HeLa cell

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Real-time monitoring and tracking of extreme toxins that penetrate into living cells by using biocompatible, low-cost visual detection via fluorescent monitors are vitally essential to reduce health hazards. Herein, we report a simple engineering design of biocompatible and fluorescent sensors/trackers for real-time monitoring and ultra-trace tracking (up to ppb) of extremely toxic substances (such as arsenic species) in living cells. The biocompatible As(V) sensor (BAS) design is fabricated via successful dressing/decoration process of 2-hydroxy 5-methyl isophthalaldehyde fluorescent receptor into hierarchical organic-inorganic carriers that have micro-hollow geodes, swirled caves and nest-shaped cages, and uniform cubic structures. The BAS monitors show evidence for the selective trapping/detecting/tracking of As(V) species in biological cells (i.e., HeLa cells) despite the coexistence of highly competitive and interfered species. Our simple batch-contact sensing assays shows real-space evidence of the continuous monitoring of As(V) species in HeLa cells with ultra-sensitive detection (i.e., with a low detection limit of 0.149 ppb) and rapid recognition (i.e., in the order of seconds). Significantly, the BAS monitors did not affect the cell population and achieved low cytotoxicity and high cell viability during the monitoring/tracking process inside HeLa cells. The high biocompatibility of BAS remarkably allows precise quantification and real-time monitoring/tracking of toxicant targets in living cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro tumor models are essential for understanding tumor behavior and evaluating tumor biological properties. Hydrogels that can mimic the tumor extracellular matrix have become popular for creating 3D in vitro tumor models. However, designing biocompatible hydrogels with appropriate chemical and physical properties for constructing tumor models is still a challenge. In this study, we synthesized a series of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD)-crosslinked polyacrylamide hydrogels with different β-CD densities and mechanical properties and evaluated their potential for use in 3D in vitro tumor model construction, including cell capture and spheroid formation. By utilizing a combination of β-CD-methacrylate (CD-MA) and a small amount of N,N\'-methylene bisacrylamide (BIS) as hydrogel crosslinkers and optimizing the CD-MA/BIS ratio, the hydrogels performed excellently for tumor cell 3D culture and spheroid formation. Notably, when we co-cultured L929 fibroblasts with HeLa tumor cells on the hydrogel surface, co-cultured spheroids were formed, showing that the hydrogel can mimic the complexity of the tumor extracellular matrix. This comprehensive investigation of the relationship between hydrogel mechanical properties and biocompatibility provides important insights for hydrogel-based in vitro tumor modeling and advances our understanding of the mechanisms underlying tumor growth and progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper develops a theory for anaphase in cells. After a brief description of microtubules, the mitotic spindle and the centrosome, a mathematical model for anaphase is introduced and developed in the context of the cell cytoplasm and liquid crystalline structures. Prophase, prometaphase and metaphase are then briefly described in order to focus on anaphase, which is the main study of this paper. The entities involved are modelled in terms of liquid crystal defects and microtubules are represented as defect flux lines. The mathematical techniques employed make extensive use of energy considerations based on the work that was developed by Dafermos (1970) from the classical Frank-Oseen nematic liquid crystal energy (Frank, 1958; Oseen, 1933). With regard to liquid crystal theory we introduce the concept of regions of influence for defects which it is believed have important implications beyond the subject of this paper. The results of this paper align with observed biochemical phenomena and are explored in application to HeLa cells and Caenorhabditis elegans. This unified approach offers the possibility of gaining insight into various consequences of mitotic abnormalities which may result in Down syndrome, Hodgkin lymphoma, breast, prostate and various other types of cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs) are high-conductance channels that allow the regulated redistribution of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the cytosol and, at specialized membrane contact sites (MCSs), to other organelles. Only a subset of IP3Rs release Ca2+ to the cytosol in response to IP3. These \'licensed\' IP3Rs are associated with Kras-induced actin-interacting protein (KRAP, also known as ITPRID2) beneath the plasma membrane. It is unclear whether KRAP regulates IP3Rs at MCSs. We show, using simultaneous measurements of Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix, that KRAP also licenses IP3Rs to release Ca2+ to mitochondria. Loss of KRAP abolishes cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ signals evoked by stimulation of IP3Rs via endogenous receptors. KRAP is located at ER-mitochondrial membrane contact sites (ERMCSs) populated by IP3R clusters. Using a proximity ligation assay between IP3R and voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), we show that loss of KRAP reduces the number of ERMCSs. We conclude that KRAP regulates Ca2+ transfer from IP3Rs to mitochondria by both licensing IP3R activity and stabilizing ERMCSs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biotinylated ruthenium complexes exhibit improved photoluminescent (PL) properties when they bind with streptavidin, making them useful labels or probes in bio-related analysis. However, their ECL properties are still unknown to date. Herein, we reported the use of [Ru(bpy)2(biot-bpy)]2+ complexes as a new ECL luminophore, which was functionalized with biotin moiety and exhibited higher ECL efficiency after binding to streptavidin. Moreover, [Ru(bpy)2(biot-bpy)]2+ complexes could be attached to HeLa cells through the biotin-streptavidin binding. A microwell bipolar electrode (MBE) prepared at one end of an optical fiber bundle was applied to produce ECL of the labeled HeLa cells, which was remotely detected at the other end. The [Ru(bpy)2(biot-bpy)]2+-streptavidin binding effect together with the high surface/volume ratio of MBE promoted the ECL generation on HeLa cells, which was applied to sensitively detect HeLa cells with a linear range from 1.56 × 102 to 6.74 × 106 cells/mL and a detection limit of 83 cells/mL. Moreover, ECL images were successfully acquired to resolve the emission on each HeLa cell. Such cytosensor based on [Ru(bpy)2(biot-bpy)]2+ and MBE may extend the applications of ECL for cell detections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shigella is considered a major public health concern, especially for children younger than 5 years of age in developing countries. The pathogenicity of Shigella is a complex process that involves the interplay of multiple genes located on a large, unstable virulence plasmid as well as chromosomal pathogenicity islands. Since various factors (including virulence and antibiotic resistance genes) are associated with the severity and duration of shigellosis, in this article, we aim to evaluate whether the invasion of HeLa cells is affected by Shigella spp. isolates with different characteristics (including serogroups, virulence gene profiles, and antibiotic resistance patterns) recovered from pediatric patients in Tehran, Iran. Cell invasion ability of 10 Shigella isolates with different serogroups (Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei), gene profiling (virA, sen, ipgD, ipaD, ipaC, ipaB, and ipaH), and antibiotic resistance phenotyping (ampicillin, azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, cefixime, cefotaxime, minocycline, and levofloxacin) were measured by plaque-forming assay in HeLa cell lines. The results show that all the selected Shigella spp. isolates recovered from pediatric patients were able to invade HeLa cells, but the total number and average size of plaques were different between the isolates. The higher invasion ability of S. flexneri isolates in HeLa cells compared to S. sonnei isolates was attributed to the presence of particular virulence genes; however, the role of each of these virulence factors remains to be determined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Designing fast and simple quantitative methods on cheap and disposable electrodes for the early detection of HeLa cells is highly desirable for clinical diagnostics and public health. In this work, we developed a label-free and sensitive electrochemical cytosensor for HeLa cell detection based on the gated molecular transport across vertically ordered mesoporous silica films (VMSFs) on the disposable indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode. As high affinity for a folate receptor existed on the membrane of HeLa cancer cells, folic acid (FA) functionalized VMSF could regulate the transport of electrochemical probe (Fe(CN)6 3-) by the specific recognition and adhesion of HeLa cells toward the VMSF surface. In addition, VMSF, served as a solid skeleton, is able to effectively prevent the direct contact of cells with the underlying electrode, remaining the underlying electrode activity and favoring the diffusion of Fe(CN)6 3-. Once specific adhesion of HeLa cells to the VMSF surface happens, Fe(CN)6 3- redox probe exhibits impeded transport in the silica nanochannels, ultimately resulting in the decreased electrochemical responses and realizing the quantitative determination of HeLa cells with a broad linear range (101-105 cells/mL) and a low limit of detection (4 cells/mL). The proposed electrochemical cytosensor shows a great potential application for the early diagnosis of cervical cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, a double resonator piezoelectric cytometry (DRPC) technology based on quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) was first employed to identify HeLa cell pyroptosis and apoptosis by monitoring cells\' mechanical properties in a real-time and non-invasive manner. AT and BT cut quartz crystals with the same frequency and surface conditions were used concurrently to quantify the cells-exerted surface stress (ΔS). It is the first time that cells-exerted surface stress (ΔS) and cell viscoelasticity have been monitored simultaneously during pyroptosis and apoptosis. The results showed that HeLa pyroptotic cells exerted a tensile stress on quartz crystal along with an increase in the elastic modulus (G\'), viscous modulus (G″), and a decrease of the loss tangent (G″/G\'), whereas apoptotic cells exerted increasing compressive stress on quartz crystal along with a decrease in G\', G″ and an increase in G″/G\'. Furthermore, engineered GSDMD-/--DEVD- HeLa cells were used to investigate drug-induced disturbance and testify the mechanical responses during the processes of pyroptosis and non-pyroptosis. These findings demonstrated that the DRPC technology can serve as a precise cytomechanical sensor capable of identifying pyroptosis and apoptosis, providing a novel method in cell death detection and paving the road for pyroptosis and apoptosis related drug evaluation and screening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cervical cancer is a health problem among women worldwide. Considering the limitations of prevention and antineoplastic chemotherapy against cervical cancer, research is needed to discover new, more effective, and safe antitumor agents. In the present study, we investigated the in vitro cytotoxicity of a new synthetic dibenzylideneacetone derived from 1,5-diaryl-3-oxo-1,4-pentadienyl (A3K2A3) against cervical cancer cells immortalized by HPV 16 (SiHa), and 18 (HeLa) by MTT assay. Furthermore, we performed spectrofluorimetry, flow cytometry, and Western blot analyzes to explore the inhibitory mechanism of A3K2A3 in cervical cancer cells. A3K2A3 showed cytotoxic activity against both cell lines. Mitochondrial depolarization and reduction in intracellular ATP levels were observed, which may be dependent on the redox imbalance between increased ROS and reduced levels of the antioxidant defense. In addition, damage to the cell membrane and DNA, and effective blocking of cell division in the G2/M phase were detected, which possibly led to the induction of apoptosis. This result was further confirmed by the upregulation of apoptosis-related proteins Bax, cytochrome C, and caspases 9 and 3. Our results provided the first evidence that A3K2A3 contributes to the suppression of cervical cancer in vitro, showing promise as a possible alternative for the treatment of this cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a method that is used in cancer treatment. The main therapeutic effect is the production of singlet oxygen (1O2). Phthalocyanines for PDT produce high singlet oxygen with absorbers of about 600-700 nm.
    OBJECTIVE: It is aimed to analyze cancer cell pathways by flow cytometry analysis and cancer-related genes with q-PCR device by applying phthalocyanine L1ZnPC, which we use as photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy, in HELA cell line. In this study, we investigate the molecular basis of L1ZnPC\'s anti-cancer activity.
    METHODS: The cytotoxic effects of L1ZnPC, a phthalocyanine obtained from our previous study, in HELA cells were evaluated and it was determined that it led to a high rate of death as a result. The result of photodynamic therapy was analyzed using q-PCR. From the data received at the conclusion of this investigation, gene expression values were calculated, and expression levels were assessed using the 2-∆∆Ct method to examine the relative changes in these values. Cell death pathways were interpreted with the FLOW cytometer device. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey-Kramer Multiple Comparison Test with Post-hoc Test were used for the statistical analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: In our study, it was observed that HELA cancer cells underwent apoptosis at a rate of 80% with drug application plus photodynamic therapy by flow cytometry method. According to q-PCR results, CT values ​​of eight out of eighty-four genes were found to be significant and their association with cancer was evaluated. L1ZnPC is a new phthalocyanine used in this study and our findings should be supported by further studies. For this reason, different analyses are needed to be performed with this drug in different cancer cell lines. In conclusion, according to our results, this drug looks promising but still needs to be analyzed through new studies. It is necessary to examine in detail which signaling pathways they use and their mechanism of action. For this, additional experiments are required.





