
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy affects 1% of the general population and 30% of patients are resistant to antiepileptic drugs. Although optogenetics is an efficient antiepileptic strategy, the difficulty of illuminating deep brain areas poses translational challenges. Thus, the search of alternative light sources is strongly needed. Here, we develop pH-sensitive inhibitory luminopsin (pHIL), a closed-loop chemo-optogenetic nanomachine composed of a luciferase-based light generator, a fluorescent sensor of intracellular pH (E2GFP), and an optogenetic actuator (halorhodopsin) for silencing neuronal activity. Stimulated by coelenterazine, pHIL experiences bioluminescence resonance energy transfer between luciferase and E2GFP which, under conditions of acidic pH, activates halorhodopsin. In primary neurons, pHIL senses the intracellular pH drop associated with hyperactivity and optogenetically aborts paroxysmal activity elicited by the administration of convulsants. The expression of pHIL in hippocampal pyramidal neurons is effective in decreasing duration and increasing latency of pilocarpine-induced tonic-clonic seizures upon in vivo coelenterazine administration, without affecting higher brain functions. The same treatment is effective in markedly decreasing seizure manifestations in a murine model of genetic epilepsy. The results indicate that pHIL represents a potentially promising closed-loop chemo-optogenetic strategy to treat drug-refractory epilepsy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to track minute changes of a single amino acid residue in a cellular environment is causing a paradigm shift in the attempt to fully understand the responses of biomolecules that are highly sensitive to their environment. Detecting early protein dynamics in living cells is crucial to understanding their mechanisms, such as those of photosynthetic proteins. Here, we elucidate the light response of the microbial chloride pump NmHR from the marine bacterium Nonlabens marinus, located in the membrane of living Escherichia coli cells, using nanosecond time-resolved UV/vis and IR absorption spectroscopy over the time range from nanoseconds to seconds. Transient structural changes of the retinal cofactor and the surrounding apoprotein are recorded using light-induced time-resolved UV/vis and IR difference spectroscopy. Of particular note, we have resolved the kinetics of the transient deprotonation of a single cysteine residue during the photocycle of NmHR out of the manifold of molecular vibrations of the cells. These findings are of high general relevance, given the successful development of optogenetic tools from photoreceptors to interfere with enzymatic and neuronal pathways in living organisms using light pulses as a noninvasive trigger.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Historically, the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) has been implicated in a variety of behaviors ranging from reversal learning and inhibitory control to more complex representations of reward value and task space. While modern interpretations of the OFC\'s function have focused on a role in outcome evaluation, these cognitive processes often require an organism to inhibit a maladaptive response or strategy. Single-unit recordings from the OFC in rats performing a stop-change task show that the OFC responds strongly to STOP trials. To investigate the role that the OFC plays in stop-change performance, we expressed halorhodopsin (eNpHR3.0) in excitatory neurons in the OFC and tested rats on the stop-change task. Previous work suggests that the OFC differentiates between STOP trials based on trial sequence (i.e., gS trials: STOP trials preceded by a GO vs sS trials: STOP trials preceded by a STOP). We found that yellow light activation of the eNpHR3.0-expressing neurons significantly decreased accuracy only on STOP trials that followed GO trials (gS trials). Further, optogenetic inhibition of the OFC speeded reaction times on error trials. This suggests that the OFC plays a role in inhibitory control processes and that this role needs to be accounted for in modern interpretations of OFC function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photoisomerization of an all-trans-retinal chromophore triggers ion transport in microbial ion-pumping rhodopsins. Understanding chromophore structures in the electronically excited (S1) state provides insights into the structural evolution on the potential energy surface of the photoexcited state. In this study, we examined the structure of the S1-state chromophore in Natronomonas pharaonis halorhodopsin (NpHR), a chloride ion-pumping rhodopsin, using time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy. The spectral patterns of the S1-state chromophore were completely different from those of the ground-state chromophore, resulting from unique vibrational characteristics and the structure of the S1 state. Mode assignments were based on a combination of deuteration shifts of the Raman bands and hybrid quantum mechanics-molecular mechanics calculations. The present observations suggest a weakened bond alternation in the π conjugation system. A strong hydrogen-out-of-plane bending band was observed in the Raman spectra of the S1-state chromophore in NpHR, indicating a twisted polyene structure. Similar frequency shifts for the C═N/C═C and C-C stretching modes of the S1-state chromophore in NpHR were observed in the Raman spectra of sodium ion-pumping and proton-pumping rhodopsins, suggesting that these unique features are common to the S1 states of ion-pumping rhodopsins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Defensive responding is adaptive when it approximates the current threat but maladaptive when it exceeds the current threat. Here we asked if the substantia nigra, a region consistently implicated in reward, is necessary to show appropriate levels of defensive responding in Pavlovian fear discrimination. Rats received bilateral transduction of the caudal substantia nigra with halorhodopsin or a control fluorophore and bilateral ferrule implants. Rats then behaviorally discriminated cues predicting unique foot shock probabilities (danger, p = 1; uncertainty, p = .25; and safety, p = 0). Green-light illumination (532 nm) during cue presentation inflated defensive responding of halorhodopsin rats-measured by suppression of reward seeking-to uncertainty and safety beyond control levels. Green-light illumination outside of cue presentation had no impact on halorhodopsin or control rat responding. The results reveal caudal substantia nigra cue activity is necessary to inhibit defensive responding to nonthreatening and uncertain threat cues. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We recently reported that strong activation of the optogenetic chloride pump, halorhodopsin leads to a secondary redistribution of K+ ions into the cell, through tonically open, \"leak\" K+ channels. Here we show that this effect is not unique to halorhodopsin but is also seen with activation of another electrogenic ion pump, archaerhodopsin. The two opsins differ however in the size of the rebound rise in extracellular potassium, [K+ ]o , after the end of activation, which is far larger with halorhodopsin than for archaerhodopsin activation. Multiple linear regression modeling indicates that the variance in the postillumination surge in [K+ ]o was explained both by the size of the preceding, illumination-induced drop in [K+ ]o and also by the type of opsin. These data provide additional support for the hypothesis that intense chloride-loading of cells, as occurs naturally following intense bursts of GABAergic synaptic bombardment, or artificially following halorhodopsin activation, is followed by extrusion of both Cl- and K+ coupled together. We discuss this with respect to the pattern of [K+ ]o rise that occurs at the onset of seizure-like events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cell membrane of Halobacterium salinarum contains a retinal-binding photoreceptor, sensory rhodopsin II (HsSRII), coupled with its cognate transducer (HsHtrII), allowing repellent phototaxis behavior for shorter wavelength light. Previous studies on SRII from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpSRII) pointed out the importance of the hydrogen bonding interaction between Thr204NpSRII and Tyr174NpSRII in signal transfer from SRII to HtrII. Here, we investigated the effect on phototactic function by replacing residues in HsSRII corresponding to Thr204NpSRII and Tyr174NpSRII . Whereas replacement of either residue altered the photocycle kinetics, introduction of any mutations at Ser201HsSRII and Tyr171HsSRII did not eliminate negative phototaxis function. These observations imply the possibility of the presence of an unidentified molecular mechanism for photophobic signal transduction differing from NpSRII-NpHtrII.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term use of levodopa for Parkinson\'s disease (PD) treatment is often hindered by development of motor complications, including levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID). The substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) and globus pallidus internal segment (GPi) are the output nuclei of the basal ganglia. Dysregulation of SNr and GPi activity contributes to PD pathophysiology and LID.
    The objective of this study was to determine whether direct modulation of SNr GABAergic neurons and SNr projections to the pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) regulates PD symptoms and LID in a mouse model.
    We expressed Cre-recombinase activated channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) or halorhodopsin adeno-associated virus-2 (AAV2) vectors selectively in SNr GABAergic neurons of Vgat-IRES-Cre mice in a 6-hydroxydopamine model of PD to investigate whether direct optogenetic modulation of SNr neurons or their projections to the PPN regulates PD symptoms and LID expression. The forepaw stepping task, mouse LID rating scale, and open-field locomotion were used to assess akinesia and LID to test the effect of SNr modulation.
    Akinesia was improved by suppressing SNr neuron activity with halorhodopsin. LID was significantly reduced by increasing SNr neuronal activity with ChR2, which did not interfere with the antiakinetic effect of levodopa. Optical stimulation of ChR2 in SNr projections to the PPN recapitulated direct SNr stimulation.
    Modulation of SNr GABAergic neurons alters akinesia and LID expression in a manner consistent with the rate model of basal ganglia circuitry. Moreover, the projections from SNr to PPN likely mediate the antidyskinetic effect of increasing SNr neuronal activity, identifying a potential novel role for the PPN in LID. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Decision making is a complex cognitive process that recruits a distributed network of brain regions, including the basolateral amygdala (BLA) and nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh). Recent work suggests that communication between these structures, as well as activity of cells expressing dopamine (DA) D2 receptors (D2R) in the NAcSh, are necessary for some forms of decision making; however, the contributions of this circuit and cell population during decision making under risk of punishment are unknown. The current experiments addressed this question using circuit-specific and cell type-specific optogenetic approaches in rats during a decision making task involving risk of punishment. In experiment 1, Long-Evans rats received intra-BLA injections of halorhodopsin or mCherry (control) and in experiment 2, D2-Cre transgenic rats received intra-NAcSh injections of Cre-dependent halorhodopsin or mCherry. Optic fibers were implanted in the NAcSh in both experiments. Following training in the decision making task, BLA→NAcSh or D2R-expressing neurons were optogenetically inhibited during different phases of the decision process. Inhibition of the BLA→NAcSh during deliberation (the time between trial initiation and choice) increased preference for the large, risky reward (increased risk taking). Similarly, inhibition during delivery of the large, punished reward increased risk taking, but only in males. Inhibition of D2R-expressing neurons in the NAcSh during deliberation increased risk taking. In contrast, inhibition of these neurons during delivery of the small, safe reward decreased risk taking. These findings extend our knowledge of the neural dynamics of risk taking, revealing sex-dependent circuit recruitment and dissociable activity of selective cell populations during decision making.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Until recently, the ability to dissect the neural substrates of decision making involving risk of punishment (risk taking) in a circuit-specific and cell-specific manner has been limited by the tools available for use in rats. Here, we leveraged the temporal precision of optogenetics, together with transgenic rats, to probe contributions of a specific circuit and cell population to different phases of risk-based decision making. Our findings reveal basolateral amygdala (BLA)→nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh) is involved in evaluation of punished rewards in a sex-dependent manner. Further, NAcSh D2 receptor (D2R)-expressing neurons make unique contributions to risk taking that vary across the decision making process. These findings advance our understanding of the neural principles of decision making and provide insight into how risk taking may become compromised in neuropsychiatric diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The movement of ions in and out of neurons can exert significant effects on neighboring cells. Here we report several experimentally important consequences of activation of the optogenetic chloride pump, halorhodopsin. We recorded extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]extra) in neocortical brain slices prepared from young adult mice (both sexes) which express halorhodopsin in pyramidal cells. Strong halorhodopsin activation induced a pronounced drop in [K+]extra that persisted for the duration of illumination. Pharmacological blockade of K+ channels reduced the amplitude of this drop, indicating that it represents K+ redistribution into cells during the period of hyperpolarization. Halorhodopsin thus drives the inward movement of both Cl- directly, and K+ secondarily. When the illumination period ended, a rebound surge in extracellular [K+] developed over tens of seconds, partly reflecting the previous inward redistribution of K+, but additionally driven by clearance of Cl- coupled to K+ by the potassium-chloride cotransporter, KCC2. The drop in [K+]extra during light activation leads to a small (2-3 mV) hyperpolarization also of other cells that do not express halorhodopsin. Its activation therefore has both direct and indirect inhibitory effects. Finally, we show that persistent strong activation of halorhodopsin causes cortical spreading depolarizations (CSDs), both in vitro and in vivo This novel means of triggering CSDs is unusual, in that the events can arise during the actual period of illumination, when neurons are being hyperpolarized and [K+]extra is low. We suggest that this fundamentally different experimental model of CSDs will open up new avenues of research to explain how they occur naturally.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Halorhodopsin is a light-activated electrogenic chloride pump, which has been widely used to inhibit neurons optogenetically. Here, we demonstrate three previously unrecognized consequences of its use: (1) intense activation leads to secondary movement of K+ ions into the cells; (2) the resultant drop in extracellular [K+] reduces excitability also in other, nonexpressing cells; and (3) intense persistent halorhodopsin activation can trigger cortical spreading depolarization (CSD). Halorhodopsin-induced CSDs can occur when neurons are hyperpolarized and extracellular [K+] is low. This contrasts with the most widely used experimental models that trigger CSDs with high [K+]. Both models, however, are consistent with the hypothesis that CSDs arise following net inward ionic movement into the principal neuron population.





