
HP1 α
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterochromatin protein 1 alpha (HP1α) is an evolutionarily conserved protein that binds chromatin and is important for gene silencing. The protein comprises 191 residues arranged into three disordered regions and two structured domains, the chromo and chromoshadow domain, which associates into a homodimer. While high-resolution structures of the isolated domains of HP1 proteins are known, the structural properties of full-length HP1α remain largely unknown. Using a combination of NMR spectroscopy and structure predictions by AlphaFold2 we provide evidence that the chromo and chromoshadow domain of HP1α engage in direct contacts resulting in a compact chromo/chromoshadow domain arrangement. We further show that HP1β and HP1γ have increased interdomain dynamics when compared to HP1α which may contribute to the distinct roles of different Hp1 isoforms in gene silencing and activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICCA) is a heterogeneous group of malignant tumors characterized by high recurrence rate and poor prognosis. Heterochromatin Protein 1α (HP1α) is one of the most important nonhistone chromosomal proteins involved in transcriptional silencing via heterochromatin formation and structural maintenance. The effect of HP1α on the progression of ICCA remained unclear.
    METHODS: The effect on the proliferation of ICCA was detected by experiments in two cell lines and two ICCA mouse models. The interaction between HP1α and Histone Deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) was determined using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) and the binding mechanism was studied using immunoprecipitation assays (co-IP). The target gene was screened out by RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). The occupation of DNA binding proteins and histone modifications were predicted by bioinformatic methods and evaluated by Cleavage Under Targets and Tagmentation (CUT & Tag) and Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP).
    RESULTS: HP1α was upregulated in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICCA) tissues and regulated the proliferation of ICCA cells by inhibiting the interferon pathway in a Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 1 (STAT1)-dependent manner. Mechanistically, STAT1 is transcriptionally regulated by the HP1α-HDAC1 complex directly and epigenetically via promoter binding and changes in different histone modifications, as validated by high-throughput sequencing. Broad-spectrum HDAC inhibitor (HDACi) activates the interferon pathway and inhibits the proliferation of ICCA cells by downregulating HP1α and targeting the heterodimer. Broad-spectrum HDACi plus interferon preparation regimen was found to improve the antiproliferative effects and delay ICCA development in vivo and in vitro, which took advantage of basal activation as well as direct activation of the interferon pathway. HP1α participates in mediating the cellular resistance to both agents.
    CONCLUSIONS: HP1α-HDAC1 complex influences interferon pathway activation by directly and epigenetically regulating STAT1 in transcriptional level. The broad-spectrum HDACi plus interferon preparation regimen inhibits ICCA development, providing feasible strategies for ICCA treatment. Targeting the HP1α-HDAC1-STAT1 axis is a possible strategy for treating ICCA, especially HP1α-positive cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SIMBA (Simultaneous Imaging and Manipulation of genomic loci by Biomolecular Assemblies) system is an innovative CRISPR-based imaging technique that leverages dCas9-SunTag and FRB-mCherry-HP1α, with scFv-FKBP acting as a bridge. This powerful system enables simultaneous visualization and manipulation of genomic loci. The dCas9-SunTag fusion protein allows for precise targeting of specific genomic sites, and the FRB-mCherry-HP1α fusion protein facilitates the condensation of chromatin at the targeted loci. The scFv-FKBP bridge protein links dCas9-SunTag and FRB-mCherry-HP1α, ensuring efficient and specific recruitment of HP1α to the desired genomic loci. This integrated approach allows us to visualize and manipulate genomic regions of interest, opening up new avenues for studying genome organization, gene expression regulation, and chromatin dynamics in living cells. © 2023 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Cloning of genetic constructs Basic Protocol 2: Transient transfection in mammalian cells and live-cell imaging Basic Protocol 3: Generation of SIMBA-expressing stable cell lines Basic Protocol 4: Manipulation of genomic loci using SIMBA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human genome can be demarcated into domains based on distinct epigenetic states. The trimethylation of histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me3) is essential for the formation of constitutive heterochromatin nanodomains. However, the extent to which genomic regions require specific densities or degrees of H3K9me3 for stable interactions remains unclear. Here, we utilize CRISPR-based DNA imaging to investigate the role of endogenous or ectopic H3K9me3 in chromatin dynamics and genomic interactions. We select three loci (IDR3, TCF3, and PR1) with distinct levels of H3K9me3 to examine the genomic interactions and association with endogenous Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1α) condensates. Our results demonstrate a positive correlation between the levels of H3K9me3 at the loci and their association with HP1α condensates. By dual-color labeling and long-term tracking of IDR3 and PR1 loci, we find a periodical association between the two ranging from one to three hours. Epigenetic perturbation-induced Genome organization (EpiGo)-KRAB introduces ∼20 kilobases of H3K9me3 at the TCF3 locus, which is sufficient to establish a stable association between TCF3 and HP1α condensates. In addition, EpiGo-mediated H3K9me3 also leads to stable genomic interaction between IDR3 and TCF3. Briefly, these data suggest that the density of H3K9me3 could dictate the stability of interactions between genomic loci and HP1α condensates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mouse pericentromeric DNA is composed of tandem major satellite repeats, which are heterochromatinized and cluster together to form chromocenters. These clusters are refractory to DNA repair through homologous recombination (HR). The mechanisms by which pericentromeric heterochromatin imposes a barrier on HR and the implications of repeat clustering are unknown. Here, we compare the spatial recruitment of HR factors upon double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) induced in human and mouse pericentromeric heterochromatin, which differ in their capacity to form clusters. We show that while DSBs increase the accessibility of human pericentromeric heterochromatin by disrupting HP1α dimerization, mouse pericentromeric heterochromatin repeat clustering imposes a physical barrier that requires many layers of de-compaction to be accessed. Our results support a model in which the 3D organization of heterochromatin dictates the spatial activation of DNA repair pathways and is key to preventing the activation of HR within clustered repeats and the onset of chromosomal translocations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In eukaryote cells, core components of chromatin, such as histones and DNA, are packaged in nucleus. Leakage of nuclear materials into cytosol will induce pathological effects. However, the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here, cytoplasmic localization of nuclear materials induced by chromatin dysregulation (CLIC) in mammalian cells is reported. H3K9me3 inhibition by small chemicals, HP1α knockdown, or knockout of H3K9 methylase SETDB1, induces formation of cytoplasmic puncta containing histones H3.1, H4 and cytosolic DNA, which in turn activates inflammatory genes and autophagic degradation. Autophagy deficiency rescues H3 degradation, and enhances the activation of inflammatory genes. MRE11, a subunit of MRN complex, enters cytoplasm after heterochromatin dysregulation. Deficiency of MRE11 or NBS1, but not RAD50, inhibits CLIC puncta in cytosol. MRE11 depletion represses tumor growth enhanced by HP1α deficiency, suggesting a connection between CLIC and tumorigenesis. This study reveals a novel pathway that heterochromatin dysregulation induces translocation of nuclear materials into cytoplasm, which is important for inflammatory diseases and cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MEG3 downregulated the expression in several tumors and inhibits human tumorigenesis. But so far, the mechanism of MEG3 in tumorigenesis is still unclear.
    In gene infection, cellular and molecular technologies and tumorigenesis test in vitro and in vivo were performed, respectively.
    Our results indicate that MEG3 enhances the P53 expression by triggering the loading of P300 and RNA polymerase II onto its promoter regions dependent on HP1α. Moreover, MEG3 increases the methylation modification of histone H3 at the 27th lysine via P53. Furthermore, MEG3 inhibits the expression of TERT by increasing the H3K27me3 in TERT promoter regions, thereby inhibiting the activity of telomerase by reducing the binding of TERT to TERC. Furthermore, MEG3 also increases the expression of TERRA; therefore, the interaction between TERC and TERT was competitively attenuated by increasing the interaction between TERRA and TERT, which inhibits the activity of telomerase in hLCSCs. Strikingly, MEG3 reduces the length of telomere by blocking the formation of complex maintaining telomere length (POT1-Exo1-TRF2-SNM1B) and decreasing the binding of the complex to telomere by increasing the interplay between P53 and HULC. Ultimately, MEG3 inhibits the growth of hLCSCs by reducing the activity of telomerase and attenuating telomeric repeat binding factor 2(TRF2).
    Our results demonstrates MEG3 inhibits the occurrence of human liver cancer by blocking telomere, and these findings provide an important insight into the prevention and treatment of human liver cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a major signaling molecule that the brain uses to control a vast network of intracellular cascades fundamental to properties of learning and memory, and cognition. While much is known about BDNF signaling in the healthy nervous system where it controls the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and cyclic-AMP pathways, less is known about its role in multiple brain disorders where it contributes to the dysregulated neuroplasticity seen in epilepsy and traumatic brain injury (TBI). We previously found that neurons respond to prolonged BDNF exposure (both in vivo (in models of epilepsy and TBI) and in vitro (in BDNF treated primary neuronal cultures)) by activating the Janus Kinase/Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (JAK/STAT) signaling pathway. This pathway is best known for its association with inflammatory cytokines in non-neuronal cells.
    RESULTS: Here, using deep RNA-sequencing of neurons exposed to BDNF in the presence and absence of well characterized JAK/STAT inhibitors, and without non-neuronal cells, we determine the BDNF transcriptome that is specifically regulated by agents that inhibit JAK/STAT signaling. Surprisingly, the BDNF-induced JAK/STAT transcriptome contains ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors coming from all the major classes expressed in the brain, along with key modulators of synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis, and axonal remodeling. Analysis of this dataset has revealed a unique non-canonical mechanism of JAK/STATs in neurons as differential gene expression mediated by STAT3 is not solely dependent upon phosphorylation at residue 705 and may involve a BDNF-induced interaction of STAT3 with Heterochromatin Protein 1 alpha (HP1α).
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the neuronal BDNF-induced JAK/STAT pathway involves more than STAT3 phosphorylation at 705, providing the first evidence for a non-canonical mechanism that may involve HP1α. Our analysis reveals that JAK/STAT signaling regulates many of the genes associated with epilepsy syndromes where BDNF levels are markedly elevated. Uncovering the mechanism of this novel form of BDNF signaling in the brain may provide a new direction for epilepsy therapeutics and open a window into the complex mechanisms of STAT3 transcriptional regulation in neurological disease.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterochromatin protein 1α (HP1α) is a protein that mediates cancer-associated processes in the cell nucleus. Proteomic experiments, reported here, demonstrate that HP1α complexes with importin α (IMPα), a protein necessary for its nuclear transport. This data is congruent with Simple Linear Motif (SLiM) analyses that identify an IMPα-binding motif within the linker that joins the two globular domains of this protein. Using molecular modeling and dynamics simulations, we develop a model of the IMPα-HP1α complex and investigate the impact of phosphorylation and genomic variants on their interaction. We demonstrate that phosphorylation of the HP1α linker likely regulates its association with IMPα, which has implications for HP1α access to the nucleus, where it functions. Cancer-associated genomic variants do not abolish the interaction of HP1α but instead lead to rearrangements where the variant proteins maintain interaction with IMPα, but with less specificity. Combined, this new mechanistic insight bears biochemical, cell biological, and biomedical relevance.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heterochromatin Protein 1 α (HP1α) associates with members of the chromosome passenger complex (CPC) during mitosis, at centromeres where it is required for full Aurora Kinase B (AURKB) activity. Conversely, recent reports have identified AURKB as the major kinase responsible for phosphorylation of HP1α at Serine 92 (S92) during mitosis. Thus, the current study was designed to better understand the functional role of this posttranslationally modified form of HP1α. We find that S92-phosphorylated HP1α is generated in cells at early prophase, localizes to centromeres, and associates with regulators of chromosome stability, such as Inner Centromere Protein, INCENP. In mouse embryonic fibroblasts, HP1α knockout alone or reconstituted with a non-phosphorylatable (S92A) HP1α mutant results in mitotic chromosomal instability characterized by the formation of anaphase/telophase chromatin bridges and micronuclei. These effects are rescued by exogenous expression of wild type HP1α or a phosphomimetic (S92D) variant. Thus, the results from the current study extend our knowledge of the role of HP1α in chromosomal stability during mitosis.






