Group Processes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Real-world communication frequently requires language producers to address more than one comprehender at once, yet most psycholinguistic research focuses on one-on-one communication. As the audience size grows, interlocutors face new challenges that do not arise in dyads. They must consider multiple perspectives and weigh multiple sources of feedback to build shared understanding. Here, we ask which properties of the group\'s interaction structure facilitate successful communication. We used a repeated reference game paradigm in which directors instructed between one and five matchers to choose specific targets out of a set of abstract figures. Across 313 games (N = 1,319 participants), we manipulated several key constraints on the group\'s interaction, including the amount of feedback that matchers could give to directors and the availability of peer interaction between matchers. Across groups of different sizes and interaction constraints, describers produced increasingly efficient utterances and matchers made increasingly accurate selections. Critically, however, we found that smaller groups and groups with less-constrained interaction structures (\"thick channels\") showed stronger convergence to group-specific conventions than large groups with constrained interaction structures (\"thin channels\"), which struggled with convention formation. Overall, these results shed light on the core structural factors that enable communication to thrive in larger groups.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Interventions to support behaviour change in people living with chronic health conditions increasingly use patient groups as the mode of delivery, but these are often designed without consideration of the group processes that can shape intervention outcomes. This article outlines a new approach to designing group-based behaviour change interventions that prioritizes recipients\' shared social identity as group members in facilitating the adoption of established behaviour change techniques (BCTs). The approach is illustrated through an example drawn from research focused on people living with severe obesity.
    METHODS: A prioritization process was undertaken in collaboration with stakeholders, including behaviour change experts, clinicians, and a former patient to develop an evidence-based, group intervention informed by the social identity approach to health. Three phases of development are reported: (1) identification of the health problem; (2) delineation of intervention mechanisms and operationalization of BCTs for group delivery and (3) intervention manualization. The fourth phase, intervention testing and optimization, is reported elsewhere.
    RESULTS: A group-based behaviour change intervention was developed, consisting of 12 group sessions and 3 one-to-one consultations. The intervention aimed to support the development of shared social identity among recipients, alongside the delivery of evidence-based BCTs, to improve the likelihood of successful intervention and health outcomes among people living with severe obesity.
    CONCLUSIONS: A manualized intervention, informed by the social identity approach to health, was systematically designed with input from stakeholders. The development approach employed can inform the design of behavioural interventions in other health contexts where group-based delivery is planned.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voluntary participation is a central yet understudied aspect of collaboration. Here, we model collaboration as people\'s voluntary choices between joining an uncertain public goods provisioning in groups and pursuing a less profitable but certain individual option. First, we find that voluntariness in collaboration increases the likelihood of group success via two pathways, both contributing to form more optimistic groups: pessimistic defectors are filtered out from groups, and some individuals update their beliefs to become cooperative. Second, we reconcile these findings with existing literature that highlights the detrimental effects of an individual option. We argue that the impact of an outside individual option on collaboration depends on the \"externality\" of loners - the influence that those leaving the group still exert on group endeavors. Theoretically and experimentally, we show that if collaboration allows for flexible group formation, the negative externality of loners remains limited, and the presence of an individual option robustly aids collaborative success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innovation is challenging, and theory and experiments indicate that groups may be better able to identify and preserve innovations than individuals. But innovation within groups faces its own challenges, including groupthink and truncated diffusion. We performed experiments involving a game in which people search for ideas in various conditions: alone, in networked social groups, or in networked groups featuring autonomous agents (bots). The objective was to search a semantic space of 20,000 nouns with defined similarities for an arbitrary noun with the highest point value. Participants (N = 1875) were embedded in networks (n = 125) of 15 nodes to which we sometimes added 2 bots. The bots had 3 possible strategies: they shared a random noun generated by their immediate neighbors, or a noun most similar from among those identified, or a noun least similar. We first confirm that groups are better able to explore a semantic space than isolated individuals. Then we show that when bots that share the most similar noun operate in groups facing a semantic space that is relatively easy to navigate, group performance is superior. Simple autonomous agents with interpretable behavior can affect the capacity for creative discovery of human groups.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Autonomic synchrony plays an important role in work team performance where coordinated actions are required on the part of the team members. The present study examined the connection between nine psychological variables that represent types of elasticity-rigidity, which are closely related to adaptability and autonomic synchrony, within teams playing a computer game that involved dynamic decision making. Elasticity-rigidity variables were first identified as part of the dynamics that transpire between workload and performance. They are used here to determine why some individuals within teams synchronize with teammates more strongly than others. The driver-empath model of group synchrony produces a single metric of synchrony (SE) within a team of three or more members. Driver scores, which are produced from the algorithm, indicate each person\'s total influence on the other group members. Empath scores, which are also produced from the SE algorithm, indicate a person\'s total receptivity to all other group members. It was found that coping flexibility, monitoring, emotional intelligence, and solving anagrams significantly predicted empath scores in the earlier part of the session. Anxiety and monitoring significantly predicted empath scores in the later part of the session. There were no significant correlations between driver scores and elasticity-rigidity variables.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The necessity for resilient responses in occupational contexts often takes the form of unusual levels of workload that could have a dramatic impact on the performance of individuals or teams. Empirical research with the cusp catastrophe model for cognitive workload and performance, which are reviewed here, has isolated a class of variables known as elasticity versus rigidity that act as bifurcation variables in the process. Elasticity-rigidity variables derive from five sources â affect, cognitive coping strategies, conscientiousness and impulsivity, fluid intelligence, and the degrees of flexibility that are afforded by the task itself. The resilience process for work teams presents additional workload demands requiring team coordination and communication efforts and back-up, redundancy, behaviors. Finer-grained nonlinear time series analyses of performance and its surrounding events revealed that team self-efficacy varies chaotically as the team responds to a series of challenging events. The two types of dynamics combine to produce chaotic hysteresis in team performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Systematic biases in group decision making (i.e., group biases) may result in suboptimal decisions and potentially harm patients. It is not well known how impaired group decision making in patient care may affect medical training. This study aimed to explore medical residents\' experiences and perspectives regarding impaired group decision making and the role of group biases in medical decision making.
    METHODS: This study used a qualitative approach with thematic analysis underpinned by a social constructionist epistemology. Semi-structured interviews of medical residents were conducted at a single internal medicine residency program. Residents were initially asked about their experiences with suboptimal medical decision making as a group or team. Then, questions were targeted to several group biases (groupthink, social loafing, escalation of commitment). Interviews were transcribed and transferred to a qualitative data analysis software. Thematic analysis was conducted to generate major themes within the dataset.
    RESULTS: Sixteen interviews with residents revealed five major themes: (1) hierarchical influence on group decision making; (2) group decision making under pressure; (3) post-call challenges in decision making; (4) interactions between teamwork and decision making; and (5) personal and cultural influences in group decision making. Subthemes were also identified for each major theme. Most residents were able to recognize groupthink in their past experiences working with medical teams. Residents perceived social loafing or escalation of commitment as less relevant for medical team decision making.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide unique insights into the complexities of group decision making processes in teaching hospitals. Team hierarchy significantly influenced residents\' experiences with group decision making-most group decisions were attributed to consultants or senior team members, while lower ranking team members contributed less and perceived fewer opportunities to engage in group decisions. Other factors such as time constraints on decision making, perceived pressures from other staff members, and challenges associated with post-call days were identified as important barriers to optimal group decision making in patient care. Future studies may build upon these findings to enhance our understanding of medical team decision making and develop strategies to improve group decisions, ultimately leading to higher quality patient care and training.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    \"Felt understanding\" is a crucial determinant of positive interpersonal and intergroup relationships. However, the question of why felt understanding shapes intergroup relations has been neglected. In a pre-registered test of the process in intergroup relations with a sample from East Asia, we manipulated felt understanding (understood versus misunderstood by an outgroup) in an experimental study (N = 476). The results supported the expectation that felt understanding would lead to a more positive intergroup orientation and action intention. The results of parallel mediation analyses showed that felt understanding indirectly predicted intergroup outcomes through felt positive regard, intergroup overlap, and outgroup stereotypes. Furthermore, the results of post-hoc sequential mediation analyses indicated that felt understanding indirectly predicted intergroup outcomes sequentially through felt positive regard and intergroup overlap, followed by outgroup stereotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extensive research has documented the brain networks that play an integral role in bias, or the alteration and filtration of information processing in a manner that fundamentally favors an individual. The roots of bias, whether self- or other-oriented, are a complex constellation of neural and psychological processes that start at the most fundamental levels of sensory processing. From the millisecond information is received in the brain it is filtered at various levels and through various brain networks in relation to extant intrinsic activity to provide individuals with a perception of reality that complements and satisfies the conscious perceptions they have for themselves and the cultures in which they were reared. The products of these interactions, in turn, are dynamically altered by the introduction of others, be they friends or strangers who are similar or different in socially meaningful ways. While much is known about the various ways that basic biases alter specific aspects of neural function to support various forms of bias, the breadth and scope of the phenomenon remains entirely unclear. The purpose of this review is to examine the brain networks that shape (i.e., bias) the self-concept and how interactions with similar (ingroup) compared to dissimilar (outgroup) others alter these network (and subsequent interpersonal) interactions in fundamental ways. Throughout, focus is placed on an emerging understanding of the brain as a complex system, which suggests that many of these network interactions likely occur on a non-linear scale that blurs the lines between network hierarchies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Problem-Based Learning (PBL) relies on self-directed learning in small groups in the presence of a tutor. While the effectiveness of PBL is often attributed to the dynamics of group function, change in group function over time and factors influencing group function development are less understood. This study aims to explore the development of PBL group function over time to better understand the factors that give rise to high-functioning groups.
    METHODS: We examined time-function graphs of group function and conducted semi-structured focus group discussions in 2023 with medical students enrolled in a PBL curriculum. Students reflected on their experiences in four different PBL groups, creating time-function graphs to characterize development of group function over 8-12-week periods. We analyzed graphs and transcripts in a staged approach using qualitative description and direct content analysis, sensitized by two frameworks: Tuckman\'s Stages of Group Development and the Dimensions of PBL Group Function.
    RESULTS: Three archetypes of PBL group function development were identified: Slow Shifters, Fast Flippers, and Coasters. (1) Slow Shifters were characterized by a complex and extended pattern of growth consistent with Tuckman\'s model, typically occurring amongst inexperienced groups, or groups faced with a novel task. (2) Fast Flippers were characterized by abrupt state changes in group function arising from internal or external disruptions. (3) Coasters were characterized by plateaus, where maintenance of group function was a frequently cited challenge. Abrupt changes and plateaus occurred more among mature groups and groups with significant PBL experience.
    CONCLUSIONS: PBL group function varies over time in 3 different patterns. Classic Tuckman\'s stages are apparent among inexperienced groups, or groups facing novel tasks, whereas experienced groups often face abrupt change or plateaus. PBL educators and students should consider the need for novelty and disruption in more experienced groups to incite growth.





