
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein, we provide a supplemental description of Caballerotrema annulatum (Diesing, 1850) Ostrowski de Núñez and Sattmann, 2002 (Digenea: Caballerotrematidae Tkach, Kudlai, and Kostadinova, 2016) based on specimens collected from the intestine of an electric eel, Electrophorus cf. varii (Gymnotiformes: Gymnotidae) captured in the Amazon River (Colombia). This caballerotrematid can be differentiated from its congeners by the following combination of morphological features: body surface spines forming contiguous transverse rows, concentric (wrapping dorso-ventrally around body), distributing into posterior body half (vs. restricted to anterior body half in Caballerotrema brasiliensePrudhoe, 1960; indeterminate for Caballerotrema aruanenseThatcher, 1980 and Caballerotrema piscicola [Stunkard, 1960] Kostadinova and Gibson, 2001); head collar lacking projections (vs. having them in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola), narrow (head collar more narrow than maximum body width vs. the head collar being obviously wider than the body in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola); corner spines clustered (vs. corner spines distributing as 2 separated pairs in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola); pharynx approximately at level of the corner spines (vs. pharynx far anterior to corner spines in C. brasiliense, C. aruanense, and C. piscicola); and testes ovoid and nonoverlapping (C. aruanense; vs. sinuous and overlapping in C. brasiliense and C. piscicola). Based on our results, we revise the diagnosis of CaballerotremaPrudhoe, 1960 to include features associated with the shape and distribution of body surface spines, orientation and position of head collar spines, cirrus sac, seminal vesicle, oviduct, Laurer\'s canal, oötype, vitellarium, and transverse vitelline ducts. We performed Bayesian inference analyses using the partial large subunit ribosomal (28S) DNA gene. Our 28S sequence of C. annulatum was recovered sister to that of Caballerotrema sp. (which is the only other caballerotrematid sequence available in GenBank) from an arapaima, Arapaima gigas (Schinz, 1822) (Osteoglossiformes: Arapaimidae) in the Peruvian Amazon. Our sequence of C. annulatum comprises the only caballerotrematid sequenced tethered to a morphological description and a voucher specimen in a lending museum. The present study is a new host record and new locality record for C. annulatum. The phylogeny comprises the most resolved and taxon-rich evolutionary hypothesis for Echinostomatoidea published to date.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Weakly electric gymnotiform fishes use self-generated electric organ discharges (EODs) to navigate and communicate. The electrosensory range for these processes is a function of EOD amplitude, determined by the fish\'s electric organ (EO) output and the electrical conductivity of the surrounding water. Anthropogenic activity, such as deforestation, dams and industrial/agricultural runoff, are known to increase water conductivity in neotropical habitats, likely reducing the electrosensory range of these fish. We investigated whether fish modulate EO output as means of re-expanding electrosensory range after a rapid increase in water conductivity in the pulse-type Brachyhypopomus gauderio and the wave-type Eigenmannia virescens. Furthermore, because EOD production incurs significant metabolic costs, we assessed whether such compensation is associated with an increase in metabolic rate. Following the conductivity increase, B. gauderio increased EOD amplitude by 20.2±4.3% over 6 days but with no associated increase in metabolic rate, whereas the EOD amplitude of E. virescens remained constant, accompanied by an unexpected decrease in metabolic rate. Our results suggest that B. gauderio uses a compensation mechanism that requires no metabolic investment, such as impedance matching, or a physiological trade-off wherein energy is diverted from other physiological processes to increase EO output. These divergent responses between species could be the result of differences in reproductive life history or evolutionary adaptations to different aquatic habitats. Continued investigation of electrosensory responses to changing water conditions will be essential for understanding the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on gymnotiforms, and potential physiological mechanisms for adapting to a rapidly changing aquatic environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans and other animals can readily learn to compensate for changes in the dynamics of movement. Such changes can result from an injury or changes in the weight of carried objects. These changes in dynamics can lead not only to reduced performance but also to dramatic instabilities. We evaluated the impacts of compensatory changes in control policies in relation to stability and robustness in Eigenmannia virescens, a species of weakly electric fish. We discovered that these fish retune their sensorimotor control system in response to experimentally generated destabilizing dynamics. Specifically, we used an augmented reality system to manipulate sensory feedback during an image stabilization task in which a fish maintained its position within a refuge. The augmented reality system measured the fish\'s movements in real time. These movements were passed through a high-pass filter and multiplied by a gain factor before being fed back to the refuge motion. We adjusted the gain factor to gradually destabilize the fish\'s sensorimotor loop. The fish retuned their sensorimotor control system to compensate for the experimentally induced destabilizing dynamics. This retuning was partially maintained when the augmented reality feedback was abruptly removed. The compensatory changes in sensorimotor control improved tracking performance as well as control-theoretic measures of robustness, including reduced sensitivity to disturbances and improved phase margins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Active electroreception-the ability to detect objects and communicate with conspecifics via the detection and generation of electric organ discharges (EODs)-has evolved convergently in several fish lineages. South American electric fishes (Gymnotiformes) are a highly species-rich group, possibly in part due to evolution of an electric organ (EO) that can produce diverse EODs. Neofunctionalization of a voltage-gated sodium channel gene accompanied the evolution of electrogenic tissue from muscle and resulted in a novel gene (scn4aa) uniquely expressed in the EO. Here, we investigate the link between variation in scn4aa and differences in EOD waveform. We combine gymnotiform scn4aa sequences encoding the C-terminus of the Nav1.4a protein, with biogeographic data and EOD recordings to test whether physiological transitions among EOD types accompany differential selection pressures on scn4aa. We found positive selection on scn4aa coincided with shifts in EOD types. Species that evolved in the absence of predators, which likely selected for reduced EOD complexity, exhibited increased scn4aa evolutionary rates. We model mutations in the protein that may underlie changes in protein function and discuss our findings in the context of gymnotiform signalling ecology. Together, this work sheds light on the selective forces underpinning major evolutionary transitions in electric signal production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hypoxia is a significant source of metabolic stress that activates many cellular pathways involved in cellular differentiation, proliferation, and cell death. Hypoxia is also a major component in many human diseases and a known driver of many cancers. Despite the challenges posed by hypoxia, there are animals that display impressive capacity to withstand lethal levels of hypoxia for prolonged periods of time and thus offer a gateway to a more comprehensive understanding of the hypoxic response in vertebrates. The weakly electric fish genus Brachyhypopomus inhabits some of the most challenging aquatic ecosystems in the world, with some species experiencing seasonal anoxia, thus providing a unique system to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance. In this study, we use closely related species of Brachyhypopomus that display a range of hypoxia tolerances to probe for the underlying molecular mechanisms via hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs)-transcription factors known to coordinate the cellular response to hypoxia in vertebrates. We find that HIF1⍺ from hypoxia tolerant Brachyhypopomus species displays higher transactivation in response to hypoxia than that of intolerant species, when overexpressed in live cells. Moreover, we identified two SUMO-interacting motifs near the oxygen-dependent degradation and transactivation domains of the HIF1⍺ protein that appear to boost transactivation of HIF1, regardless of the genetic background. Together with computational analyses of selection, this shows that evolution of HIF1⍺ are likely to underlie adaptations to hypoxia tolerance in Brachyhypopomus electric fishes, with changes in two SUMO-interacting motifs facilitating the mechanism of this tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eigenmannia is a highly diverse genus within the Sternopygidae family, comprising 30 species. Due to its complex taxonomy, molecular analyses have been crucial for species delimitation within this group. Therefore, the present study presents a genetic analysis using sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) in specimens previously identified through alpha taxonomy as E. correntes (with unpublished data), E. virescens, and E. trilineata, originating from various locations within the Upper Paraná and Paraguay River basins in Brazil. The molecular data confirm the taxonomic complexity of the genus, as individuals morphologically identified as E. virescens and E. trilineata shared the same haplotype (H52). Furthermore, the results of the species delimitation tests suggest that specimens morphologically identified as E. virescens belong to the species E. trilineata. In addition, samples morphologically identified as E. correntes may correspond to more than one Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). Furthermore, the intraspecific Kimura-2-parameter (K2P) distances within the different studied populations are significant. This study has contributed valuable information about genetic diversity in Eigenmannia, emphasizing the importance of using integrative analyses to resolve taxonomic conflicts within the group. It also supports biogeographical studies and assists in biodiversity conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The South American weakly electric fish, Gymnotus omarorum, displays territorial aggression year-round in both sexes. To examine the role of rapid androgen modulation in non-breeding aggression, we administered acetate cyproterone (CPA), a potent inhibitor of androgen receptors, to both male and females, just before staged agonistic interactions. Wild-caught fish were injected with CPA and, 30 min later, paired in intrasexual dyads. We then recorded the agonistic behavior which encompasses both locomotor displays and emission of social electric signals. We found that CPA had no discernible impact on the levels of aggression or the motivation to engage in aggressive behavior for either sex. However, CPA specifically decreased the expression of social electric signals in both males and female dyads. The effect was status-dependent as it only affected subordinate electrocommunication behavior, the emission of brief interruptions in their electric signaling (\"offs\"). This study is the first demonstration of a direct and rapid androgen effect mediated via androgen receptors on non-breeding aggression. Elucidating the mechanisms involved in non-breeding aggression in this teleost model allows us to better understand potentially conserved or convergent neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying aggression in vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Few reports are available describing lesions in captive electric eels Electrophorus spp. This report describes 2 types of cutaneous proliferative lesions (i.e. hamartoma and neoplasm) in a captive electric eel. Ampullary electroreceptor hamartomas appeared grossly as 2 discrete, smooth, pink, spherical, cutaneous masses measuring 6 and 18 mm in diameter. Histologically, hamartomas were composed of predominately spindle cells that were separated into lobules by a peripheral rim of polygonal cells. Spindle cells were arranged in vague streams and occasionally whorls within a myxomatous matrix. Polygonal cells arranged in variably sized trabeculae and cords within a pre-existing fibrovascular stroma surrounded the streams of spindle cells. Admixed with the polygonal cell population were multiple mucous glands and alarm cells, similar to those seen in normal regions of epidermis. Histochemical stains confirmed similar components in the normal ampullary electroreceptor as in the hamartomas. Lymphoma was also present, appearing grossly as patchy pitting, erythematous, and thickened areas of the skin affecting the entire animal. Lymphoma was diffusely infiltrating and expanding the epidermis, oral mucosa, and branchial mucosa up to 1.5 mm in thickness. It was composed of an unencapsulated, well-demarcated, moderately cellular neoplasm composed of lymphocytes arranged in small dense sheets and clusters that separated and effaced epidermal cells. This is the first report of lymphoma in an electric eel, and the first report of ampullary electroreceptor hamartoma in any animal species.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The electric organ discharges (EODs) produced by weakly electric fish have long been a source of scientific intrigue and inspiration. The study of these species has contributed to our understanding of the organization of fixed action patterns, as well as enriching general imaging theory by unveiling the dual impact of an agent\'s actions on the environment and its own sensory system during the imaging process. This Centenary Review firstly compares how weakly electric fish generate species- and sex-specific stereotyped electric fields by considering: (1) peripheral mechanisms, including the geometry, channel repertoire and innervation of the electrogenic units; (2) the organization of the electric organs (EOs); and (3) neural coordination mechanisms. Secondly, the Review discusses the threefold function of the fish-centered electric fields: (1) to generate electric signals that encode the material, geometry and distance of nearby objects, serving as a short-range sensory modality or \'electric touch\'; (2) to mark emitter identity and location; and (3) to convey social messages encoded in stereotypical modulations of the electric field that might be considered as species-specific communication symbols. Finally, this Review considers a range of potential research directions that are likely to be productive in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lower Central America (LCA) has a complex biogeographic history shaped by the rise of the Isthmus of Panama and the global climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene. These events have been crucial in structuring biodiversity in LCA, but their consequences for the distribution and partitions of genetic diversity across the region remain to be elucidated. We combined complete mitochondrial genomes and nuclear ultraconserved elements (UCEs) to study the phylogeographic history and population genetic structure of the electric fish Brachyhypopomus occidentalis in LCA. Our results are consistent with the known phylogeographic history of B. occidentalis in LCA, but we update this history in several important ways that help illuminate the phylogeographic history of freshwater fishes in the region. We provide: i) support for three waves of colonization, two of which occurred prior to the final closure of the Panama Isthmus; ii) a more precise understanding of each colonization event, with evidence for a larger footprint of the first event, as well as genetic exchange across the continental divide in subsequent events; and iii) evidence for high levels of previously unrecognized population genetic structure across LCA. This updated model of colonization and diversification of B. occidentalis consists of three waves of dispersal and colonization, which triggered the evolution of geographic breaks in both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes across LCA. These processes are tightly linked to the dynamic uplift of the Isthmus, recent volcanic activity in the region, and the sea-level oscillations of the Pleistocene. These results improve previous phylogeographic inferences regarding the distribution and diversification of freshwater fishes in LCA, and generate testable hypotheses to guide future research exploring the factors shaping biodiversity in the region.





