HSQC, Heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectroscopy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of computer-aided methods have continued to propel accelerated drug discovery across various disease models, interestingly allowing the specific inhibition of pathogenic targets. Chloride Intracellular Channel Protein 4 (CLIC4) is a novel class of intracellular ion channel highly implicated in tumor and vascular biology. It regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis; and is involved in multiple pathologic signaling pathways. Absence of specific inhibitors however impedes its advancement to translational research. Here, we integrate structural bioinformatics and experimental research approaches for the discovery and validation of small-molecule inhibitors of CLIC4. High-affinity allosteric binders were identified from a library of 1615 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs via a high-performance computing-powered blind-docking approach, resulting in the selection of amphotericin B and rapamycin. NMR assays confirmed the binding and conformational disruptive effects of both drugs while they also reversed stress-induced membrane translocation of CLIC4 and inhibited endothelial cell migration. Structural and dynamics simulation studies further revealed that the inhibitory mechanisms of these compounds were hinged on the allosteric modulation of the catalytic glutathione (GSH)-like site loop and the extended catalytic β loop which may elicit interference with the catalytic activities of CLIC4. Structure-based insights from this study provide the basis for the selective targeting of CLIC4 to treat the associated pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of Euphorbia balsamifera, fractions and pure compounds were evaluated. The cytotoxic assays for HCT116, HePG2 and MCF7 showed a significant IC50: 54.7 and 76.2 µg/mL of non-polar fraction \"n-hexane\" against HCT116 and HePG2, respectively. Antibacterial results revealed that plant fractions exhibited significant potential against the tested pathogens than the total extract where n-butanol and ethyl acetate fractions showed significant antibacterial activity (P < 0.05) against tested bacterial strains. Isolation and structure determination of compounds from n-hexane and n-butanol fractions were performed. From n-hexane fraction, 29-nor-cycloartanol (1), lanost-8-en-3-ol (2a), cycloartanol (2b) and kampferol-3,4\'-dimethyl ether (3) were isolated and structurally identified, along with 24 compounds were tentatively identified by GC-MS. From the polar n-butanol fraction, 4-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-2-hydroxy-6-methoxyacetophenone (4), 4-O-α-L-rhamnosyl-(1 → 6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-2-hydroxy-6methoxy-acetophenone (5), quercetin-3-O-glucopyranoside (6) and isoorientin (7) were assigned. Structures of the obtained compounds were determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Except compounds 1 and 5, all reported compounds announced antibacterial efficiency. Compound 2 showed selectively the highest activity against Enterococcus faecalis (22 ± 0.13 mm), meanwhile 4-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-2-hydroxy-6-methoxyacetophenone (4) showed broadly the highest antibacterial activity with MIC of 1.15-1.88 mg/mL against the test Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Cytotoxic assays indicated that kampferol-3,4\'-dimethyl ether (3) exhibited the highest activity with matching IC50 values to doxorubicin; 111.46, 42.67 and 44.90 µM against HCT116, HePG2 and MCF7, respectively, however, it is toxic on retina normal cell line RPE1.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Corneal dystrophies are a group of genetically inherited disorders with mutations in the TGFBI gene affecting the Bowman\'s membrane and the corneal stroma. The mutant TGFBIp is highly aggregation-prone and is deposited in the cornea. Depending on the type of mutation the protein deposits may vary (amyloid, amorphous powdery aggregate or a mixed form of both), making the cornea opaque and thereby decreases visual acuity. The aggregation of the mutant protein is found to be specific with a unique aggregation mechanism distinct to the cornea. The proteolytic processing of the mutant protein is reported to be different compared to the WT protein. The proteolytic processing of mutant protein gives rise to highly amyloidogenic peptide fragments. The current treatment option, available for patients, is tissue replacement surgery that is associated with high recurrence rates. The clinical need for a simple treatment option for corneal dystrophy patients has become highly essential either to prevent the protein aggregation or to dissolve the preformed aggregates. Here, we report the screening of 2500 compounds from the Maybridge RO3 fragment library using weak affinity chromatography (WAC). The primary hits from WAC were validated by 15N-HSQC NMR assays and specific regions of binding were identified. The recombinant mutant proteins (4th FAS-1 domain of R555W and H572R) were subjected to limited proteolysis by trypsin together with the lead compounds identified by NMR assays. The lead compounds (MO07617, RJF00203 and, BTB05094) were effective to delay/prevent the generation of amyloidogenic peptides in the R555W mutant and compounds (RJF00203 and BTB05094) were effective to delay/prevent the generation of amyloidogenic peptides in the H572R mutant. Thus the lead compounds reported here upon further validation and/or modification might be proposed as a potential treatment option to prevent/delay aggregation by inhibiting the formation of amyloidogenic peptides in TGFBI-corneal dystrophy.






