
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fucoxanthin, a carotenoid with remarkable antioxidant properties, has considerable potential for high-value biotechnological applications in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical fields. However, conventional extraction methods of this molecule from microalgae are limited in terms of cost-effectiveness. This study focused on optimizing biomass and fucoxanthin production from Isochrysis galbana, isolated from the coast of Tadjoura (Djibouti), by testing various culture media. The antioxidant potential of the cultures was evaluated based on the concentrations of fucoxanthin, carotenoids, and total phenols. Different nutrient formulations were tested to determine the optimal combination for a maximum biomass yield. Using the statistical methodology of principal component analysis, Walne and Guillard F/2 media were identified as the most promising, reaching a maximum fucoxanthin yield of 7.8 mg/g. Multiple regression models showed a strong correlation between antioxidant activity and the concentration of fucoxanthin produced. A thorough study of the optimization of I. galbana growth conditions, using a design of experiments, revealed that air flow rate and CO2 flow rate were the most influential factors on fucoxanthin production, reaching a value of 13.4 mg/g. Finally, to validate the antioxidant potential of fucoxanthin, an in silico analysis based on molecular docking was performed, showing that fucoxanthin interacts with antioxidant proteins (3FS1, 3L2C, and 8BBK). This research not only confirmed the positive results of I. galbana cultivation in terms of antioxidant activity, but also provided essential information for the optimization of fucoxanthin production, opening up promising prospects for industrial applications and future research.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    Coccolithophores are marine calcifying phytoplankton important to the carbon cycle and a model organism for studying diversity. Here, we present CASCADE (Coccolithophore Abundance, Size, Carbon And Distribution Estimates), a new global dataset for 139 extant coccolithophore taxonomic units. CASCADE includes a trait database (size and cellular organic and inorganic carbon contents) and taxonomic-unit-specific global spatiotemporal distributions (Latitude/Longitude/Depth/Month/Year) of coccolithophore abundance and organic and inorganic carbon stocks. CASCADE covers all ocean basins over the upper 275 meters, spans the years 1964-2019 and includes 33,119 gridded taxonomic-unit-specific abundance observations. Within CASCADE, we characterise the underlying uncertainties due to measurement errors by propagating error estimates between the different studies. This error propagation pipeline is statistically robust and could be applied to other plankton groups. CASCADE can contribute to (observational or modelling) studies that focus on coccolithophore distribution and diversity and the impacts of anthropogenic pressures on historical populations. Additionally, our new taxonomic-unit-specific cellular carbon content estimates provide essential conversions to quantify the role of coccolithophores on ecosystem functioning and global biogeochemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phytohormones play a role in regulating microalgae cells tolerance to adversity. This paper examines the effects of different temperatures (20 °C, 25 °C, 30 °C and 35 °C) on the physiological characteristics and endogenous phytohormones of the Isochrysis Zhanjiangensis (IZ) and its mutagenic strain (3005). The results showed that the endogenous phytohormones indole acetic acid (IAA) and jasmonic acid (JA) exhibited significant differences (P<0.05) between the two strains. The addition of 0.5 mg·L-1 exogenous JA inhibitor ibuprofen (IBU) improved cell growth of IZ, and was extremely effective in the accumulation of polysaccharides, which accounted for 33.25 %. Transcriptomic analyses revealed that genes involved in photosynthesis, such as PetC and PsbO, exhibited significantly elevated expression of the strain IZ, while the pathways related to JA synthesis may be the factor affecting microalgae temperature tolerance. This study provides a theoretical foundation for elucidating the underlying mechanisms and potential applications for high temperature tolerance in IZ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interactions between phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria significantly influence the cycling of organic carbon in the ocean, with many of these interactions occurring at the micrometer scale. We explored potential associations between specific phytoplankton and bacteria in two size fractions, 0.8-3 µm and larger than 3 µm, at three naturally iron-fertilized stations and one high nutrient low chlorophyll station in the Southern Ocean. The composition of phytoplankton and bacterial communities was determined by sequencing the rbcL gene and 16S rRNA gene from DNA and RNA extracts, which represent presence and potential activity, respectively. Diatoms, particularly Thalassiosira, contributed significantly to the DNA sequences in the larger size fractions, while haptophytes were dominant in the smaller size fraction. Correlation analysis between the most abundant phytoplankton and bacterial operational taxonomic units revealed strong correlations between Phaeocystis and picoeukaryotes with SAR11, SAR116, Magnetospira, and Planktomarina. In contrast, most Thalassiosira operational taxonomic units showed the highest correlations with Polaribacter, Sulfitobacteria, Erythrobacter, and Sphingobium, while Fragilariopsis, Haslea, and Thalassionema were correlated with OM60, Fluviicola, and Ulvibacter. Our in-situ observations suggest distinct associations between phytoplankton and bacterial taxa, which could play crucial roles in nutrient cycling in the Southern Ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prymnesium parvum are harmful haptophyte algae that cause massive environmental fish kills. Their polyketide polyether toxins, the prymnesins, are among the largest nonpolymeric compounds in nature and have biosynthetic origins that have remained enigmatic for more than 40 years. In this work, we report the \"PKZILLAs,\" massive P. parvum polyketide synthase (PKS) genes that have evaded previous detection. PKZILLA-1 and -2 encode giant protein products of 4.7 and 3.2 megadaltons that have 140 and 99 enzyme domains. Their predicted polyene product matches the proposed pre-prymnesin precursor of the 90-carbon-backbone A-type prymnesins. We further characterize the variant PKZILLA-B1, which is responsible for the shorter B-type analog prymnesin-B1, from P. parvum RCC3426 and thus establish a general model of haptophyte polyether biosynthetic logic. This work expands expectations of genetic and enzymatic size limits in biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microalgal microbiomes play vital roles in the growth and health of their host, however, their composition and functions remain only partially characterized, especially across microalgal phyla. In this study, a natural seawater microbiome was introduced to three distinct, axenic species of microalgae, the haptophyte Isochrysis galbana, the chlorophyte Tetraselmis suecica, and the diatom Conticribra weissflogii (previously Thalassiosira), and its divergence and assembly under constant illumination was monitored over 49 days using 16S rRNA amplicon and metagenomic analyses. The microbiomes had a high degree of host specificity in terms of taxonomic composition and potential functions, including CAZymes profiles. Rhodobacteraceae and Flavobacteriaceae families were abundant across all microalgal hosts, but I. galbana microbiomes diverged further from T. suecica and C. weissflogii microbiomes. I. galbana microbiomes had a much higher relative abundance of Flavobacteriaceae, whereas the two other algal microbiomes had higher relative abundances of Rhodobacteraceae. This could be due to the bacterivorous mixotrophic nature of I. galbana affecting the carbohydrate composition available to the microbiomes, which was supported by the CAZymes profile of I. galbana microbiomes diverging further from those of T. suecica and C. weissflogii microbiomes. Finally, the presence of denitrification and other anaerobic pathways was found exclusively in the microbiomes of C. weissflogii, which we speculate could be a result of anoxic microenvironments forming in aggregates formed by this diatom during the experiment. These results underline the significant role of the microalgal host species on microbiome composition and functional profiles along with other factors, such as the trophic mode of the microalgal host.
    OBJECTIVE: As the main primary producers of the oceans, microalgae serve as cornerstones of the ecosystems they are part of. Additionally, they are increasingly used for biotechnological purposes such as the production of nutraceuticals, pigments, and antioxidants. Since the bacterial microbiomes of microalgae can affect their hosts in beneficial and detrimental ways, understanding these microbiomes is crucial to both the ecological and applied roles of microalgae. The present study advances the understanding of microalgal microbiome assembly, composition, and functionality across microalgal phyla, which may inform the modeling and engineering of microalgal microbiomes for biotechnological purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biological nitrogen fixation provides fixed nitrogen for microbes living in the oligotrophic open ocean. UCYN-A2, the previously known symbiont of Braarudosphaera bigelowii, now believed to be an early-stage B. bigelowii organelle that exchanges fixed nitrogen for fixed carbon, is globally distributed. Indirect evidence suggested that B. bigelowii might be a mixotrophic (phagotrophic) phototrophic flagellate. The goal of this study was to determine if B. bigelowii can graze on bacteria using several independent approaches. The results showed that B. bigelowii grazed on co-occurring bacteria at a rate of 5-7 cells/h/B. bigelowii and that the overall grazing rate was significantly higher at nighttime than at daytime. Bacterial abundance changes, assessed with 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing analysis, may have indicated preferential grazing by B. bigelowii on specific bacterial genotypes. In addition, Lysotracker™ staining of B. bigelowii suggested digestive activity inside B. bigelowii. Carbon and nitrogen fixation measurements revealed that the carbon demand of B. bigelowii could not be fulfilled by photosynthesis alone, implying supplementation by heterotrophy. These independent lines of evidence together revealed that B. bigelowii engages in phagotrophy, which, beyond serving as a supplementary source of carbon and energy, may also facilitate the indirect assimilation of inorganic nutrients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change elevates the threat of compound heat and drought events, with their ecological and socioeconomic impacts exacerbated by human ecosystem alterations such as eutrophication, salinization, and river engineering. Here, we study how multiple stressors produced an environmental disaster in a large European river, the Oder River, where a toxic bloom of the brackish-water planktonic haptophyte Prymnesium parvum (the \"golden algae\") killed approximately 1000 metric tons of fish and most mussels and snails. We uncovered the complexity of this event using hydroclimatic data, remote sensing, cell counts, hydrochemical and toxin analyses, and genetics. After incubation in impounded upstream channels with drastically elevated concentrations of salts and nutrients, only a critical combination of chronic salt and nutrient pollution, acute high water temperatures, and low river discharge during a heatwave enabled the riverine mass proliferation of B-type P. parvum along a 500 km river section. The dramatic losses of large filter feeders and the spreading of vegetative cells and resting stages make the system more susceptible to new harmful algal blooms. Our findings show that global warming, water use intensification, and chronic ecosystem pollution could increase likelihood and severity of such compound ecoclimatic events, necessitating consideration in future impact models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to continuous increase in marine plastic waste, microplastics are ubiquitous in the marine environment. However, there are few studies on the harmful effects caused by microplastics with different particle sizes, and the interaction between particle size and concentration requires further investigation. This study explored the differences in physiological and biochemical responses, photosynthesis and oxidative stress damage of the microalga Isochrysis galbana exposed to three different particle size microplastics. It was found that different particle sizes and concentrations of microplastics resulted in significant differences (p < 0.05) in the growth rate, photosynthesis, and oxidative stress level of I. galbana. With the decrease of the particle size and lowering concentration of microplastics, the growth rate, photosynthesis and oxidative stress levels of I. galbana were reduced. Significant differences in photosynthesis and oxidative stress levels were observed when I. galbana was exposed to smallest particle size and lowest concentration of microplastics. This study provides new insights about whether polystyrene microplastics of different particle sizes and concentrations exhibit complex effects on microalgae, and explores the underlying reasons for such effects. In short, this study predicts the exacerbating adverse effects of microplastic pollution on the primary productivity, with significant implications for marine food webs and ecosystem health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In May-June 2019, the microalga Chrysochromulina leadbeateri caused a massive fish-killing event in several fjords in Northern Norway, resulting in the largest direct impact ever on aquaculture in northern Europe due to toxic algae. Motivated by the fact that no algal toxins have previously been described from C. leadbeateri, we set out to investigate the chemical nature and toxicity of secondary metabolites in extracts of two strains (UIO 393, UIO 394) isolated from the 2019 bloom, as well as one older strain (UIO 035) isolated during a bloom in Northern Norway in 1991. Initial LC-DAD-MS/MS-based molecular networking analysis of the crude MeOH extracts of the cultivated strains showed that their profiles of small organic molecules, including a large number of known lipids, were very similar, suggesting that the same class of toxin(s) were likely the causative agents of the two harmful algal bloom (HAB) events. Next, bioassay-guided fractionation using the RTgill-W1 cell line and metabolomics analysis pointed to a major compound affording [M + H]+ ions at m/z 1399.8333 as a possible toxin, corresponding to a compound with the formula C67H127ClO27. Moreover, our study unveiled a series of minor analogues exhibiting distinct patterns of chlorination and sulfation, together defining a new family of compounds, which we propose to name leadbeaterins. Remarkably, these suspected toxins were detected in situ in samples collected during the 2019 bloom close to Tromsø, thereby consistent with a role in fish kills. The elemental compositions of the putative C. leadbeateri ichthyotoxins strongly indicate them to be long linear polyhydroxylated polyketides, structurally similar to sterolysins reported from a number of dinoflagellates.





