD patients and nine age- and sex-matched healthy controls were prospectively enrolled in this study. A custom-designed gyroscope was attached to the forehead of each participant, and a saccade test consisting of 20 trials was conducted. The entire test was recorded on video, and two movement disorder experts independently rated the degree of head rotation, blinded to the patients\' clinical information. The peak angular velocity of head rotation was derived from the gyroscope data. Participants underwent Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) as the cognitive evaluation. Correlation analysis was performed to assess the relationship between head rotation and MoCA scores.
    The mean peak angular velocity of head rotation significantly correlated with the MoCA scores (R = -0.52, p = 0.0023) including age, sex, disease duration, and education duration as cofactors. The optimal peak angular velocity thresholds for head rotation, which aligned with the manual ratings, were determined to be 5°/s and 10°/s for raters 1 and 2, respectively. The MoCA scores exhibited significant correlations with the number of head rotations, using both the 5°/s (R = -0.36, p = 0.042) and 10°/s (R = -0.49, p = 0.0048) thresholds. Furthermore, the mean angular velocity of the head demonstrated a 100% positive predictive value and specificity for the detection of cognitive impairment (MoCA < 26), based on the cut-offs of 5°/s and 10°/s.
    Inability to suppress head rotation during saccades may serve as a potential clinical biomarker for screening cognitive dysfunction in PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We aimed to elucidate the dynamics of deglutition during head rotation by acquiring 320-row area detector computed tomography (320-ADCT) images and analyzing deglutition during head rotation.
    UNASSIGNED: This study included 11 patients experiencing globus pharyngeus. A 320-ADCT was used to acquire images in two types of viscosity (thin and thick), with the head rotated to the left. We measured the movement time of deglutition-related organs (soft palate, epiglottis, upper esophageal sphincter [UES], and true vocal cords) and pharyngeal volume (bolus ratio at the start of UES opening [Bolus ratio], pharyngeal volume contraction ratio [PVCR], and pharyngeal volume before swallowing [PVBS]). A two-way analysis of variance was performed for statistical analysis, and all items were compared for significant differences in terms of head rotation and viscosity. EZR was used for all statistical analyses (p-value <.05).
    UNASSIGNED: Head rotation significantly accelerated the onset of epiglottis inversion and UES opening compared with no head rotation. The duration of epiglottis inversion with the thin viscosity fluid was significantly longer. The bolus ratio increased significantly with thick viscosity. There was no significant difference in viscosity and head rotation in terms of PVCR. PVBS increased significantly with head rotation.
    UNASSIGNED: The significantly earlier start of epiglottis inversion and UES opening due to head rotation could be caused by: (1) swallowing center; (2) pharyngeal volume; and (3) pharyngeal contraction force. Thus, we plan to further analyze swallowing with head rotation by combining swallowing CT with manometry and examine its relationship with pharyngeal contraction force.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To identify the value of head rotation in the supine position and oral appliance (OA) use in drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE).
    Eighty-three sleep apnea adults undergoing target-controlled infusion-DISE (TCI-DISE) were recruited from a tertiary academic medical center.
    During DISE, 4 positions were utilized: supine position (position 1), head rotation (position 2), mandibular advancement using an OA (position 3), and head rotation with an OA (position 4).
    Polysomnography (PSG) data and anthropometric variables during DISE were analyzed.
    Eighty-three patients (65 men and 18 women; mean [standard deviation, SD], 48.5 [11.0] years) who underwent PSG and TCI-DISE were included. The mean (SD) apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) was 35.5 (22.4) events/h. Twenty-three patients had persistent complete concentric velopharyngeal collapse in the supine position, even with concurrent head rotation and OA (position 4). Their mean (SD) AHI was 54.7 (24.6) events/h, significantly higher than that of the 60 patients without such collapse in position 4 (p < .001). Their mean (SD) body mass index (BMI) was 29.0 (4.1) kg/m2 , also significantly higher (p = .005). After adjustment for age, BMI, tonsil size, and tongue position, the degree of velum and tongue base obstruction was significantly associated with sleep apnea severity in positions 2, 3, and 4.
    We showed the feasibility, safety, and usefulness of using simple edge-to-edge, reusable OA in DISE. Patients who are not responsive to head rotation and OA during TCI-DISE may need upper airway surgery and/or weight control.





