• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calpain2 is a conventional member of the non-lysosomal calpain protease family that has been shown to affect the dynamics of focal and cell-cell adhesions by proteolyzing the components of adhesion complexes. Here, we inactivated calpain2 using CRISPR/Cas9 in epithelial MDCK cells. We show that depletion of calpain2 has multiple effects on cell morphology and function. Calpain2-depleted cells develop epithelial shape, however, they cover a smaller area, and cell clusters are more compact. Inactivation of calpain2 enhanced restoration of transepithelial electrical resistance after calcium switch, decreased cell migration, and delayed cell scattering induced by HGF/SF. In addition, calpain2 depletion prevented morphological changes induced by ERK2 overexpression. Interestingly, proteolysis of several calpain2 targets, including E-cadherin, β-catenin, talin, FAK, and paxillin, was not discernibly affected by calpain2 depletion. Taken together, these data suggest that calpain2 regulates the stability of cell-cell and cell-substratum adhesions indirectly without affecting the proteolysis of these adhesion complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ERK signaling pathway, consisting of core protein kinases Raf, MEK and effector kinases ERK1/2, regulates various biological outcomes such as cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, or cell migration. Signal transduction through the ERK signaling pathway is tightly controlled at all levels of the pathway. However, it is not well understood whether ERK pathway signaling can be modulated by the abundance of ERK pathway core kinases. In this study, we investigated the effects of low-level overexpression of the ERK2 isoform on the phenotype and scattering of cuboidal MDCK epithelial cells growing in discrete multicellular clusters. We show that ERK2 overexpression reduced the vertical size of lateral membranes that contain cell-cell adhesion complexes. Consequently, ERK2 overexpressing cells were unable to develop cuboidal shape, remained flat with increased spread area and intercellular adhesive contacts were present only on the basal side. Interestingly, ERK2 overexpression was not sufficient to increase phosphorylation of multiple downstream targets including transcription factors and induce global changes in gene expression, namely to increase the expression of pro-migratory transcription factor Fra1. However, ERK2 overexpression enhanced HGF/SF-induced cell scattering as these cells scattered more rapidly and to a greater extent than parental cells. Our results suggest that an increase in ERK2 expression primarily reduces cell-cell cohesion and that weakened intercellular adhesion synergizes with upstream signaling in the conversion of the multicellular epithelium into single migrating cells. This mechanism may be clinically relevant as the analysis of clinical data revealed that in one type of cancer, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, ERK2 overexpression correlates with a worse prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease with no effective treatment. The Hepatocyte Growth Factor/Scatter Factor (HGF/SF), through its receptor MET, is one of the most potent survival-promoting factors for motor neurons (MN) and is known as a modulator of immune cell function. We recently developed a novel recombinant MET agonist optimized for therapy, designated K1K1. K1K1 was ten times more potent than HGF/SF in preventing MN loss in an in vitro model of ALS. Treatments with K1K1 delayed the onset of muscular impairment and reduced MN loss and skeletal muscle denervation of superoxide dismutase 1 G93A (SOD1G93A) mice. This effect was associated with increased levels of phospho-extracellular signal-related kinase (pERK) in the spinal cord and sciatic nerves and the activation of non-myelinating Schwann cells. Moreover, reduced activated microglia and astroglia, lower T cells infiltration and increased interleukin 4 (IL4) levels were found in the lumbar spinal cord of K1K1 treated mice. K1K1 treatment also prevented the infiltration of T cells in skeletal muscle of SOD1G93A mice. All these protective effects were lost on long-term treatment suggesting a mechanism of drug tolerance. These data provide a rational justification for further exploring the long-term loss of K1K1 efficacy in the perspective of providing a potential treatment for ALS.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer kills nearly 9,000,000 people worldwide, and its mortality was reported up to 28% in the past decade. Few available tumor markers have been known to help early stage diagnosis. In this study, Endocan was taken as a novel tumor marker, which has been found in many cancers related to cancer cell proliferation, neoangiogenesis, etc. Methods: Studies on Endocan and its correlation with cancer were reviewed, and key points of meaningful studies on the structure, pathways and targeted agents of Endocan were drawn.
    Endocan leads to tumorigenesis and promotes tumor cells proliferation via HGF/SF signal transmission pathway, suppresses tumor cells apoptosis via NF-κB signaling pathway and promotes angiogenesis within tumors via VEGF and HIF pathway. Medicine suppressing the expression of Endocan could prevent tumorigenesis and even improve survival rate of mice with tumor significantly.
    Endocan is capable of promoting prognosis of cancer patients. Moreover, Endocan is supposed to a potential target of tumor-targeted therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emerging evidence has shown that the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and its receptor, MET proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase (MET), promote cell proliferation, motility, morphogenesis, and angiogenesis. Whereas up-regulation of MET expression has been observed in aggressive and metastatic prostate cancer, a clear understanding of MET function in prostate tumorigenesis remains elusive. Here, we developed a conditional Met transgenic mouse strain, H11 Met/+ :PB-Cre4, to mimic human prostate cancer cells with increased MET expression in the prostatic luminal epithelium. We found that these mice develop prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia after HGF administration. To further assess the biological role of MET in prostate cancer progression, we bred H11 Met/+ /PtenLoxP/LoxP:PBCre4 compound mice, in which transgenic Met expression and deletion of the tumor suppressor gene Pten occurred simultaneously only in prostatic epithelial cells. These compound mice exhibited accelerated prostate tumor formation and invasion as well as increased metastasis compared with PtenLoxP/LoxP:PB-Cre4 mice. Moreover, prostatic sarcomatoid carcinomas and lesions resembling the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition developed in tumor lesions of the compound mice. RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR analyses revealed a robust enrichment of known tumor progression and metastasis-promoting genes in samples isolated from H11 Met/+ /PtenLoxP/LoxP:PB-Cre4 compound mice compared with those from PtenLoxP/LoxP:PB-Cre4 littermate controls. HGF-induced cell proliferation and migration also increased in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) from animals with both Met transgene expression and Pten deletion compared with Pten-null MEFs. The results from these newly developed mouse models indicate a role for MET in hastening tumorigenesis and metastasis when combined with the loss of tumor suppressors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We previously proposed that one of the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is the increase in several peptide- and non-peptide based chemoattractants in damaged tissues, leading to induction of a prometastatic microenvironment for remaining cancer cells. Herein, we turned out our attention to a potential role of bioactive phospholipids (BphsLs), such as sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P), lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC), and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in lung cancer (LC) metastasis. We report that LC cells express several functional BphL receptors (for S1P, LPC, and LPA) as well as several enzymes involved in their metabolism and that BphsLs are potent chemokinetic and adhesion factors for these cells. We also demonstrate for the first time the novel role of C1P as a prometastatic factor in LC cells. In addition to their chemokinetic activities, BphsLs also sensitize or prime the chemotactic responsiveness of LC cells to known prometastatic factors such as hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF). Thus, for the first time we demonstrate a prometastatic effect that is based on the priming of a cell\'s responsiveness to chemotactic factors by chemokinetic factors. To our surprise, none of the bioactive lipids induced proliferation of LC cells or ameliorated toxic effects of vincristine treatment. Interestingly, BphsLs increase adhesion of LC cells to bone marrow-derived stromal cells and stimulate these cells to release ExNs, which additionally increase LC cell motility. In conclusion, our results show that BphsLs are important modulators of prometastatic environment. Therefore, their inhibitors could be considered as potential anti-metastatic drug candidates to be included as a part of post radio- and/or chemo- therapy treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Melanoma is the third highest rated cancer in prevalence. Surgery, radiotherapy and targeted/biological therapies in addition to chemotherapy are available options for management of this cancer. Met is an appealing target for management of this type of cancer, since it targets many cancer vital processors, such as angiogenesis, cell growth, scattering and differentiation. In this review, we provide an overview about pathway abnormalities associated with melanoma. We also provide a summary about the events involved in Met signaling and related signaling molecules. We also show the evidence of the importance of Met signaling pathway as a target in cancer management. We also summarize clinical evidence about the use of Met signaling in management of cancer and summarize available trials related to targeting Met in other cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alterations of inhibitory GABAergic neurons are implicated in multiple psychiatric and neurological disorders, including schizophrenia, autism and epilepsy. In particular, interneuron deficits in prefrontal areas, along with presumed decreased inhibition, have been reported in several human patients. The majority of forebrain GABAergic interneurons arise from a single subcortical source before migrating to their final regional destination. Factors that govern the interneuron populations have been identified, demonstrating that a single gene mutation may globally affect forebrain structures or a single area. In particular, mice lacking the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (Plaur) gene have decreased GABAergic interneurons in frontal and parietal, but not caudal, cortical regions. Plaur assists in the activation of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), and several of the interneuron deficits are correlated with decreased levels of HGF/SF. In some cortical regions, the interneuron deficit can be remediated by endogenous overexpression of HGF/SF. In this study, we demonstrate decreased parvalbumin-expressing interneurons in the medial frontal cortex, but not in the hippocampus or basal lateral amygdala in the Plaur null mouse. The Plaur null mouse demonstrates impaired medial frontal cortical function in extinction of cued fear conditioning and the inability to form attentional sets. Endogenous HGF/SF overexpression increased the number of PV-expressing cells in medial frontal cortical areas to levels greater than found in wildtype mice, but did not remediate the behavioral deficits. These data suggest that proper medial frontal cortical function is dependent upon optimum levels of inhibition and that a deficit or excess of interneuron numbers impairs normal cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The structural basis of ligand-induced dimerization of the receptor tyrosine kinase MET by its natural ligand hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) is not well understood. However, interesting insight into the molecular mechanism of MET dimerization has emerged from crystal structures of MET in complex with a bacterial agonist, the invasion protein internalin B (InlB) from pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes. MET activation by InlB promotes uptake of bacteria into host cells. Structural and biophysical data suggest that InlB is monomeric on its own but dimerizes upon binding to the membrane-anchored MET receptor promoting the formation of a signaling active 2:2 complex. The dimerization interface is small and unusually located on the convex side of the curved InlB leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain. As InlB does not dimerize in solution, the dimerization site could only be identified by studying packing contacts of InlB in various crystal forms and had to be proven by scrutinizing its biological relevance in cellular assays. InlB dimerization is thus an example of a low-affinity contact that appears irrelevant in solution but becomes physiologically significant in the context of 2-dimensional diffusion restricted to the membrane plane. The resulting 2:2 InlB:MET complex has an InlB dimer at its center with one MET molecule bound peripherally to each InlB. This model of ligand-mediated MET dimerization may serve as a blue-print to understand MET activation by NK1, a naturally occurring HGF/SF splice variant and MET agonist. Crystal structures of NK1 repeatedly show a NK1 dimer, in which residues implicated in MET-binding are located on the outside. Thus, MET dimerization by NK1 may also be ligand-mediated with a NK1 dimer at the center of the 2:2 complex with one MET molecule bound peripherally to each NK1. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Emerging recognition and activation mechanisms of receptor tyrosine kinases.





