
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Between 2013 and 2018, the novel A/Anhui/1/2013 (AH/13)-lineage H7N9 virus caused at least five waves of outbreaks in humans, totaling 1,567 confirmed human cases in China. Surveillance data indicated a disproportionate distribution of poultry infected with this AH/13-lineage virus, and laboratory experiments demonstrated that this virus can efficiently spread among chickens but not among Pekin ducks. The underlying mechanism of this selective transmission remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrated the absence of Neu5Gc expression in chickens across all respiratory and gastrointestinal tissues. However, Neu5Gc expression varied among different duck species and even within the tissues of the same species. The AH/13-lineage viruses exclusively bind to acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), in contrast to wild waterbird H7 viruses that bind both Neu5Ac and N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). The level of Neu5Gc expression influences H7 virus replication and facilitates adaptive mutations in these viruses. In summary, our findings highlight the critical role of Neu5Gc in affecting the host range and interspecies transmission dynamics of H7 viruses among avian species.IMPORTANCEMigratory waterfowl, gulls, and shorebirds are natural reservoirs for influenza A viruses (IAVs) that can occasionally spill over to domestic poultry, and ultimately humans. This study showed wild-type H7 IAVs from waterbirds initially bind to glycan receptors terminated with N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) or N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). However, after enzootic transmission in chickens, the viruses exclusively bind to Neu5Ac. The absence of Neu5Gc expression in gallinaceous poultry, particularly chickens, exerts selective pressure, shaping IAV populations, and promoting the acquisition of adaptive amino acid substitutions in the hemagglutinin protein. This results in the loss of Neu5Gc binding and an increase in virus transmissibility in gallinaceous poultry, particularly chickens. Consequently, the transmission capability of these poultry-adapted H7 IAVs in wild water birds decreases. Timely intervention, such as stamping out, may help reduce virus adaptation to domestic chicken populations and lower the risk of enzootic outbreaks, including those caused by IAVs exhibiting high pathogenicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    H5, H7, and H9 are pivotal avian influenza virus (AIV) subtypes that cause substantial economic losses and pose potential threats to public health worldwide. In this study, a novel triplex fluorescence reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (TLAMP) assay was developed in which traditional LAMP techniques were combined with probes for detection. Through this innovative approach, H5, H7, and H9 subtypes of AIV can be simultaneously identified and differentiated, thereby offering crucial technical support for prevention and control efforts. Three primer sets and composite probes were designed based on conserved regions of the haemagglutinin gene for each subtype. The probes were labelled with distinct fluorophores at their 3\' ends, which were detached to release the fluorescence signal during the amplification process. The detection results were interpreted based on the colour of the TLAMP products. Then, the reaction conditions were optimized, and three primer sets and probes were combined in the same reaction system, resulting in a TLAMP detection assay for the differential diagnosis of AIV subtypes. Sensitivity testing with in vitro-transcribed RNA revealed that the detection limit of the TLAMP assay was 205 copies per reaction for H5, 360 copies for H7, and 545 copies for H9. The TLAMP assay demonstrated excellent specificity, no cross-reactivity with related avian viruses, and 100% consistency with a previously published quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay. Therefore, due to its simplicity, rapidity, sensitivity, and specificity, this TLAMP assay is suitable for epidemiological investigations and is a valuable tool for detecting and distinguishing H5, H7, and H9 subtypes of AIV in clinical samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian influenza viruses evolve antigenically to evade host immunity. Two influenza A virus surface glycoproteins, the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase, are the major targets of host immunity and undergo antigenic drift in response to host pre-existing humoral and cellular immune responses. Specific sites have been identified as important epitopes in prominent subtypes such as H5 and H7, which are of animal and public health significance due to their panzootic and pandemic potential. The haemagglutinin is the immunodominant immunogen, it has been extensively studied, and the antigenic reactivity is closely monitored to ensure candidate vaccine viruses are protective. More recently, the neuraminidase has received increasing attention for its role as a protective immunogen. The neuraminidase is expressed at a lower abundance than the haemagglutinin on the virus surface but does elicit a robust antibody response. This review aims to compile the current information on haemagglutinin and neuraminidase epitopes and immune escape mutants of H5 and H7 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Understanding the evolution of immune escape mutants and the location of epitopes is critical for identification of vaccine strains and development of broadly reactive vaccines that can be utilized in humans and animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Escherichia coli O157: H7 (E. coli O157: H7) is one of the most common foodborne pathogens and is widespread in food and the environment. Thus, it is significant for rapidly detecting E. coli O157: H7. In this study, a colorimetric aptasensor based on aptamer-functionalized magnetic beads, exonuclease III (Exo III), and G-triplex/hemin was proposed for the detection of E. coli O157: H7. The functional hairpin HP was designed in the system, which includes two parts of a stem containing the G-triplex sequence and a tail complementary to cDNA. E. coli O157: H7 competed to bind the aptamer (Apt) in the Apt-cDNA complex to obtain cDNA. The cDNA then bound to the tail of HP to trigger Exo III digestion and release the single-stranded DNA containing the G-triplex sequence. G-triplex/hemin DNAzyme could catalyze TMB to produce visible color changes and detectable absorbance signals in the presence of H2O2. Based on the optimal conditions, E. coli O157: H7 could be detected down to 1.3 × 103 CFU/mL, with a wide linear range from 1.3 × 103 to 1.3 × 107 CFU/mL. This method had a distinguished ability to non-target bacteria, which showed good specificity. In addition, the system was successfully applied to detect E. coli O157: H7 in milk samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Influenza A viruses in wild birds pose threats to the poultry industry, wild birds, and human health under certain conditions. Of particular importance are wild waterfowl, which are the primary reservoir of low-pathogenicity influenza viruses that ultimately cause high-pathogenicity outbreaks in poultry farms. Despite much work on the drivers of influenza A virus prevalence, the underlying viral subtype dynamics are still mostly unexplored. Nevertheless, understanding these dynamics, particularly for the agriculturally significant H5 and H7 subtypes, is important for mitigating the risk of outbreaks in domestic poultry farms. Here, using an expansive surveillance database, we take a large-scale look at the spatial, temporal, and taxonomic drivers in the prevalence of these two subtypes among influenza A-positive wild waterfowl. We document spatiotemporal trends that are consistent with past work, particularly an uptick in H5 viruses in late autumn and H7 viruses in spring. Interestingly, despite large species differences in temporal trends in overall influenza A virus prevalence, we document only modest differences in the relative abundance of these two subtypes and little, if any, temporal differences among species. As such, it appears that differences in species\' phenology, physiology, and behaviors that influence overall susceptibility to influenza A viruses play a much lesser role in relative susceptibility to different subtypes. Instead, species are likely to freely pass viruses among each other regardless of subtype. Importantly, despite the similarities among species documented here, individual species still may play important roles in moving viruses across large geographic areas or sustaining local outbreaks through their different migratory behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The National Health Service (NHS) in England is facing extreme capacity pressures. The backbone of prostate cancer care is gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) therapy, commonly administered every month or 3 months. We estimated the cost and capacity savings associated with increased use of 6-monthly GnRHa therapy in England.
    UNASSIGNED: A capacity and cost-minimization model including a societal perspective was developed (in Microsoft Excel) to generate cost and capacity estimates for GnRHa drug acquisition and administration for \"Current practice\" and for a \"Base case\" scenario. In the \"Base case\" scenario, 50% of patients who were receiving monthly or 3-monthly GnRHa therapy in \"Current practice\" switched/transitioned to a 6-monthly formulation. Cost/capacity estimates were calculated per patient per administration and scaled to annualized population levels. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the impact of individual model assumptions: 1 tested the impact of drug acquisition costs; 2 and 3 tested the level of nurse grade and the time associated with treatment administration, respectively; 4 tested the rate of switch/transition to 6-monthly GnRHa therapy; and 5 tested differing diagnostic patterns following the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared with \"Current practice\", the \"Base case\" scenario was associated with annual cost savings of £5,164,296 (148,478 fewer appointments/year and 37,119 fewer appointment-hours/year). The largest savings were in drug administration (£2.2 million) and acquisition (£1.6 million) costs. Annual societal cost savings totaled £1.4 million, mainly in reduced appointment-related travel, productivity and leisure time opportunity losses. Increased use of 6-monthly versus monthly or 3-monthly GnRHa therapy consistently achieved system-wide annual cost and capacity savings across all sensitivity analysis scenarios.
    UNASSIGNED: Our holistic model suggests that switching/transitioning men from monthly or 3- monthly GnRHa therapy to a 6-monthly formulation can reduce NHS cost and capacity pressures and the societal and environmental costs associated with prostate cancer care.
    Men with prostate cancer often receive hormone injections to slow their cancer progression and relieve their symptoms. In England, most men who are prescribed hormone injections receive them once every month or 3 months; however, a 6-monthly option would reduce the number of injection appointments required each year. If some men who are receiving hormone injections every month or every 3 months switched to treatment once every 6 months, it could reduce the impact of prostate cancer treatment on their lives. It might also reduce the demands of prostate cancer treatment on the National Health Service (NHS). We developed a computer-based model to assess how NHS costs and nursing would be affected if half of the men in England who are receiving hormone injections every month or 3 months switched to injections every 6 months. According to our model, this change could save the NHS about £5.2 million each year. The main cost savings would be in reduced nursing costs. The change would also benefit the NHS because nurses would have almost 150,000 fewer injections to give, meaning that they could spend their time providing care elsewhere. Given that men would have to attend fewer appointments, they would also benefit from reduced time traveling, which would benefit the environment as well. Overall, these benefits to society would contribute about £1.4 million of savings per year. Given how stretched the NHS is in England, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities to reduce time and staffing pressures are very important.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of mobile colistin resistant gene (mcr-1) in Enterobacteriaceae has become a global public health concern. Dissemination of the mcr-1 gene through conjugation of bacteria associated with food may occur. This research investigated the transfer frequency of the mcr-1 gene among Escherichia coli in liquid media and during growth of mung bean sprouts. The donor strain E. coli NCTC 13846 (mcr-1 positive) and recipient strains of E. coli O157:H7 and E. coli O104:H4 were used. Mating experiments in vitro were conducted at 4, 25, and 37 °C for up to 36 h. The in vivo mating experiments (growing sprouts) were conducted in a sprout growth chamber with irrigation of 1 min/h over 6 days following inoculation of mung bean seeds with the donor and a recipient. The highest transfer frequencies in TSB media, 2.86E-07 and 3.24E-07, occurred at 37 °C after mating for 24 h for E. coli O104:H4 and E. coli O157:H7, respectively. Transconjugants were not detected in liquid media at 4 °C. Moreover, transfer frequency (5.68E-05 per recipient) of mcr-1 was greater during mung bean sprout growth for E. coli O104:H4 compared to E. coli O157:H7 (1.02E-05 per recipient) Day 3 to Day 6. This study indicates that the transfer of antibiotic resistant gene(s) among bacteria during mung bean sprout production may facilitate the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the environment and to humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is an ongoing debate among researchers and policy-makers on how to make transparency a powerful tool of healthcare systems. This study addresses how the availability and accessibility of information about medical services to the general population affects healthcare outcomes in Russia. A systematic review was conducted and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviewing and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Transparency indicators of health facilities used in the world\'s most efficient healthcare systems are also reviewed. Although the increase of transparency in the Russian healthcare system is considered as a tool for improving its efficiency, very little has been done to improve the actual level of transparency. The existing institutional specifics of the Russian healthcare system impose serious restrictions on acceptable levels of transparency. In the reviewed empirical Russian studies, transparency is often viewed simplistically as either information available on the websites of medical organizations or issues related to the amount of accessible indicators of compulsory medical statistical reporting. The novelty of this study consists in (a) reviewing the most recent studies on the topic and (b) including studies in Russian in the analysis. We elaborate on general and specific policy implications for improving transparency-driven outcomes in the Russian healthcare system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Outbreaks of avian influenza virus (AIV) have raised public concerns recently. Airborne AIV has been evaluated in live poultry markets and case farms; however, no study has discussed airborne AIV in ambient air in the winter habitats of migratory birds. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate airborne AIV, specifically H5, H7, and H9, in a critical winter habitat of migratory birds and assess the factors influencing airborne AIV transmission in ambient air to provide novel insights into the epidemiology of avian influenza. A total of 357 ambient air samples were collected in the Aogu Wetland, Taiwan, Republic of China, between October 2017 and December 2019 and analyzed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The effects of environmental factors including air pollutants, meteorological factors, and the species of the observed migratory birds on the concentration of airborne AIV were also analyzed. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the relationship between airborne AIV in ambient air and the influence factors in the winter habitats of migratory birds, demonstrating the benefits of environmental sampling for infectious disease epidemiology. The positive rate of airborne H7 (12%) was higher than that of H5 (8%) and H9 (10%). The daily mean temperature and daily maximum temperature had a significant negative correlation with influenza A, H7, and H9. Cold air masses and bird migration were significantly associated with airborne H9 and H7, respectively. In addition, we observed a significant correlation between AIV and the number of pintails, common teals, Indian spot-billed ducks, northern shovelers, Eurasian wigeons, tufted ducks, pied avocets, black-faced spoonbills, and great cormorants. In conclusion, we demonstrated the potential for alternative surveillance approaches (monitoring bird species) as an indicator for influenza-related risks and identified cold air masses and the presence of specific bird species as potential drivers of the presence and/or the airborne concentration of AIV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aronia melanocarpa anthocyanins (AMAs), as a natural plant extract, can control pathogens and are attracting increasing attention. However, at the proteomic level, the antibacterial mechanism of AMAs against Escherichia coli O157: H7 remains unclear. In this study, the tandem mass tag (TMT) quantitative proteomics was used to elucidate the potential antibacterial mechanisms of AMAs against E. coli O157: H7 cells. Ultrastructural observation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels detection showed that AMAs destroyed the integrity of E. coli O157: H7 cell membrane, led to the aggregation of contents and caused the increase of intracellular ROS level. TMT-based proteomic analysis suggested that AMAs can enter cells through mechanosensitive channels and inhibit the activity of heat shock proteins; disturb the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids in cells. The results of this study provide a reference for the further development of plant-derived antimicrobial agents.





