HIV-1 reservoir

HIV - 1 水库
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Reducing the number of active compounds for lifelong HIV treatment is of interest, especially to reduce potential long-term side effects. So far, available data assessing viral control, support the robustness and safety of 2DR (2-drug regimen) ART compared to 3DR. However, further in-depth investigations of the viral reservoirs are mandatory to guarantee long-term safety of these regimens regarding stable intact HIV-1 DNA copies, HIV-1 RNA transcripts and sustained immunological control.
    METHODS: The Rumba study is the first prospective randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of switch from 3DR to 2DR on the viral reservoir. Participants on any stable 2nd generation INSTI-based 3DR regimen with HIV-1 RNA<50 copies/ml plasma for at least 3 months were randomized to switch to dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC, N=89) or to switch or stay on bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF, N=45). After 48 weeks, virological, immunological and metabolic parameters were evaluated.
    RESULTS: We did not observe a significant difference in change over time in the mean number of intact HIV-1 DNA copies/million CD4+ T cells with DTG/3TC compared to B/F/TAF. There was no evidence in this study that switching to DTG/3TC increased the active reservoir by HIV-1 transcription. No significant changes in pro-inflammatory cytokines or major immune cell subsets were observed. Changes in exhaustion and activation of specific cellular subsets were small and bidirectional. Metabolic outcomes are similar between the treatment regimens.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the safety of DTG/3TC compared to B/F/TAF through viral control after in-depth investigations of the intact HIV-1 reservoir, HIV-1 transcription and inflammatory markers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of the HIV-1 reservoir, a group of immune cells that contain intact, integrated, and replication-competent proviruses, is a major challenge to cure HIV-1. HIV-1 reservoir cells are largely unaffected by the cytopathic effects of viruses, antiviral immune responses, or antiretroviral therapy (ART). The HIV-1 reservoir is seeded early during HIV-1 infection and augmented during active viral replication. CD4+ T cells are the primary target for HIV-1 infection, and recent studies suggest that memory T follicular helper cells within the lymph node, more precisely in the B cell follicle, harbor integrated provirus, which contribute to viral rebound upon ART discontinuation. The B cell follicle, more specifically the germinal center, possesses a unique environment because of its distinct property of being partly immune privileged, potentially allowing HIV-1-infected cells within the lymph nodes to be protected from CD8+ T cells. This modified immune response in the germinal center of the follicle is potentially explained by the exclusion of CD8+ T cells and the presence of T regulatory cells at the junction of the follicle and extrafollicular region. The proviral makeup of HIV-1-infected cells is similar in lymph nodes and blood, suggesting trafficking between these compartments. Little is known about the cell-to-cell interactions, microenvironment of HIV-1-infected cells in the follicle, and trafficking between the lymph node follicle and other body compartments. Applying a spatiotemporal approach that integrates genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics to investigate the HIV-1 reservoir and its neighboring cells in the lymph node has promising potential for informing HIV-1 cure efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low-level viremia (LLV) ranging from 50 to 1,000 copies/ml is common in most HIV-1-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, the source of LLV and the impact of LLV on the HIV-1 reservoir during ART remain uncertain. We hypothesized that LLV may arise from the HIV reservoir and its occurrence affect the composition of the reservoir after LLV episodes. Accordingly, we investigated the genetic linkage of sequences obtained from plasma at LLV and pre-ART time points and from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at pre-ART, pre-LLV, LLV, and post-LLV time points. We found that LLV sequences were populated with a predominant viral quasispecies that accounted for 67.29%∼100% of all sequences. Two episodes of LLV in subject 1, spaced 6 months apart, appeared to have originated from the stochastic reactivation of latently HIV-1-infected cells. Moreover, 3.77% of pre-ART plasma sequences were identical to 67.29% of LLV-3 plasma sequences in subject 1, suggesting that LLV may have arisen from a subset of cells that were infected before ART was initiated. No direct evidence of sequence linkage was found between LLV viruses and circulating cellular reservoirs in all subjects. The reservoir size, diversity, and divergence of the PBMC DNA did not differ significantly between the pre- and post-LLV sampling points (P > 0.05), but the composition of viral reservoir quasispecies shifted markedly before and after LLV episodes. Indeed, subjects with LLV had a higher total PBMC DNA level, greater viral diversity, a lower proportion of variants with identical sequences detected at two or more time points, and a shorter variant duration during ART compared with subjects without LLV. Overall, our findings suggested that LLV viruses may stem from an unidentified source other than circulating cellular reservoirs. LLV episodes may introduce great complexity into the HIV reservoir, which brings challenges to the development of treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcriptionally latent forms of replication-competent proviruses, present primarily in a small subset of memory CD4+ T cells, pose the primary barrier to a cure for HIV-1 infection because they are the source of the viral rebound that almost inevitably follows the interruption of antiretroviral therapy. Over the last 30 years, many of the factors essential for initiating HIV-1 transcription have been identified in studies performed using transformed cell lines, such as the Jurkat T-cell model. However, as highlighted in this review, several poorly understood mechanisms still need to be elucidated, including the molecular basis for promoter-proximal pausing of the transcribing complex and the detailed mechanism of the delivery of P-TEFb from 7SK snRNP. Furthermore, the central paradox of HIV-1 transcription remains unsolved: how are the initial rounds of transcription achieved in the absence of Tat? A critical limitation of the transformed cell models is that they do not recapitulate the transitions between active effector cells and quiescent memory T cells. Therefore, investigation of the molecular mechanisms of HIV-1 latency reversal and LRA efficacy in a proper physiological context requires the utilization of primary cell models. Recent mechanistic studies of HIV-1 transcription using latently infected cells recovered from donors and ex vivo cellular models of viral latency have demonstrated that the primary blocks to HIV-1 transcription in memory CD4+ T cells are restrictive epigenetic features at the proviral promoter, the cytoplasmic sequestration of key transcription initiation factors such as NFAT and NF-κB, and the vanishingly low expression of the cellular transcription elongation factor P-TEFb. One of the foremost schemes to eliminate the residual reservoir is to deliberately reactivate latent HIV-1 proviruses to enable clearance of persisting latently infected cells-the \"Shock and Kill\" strategy. For \"Shock and Kill\" to become efficient, effective, non-toxic latency-reversing agents (LRAs) must be discovered. Since multiple restrictions limit viral reactivation in primary cells, understanding the T-cell signaling mechanisms that are essential for stimulating P-TEFb biogenesis, initiation factor activation, and reversing the proviral epigenetic restrictions have become a prerequisite for the development of more effective LRAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    HIV reservoirs are the main barrier to cure. CD4+ T cells have been extensively studied as the primary HIV-1 reservoir. However, there is substantial evidence that HIV-1-infected myeloid cells (monocytes/macrophages) also contribute to viral persistence and pathogenesis.
    Recent studies in animal models and people with HIV-1 demonstrate that myeloid cells are cellular reservoirs of HIV-1. HIV-1 genomes and viral RNA have been reported in circulating monocytes and tissue-resident macrophages from the brain, urethra, gut, liver, and spleen. Importantly, viral outgrowth assays have quantified persistent infectious virus from monocyte-derived macrophages and tissue-resident macrophages. The myeloid cell compartment represents an important target of HIV-1 infection. While myeloid reservoirs may be more difficult to measure than CD4+ T cell reservoirs, they are long-lived, contribute to viral persistence, and, unless specifically targeted, will prevent an HIV-1 cure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-associated HIV-1 DNA, HIV-1 2-LTR circle, and HIV-1 unspliced RNA (usRNA) are important virological parameters for monitoring HIV-1 persistence and activation of latent HIV-1. Assays fully validated by CLIA and/or GCLP standards are needed for future clinical trials that seek to evaluate treatments directed towards HIV-1 cure.
    To determine performance characteristics of sensitive, moderate-throughput, digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) assays for cell-associated HIV-1 DNA, HIV-1 2-LTR circle, and HIV-1 usRNA that can detect a broad range of HIV-1 M-group subtypes.
    To evaluate linearity, limit of detection, precision, and accuracy of each assay, contrived specimens were analyzed in a background of uninfected PBMC. Detection breadth was evaluated by in silico analysis of primer and probes sets and analysis of material harvested from PBMC infected in vitro with various HIV-1 subtypes. A cohort of clinical specimens from viremic and virologically suppressed individuals was analyzed to demonstrate applicability to clinical research.
    The empirically determined limit of detection of these assays was 29, 7, and 60 copies per million PBMC for HIV-1 DNA, HIV-1 2-LTR circle, and HIV-1 usRNA, respectively. The assays detect a broad range of HIV-1 M-group subtypes. Finally, analysis of clinical specimens demonstrate that these assays can detect low levels of cell-associated HIV-1 DNA, HIV-1 usRNA, and HIV-1 2-LTR circle and correlate with clinical histories and viral loads of untreated and antiretroviral treated individuals.
    We report the clinical validation of three HIV reservoir assays with broad HIV-1 coverage for future cure studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: HIV-1 continues to be a major global health challenge. Current HIV-1 treatments are effective but need lifelong adherence. An HIV-1 cure should eliminate the latent viral reservoir that persists in people living with HIV-1. Different methods have been investigated that focus on reactivation and subsequent elimination of the HIV-1 reservoir, and it is becoming clear that a combination of compounds with different mechanisms of actions might be more effective. Here, we target two host factors, inhibitor of apoptosis proteins that control apoptosis and the DEAD-box helicase DDX3, facilitating HIV mRNA transport/translation. We show that targeting of these host factors with SMAC mimetics and DDX3 inhibitors induce reversal of viral latency and eliminate HIV-1-infected cells in vitro and ex vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    HIV-1 replication in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract causes severe CD4+ T-cell depletion and disruption of the protective epithelial barrier in the intestinal mucosa, causing microbial translocation, the main driver of inflammation and immune activation, even in people living with HIV (PLWH) taking antiretroviral drug therapy. The higher levels of HIV DNA in the gut compared to the blood highlight the importance of the gut as a viral reservoir. CD4+ T-cell subsets in the gut differ in phenotypic characteristics and differentiation status from the ones in other tissues or in peripheral blood, and little is still known about the mechanisms by which the persistence of HIV is maintained at this anatomical site. This review aims to describe the interaction with key subsets of CD4+ T cells in the intestinal mucosa targeted by HIV-1 and the role of gut microbiome and its metabolites in HIV-associated systemic inflammation and immune activation that are crucial in the pathogenesis of HIV infection and related comorbidities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While combination therapy completely suppresses HIV-1 replication in blood, functional virus persists in CD4+ T cell subsets in non-peripheral compartments that are not easily accessible. To fill this gap, we investigated tissue-homing properties of cells that transiently appear in the circulating blood. Through cell separation and in vitro stimulation, the HIV-1 \"Gag and Envelope reactivation co-detection assay\" (GERDA) enables sensitive detection of Gag+/Env+ protein-expressing cells down to about one cell per million using flow cytometry. By associating GERDA with proviral DNA and polyA-RNA transcripts, we corroborate the presence and functionality of HIV-1 in critical body compartments utilizing t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) and density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) clustering with low viral activity in circulating cells early after diagnosis. We demonstrate transcriptional HIV-1 reactivation at any time, potentially giving rise to intact, infectious particles. With single-cell level resolution, GERDA attributes virus production to lymph-node-homing cells with central memory T cells (TCMs) as main players, critical for HIV-1 reservoir eradication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    HIV-1 associated colorectal cancer (HA-CRC) is one of the most understudied non-AIDS-defining cancers. In this study, we analyzed the proteome of HA-CRC and the paired remote tissues (HA-RT) through data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry (MS). The quantified proteins could differentiate the HA-CRC and HA-RT groups per PCA or cluster analyses. As a background comparison, we reanalyzed the MS data of non-HIV-1 infected CRC (non-HA-CRC) published by CPTAC. According to the GSEA results, we found that HA-CRC and non-HA-CRC shared similarly over-represented KEGG pathways. Hallmark analysis suggested that terms of antiviral response were only significantly enriched in HA-CRC. The network and molecular system analysis centered the crosstalk of IFN-associated antiviral response and cancerous pathways, which was favored by significant up-regulation of ISGylated proteins as detected in the HA-CRC tissues. We further proved that defective HIV-1 reservoir cells as represented by the 8E5 cells could activate the IFN pathway in human macrophages via horizonal transfer of cell-associated HIV-1 RNA (CA-HIV RNA) carried by extracellular vesicles (EVs). In conclusion, HIV-1 reservoir cells secreted and CA-HIV RNA-containing EVs can induce IFN pathway activation in macrophages that contributes to one of the mechanistic explanations of the systems crosstalk between antiviral response and cancerous pathways in HA-CRC.





